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(Created page with "Back ==Pre-Battle== '''Frederick'''<br> Well, milord, here we are. This must be the place. Hmm? Look at all the people in the streets. And these decora...")
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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===Sully > Miriel===
===Sully > Miriel===
''(To be added)''
Sully. I wonder if I might pose an interrogative.
Uh, you mean you wanna ask me a question? Sure. Do your worst. Can't promise I can help, but I'll do my damnedest!
Oh, I am certain that you'll be able to help...should you be willing.
You don't say.
I do. In fact, I just did. Now, allow me to cut to the chase. My question is this: Why do you speak in such a gruff and masculine manner? According to my observations, few ladies of breeding speak so colorfully. You are the first I have encountered who says "arse," let alone "damn" or "bastar—
Whoa there, lady! All right, all right! I get the picture! See, in my house, I was the youngest of three—I had two older brothers. And I learned that sometimes nothing says it better than a good, solid expletive. ...Yeah. Blame it on my damned brothers—the foul-mouthed sons-a-guns!
Fascinating. Which raises another, equally intriguing, question: these brothers of yours—they do not serve in the Ylissean Knights.
It is my understanding that, by and large, all highborn sons of Ylisse enter the order. Why did they not do so? Were they perhaps afflicted by some physical handicap?
I'm sorry? Were you attempting to tell me something?
...Aren't you a nosy witch? Why don't you mind your own damn business!
Hmm. It appears that I have caused offense. Fascinating...
''Miriel > Sully''
Sully. I feel that I must make reparations with you.
Uh, sorry. What are we making? ...Oh, right. You mean you want to apologize about that stuff earlier?
Precisely. I requisitioned the pertinent records and ascertained the facts.
Then I guess there's no point me tryin' to hide anything, huh...
Indeed not. Your brothers, they were...
Uh-huh. They served as knights, all right. But one day, they went to help out a village that was being hassled by bandits... And they never came back...
I apologize for forcing you to recall such painful memories. Curiosity and a thirst for knowledge are no excuse for insensitivity.
Aw, forget it. It's all right. Seriously. I should've never gotten my smallclothes in a twist about it. How could you have known, right?
You're very kind.
By the by, I've been thinking more about how I talk—y'know, all "masculine"? I think it's more than just listening to my brothers when I was little. Maybe it's got something to do with me trying to carry on their legacy. I wanted to honor their memory by being the roughest, toughest knight out there... And somewhere along the line, I ended up talking like one too!
Fascinating. Psychologically speaking, your reasoning seems sound. I am sure that wherever they are now, your brothers are watching over you. And I am equally certain they are proud to see what a fine knight you've become.
Ha! Thanks, Miriel! You're just full of surprises, aren't ya? I never figured you for the religious type! Do you really believe in the afterlife?
Interesting that you should ask. It is, in fact, a fascinating avenue of inquiry. Though there is little supporting data, some theorists have posited that...
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===Miriel > Cherche===
===Miriel > Cherche===
''(To be added)
Fascinating. Most fascinating.
What is it, Miriel? You've seen enough of the Risen to be used to them by now.
Indeed. But this is the first I've heard of them being drawn to a harvest. The academic literature has so far been silent on the topic. I wonder if this odd phenomenon is due to something in their biological makeup.
===Sumia > Sully===
It does seem a little strange that monsters would be attracted by the harvest. But I have heard of other places where the two are connected. For example, there's a festival held around this time in one of the Outrealms. In it, children parade through their villages dressed as monsters and devils.
To what end to they engage in such activity?
Your guess is as good as mine. But perhaps there are more links between monsters and the harvest than we think.
Intriguing. This demands further inquiry. If you develop your harvest thesis any further, you must notify me immediately.
I will. But let's focus on harvesting these monsters first.
''Cherche > Miriel''
Cherche. Do you have a moment?
For you, Miriel? Of course. You always have interesting things to say.
Fascinating. This is not the usual response to my attempts to engage in discourse. The stock reaction is one of discomfort, and in extreme cases, flight.
Really? I can't imagine why.
I gather that it is because I am considered tedious. This is due to my predilection for erudite language and abstruse subject matter.
Oh, nonsense! I don't find you tedious in the slightest. In fact, I find the way you speak refreshingly precise.
Oh, yes. When most people talk, logic and reason go out of the window. It's all "Wow!" and "Y'know!" and "Did you hear?" and so on. It's as if they just spew out whatever nonsense pops into their heads. But not you. You're calm, reasoned, measured, and to the point.
This is high praise indeed. But I fear you may be overstating the case.
Not at all! In fact, you know what? I think I might be one of the few people who truly understands you.
...I am gratified that you think so. I also regard you in a positive light. Dialogue with you tends to result in more rewarding outcomes than with most. I find our talks both enlightening and enlivening.
Ha. Now who's overstating the case? But listen to me prattling away! There's something I wanted to discuss with you. It's about a legend from my homeland. The story of a certain dragon... I think it might interest you. Would you like to hear it?
Please go on. You have my undivided attention.
===Sumia > Sully===
Hey there, Sumia. What a waste of a perfectly good fair, eh? Let's clear these shambling corpses out so we can get back to the party!
Hey there, Sumia. What a waste of a perfectly good fair, eh? Let's clear these shambling corpses out so we can get back to the party!
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===Lon'qu > Gregor===
===Lon'qu > Gregor===
''(To be added)''
Oy! Lon'qu, my friend. Why are you making with long face? This is festival, place of joy and fun. You should be making with festive face!
I hate festivals.
===Ricken > Henry===
Hate festivals?! Never before has Gregor heard such extraordinary claim!
Hey-o, Ricken. Question: Are you interested in dark magic?
Um, I'm not sure. Why?
I'm not much for noise and clamor. I prefer quiet.
Well, you're always trying to improve yourself, right? To be a better mage? If so, then you should learn about ALL kinds of magic, including the dark arts!
But clamor is whole point! Without clamor, festival is like any other day. Boring!
Hmm, I don't know... I'm an elemental kinda guy. Always have been. Fire, Wind, Thunder—magic like that just works for me. I can trust it.
When this thing reopens, the plaza will be crawling with people again. The thought alone makes my head hurt.
Nya ha! That's because you don't know all the good things about dark magic!
You are hating this much, eh?
That's true—I don't. In fact, I kind of assumed there WERE no good things.
I don't even understand why we bothered coming here.
What?! Blasphemy! There are good sides to everything! Even if said things just so happen to have the word "dark" in them.
Ha! But here we are, so is like spilled milk under bridge, yes? We should enjoy rare opportunity in strange otherworld place!
Er, right. Yeah. Of course... Sorry. I didn't mean to be disrespectful.
Enjoy? More like persevere. I'll find no pleasure here.
Nya ha ha! It's okay. I mean, it's not like I'm unaware of dark magic's fearsome reputation.
Oy! Why is butt always clenching so tight? Having fun is important life experience!
So why don't you tell me then? The good things, I mean.
Life experience?
Well, for one, dark magic feels really good!
Yes! Gregor thinks you are living the very one-dimensional lifestyle. Every day, you train, you fight, you stab people... You must become more well-rounded person. Like Gregor! Basilio sent you out in world to discover new things and broaden the horizons, yes? So you must be letting down hair and joining in fun. Is your duty!
...It feels good?
Hmm... Broaden my horizons, huh. ...Very well. I shall join the festival—no matter how painful it proves to be.
Yeah! Like when you push your body to the limit to amass dark power. It's like if you buy something really, really expensive. Ever done that? Parting with all that coin is tough, and you feel guilty afterward... But at the same time, you end up with this amazing new thing you wanted! And that feels really good, you know? Dark magic is like that.
''Gregor > Lon'qu''
Er, oh-kaaay?
Yeah. And it gets even better. With the dark arts, everything's painted black. Good stuff, bad stuff, it doesn't matter—and that makes you feel super powerful! Plus, when you defeat an enemy, the feeling is like nothing else. You really should give it a whirl—I know if anyone can appreciate it, it's you!
Gregor. I have a question about this festival business.
That's awful nice of you to say but really, I just don't think—
You do? Ah, is good, is good! Gregor happy to answer all queries!
Plus, the best thing is, if you master the dark arts... You'll totally start looking like an adult instead of some twerpy little kid!
In what manner should I use it to "broaden my horizons"?
WHOA! R-REALLY?! An adult? ...Me? Hmm. Now that you mention it, the dark arts ARE very grown up... Fair enough, Henry. You've got me thinking about it in earnest now!
Mmm, is good question. First, when festivities begin again, you must be immersing yourself. Join crowds, try activities, and most vital, you must be talking to locals! Find out why they celebrate, so you can learn heart and soul of festival.
I see. So I shall interrogate the participants, uncover the facts, and—
''Henry > Ricken''
No, no! Gregor is not suggesting you become private investigator!
Henry! I've been thinking about what you said before, and I've decided. I AM interested in learning more about dark magic!
Then how am I to find this information?
Nya ha! Really? That's great!
That is easy thing! Share meat, drink mead, and make merry with new friends!
Yeah! In fact, I'm thinking it would be fun to, er, try taking it for a spin.
I don't drink mead. Slows down the reflexes.
You won't regret it. Get ready to enjoy the taste of immense power, my friend! First, I have to share some of my dark energy with you.
Oy! First women, then festivals, now mead?! Is such cold and empty lifestyle...
Sounds good! What do I do?
...You know nothing about it. I just don't like to drink, that's all.
Give me your hands. Both of them. I'll hold them in mine.
Hmm. Well, in any case, Gregor must be thinking of other ways to immerse you... Ah! Here comes storm of brain! You are handy with blade, so you must be good at peeling the vegetables, yes?
On mess duty, the cook has been known to praise my work, sure... But what of it?
Now...stay still. Very still. If you twitch and I get it wrong, you could die.
What of it?! We must be taking advantage of your cooking talents, that is what! You can help kind people who prepare festival food. Easy way to make friends. ...Then you share meat and drink mead and make merry with new friends!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gulp* Er. I didn't know it was so—
That last bit sounds exactly like your earlier advice...
Ready? Here we go! Three...two...one...NOW!
Hah! Is no matter! No need to overthink small details, yes?
Whoa. That feels weird! Like a heavy gloom is settling over me. I feel myself becoming...depressed. Is that normal?
Oh yeah. Everyone feels like that the first time. But then you get used to it. You just have to grin and bear it for a while until it starts to get better. Okay. You ready for more? Because here goes!
Oh? What is rare smile Gregor sees on Lon'qu's face? Is gas, perhaps?
...YEOWCH! My whole...body...suddenly...wracked with pain...
I'm just...starting to think your suggestion might not be all that unpleasant. You're a remarkably persuasive man. Your enthusiasm is infectious.
Oy, such reaction warms cockles of Gregor's heart! But this is just beginning! Gregor can teach Lon'qu all about having fun! Once festival reopens, Gregor take you around and show you fabulous time!
...I'll think about it.
Hah! You not saying no, so Gregor takes this as resounding YES!
I said I'll think about it!
Yes, okay. You think...then say yes! Gregor guarantees good time. Ah, Gregor very much looking forward to this!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* You're not going to allow me to refuse, are you? ...Still. I suppose a warrior should always be prepared to accept new challenges...
Er, wait. It hurts?
Y-yes... All over... Like being pricked with blazing-hot needles... I suppose this is normal too, right? Just...have to...get used to it...?
===Ricken > Henry===
Er, actually, no. Feeling bummed out, sure. Very normal. But horrible, prickly pain? That's not a part of the plan. *Gasp* ...WHOA!
Hey-o, Ricken. Question: Are you interested in dark magic?
Wh-what's wrong? Why'd you suddenly let go of my hands?
Um, I'm not sure. Why?
The magic was repelled somehow and flooded right back into me! Hmm... I'm afraid it seems like you're incompatible with dark magic.
Well, you're always trying to improve yourself, right? To be a better mage? If so, then you should learn about ALL kinds of magic, including the dark arts!
What? Aw, man! B-but I wanted to try it so much!
Hmm, I don't know... I'm an elemental kinda guy. Always have been. Fire, Wind, Thunder—magic like that just works for me. I can trust it.
Sorry, kid. It's just not gonna work. Your body threw the power back at me. That must have been why it started to hurt. Like I said—you're just not compatible.
Nya ha! That's because you don't know all the good things about dark magic!
Aw, shucks. I guess that's it then. I'm stuck being a regular mage and using boring old elemental magic...like a kid.
That's true—I don't. In fact, I kind of assumed there WERE no good things.
Uh, listen...you know when I said that dark magic would make you more grown up? Well, I kinda sorta made that up. I just wanted you to have more confidence... You need to stop worrying so much about what other people think of you.
What?! Blasphemy! There are good sides to everything! Even if said things just so happen to have the word "dark" in them.
So...you wanted me to try dark magic to help me feel better about myself?
Er, right. Yeah. Of course... Sorry. I didn't mean to be disrespectful.
Pretty much, yep. Sorry it didn't work out, though. Guess I can't help you after all. It's too bad. I would have liked to have seen what you were like all grown up.
Nya ha ha! It's okay. I mean, it's not like I'm unaware of dark magic's fearsome reputation.
Aw, Henry... I'm so happy that you cared about me enough to try this! I had no idea! Well, I'm not about to give up. I'm gonna keep trying and trying, until one day I can use dark magic too!
So why don't you tell me then? The good things, I mean.
That's great, Ricken! Who knows? Once you're a little bigger, maybe—
Well, for one, dark magic feels really good!
Hey! No more talking to me like I'm a kid, okay? It's not helping!
...It feels good?
Oh, er, right. Sorry about that, nya ha! But anyways, let's try again in a little while. The more people we can show the good sides of the dark arts to, the better!
Yeah! Like when you push your body to the limit to amass dark power. It's like if you buy something really, really expensive. Ever done that? Parting with all that coin is tough, and you feel guilty afterward... But at the same time, you end up with this amazing new thing you wanted! And that feels really good, you know? Dark magic is like that.
Thanks, Henry! I'll do my best, I promise!
Er, oh-kaaay?
Yeah. And it gets even better. With the dark arts, everything's painted black. Good stuff, bad stuff, it doesn't matter—and that makes you feel super powerful! Plus, when you defeat an enemy, the feeling is like nothing else. You really should give it a whirl—I know if anyone can appreciate it, it's you!
That's awful nice of you to say but really, I just don't think—
===Maribelle > Lissa===
Plus, the best thing is, if you master the dark arts... You'll totally start looking like an adult instead of some twerpy little kid!
This simply will not do! It's always "Oh, Lissa!" this, and "Please, Lissa!" That. Don't these people realize that my poor darling is NOT their personal servant? Her bright, vivacious character lifts spirits and boosts morale... She tends to the sick and cures their ills... My dear Lissa is a veritable angel of mercy!
Hey, Maribelle! What's going on?
WHOA! R-REALLY?! An adult? ...Me? Hmm. Now that you mention it, the dark arts ARE very grown up... Fair enough, Henry. You've got me thinking about it in earnest now!
Lissa! Darling! I was just— Goodness. What in the name of the gods are you wearing on your head?
''Henry > Ricken''
Oh, this old thing? One of the villagers gave it to me earlier! Isn't it just adorable? It suits me to a tee, don't you think?
Everything looks good on you, darling. ...Even that.
Henry! I've been thinking about what you said before, and I've decided. I AM interested in learning more about dark magic!
Aww, thanks! You know, if you like it, I can get you one too—they had lots to spare!
Nya ha! Really? That's great!
Oh, gods, n— Um, that is... Thank you for the kind offer but I must politely decline. By the way, I couldn't help but notice all those people crowded around you just now. What did they want? They weren't asking anything...peculiar of you, were they?
Yeah! In fact, I'm thinking it would be fun to, er, try taking it for a spin.
Peculiar? Gosh, no! They're my friends! They wouldn't do anything weird!
You won't regret it. Get ready to enjoy the taste of immense power, my friend! First, I have to share some of my dark energy with you.
Hm. I wish I could have as much faith in them as you, darling.
Sounds good! What do I do?
You know, Maribelle, I've noticed something about you. You're awfully hard on other people, but you've always been very kind to me...
Give me your hands. Both of them. I'll hold them in mine.
I'm a noble, dear. I was raised to honor and respect my equals.
Um, sure...but were you raised to be so mean to everybody else?
Now...stay still. Very still. If you twitch and I get it wrong, you could die.
It's not about being mean. It's about not wanting others to take advantage of you. Every time you and I have some quiet time together, someone interrupts. There's always someone asking something of you. Why can they not leave us be?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Gulp* Er. I didn't know it was so—
Oh, Maribelle... I wish you'd make more of an effort to let other people in. I mean, you know the old saying, right? Two's company, but three's even BETTER company!
Ready? Here we go! Three...two...one...NOW!
Hogwash! You are MINE and mine alone, and I am SICK and tired of sharing you!
Whoa. That feels weird! Like a heavy gloom is settling over me. I feel myself becoming...depressed. Is that normal?
Whoa. Are you all right, Maribelle?
Oh yeah. Everyone feels like that the first time. But then you get used to it. You just have to grin and bear it for a while until it starts to get better. Okay. You ready for more? Because here goes!
Oh, gods. Did I say that out loud? Forgive me...
...YEOWCH! My whole...body...suddenly...wracked with pain...
Maribelle, wait—! ...Aaaand she's gone. I wonder what got into her all of a sudden? Gosh, I hope it wasn't the hat! It is a bit out there...
Er, wait. It hurts?
Y-yes... All over... Like being pricked with blazing-hot needles... I suppose this is normal too, right? Just...have to...get used to it...?
''Lissa > Maribelle''
Er, actually, no. Feeling bummed out, sure. Very normal. But horrible, prickly pain? That's not a part of the plan. *Gasp* ...WHOA!
Um, Maribelle? Do you have a moment?
Wh-what's wrong? Why'd you suddenly let go of my hands?
Of course. I was hoping we might have a chance to chat, in fact. About my little outburst earlier... I really must apologize. I feel terrible. I don't know what came over me.
The magic was repelled somehow and flooded right back into me! Hmm... I'm afraid it seems like you're incompatible with dark magic.
Oh, gosh, it's okay! I was scared to death you were still angry with me! When you went off like that, I felt like I'd done something terrible...
What? Aw, man! B-but I wanted to try it so much!
Oh, Lissa. You really are too sweet. I'M the one who was acting horridly. I have no right to be angry with others for seeing just how wonderful you are. How could anyone not fall madly in love with you? You're perfect!
Sorry, kid. It's just not gonna work. Your body threw the power back at me. That must have been why it started to hurt. Like I said—you're just not compatible.
Oh, I don't know about that...
Aw, shucks. I guess that's it then. I'm stuck being a regular mage and using boring old elemental magic...like a kid.
It's true! You've always had the most remarkable ability to charm people. You grew up a royal, cosseted away in that palace...and yet still, you managed to surround yourself with friends from all walks of life.
Uh, listen...you know when I said that dark magic would make you more grown up? Well, I kinda sorta made that up. I just wanted you to have more confidence... You need to stop worrying so much about what other people think of you.
I didn't do anything special. I just like talking, I guess...
So...you wanted me to try dark magic to help me feel better about myself?
It's more than that. You ARE special. You have a unique gift! *Sigh* I wish I had even a thimbleful of your charisma, truly I do... People do not clamor to spend time with me. They find me...prickly.
Pretty much, yep. Sorry it didn't work out, though. Guess I can't help you after all. It's too bad. I would have liked to have seen what you were like all grown up.
Prickly? You?! NEVER!
Aw, Henry... I'm so happy that you cared about me enough to try this! I had no idea! Well, I'm not about to give up. I'm gonna keep trying and trying, until one day I can use dark magic too!
Meanwhile, you strike up friendships so easily with strangers... But when you do, it feels for all the world as if they're trying to steal you away from me. I can't bring myself to join in, so I just stand there fretting and fuming... I end up jealous of your easy charm and convinced that you're going to desert me. *Sigh* Isn't that awful? I'm a horrible, mean-spirited, and utterly selfish person!
That's great, Ricken! Who knows? Once you're a little bigger, maybe—
No way, Maribelle! Not at ALL! You're a totally wonderful person! You're kind and brave, and you have the best manners of anyone I know! I'm honored to that you're my friend!
Hey! No more talking to me like I'm a kid, okay? It's not helping!
Oh, er, right. Sorry about that, nya ha! But anyways, let's try again in a little while. The more people we can show the good sides of the dark arts to, the better!
Thanks, Henry! I'll do my best, I promise!
Please, Maribelle. You have to trust me. I'll never leave you, okay? No matter how many friends I have, you'll always be the most important. You know, the villagers were saying that fairs are best enjoyed with friends. And guess who popped into my head right away? You, that's who! *Sigh* I feel bad that I made you worry so much without even noticing... Hey, I know—why don't I make it up to you with a special treat?
===Maribelle > Lissa===
Thank you, Lissa, but I'm a bit too old to be appeased with trinkets. It's more than enough to know you are still my friend and always will be.
This simply will not do! It's always "Oh, Lissa!" this, and "Please, Lissa!" That. Don't these people realize that my poor darling is NOT their personal servant? Her bright, vivacious character lifts spirits and boosts morale... She tends to the sick and cures their ills... My dear Lissa is a veritable angel of mercy!
Hmm... Okay. Well, how about this then...? Once this battle's over, let's spend a day at the fair together. Just you and me!
Hey, Maribelle! What's going on?
Oh, darling... Now, that sounds simply wonderful!
Lissa! Darling! I was just— Goodness. What in the name of the gods are you wearing on your head?
Oh, this old thing? One of the villagers gave it to me earlier! Isn't it just adorable? It suits me to a tee, don't you think?
===Maribelle > Olivia===
Ah, Olivia. I was hoping to run into you. There is something we need to discuss.
Everything looks good on you, darling. ...Even that.
Uh-oh... I mean, um, really? What is it?
Aww, thanks! You know, if you like it, I can get you one too—they had lots to spare!
It concerns your table manners—specifically, the way you use your fork. You brandish it like a battle axe. It is most uncouth. I've also noticed that you arrange your cutlery in quite the wrong order.
Oh, gods, n— Um, that is... Thank you for the kind offer but I must politely decline. By the way, I couldn't help but notice all those people crowded around you just now. What did they want? They weren't asking anything...peculiar of you, were they?
Um, do I? To be honest, I didn't know there was an order. Hah...
Peculiar? Gosh, no! They're my friends! They wouldn't do anything weird!
Then there is a matter of the manner in which you left your seat yesterday evening. The racket when you scraped your chair across the floor was most unladylike!
Hm. I wish I could have as much faith in them as you, darling.
I-I can explain that one! Somebody asked me to dance, so I was in a hurry, and—
You know, Maribelle, I've noticed something about you. You're awfully hard on other people, but you've always been very kind to me...
<nowiki>*Sigh* I suppose there's nothing else for it. We simply cannot have you sullying this army's reputation any longer. I will shoulder</nowiki> the burden of instructing you in the etiquette of the noblewoman. Though the task be daunting—nay, immense—I shall make you my responsibility!
I'm a noble, dear. I was raised to honor and respect my equals.
Gosh, Maribelle... Are my manners really that bad? I mean, I appreciate the offer to teach me about forks and plates and things... But I'm so busy with dance practice, I don't have a lot of spare time...
Um, sure...but were you raised to be so mean to everybody else?
Why, my dear girl—our lessons will complement your training perfectly! Manners are about moving with grace and style, after all. Is this not the very essence of dance?
It's not about being mean. It's about not wanting others to take advantage of you. Every time you and I have some quiet time together, someone interrupts. There's always someone asking something of you. Why can they not leave us be?
Hmm... I never thought of it like that before. But now you mention it, I suppose it does make a little sense...
Oh, Maribelle... I wish you'd make more of an effort to let other people in. I mean, you know the old saying, right? Two's company, but three's even BETTER company!
"A little sense"?! It makes perfect sense, darling! In any case, I shan't take no for an answer. You WILL be my pupil! Do I make myself clear?
Hogwash! You are MINE and mine alone, and I am SICK and tired of sharing you!
Whoa. Are you all right, Maribelle?
Er...yes, ma'am. Crystal clear...
Oh, gods. Did I say that out loud? Forgive me...
Maribelle, wait—! ...Aaaand she's gone. I wonder what got into her all of a sudden? Gosh, I hope it wasn't the hat! It is a bit out there...
''Olivia > Maribelle''
''Lissa > Maribelle''
No, no, NO!
Argh! I'm sorry!
Um, Maribelle? Do you have a moment?
How many times do I have to tell you? If you do it like that, it will end up splashing all over the place! I've never met anyone so utterly hopeless at pouring a simple cup of tea! Surely you must have performed at any number of society functions? How did you manage not to pick up even the rudiments of civilized behavior?
Of course. I was hoping we might have a chance to chat, in fact. About my little outburst earlier... I really must apologize. I feel terrible. I don't know what came over me.
Well, whenever I went to a fancy party, Basilio always came with me... He made sure I never got myself into trouble...
Oh, gosh, it's okay! I was scared to death you were still angry with me! When you went off like that, I felt like I'd done something terrible...
Hmph! I might have known that indulgent fool of a man was behind this!
Oh, Lissa. You really are too sweet. I'M the one who was acting horridly. I have no right to be angry with others for seeing just how wonderful you are. How could anyone not fall madly in love with you? You're perfect!
B-but without him to help me, I could never have focused on my dancing! A young girl gets an awful a lot of attention at those rich people's parties. And not all of it is the welcome kind, if you know what I mean...
Oh, I don't know about that...
...Yes. I can well imagine. Some of those old lords can be a terrible handful. But that's hardly a concern any longer, is it? Now that you're a Shepherd, you are safe from such unwanted advances.
It's true! You've always had the most remarkable ability to charm people. You grew up a royal, cosseted away in that palace...and yet still, you managed to surround yourself with friends from all walks of life.
...That's true. I DO feel safe here.
I didn't do anything special. I just like talking, I guess...
Good. Then stop worrying, and start focusing on your lessons!
It's more than that. You ARE special. You have a unique gift! *Sigh* I wish I had even a thimbleful of your charisma, truly I do... People do not clamor to spend time with me. They find me...prickly.
Prickly? You?! NEVER!
"Okay"?! Good heavens, girl! The correct answer is "Yes, milady"!
Meanwhile, you strike up friendships so easily with strangers... But when you do, it feels for all the world as if they're trying to steal you away from me. I can't bring myself to join in, so I just stand there fretting and fuming... I end up jealous of your easy charm and convinced that you're going to desert me. *Sigh* Isn't that awful? I'm a horrible, mean-spirited, and utterly selfish person!
Y-Yes, milady!
No way, Maribelle! Not at ALL! You're a totally wonderful person! You're kind and brave, and you have the best manners of anyone I know! I'm honored to that you're my friend!
Please, Maribelle. You have to trust me. I'll never leave you, okay? No matter how many friends I have, you'll always be the most important. You know, the villagers were saying that fairs are best enjoyed with friends. And guess who popped into my head right away? You, that's who! *Sigh* I feel bad that I made you worry so much without even noticing... Hey, I know—why don't I make it up to you with a special treat?
===Panne > Olivia===
Thank you, Lissa, but I'm a bit too old to be appeased with trinkets. It's more than enough to know you are still my friend and always will be.
Panne! I can't believe you did that just now! You're so mean!
...Hm? Ah, you mean the incident at dinner? But you eat so slowly. It is almost bovine. Must you really chew every single bite so laboriously?
Hmm... Okay. Well, how about this then...? Once this battle's over, let's spend a day at the fair together. Just you and me!
Hmph! Must YOU wolf down every morsel like it's trying to run away?! That piece of goat meat was the best part of the whole meal—I was saving it for last! It looked SO delicious... I was SO looking forward to it... But when I looked down, it was gone!
Oh, darling... Now, that sounds simply wonderful!
I can confirm that it WAS delicious.
Ugh! You're horrible!
===Maribelle > Olivia===
But I thought you were finished. The fat was starting to congeal. And besides, you have only yourself to blame. I merely obeyed the laws of nature. The animal that cannot safeguard its food must go hungry.
Ah, Olivia. I was hoping to run into you. There is something we need to discuss.
That might be relevant if we were wolves or wild pigs living in the forest!
Uh-oh... I mean, um, really? What is it?
...On reflection, I suppose I could have asked your leave beforehand. Very well. Next time I take something from your plate, I will ask first. Acceptable?
It concerns your table manners—specifically, the way you use your fork. You brandish it like a battle axe. It is most uncouth. I've also noticed that you arrange your cutlery in quite the wrong order.
Well, I guess that would be better than just snatching it...
Um, do I? To be honest, I didn't know there was an order. Hah...
Heh... Good. Then it is settled. Now let us dwell on this no more.
Then there is a matter of the manner in which you left your seat yesterday evening. The racket when you scraped your chair across the floor was most unladylike!
...! ...Wait a minute. Did Panne just let out a little chuckle? Wow! That might be the first time I've ever seen her smile!
I-I can explain that one! Somebody asked me to dance, so I was in a hurry, and—
''Olivia > Panne''
<nowiki>*Sigh* I suppose there's nothing else for it. We simply cannot have you sullying this army's reputation any longer. I will shoulder</nowiki> the burden of instructing you in the etiquette of the noblewoman. Though the task be daunting—nay, immense—I shall make you my responsibility!
Panne! Not again! Why do you keep doing such horrible things to me?
Gosh, Maribelle... Are my manners really that bad? I mean, I appreciate the offer to teach me about forks and plates and things... But I'm so busy with dance practice, I don't have a lot of spare time...
Whatever do you mean? I did you a kindness in combing your hair. You told me it was an unruly mop, and you wished you could do something with it.
Why, my dear girl—our lessons will complement your training perfectly! Manners are about moving with grace and style, after all. Is this not the very essence of dance?
Yes, something GOOD! I didn't mean I wanted it to stick straight up in the air! It looks like there's a tree growing out of my head—I'll be a laughingstock!
Hmm... I never thought of it like that before. But now you mention it, I suppose it does make a little sense...
Hm. You must forgive me. I find I cannot help but tease you.
"A little sense"?! It makes perfect sense, darling! In any case, I shan't take no for an answer. You WILL be my pupil! Do I make myself clear?
Ugh! Why? At least tell me that?!
Er...yes, ma'am. Crystal clear...
Because I despise all man-spawn and have long sought my revenge. In you, I have found the perfect victim!
''Olivia > Maribelle''
What?! B-b-but that's horrid! Why me? What did I ever do to—?!
I jest.
No, no, NO!
Gah! Well, don't, okay? It doesn't suit you...
Argh! I'm sorry!
...If you must know the truth, I tease you because you remind me of someone. A young taguel. We were like sisters. She was a terrible crybaby, and timid, but with a good heart. She looked up to me. And I often teased her mercilessly, just as I do you. It sometimes pains me that I was not gentler with her...
How many times do I have to tell you? If you do it like that, it will end up splashing all over the place! I've never met anyone so utterly hopeless at pouring a simple cup of tea! Surely you must have performed at any number of society functions? How did you manage not to pick up even the rudiments of civilized behavior?
Why? What happened to— Oh...
Well, whenever I went to a fancy party, Basilio always came with me... He made sure I never got myself into trouble...
Yes, she is dead. Killed by humans.
Hmph! I might have known that indulgent fool of a man was behind this!
I'm so sorry, Panne...
B-but without him to help me, I could never have focused on my dancing! A young girl gets an awful a lot of attention at those rich people's parties. And not all of it is the welcome kind, if you know what I mean...
Don't be. It was a long time ago.  
...Yes. I can well imagine. Some of those old lords can be a terrible handful. But that's hardly a concern any longer, is it? Now that you're a Shepherd, you are safe from such unwanted advances.
...Hey, I have a great idea—why don't I take her place?
...That's true. I DO feel safe here.
Good. Then stop worrying, and start focusing on your lessons!
From now on, I want you to treat me just like a little sister.  
Olivia, I appreciate your concern, but that won't be necessary...
"Okay"?! Good heavens, girl! The correct answer is "Yes, milady"!
It will be if I ever want to see you smile again! I don't think I can bear for you to be all glum now that I've seen you happy... It's such a terrible waste! I want you to laugh and smile all the time! So let's, let's—
Y-Yes, milady!
...Thank you, Olivia. You truly are just like her. Very well. We will do as you suggest.
===Panne > Olivia===
Oh, I'm so happy to hear that!
Panne! I can't believe you did that just now! You're so mean!
As am I. I will enjoy the free rein you have given me to torment you.
...Hm? Ah, you mean the incident at dinner? But you eat so slowly. It is almost bovine. Must you really chew every single bite so laboriously?
What? No! That's not what I meant! I just—!
Hmph! Must YOU wolf down every morsel like it's trying to run away?! That piece of goat meat was the best part of the whole meal—I was saving it for last! It looked SO delicious... I was SO looking forward to it... But when I looked down, it was gone!
Heh... Another jest, Olivia. Do not worry. From now on, I will try to be as kind as kind can be. As kind as I should have been to her...
I can confirm that it WAS delicious.
Ugh! You're horrible!
But I thought you were finished. The fat was starting to congeal. And besides, you have only yourself to blame. I merely obeyed the laws of nature. The animal that cannot safeguard its food must go hungry.
===Gaius > Chrom===
That might be relevant if we were wolves or wild pigs living in the forest!
What a delicious-looking cake. Soft, spongy layers smothered in icing... And what's that? Is it an amulet of some kind? Perhaps a protective charm?
Hey, Blue. What are you up to?
...On reflection, I suppose I could have asked your leave beforehand. Very well. Next time I take something from your plate, I will ask first. Acceptable?
Aren't these stalls fascinating? Such a weird and wonderful array of food and trinkets!
Well, I guess that would be better than just snatching it...
You think? Looks like regular old festival fare to me. If I've seen this stuff once, I've seen it a thousand times. ...Ah, but you don't visit village fairs, do you? Being a royal and all?
Heh... Good. Then it is settled. Now let us dwell on this no more.
Not all that often, I'm embarrassed to admit... Frankly, many of the customs are something of a mystery to me.
...! ...Wait a minute. Did Panne just let out a little chuckle? Wow! That might be the first time I've ever seen her smile!
Hey, it's never too late to learn. I'll teach you anything you want to know. You know, like what's good to eat, which games are fun, which are a scam... I'd wager I've seen more fairs than you've had hot custard pies.
''Olivia > Panne''
Well, it would be nice to have a guide.  I mean, of course we have our own events at the capital from time to time.  But I haven't had many opportunities to see festivals in other parts of th— ...Hm? What's going on? There appears to be a commotion in the plaza...
Thief! Me money pouch, it's been nicked!
Panne! Not again! Why do you keep doing such horrible things to me?
Curses! Mine's missin' too!
Whatever do you mean? I did you a kindness in combing your hair. You told me it was an unruly mop, and you wished you could do something with it.
Uh-oh. This sounds like the work of a cutpurse... First he creates a distraction, then he relives his marks of their coins...
Yes, something GOOD! I didn't mean I wanted it to stick straight up in the air! It looks like there's a tree growing out of my head—I'll be a laughingstock!
Hm. You must forgive me. I find I cannot help but tease you.
Hm? What is it, Gaius?  
Ugh! Why? At least tell me that?!
Er, what? Oh, n-nothin'. I just...I've got an errand to run! If you'll excuse me...
Because I despise all man-spawn and have long sought my revenge. In you, I have found the perfect victim!
What came over him?
What?! B-b-but that's horrid! Why me? What did I ever do to—?!
I jest.
''Chrom > Gaius''
Gah! Well, don't, okay? It doesn't suit you...
Er, Gaius? Can I have a word? About before...
...If you must know the truth, I tease you because you remind me of someone. A young taguel. We were like sisters. She was a terrible crybaby, and timid, but with a good heart. She looked up to me. And I often teased her mercilessly, just as I do you. It sometimes pains me that I was not gentler with her...
Why? What happened to— Oh...
W-wait, Gaius! Don't run away!  Now where'd he go? I could've sworn he ducked down this way... Wait... Surely he's not the cutpurse? Could he be hiding from me in shame? Or to count his ill-gotten gains? ...No, what am I saying! It would be wrong of me to suspect a fellow Shepherd!
Yes, she is dead. Killed by humans.
Hey, Blue. What's with the furrowed brow?  Troubles got you down?
I'm so sorry, Panne...
Ah-HAH! Gaius! Where did you run off to?!
Don't be. It was a long time ago.
I was chasing down that pickpocket and then returning the purses to the soldiers.
...Hey, I have a great idea—why don't I take her place?
You were?
Set a thief to catch a thief, right? It was easy enough for me to suss out where the scoundrel would run.  
From now on, I want you to treat me just like a little sister.
Olivia, I appreciate your concern, but that won't be necessary...
It will be if I ever want to see you smile again! I don't think I can bear for you to be all glum now that I've seen you happy... It's such a terrible waste! I want you to laugh and smile all the time! So let's, let's—
...Thank you, Olivia. You truly are just like her. Very well. We will do as you suggest.
Oh, I'm so happy to hear that!
As am I. I will enjoy the free rein you have given me to torment you.
I...I see...
What? No! That's not what I meant! I just—!
What's the problem? You're acting like you don't believe me or something.
Heh... Another jest, Olivia. Do not worry. From now on, I will try to be as kind as kind can be. As kind as I should have been to her...
Wh-what?! No, don't be silly! You're a Shepherd—I'd never doubt you! ...Although you WERE acting incredibly suspicious...
Hah! Sorry to make you worry. To tell the truth, I did act a bit like I had something to hide. But I wasn't trying to deceive you or anything. I promise.
===Gaius > Chrom===
Then what was it?
What a delicious-looking cake. Soft, spongy layers smothered in icing... And what's that? Is it an amulet of some kind? Perhaps a protective charm?  
Honestly? I was just having a little fun. I wanted to see if you really trusted me. Believe me, I was thrilled when you didn't immediately accuse me of being the thief! I apologize for messing with you like that on account of my own silly insecurities.
Hey, Blue. What are you up to?
Heh... Well, the joke is on me, I guess. You had me worried there, Gaius. Between that and all this running around after you, I'm completely exhausted.
Aren't these stalls fascinating? Such a weird and wonderful array of food and trinkets!
Aw, now you're making me feel bad. Here, let me make it up to you. For the rest of the day, I'll treat you to whatever you want from the fair!
You think? Looks like regular old festival fare to me. If I've seen this stuff once, I've seen it a thousand times. ...Ah, but you don't visit village fairs, do you? Being a royal and all?
Well, if you feel that guilty...why not? But are you sure you can afford it? This is my first proper fair, and I'll have to make up for all that I've missed. Which means sampling every cake and bonbon that's on offer!
Not all that often, I'm embarrassed to admit... Frankly, many of the customs are something of a mystery to me.
Come on, Blue. You DO realize who you're talking to here? Anyway, once we're done sampling sweets, I'll take you on a tour of the nightlife. The after-hours shows here are somethin' else, and they run until dawn!
Hey, it's never too late to learn. I'll teach you anything you want to know. You know, like what's good to eat, which games are fun, which are a scam... I'd wager I've seen more fairs than you've had hot custard pies.  
Er, m-maybe you missed the part where I said I was exhausted...
Well, it would be nice to have a guide.  I mean, of course we have our own events at the capital from time to time.  But I haven't had many opportunities to see festivals in other parts of th— ...Hm? What's going on? There appears to be a commotion in the plaza...
Thief! Me money pouch, it's been nicked!
Curses! Mine's missin' too!
===Cordelia > Panne===
Uh-oh. This sounds like the work of a cutpurse... First he creates a distraction, then he relives his marks of their coins...
Cordelia! Make ready to face me!
Panne! What in the world are you trying to—?! Aah! Hngh!
Hmph. Not bad. Your reflexes are...adequate.
Hm? What is it, Gaius?
What in blazes are you doing attacking me out of the blue like that?!
Er, what? Oh, n-nothin'. I just...I've got an errand to run! If you'll excuse me...
For many moons now, I have longed to challenge you to a duel. A duel to the death!
What came over him?
Good grief, why? Did I do something to offend you? Because if I did, I'm—
''Chrom > Gaius''
No. No insult has been given. I heard tell that in this army of great warriors, you are the greatest of all. Since then, I have burned with the need to know—how mighty are the man-spawn? How powerful is their greatest warrior? Is she a match for the last of the taguel?
Now, listen—taguel, human, or whatever else we may be, right now we're allies! The threat we face is far too great for us to be fighting amongst ourselves. I absolutely refuse to duel you, be it to the death or otherwise. We have more important things to worry about.
Er, Gaius? Can I have a word? About before...
What can be more important than the honor of our respective races? We must duel and determine once and for all which is the mightier species!
Look, I'm not interested in being humanity's representative in your little...whatever. This place is crawling with Risen, and I have work to do, even if you don't!
W-wait, Gaius! Don't run away!  Now where'd he go? I could've sworn he ducked down this way... Wait... Surely he's not the cutpurse? Could he be hiding from me in shame? Or to count his ill-gotten gains? ...No, what am I saying! It would be wrong of me to suspect a fellow Shepherd!  
Wait! Cordelia! I am not done! Bah. You can run, man-spawn, but you cannot hide! I am the last of the taguel...and I will see this through!
Hey, Blue. What's with the furrowed brow?  Troubles got you down?
Ah-HAH! Gaius! Where did you run off to?!
''Panne > Cordelia''
I was chasing down that pickpocket and then returning the purses to the soldiers.
Cordelia! At last I have found you!
You were?
Panne, I already told you, I'm not going to fight you. We're in the middle of a battle, and we have monsters to slay...
Set a thief to catch a thief, right? It was easy enough for me to suss out where the scoundrel would run.  
Then I will make it quick. Ready your weapon, human. The man-spawn must know the might of the taguel at last!
I...I see...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Okay, Panne. This has gone far enough. We need to talk. This isn't about proving which species is the strongest, and you know it.
What's the problem? You're acting like you don't believe me or something.
You dare refute my motives? I fight for the honor of the taguel!
Wh-what?! No, don't be silly! You're a Shepherd—I'd never doubt you! ...Although you WERE acting incredibly suspicious...
Is that really true? Is this really about the honor of your people? I think it's a little more personal than that.
Hah! Sorry to make you worry. To tell the truth, I did act a bit like I had something to hide. But I wasn't trying to deceive you or anything. I promise.  
Wh-what do you mean?
Then what was it?
Remember when you used to say you'd never trust humans? Well, things have changed, haven't they? You've found friends among us.
Honestly? I was just having a little fun. I wanted to see if you really trusted me. Believe me, I was thrilled when you didn't immediately accuse me of being the thief! I apologize for messing with you like that on account of my own silly insecurities.
Heh... Well, the joke is on me, I guess. You had me worried there, Gaius. Between that and all this running around after you, I'm completely exhausted.
Aw, now you're making me feel bad. Here, let me make it up to you. For the rest of the day, I'll treat you to whatever you want from the fair!
Well, if you feel that guilty...why not? But are you sure you can afford it? This is my first proper fair, and I'll have to make up for all that I've missed. Which means sampling every cake and bonbon that's on offer!
Come on, Blue. You DO realize who you're talking to here? Anyway, once we're done sampling sweets, I'll take you on a tour of the nightlife. The after-hours shows here are somethin' else, and they run until dawn!
Er, m-maybe you missed the part where I said I was exhausted...
...This may be true. But it has no bearing on our quarrel.
Ah, but it does. As you've grown closer to us, you've lost that fire. You were filled with hate and anger over the loss of your people. That passion, painful though it was, drove you. It made you who you are. But as you learn to trust humankind, the flame is flickering out. And you fear that when it finally dies, your identity dies with it.
===Cordelia > Panne===
Cordelia! Make ready to face me!
But you're wrong to be afraid. You have something else now. Something better. Something that will make you stronger than you ever were alone. You have friends.
Panne! What in the world are you trying to—?! Aah! Hngh!
Hmph. Not bad. Your reflexes are...adequate.
We can't replace your lost people, nor would we want to. But soon you'll get to know us even better. You'll learn to trust us even more. And when you do, you'll realize that...we're your people now.
What in blazes are you doing attacking me out of the blue like that?!
...... You truly think so?
For many moons now, I have longed to challenge you to a duel. A duel to the death!
I know so. And it will be humanity's privilege to welcome you.
Good grief, why? Did I do something to offend you? Because if I did, I'm—
Thank you, Cordelia. You must forgive me...
No. No insult has been given. I heard tell that in this army of great warriors, you are the greatest of all. Since then, I have burned with the need to know—how mighty are the man-spawn? How powerful is their greatest warrior? Is she a match for the last of the taguel?
There's nothing to forgive. Now about that duel. If it's not to the death, I might just consider it... Frankly, I'm as curious as you are to find out who's the strongest!
Now, listen—taguel, human, or whatever else we may be, right now we're allies! The threat we face is far too great for us to be fighting amongst ourselves. I absolutely refuse to duel you, be it to the death or otherwise. We have more important things to worry about.
Hah! I doubt that!
What can be more important than the honor of our respective races? We must duel and determine once and for all which is the mightier species!
Oh yeah? Try me!
Look, I'm not interested in being humanity's representative in your little...whatever. This place is crawling with Risen, and I have work to do, even if you don't!
Wait! Cordelia! I am not done! Bah. You can run, man-spawn, but you cannot hide! I am the last of the taguel...and I will see this through!
''Panne > Cordelia''
===Gregor > Ricken===
Cordelia! At last I have found you!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Trouble, trouble... Gregor's brow is the furrowed.
Hey, Gregor. What's the matter?
Panne, I already told you, I'm not going to fight you. We're in the middle of a battle, and we have monsters to slay...
Ah, is Ricken! Gregor would like word with his little friend. Tell me—people who come to fair were all taken to the safe refuge, yes?
Then I will make it quick. Ready your weapon, human. The man-spawn must know the might of the taguel at last!
Yep! Everyone was evacuated, no problem. All nice and orderly, too.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Okay, Panne. This has gone far enough. We need to talk. This isn't about proving which species is the strongest, and you know it.
Nice and orderly, you say...but Gregor is afraid to be reporting otherwise!
You dare refute my motives? I fight for the honor of the taguel!
Uh, why? What happened?
Is that really true? Is this really about the honor of your people? I think it's a little more personal than that.
Crazy lady being ushered to safe place was drinking mead before fair begin! She drink so much she weaving and bobbing like ship in big storm, yes? But worst thing is—she grasp Gregor's hand...and...beg Gregor to marry her!
Wh-what do you mean?
Whoa! She proposed to you?! Nice one! You're a real lady killer, Gregor!
Remember when you used to say you'd never trust humans? Well, things have changed, haven't they? You've found friends among us.
Nice one?! Oy, this is no laughing matter, pipsqueak!
...This may be true. But it has no bearing on our quarrel.
I'm not laughing! I'm seriously impressed! One look at you and she wanted to wed you? Man, grown-ups have it good!
Ah, but it does. As you've grown closer to us, you've lost that fire. You were filled with hate and anger over the loss of your people. That passion, painful though it was, drove you. It made you who you are. But as you learn to trust humankind, the flame is flickering out. And you fear that when it finally dies, your identity dies with it.
Ho ho. Well, ‘tis true. Gregor can charm spikes off of cactus, but... ...No, no, NO! This is not a good thing! Woman so drunk, eyes were crossed!
But you're wrong to be afraid. You have something else now. Something better. Something that will make you stronger than you ever were alone. You have friends.
Hah! So you're saying she couldn't even see you properly? What happened next? Did you say yes?
Gregor is saying NO, of course! But drunk lady very, very persistent. She say she come back later for answer, after Gregor have time to think about it.
We can't replace your lost people, nor would we want to. But soon you'll get to know us even better. You'll learn to trust us even more. And when you do, you'll realize that...we're your people now.
Oh boy...
...... You truly think so?
Oy, is like getting proposal from hellish underworld demon vixen.
I know so. And it will be humanity's privilege to welcome you.
Sounds hard to refuse! Maybe you should just pack up and move to this Outrealm?
Thank you, Cordelia. You must forgive me...
There you go again with the bad joking about a very, VERY serious matter. Anyway, Gregor is stuck in big pickle, and you cannot be helping ou—Wait! Gregor is having storm of brain! Ricken, you CAN be helping Gregor!
There's nothing to forgive. Now about that duel. If it's not to the death, I might just consider it... Frankly, I'm as curious as you are to find out who's the strongest!
Uh-oh. This sounds ominous...
Hah! I doubt that!
Oh yeah? Try me!
''Ricken > Gregor''
Ugh, Gregor! I'm gonna get you for this, I swear!
===Gregor > Ricken===
HA HA HA! Gregor is so sorry...*chuckle* Very...*snort*...sorry...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Trouble, trouble... Gregor's brow is the furrowed.
I can't believe you made me wear a dress and pretend I was your girlfriend! I feel like some kind of performing monkey or something! This is even worse than being treated like a kid!
Hey, Gregor. What's the matter?
Ho ho! But, Ricken, long, blond wig is suiting you perfectly. Is good, no?
Ah, is Ricken! Gregor would like word with his little friend. Tell me—people who come to fair were all taken to the safe refuge, yes?
Yep! Everyone was evacuated, no problem. All nice and orderly, too.
Ah, you look so beautiful as a lady. *sigh* It bring tear to Gregor's eye. It must be good to wear dress so well. Why you not happy like Gregor?
Nice and orderly, you say...but Gregor is afraid to be reporting otherwise!
It's not good AT ALL! I don't see the humor in any of this, frankly!
Uh, why? What happened?
Oy, why Ricken is getting cute lady smallclothes in twist? What better time to let long hair down than at fair, eh? Ha ha! *sniff* Ah, but seriously. Gregor is thanking you for help. You save the bacon.
Crazy lady being ushered to safe place was drinking mead before fair begin! She drink so much she weaving and bobbing like ship in big storm, yes? But worst thing is—she grasp Gregor's hand...and...beg Gregor to marry her!
Yes, well. I hope you ARE grateful.
Whoa! She proposed to you?! Nice one! You're a real lady killer, Gregor!
Of course, it help you make such pretty girl. Even high-pitch voice fools other lady. Thanks to you, Gregor safely refuse offer from terrifying drunken woman! Ricken's dainty gestures like highborn lady make Gregor's heart go aflutter!
Nice one?! Oy, this is no laughing matter, pipsqueak!
All right, all right! That's enough teasing already!
I'm not laughing! I'm seriously impressed! One look at you and she wanted to wed you? Man, grown-ups have it good!
Teasing? No, no! Gregor making heartfelt compliment! ...Oh, okay. Sorry. Gregor actually teasing. But now taking it all back.
Ho ho. Well, ‘tis true. Gregor can charm spikes off of cactus, but... ...No, no, NO! This is not a good thing! Woman so drunk, eyes were crossed!
You sure? All that stuff about looking pretty and having a high-pitch voice, too?
Hah! So you're saying she couldn't even see you properly? What happened next? Did you say yes?
Yes, yes. All silly joke. Gregor not mean any of it.
Gregor is saying NO, of course! But drunk lady very, very persistent. She say she come back later for answer, after Gregor have time to think about it.
Well, good. I'm glad to hear it. I suppose I might forgive you then...
Oh boy...
Ah! You did dainty gesture again! Just like real noble lady! Ha ha!
Oy, is like getting proposal from hellish underworld demon vixen.
Sounds hard to refuse! Maybe you should just pack up and move to this Outrealm?
There you go again with the bad joking about a very, VERY serious matter. Anyway, Gregor is stuck in big pickle, and you cannot be helping ou—Wait! Gregor is having storm of brain! Ricken, you CAN be helping Gregor!
Uh-oh. This sounds ominous...
===Libra > Virion===
Greetings, noble Libra!
''Ricken > Gregor''
Oh. Hello, Virion. Is there something I can help you with?
I was wondering. Once this beastly battle is over and the fair reopened...perhaps you might join me in touring the attractions and enjoying the festivities? Together—a highborn noble and a handsome young servant of the gods... Just think of all the appraising glances and not unwelcome attention we would draw!
Ugh, Gregor! I'm gonna get you for this, I swear!
In other words, you'd like me to help you pick up village girls.
HA HA HA! Gregor is so sorry...*chuckle* Very...*snort*...sorry...
Come, come! We'll be the toast of the fair! Where's the harm in that?
I can't believe you made me wear a dress and pretend I was your girlfriend! I feel like some kind of performing monkey or something! This is even worse than being treated like a kid!
I apologize, but I'm not in the mood for being the toast of anything.
Ho ho! But, Ricken, long, blond wig is suiting you perfectly. Is good, no?
What's wrong, young friend?! Are you unwell? Does your stomach ail you?
No, it's not that. I'm afraid my affliction is of the mental kind. I am simply bemoaning my utter helplessness.
Ah, you look so beautiful as a lady. *sigh* It bring tear to Gregor's eye. It must be good to wear dress so well. Why you not happy like Gregor?
Helplessness? But, Libra, you always fight so splendidly!
It's not good AT ALL! I don't see the humor in any of this, frankly!
You misunderstand... Shortly after we arrived, I met an elderly couple among the residents here. The two were horribly afflicted with a dreadful mortal disease. They seem to be suffering so, but I am powerless to help them... There's a cure, I'm told, but it is terribly expensive. Well beyond my meager means...
Oy, why Ricken is getting cute lady smallclothes in twist? What better time to let long hair down than at fair, eh? Ha ha! *sniff* Ah, but seriously. Gregor is thanking you for help. You save the bacon.
I see. And thus this feeling of helplessness.
Yes, well. I hope you ARE grateful.
Yes. I can strike down countless foes, yet I cannot save the life of one poor old couple? O merciful gods, what am I to do?
Of course, it help you make such pretty girl. Even high-pitch voice fools other lady. Thanks to you, Gregor safely refuse offer from terrifying drunken woman! Ricken's dainty gestures like highborn lady make Gregor's heart go aflutter!
'Tis a grave problem, I can see. But the solution is obvious, no? You seem to be quite friendly with the immortals above... Therefore, you must pray, my friend! Sooner or later, your voice will be heard!
All right, all right! That's enough teasing already!
Sooner or later? So I'm to just wait around for a miracle to occur?
Teasing? No, no! Gregor making heartfelt compliment! ...Oh, okay. Sorry. Gregor actually teasing. But now taking it all back.
Don't tell me YOU doubt the power of prayer?! Where is your faith, Libra?
You sure? All that stuff about looking pretty and having a high-pitch voice, too?
N-no, you're right... Forgive me. I need to exercise patience. I need to believe that with enough prayer, that couple can achieve salvation...
Yes, yes. All silly joke. Gregor not mean any of it.
Y-yes, well, then again, what do I know, right?! You are the priest, after all! ...... ANYhoo, I just remembered I've got some, er, less spiritual business to attend to. If you'll excuse me...
Well, good. I'm glad to hear it. I suppose I might forgive you then...
Ah! You did dainty gesture again! Just like real noble lady! Ha ha!
''Virion > Libra''
O gods, hear my prayer...
===Libra > Virion===
Greetings, noble Libra!
Ah, Virion. Did you take care of whatever business you had to attend to?
Oh. Hello, Virion. Is there something I can help you with?
I did. ...Here. This is for you.
I was wondering. Once this beastly battle is over and the fair reopened...perhaps you might join me in touring the attractions and enjoying the festivities? Together—a highborn noble and a handsome young servant of the gods... Just think of all the appraising glances and not unwelcome attention we would draw!
A flask...of medicine?! Is this the cure I was seeking? Where did you—?! How did you—?!
In other words, you'd like me to help you pick up village girls.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Shrug* I am a nobleman. I know powerful people in high places. You might say I pulled a few favors is all.
Come, come! We'll be the toast of the fair! Where's the harm in that?
B-but this potion is incredibly valuable. The cost alone...!
I apologize, but I'm not in the mood for being the toast of anything.
Now, now. You let me worry about that! I'd say you have a more urgent job... There's a certain sickly old couple who are in desperate need of that cure.
What's wrong, young friend?! Are you unwell? Does your stomach ail you?
No, it's not that. I'm afraid my affliction is of the mental kind. I am simply bemoaning my utter helplessness.
What? why are you staring at me like that? It's most unnerving...
Helplessness? But, Libra, you always fight so splendidly!
You used to own an expensive dagger, did you not? Crafted with the finest steel, encrusted with firestones and dragon gems?
You misunderstand... Shortly after we arrived, I met an elderly couple among the residents here. The two were horribly afflicted with a dreadful mortal disease. They seem to be suffering so, but I am powerless to help them... There's a cure, I'm told, but it is terribly expensive. Well beyond my meager means...
I see. And thus this feeling of helplessness.
Yes. A family treasure, passed down by generations of your ancestors... Yet today, the scabbard hangs empty at your hip. What happened to it?
Yes. I can strike down countless foes, yet I cannot save the life of one poor old couple? O merciful gods, what am I to do?
Oh, er, so it does! The knife must have fallen out somewhere, ha ha! Ha.
'Tis a grave problem, I can see. But the solution is obvious, no? You seem to be quite friendly with the immortals above... Therefore, you must pray, my friend! Sooner or later, your voice will be heard!
But that was an heirloom!
Sooner or later? So I'm to just wait around for a miracle to occur?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Shrug* It wasn't THAT valuable, really. Just a fancy dagger, is all. Easy come, easy go, as they say! ANYhoo, must run again. Chat later? ...Oh and don't forget to deliver that medicine to that couple!
Don't tell me YOU doubt the power of prayer?! Where is your faith, Libra?
Virion, wait! *Sigh* He can't fool me. I know exactly what he did with that priceless dagger. He gave it up without hesitation, all for the sake of two elderly strangers... Perhaps that selfless, noble gesture was the miracle I was praying for all along.
N-no, you're right... Forgive me. I need to exercise patience. I need to believe that with enough prayer, that couple can achieve salvation...
Y-yes, well, then again, what do I know, right?! You are the priest, after all! ...... ANYhoo, I just remembered I've got some, er, less spiritual business to attend to. If you'll excuse me...
===Libra > Gaius===
O great gods above, grant us your mercy...
''Virion > Libra''
Crivens, Libra, you sure are one for prayers, eh?
Hello, Gaius. Would you care to join me?
O gods, hear my prayer...
I'm no believer. You know that. Besides, I've got nothin' to beg for.
But through prayer, we can ask mercy of the gods and cleanse our souls.
Ah, Virion. Did you take care of whatever business you had to attend to?
Heh. I bet it'll take more than a few knee bends and "oh gods" to cleanse this soul...
I did. ...Here. This is for you.
Well, knowing—and regretting—past sins is the first step toward redemption.
A flask...of medicine?! Is this the cure I was seeking? Where did you—?! How did you—?!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Shrug* I am a nobleman. I know powerful people in high places. You might say I pulled a few favors is all.
Come now. One little prayer to lighten the burden on your soul.
B-but this potion is incredibly valuable. The cost alone...!
...All right, Padre. What have I got to lose, right?
Now, now. You let me worry about that! I'd say you have a more urgent job... There's a certain sickly old couple who are in desperate need of that cure.
Nothing but your guilt!
...... Hold on. What are you doin' staring at me with that silly grin on your face?
What? why are you staring at me like that? It's most unnerving...
My apologies... I was just thinking how dazzling you look kneeling there!
You used to own an expensive dagger, did you not? Crafted with the finest steel, encrusted with firestones and dragon gems?
Dazzling? Me? You sure you haven't been dipping into the holy mead?
No, no. My head is as clear as a bell. To repent your past deeds, you have chosen to fight for everlasting peace... How can I fail to be dazzled by such purity of motive and nobility of heart?
Yes. A family treasure, passed down by generations of your ancestors... Yet today, the scabbard hangs empty at your hip. What happened to it?
I don't get it, Padre. You get a kick outta reformed criminals trying to make good?
Oh, er, so it does! The knife must have fallen out somewhere, ha ha! Ha.
No, this is a compliment from the heart! I mean it in the best way possible.
But that was an heirloom!
Well, you sure got a strange way of expressing yourself...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Shrug* It wasn't THAT valuable, really. Just a fancy dagger, is all. Easy come, easy go, as they say! ANYhoo, must run again. Chat later? ...Oh and don't forget to deliver that medicine to that couple!
To commit mistakes, but then strive to correct errors of the past... I doubt there is anything that brings a mortal closer to the divine and holy.
Virion, wait! *Sigh* He can't fool me. I know exactly what he did with that priceless dagger. He gave it up without hesitation, all for the sake of two elderly strangers... Perhaps that selfless, noble gesture was the miracle I was praying for all along.
Look, I appreciate the compliments, but you've got this all wrong. There's not much in the way of atoning or repenting going on here... The truth is I just really don't regret my past, okay?
===Libra > Gaius===
Hmm, I wonder...
O great gods above, grant us your mercy...
''Gaius > Libra''
Crivens, Libra, you sure are one for prayers, eh?
So, Gaius, are you telling me you DON'T regret your past misdeeds?
Hello, Gaius. Would you care to join me?
Look at it this way: what's my main role here in Chrom's army? Opening locked doors and cracking sealed treasure chests, that's what. And how is that different from the old days? Not one bit, that's how.
I'm no believer. You know that. Besides, I've got nothin' to beg for.
Yes, I suppose so, but...
But through prayer, we can ask mercy of the gods and cleanse our souls.
And not only that. I spend a lot of my time sneakin' into enemy camps... I'm a spy, a saboteur, a guerilla...even an assassin sometimes. Now, does that sound like someone who's trying to atone for a criminal past?
Heh. I bet it'll take more than a few knee bends and "oh gods" to cleanse this soul...
But tell me. Why do you do those things?
Well, knowing—and regretting—past sins is the first step toward redemption.
Because I'm good at them, and it ups the odds of us survivin' the next battle. No matter how dirty the job, if it saves one more life on our side, I'll do it.
That sounds...logical. On the face of it. But—
Come now. One little prayer to lighten the burden on your soul.
But even if the cause is just, the deed is still wrong? Is that your theory? Well, so be it. Someone's gotta do the dirty jobs, and it might as well be me.
...All right, Padre. What have I got to lose, right?
Gaius, I fear there may be some misunderstanding. I do not blame you for your deeds, now or in the past. That's not my point.
Nothing but your guilt!
So what's the third degree?
...... Hold on. What are you doin' staring at me with that silly grin on your face?
As you yourself seem to recognize, your actions are hardly worthy of praise. On the contrary, your..."special" skills may earn you the distrust of your allies. Your duties are dangerous, dirty, and bring you little personal reward. Yet even so, despite this, you persist in them. THAT is why I ask—why?
My apologies... I was just thinking how dazzling you look kneeling there!
It takes more than pretty words and noble purpose to build a better future. Someone's gotta dig the latrines and haul out the rubbish. If it's not me, it's gonna be someone else. And why not me, right? Then you fair-haired do-gooders can concentrate on saving the world. And you can do it without having to fret about getting your hands dirty.
Dazzling? Me? You sure you haven't been dipping into the holy mead?
But, Gaius...
No, no. My head is as clear as a bell. To repent your past deeds, you have chosen to fight for everlasting peace... How can I fail to be dazzled by such purity of motive and nobility of heart?
That's the right tool for the job, Padre. That's all I am.
I don't get it, Padre. You get a kick outta reformed criminals trying to make good?
...... Ah, Gaius. Chrom's army served by many a righteous, noble knight...but I would say you might just be the most upright and noble of them all... May the gods protect you!
No, this is a compliment from the heart! I mean it in the best way possible.
Well, you sure got a strange way of expressing yourself...
To commit mistakes, but then strive to correct errors of the past... I doubt there is anything that brings a mortal closer to the divine and holy.
===Tharja > Nowi===
Look, I appreciate the compliments, but you've got this all wrong. There's not much in the way of atoning or repenting going on here... The truth is I just really don't regret my past, okay?
Tharja, you're so boingy!
Hmm, I wonder...
Didn't you hear me? I said you're boingy!
''Gaius > Libra''
And what does that mean, exactly? ...Do I even want to hear this?
You know! Your figure! Like, your hips and your...other parts! Boingy!
So, Gaius, are you telling me you DON'T regret your past misdeeds?
Gods. Where do you learn such things? One moment I'm dealing with a simpering innocent, and the next... *sigh*
Look at it this way: what's my main role here in Chrom's army? Opening locked doors and cracking sealed treasure chests, that's what. And how is that different from the old days? Not one bit, that's how.
Sooo...can I see 'em? Your boingy bits, I mean...
Yes, I suppose so, but...
Why are you even asking ME, anyway? There must be others with more *ahem* "boingy" bits than me.
And not only that. I spend a lot of my time sneakin' into enemy camps... I'm a spy, a saboteur, a guerilla...even an assassin sometimes. Now, does that sound like someone who's trying to atone for a criminal past?
Oh, no. I've checked out EVERYBODY in the whooole army, and you know what? You're the boingiest of them all. ...Trust me.
But tell me. Why do you do those things?
What an honor. Perhaps you should check again to be safe? Now go on. Run along.
Because I'm good at them, and it ups the odds of us survivin' the next battle. No matter how dirty the job, if it saves one more life on our side, I'll do it.
FINE! If you're gonna be like that, I will! CHROM! HEY, CHROM! Tharja said that I should ask you about her boingy—
WHAT?! Grr... Pipe down, or I'll hex you into next week!
That sounds...logical. On the face of it. But—
But you just TOLD me to—
But even if the cause is just, the deed is still wrong? Is that your theory? Well, so be it. Someone's gotta do the dirty jobs, and it might as well be me.
I changed my mind. No more asking anyone about boingy bits, you hear?
Gaius, I fear there may be some misunderstanding. I do not blame you for your deeds, now or in the past. That's not my point.
Boo. Will you at least tell me what your boingy bits feel like? Are they soft?
So what's the third degree?
What is this all about? Why do you want to know?
As you yourself seem to recognize, your actions are hardly worthy of praise. On the contrary, your..."special" skills may earn you the distrust of your allies. Your duties are dangerous, dirty, and bring you little personal reward. Yet even so, despite this, you persist in them. THAT is why I ask—why?
It takes more than pretty words and noble purpose to build a better future. Someone's gotta dig the latrines and haul out the rubbish. If it's not me, it's gonna be someone else. And why not me, right? Then you fair-haired do-gooders can concentrate on saving the world. And you can do it without having to fret about getting your hands dirty.
Well, I head some of the men talking about your figure... And they said they bet your boingy bits are white as snow and soft as pillows. That sounds pretty nice to me! So I decided I had to see for myself.
But, Gaius...
Grrr... When I find out who these men are who've been talking about me... Well, let's just say there are bout to be some new toads hopping around camp...
That's the right tool for the job, Padre. That's all I am.
...... Ah, Gaius. Chrom's army served by many a righteous, noble knight...but I would say you might just be the most upright and noble of them all... May the gods protect you!
''Nowi > Tharja''
...Hm? Did I just doze off in the middle of a battle? Curious. I must be even more tired than I thought. Still, it was a wonderful dream... Fancy Robin showing up! Hee hee. Ooh, the fun we had...
===Tharja > Nowi===
Morning, sleepyhead! That was quite a snooze you had there!
Tharja, you're so boingy!
What do you mean, quite a snooze? Why in the world didn't you wake me up? We're in the middle of a battle!
Hee hee! Because you looked like you needed the sleep, silly! ...Aaaaand it seemed like a good opportunity to get a closer look at your boingy bits.
Didn't you hear me? I said you're boingy!
Y-you WHAT?!
And what does that mean, exactly? ...Do I even want to hear this?
And you know what? "Boingy" doesn't even begin to do them justice! The way they make your clothes stretch! So smooth and—
You know! Your figure! Like, your hips and your...other parts! Boingy!
Are you out of your tiny mind?! I hope you enjoyed it...because you're about to receive the hexing of your life!
Gods. Where do you learn such things? One moment I'm dealing with a simpering innocent, and the next... *sigh*
Eeeek! No, don't! I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I really am! You just looked so tired lately, I didn't want to wake you! I was worried, you know? But I stood watch over you the whole time, honest! I...I thought I was helping... *sob*
Sooo...can I see 'em? Your boingy bits, I mean...
...Urgh. How am I supposed to stay angry with that face? All right, all right... Fine. I accept your apology.
Why are you even asking ME, anyway? There must be others with more *ahem* "boingy" bits than me.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sniff* R-really...? Oh, yay! 'Cause you know what—you look sooo much better now! You were all super-pale before, and—
Oh, no. I've checked out EVERYBODY in the whooole army, and you know what? You're the boingiest of them all. ...Trust me.
Enough! Ever heard the expression "quit while you're ahead"? Anyway, no more staring at people's...ugh..."boingy bits" while they're asleep. Understood?
What an honor. Perhaps you should check again to be safe? Now go on. Run along.
You mean I should only stare at 'em while they're awake? Gotcha!
FINE! If you're gonna be like that, I will! CHROM! HEY, CHROM! Tharja said that I should ask you about her boingy—
Grr... That's it. You ARE getting hexed!
WHAT?! Grr... Pipe down, or I'll hex you into next week!
But you just TOLD me to—
I changed my mind. No more asking anyone about boingy bits, you hear?
===Tharja > Nowi (EU Version)===
Tharja, it's so nice and shiny.
Boo. Will you at least tell me what your boingy bits feel like? Are they soft?
What is this all about? Why do you want to know?
Didn't you hear me? I said it's so nice and shiny!
Well, I head some of the men talking about your figure... And they said they bet your boingy bits are white as snow and soft as pillows. That sounds pretty nice to me! So I decided I had to see for myself.
And what does that mean, exactly? ...DO I even want to hear this?
Grrr... When I find out who these men are who've been talking about me... Well, let's just say there are bout to be some new toads hopping around camp...
''Nowi > Tharja''
You know! Your hair! It's so sleek and shiny and stylish!
Gods. Is that your idea of a compliment? One moment I'm dealing with a simpering innocent, and the next... *sigh*
...Hm? Did I just doze off in the middle of a battle? Curious. I must be even more tired than I thought. Still, it was a wonderful dream... Fancy Robin showing up! Hee hee. Ooh, the fun we had...
Sooo...can I comb it? Oh please, say I can...
Morning, sleepyhead! That was quite a snooze you had there!
Why are you even asking ME, anyway? There must be others with more exciting hair than me.
What do you mean, quite a snooze? Why in the world didn't you wake me up? We're in the middle of a battle!
Oh, no. I've checked out EVERYBODY in the whooole army, and you know what? You've got the best hair of them all. ...Trust me.
Hee hee! Because you looked like you needed the sleep, silly! ...Aaaaand it seemed like a good opportunity to get a closer look at your boingy bits.
What an honour. Perhaps you should check again to be safe? Now go on. Run along.
Y-you WHAT?!
FINE! If you're gonna be like that, I will! CHROM! HEY, CHROM! Tharja wants to know what you think about h-
And you know what? "Boingy" doesn't even begin to do them justice! The way they make your clothes stretch! So smooth and—
WHAT?! Grr... Pipe down, or I'll hex you into next week!
Are you out of your tiny mind?! I hope you enjoyed it...because you're about to receive the hexing of your life!
But you just TOLD me to-
Eeeek! No, don't! I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I really am! You just looked so tired lately, I didn't want to wake you! I was worried, you know? But I stood watch over you the whole time, honest! I...I thought I was helping... *sob*
I changed my mind. No more asking anyone about my hair, you hear?
...Urgh. How am I supposed to stay angry with that face? All right, all right... Fine. I accept your apology.
Boo. Well, if I can't comb it, can you at least tell me what it's like to touch?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sniff* R-really...? Oh, yay! 'Cause you know what—you look sooo much better now! You were all super-pale before, and—
What is this all about? Why do you want to know?
Enough! Ever heard the expression "quit while you're ahead"? Anyway, no more staring at people's...ugh..."boingy bits" while they're asleep. Understood?
Well I heard some of the men talking about your hair... And they said they bet it was as sleek and soft to the touch as silk. That sounds pretty nice to me! So I decided I had to see for myself.
You mean I should only stare at 'em while they're awake? Gotcha!
Grrr... When I find out who these men are who've been talking about me... Well, let's just say there are about to be some new toads hopping around camp...
Grr... That's it. You ARE getting hexed!
''Nowi > Tharja''
===Tharja > Nowi (EU Version)===
Tharja, it's so nice and shiny.
...Hm? Did I just doze off in the middle of a battle? Curious. I must be even more tired than I thought. Still, it was a wonderful dream... Fancy Avatar showing up! Hee hee. Ooh, the fun we had...
Morning, sleepyhead! That was quite a snooze you had there!
Didn't you hear me? I said it's so nice and shiny!
What do you mean, quite a snooze? Why in the world didn't you wake me up? We're in the middle of a battle!
And what does that mean, exactly? ...DO I even want to hear this?
Hee hee! Because you look like you needed the sleep, silly! ...Aaaand it seemed like a good opportunity to touch your lovely hair.
You know! Your hair! It's so sleek and shiny and stylish!
Y-you WHAT?!
Gods. Is that your idea of a compliment? One moment I'm dealing with a simpering innocent, and the next... *sigh*
And you know what? I was right. Your hair is really special. The way it feels! So sleek and smooth and-
Sooo...can I comb it? Oh please, say I can...
Are you out of your tiny mind?! I hope you enjoyed it...because you're about the receive the hexing of your life!
Why are you even asking ME, anyway? There must be others with more exciting hair than me.
Eeeek! No, don't! I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I really am! You just looked so tired lately, I didn't want to wake you! I was worried, you know? But I stood watch over you the whole time, honest! I...I thought I was helping... *sob*
Oh, no. I've checked out EVERYBODY in the whooole army, and you know what? You've got the best hair of them all. ...Trust me.
...Urgh. How am I supposed to stay angry with that face? All right, all right... Fine. I accept your apology.
What an honour. Perhaps you should check again to be safe? Now go on. Run along.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sniff* R-really...? Oh, yay! 'Cause you know what- you look sooo much better now! You were all super-pale before, and-
FINE! If you're gonna be like that, I will! CHROM! HEY, CHROM! Tharja wants to know what you think about h-
Enough! Ever heard the expression 'quit while you're ahead'? Anyway, no more touching people's hair while they're asleep. Understood?
WHAT?! Grr... Pipe down, or I'll hex you into next week!
You mean I should only touch it while they're awake? Gotcha!
But you just TOLD me to-
Grr... That's it. You ARE getting hexed!
I changed my mind. No more asking anyone about my hair, you hear?
Boo. Well, if I can't comb it, can you at least tell me what it's like to touch?
What is this all about? Why do you want to know?
===Anna > Tiki===
Well I heard some of the men talking about your hair... And they said they bet it was as sleek and soft to the touch as silk. That sounds pretty nice to me! So I decided I had to see for myself.
Heh, looks like fruit is still the big seller at this festival. Nice to know some things haven't changed over the ages.
Oh, hello, Anna. What are you doing?
Grrr... When I find out who these men are who've been talking about me... Well, let's just say there are about to be some new toads hopping around camp...
Ah, Tiki! I was just taking a little look around the plaza.
''Nowi > Tharja''
It sounded as if you were speaking to yourself.
Oops, was I? I didn't even realize. I suppose the sights have me feeling rather nostalgic. I'm all aflutter here.
...Hm? Did I just doze off in the middle of a battle? Curious. I must be even more tired than I thought. Still, it was a wonderful dream... Fancy Avatar showing up! Hee hee. Ooh, the fun we had...
Oh? Then you've been here before?
Morning, sleepyhead! That was quite a snooze you had there!
Who, me? Nope, can't say as I have!
What do you mean, quite a snooze? Why in the world didn't you wake me up? We're in the middle of a battle!
But that's...You just said it was a nostalgic sight, did you not?
Hee hee! Because you look like you needed the sleep, silly! ...Aaaand it seemed like a good opportunity to touch your lovely hair.
Ahh, yes. That. You see, my family has this looong tradition of writing each other letters. We tell each other all about the places and sights and exotic products we come across.
Y-you WHAT?!
How long is "looong"?
And you know what? I was right. Your hair is really special. The way it feels! So sleek and smooth and-
Let's just say "surprisingly." So it's entirely possible one of us has been here to see this. It just wasn't me.
Are you out of your tiny mind?! I hope you enjoyed it...because you're about the receive the hexing of your life!
Hmm...I see.
Eeeek! No, don't! I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I really am! You just looked so tired lately, I didn't want to wake you! I was worried, you know? But I stood watch over you the whole time, honest! I...I thought I was helping... *sob*
I can remember reading about some of your exploits too, way back in the day.
...Urgh. How am I supposed to stay angry with that face? All right, all right... Fine. I accept your apology.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sniff* R-really...? Oh, yay! 'Cause you know what- you look sooo much better now! You were all super-pale before, and-
Enough! Ever heard the expression 'quit while you're ahead'? Anyway, no more touching people's hair while they're asleep. Understood?
You mean I should only touch it while they're awake? Gotcha!
Back in the day? That was two millennia ago!
Grr... That's it. You ARE getting hexed!
Give or take. You've likely met some of my ancestors. Actually, I'd bet on it.
Hmm. Now that you mention it...I do seem to remember coming across a few women who bore a similar air...
===Anna > Tiki===
Did you, now? Well, if they looked like me, that's a near guarantee! Strong family resemblance and all that.
Heh, looks like fruit is still the big seller at this festival. Nice to know some things haven't changed over the ages.
Oh, I'm sure.  
Oh, hello, Anna. What are you doing?
Heh, that's kind of wild to think of, huh? A connection over the generations!
Ah, Tiki! I was just taking a little look around the plaza.
Mmm, its a rather lovely thought.
It sounded as if you were speaking to yourself.
''Tiki > Anna''
Oops, was I? I didn't even realize. I suppose the sights have me feeling rather nostalgic. I'm all aflutter here.
Anna, might I have a moment? I wanted to follow up on something you mentioned.
Oh? Then you've been here before?
More about the log my family keeps?
Who, me? Nope, can't say as I have!
Yes. Any written record of reasonable detail stretching that far back would be massive.
But that's...You just said it was a nostalgic sight, did you not?
Tell me about it! It was a real pain to get through the whole thing when I was little. But reading that shared history is how the kids in my family grow up. Always has been. Which is why all that information is still stuck in our heads now. We all know it.
Ahh, yes. That. You see, my family has this looong tradition of writing each other letters. We tell each other all about the places and sights and exotic products we come across.
That's rather remarkable, really.
How long is "looong"?
It had a lengthy chapter on this world's history. Its culture and traditions. I could tell you all about King Marth's life the same as I could talk about yours, Tiki. In sober detail... Almost if I were there to see it.
Let's just say "surprisingly." So it's entirely possible one of us has been here to see this. It just wasn't me.
I have to say, Anna, speaking with you is very...well, very nostalgic, I suppose. To borrow your term.
Hmm...I see.
I can remember reading about some of your exploits too, way back in the day.
It feels almost as if I'm speaking with an old friend. One I haven't seen in ages.
Back in the day? That was two millennia ago!
Funny thing about that family history. As I read it, the passages flowed into my mind. It's different from learned knowledge. It's as if they became my own memories.
Give or take. You've likely met some of my ancestors. Actually, I'd bet on it.
Hmm. Now that you mention it...I do seem to remember coming across a few women who bore a similar air...
So the first time I saw you, I felt it too, on an instinctive level. Like I'd finally run into you again after thousands of years.
Did you, now? Well, if they looked like me, that's a near guarantee! Strong family resemblance and all that.
But that's... It's as if our two souls have lived on, or been reincarnated, or...Somehow we've met and parted and met again, bound together across time.
Oh, I'm sure.  
Yes! That's the perfect way to describe it! It sounds like something plucked straight from a fairy tale, but it's how I really feel. And you feel the same?
Heh, that's kind of wild to think of, huh? A connection over the generations!
Mmm, its a rather lovely thought.
''Tiki > Anna''
I do. Honestly, I feel a lot of things right now, Anna. Above all, profoundly happy.
Anna, might I have a moment? I wanted to follow up on something you mentioned.
You said it! I'm really glad we got to speak like this.
More about the log my family keeps?
Absolutely. And I look forward to many more conversations to come.
Yes. Any written record of reasonable detail stretching that far back would be massive.
You can bank on it!
Tell me about it! It was a real pain to get through the whole thing when I was little. But reading that shared history is how the kids in my family grow up. Always has been. Which is why all that information is still stuck in our heads now. We all know it.
That's rather remarkable, really.
It had a lengthy chapter on this world's history. Its culture and traditions. I could tell you all about King Marth's life the same as I could talk about yours, Tiki. In sober detail... Almost if I were there to see it.
===Cherche > Nowi===
I have to say, Anna, speaking with you is very...well, very nostalgic, I suppose. To borrow your term.
Cherche, are you okay? Are you sick or something?
It feels almost as if I'm speaking with an old friend. One I haven't seen in ages.
Funny thing about that family history. As I read it, the passages flowed into my mind. It's different from learned knowledge. It's as if they became my own memories.
So the first time I saw you, I felt it too, on an instinctive level. Like I'd finally run into you again after thousands of years.
But that's... It's as if our two souls have lived on, or been reincarnated, or...Somehow we've met and parted and met again, bound together across time.
Yes! That's the perfect way to describe it! It sounds like something plucked straight from a fairy tale, but it's how I really feel. And you feel the same?
I do. Honestly, I feel a lot of things right now, Anna. Above all, profoundly happy.
You said it! I'm really glad we got to speak like this.
Absolutely. And I look forward to many more conversations to come.
You can bank on it!
===Cherche > Nowi===
Cherche, are you okay? Are you sick or something?
Line 2,575: Line 2,839:
===Tiki > Nowi===
===Tiki > Nowi===
''(To be added)''
Wow, look at all these stands and shops! Let's check 'em out, Tiki!
We haven't the time, dear. We're in the middle of combat.
===Tiki > Lucina===
Aww, come on! Just for a little bit! It'll only take a few minutes. For us, that's like a fraction of a fraction of a percent of a blink of an eye!
Wow! The decorations are so beautiful. Have a look at that stand, Tiki!
It is indeed lovely. Most times, I've been on the other end of these events. The sentiment is nice, but having feasts dedicated to you isn't quite the same.
Hmm. I suppose it does feel that way at times, but still... I keep forgetting that you're the second oldest member of this army, after me. Even as another manakete, there are times it slips my mind.
Then you're unaccustomed to actually attending?  
Oh, will you look at these ornaments! Aren't they cute?! A flower, a heart... Ooh, they even have a dragon! And look at this one. It's a blue star! Just lovely...
Yes. It's...it's a very strange feeling.
Yes... A star.
Hmm? Don't you like stars, Tiki?
Having been alive three thousand years, new experiences are hard to come by. Yet I feel my time with you all has been one discovery after another. I realize now that there's still a whole world out there I haven't seen. I've so much left to learn. About the world, and about you.
Oh, no. I'm quite fond of them. Just...looking up at them, I sometimes can't help but think them terribly lonely.
Perhaps so.
Lonely? Why?
Now, what is this?
Have you ever heard it said that people join the stars when they die?
Oh. That's a mask. People wear them to certain kinds of costumed dances. Would you care to try one on?
I don't think so, no. Do they? Is that really what happens?
A costume, you say? Hmm... To humans, I would think simply being a manakete is enough of a curiosity.
According to some, anyway.
Perhaps. Though still, that lacks a certain...fun, I suppose.
So Chrom and Robin will become stars too?
When their time comes, perhaps. That's why I feel a heaviness when I gaze up at night. I'm  trapped down here on earth, when all those I've loved are way up in the sky. So far away, beyond my reach... I wonder if they ever look down at me too.
Yes! Festivals are there to be enjoyed. Getting into the spirit of things is key. Hmm. There must be something we could put together just for you...
Gosh, that's so wonderful!
...Lucina, tell me you're not planning to parade me around dressed in a silly outfit.
Perfect! That's it! Why don't you try dressing up as you did when you were a child?
Yeah! Being able to see them every single night? It's like you never lost them at all!
Er... Why, exactly?
I remember an old scroll noting that as a child, your visage healed the masses. Seeing you as an adorable child warmed their hearts and eased their sorrows.  
Good-byes come too soon with people, and it's always sad to see friends go. But once they're stars, you can spend years and years together! Hundreds... Thousands! If anything could take the sting out of saying good-bye, that's it!
Honestly, the dreck these scribes come up with...
...... Yes... Right above us, every night, for thousands of years... I wonder why I never thought to see it that way before.
Even now, people speak of it! The wonder of seeing a charming girl suddenly transform into a godly dragon!
Tiki? Wh-what's wrong? Are you crying? Did I make you sad? I'm so sorry!
I wonder if I'll ever understand the tastes of humans...
No... I'm happy, Nowi. I'm happy. I was always afraid of starlight. It was a reminder of every time I'd been left behind. Of everyone I failed to save. But not tonight. Not ever again, thanks to you. Thank you, Nowi.
Huh? First you're crying, now you're all smiley... You're pretty weird today, Tiki!
''Lucina > Tiki''
''Nowi > Tiki''
Once we return from the Outrealms, will you join me in stargazing, Nowi?
Sure, I don't mind, but...didn't you say that stars make you sad?
Yes, until now. But I have a feeling that's all in the past, thanks to you.
Tiki, I...I don't really know what to, uh...I'm sorry...
Really? Well, I don't know what I did, but if it's something you want to do, I do too! Plus, that way, even if you get lonely, I'll be right there with you! It's a foolproof plan!
Yes, well, that's quite enough dress-up for now. Or ever.
Indeed. You're a brilliant strategist.
I was so focused on faithfully re-creating the outfit you wore in the past, I...I suppose I failed to anticipate how silly children's clothes would look on an adult.
Hee hee! Once it gets dark out, we'll have to hunt for the spot with the best view!
Silly? I think that was a far cry from just silly, Lucina. Did you never stop to wonder how I would even fit into clothes that small?
As it happens, I already know of a place. The stars shine so beautifully there. It's too steep to climb for most people, but for a pair of dragons, it's no trouble at all.
I'm so, so sorry... Although it WAS you who decided to force your way into them anyway...
Ooh! Then it'll be our secret spot—just the two of us!
What was that?
Ha ha, I suppose it will.
N-nothing! I said nothing...
Yaay! I get to have a secret spot with Tiki! I'm excited already! Gosh, I hope night comes soon!
Good. Honestly, three millennia alive, and I've never been so humiliated.
The nights have grown colder lately. Are you sure you'll be warm enough like that?
I was just... You've lived in such a different world than us all this time. Even now that you're traveling with us, you seem so distant at times... I'd hoped to help close that distance, but I fear I've done the opposite. For that, I'm truly sorry, Tiki.
Yup! I'll be just fine!
...... You're wrong about that.
And you won't fall asleep along the way?
Come again?
I almost never fall asleep while flying! Besides, I slept in extra late this morning! But, um...if it gets TOO late, I might nod off a bit...
Yes, the result was...less than ideal. But the fact that you were trying to treat me like a peer, as your equal... You didn't put me on a pedestal or treat me differently than the others. The costume was embarrassing, yes, but on the contrary, I feel...happy.
Well, then it's a good thing I'll be there to wake you. So now that's decided, let's end this fight. It seems still more Risen have arrived.
You... Really?
Right! Just watch. I'll fight harder than ever! And thanks, Tiki! I'm really, reeeally looking forward to tonight!
I do. It's...quite liberating. Thank you for that, Lucina. I've forgotten how wonderful human friendships can be, fleeting as they are. I shall endeavor to do what I can to grow closer to the others. And I hope you'll continue to introduce me to new firsts, good and bad alike.
As am I, Nowi... As am I. So many lonely nights, I looked up at the stars and wept... All alone, head full of faces I would never see again. Those dark hours were torture. But I'm no longer alone, and I've shed my last tears of solitude. How could I ever be alone surrounded by my new friends, watched over by the old...? Mar-Mar... Friends... I'm coming to see you tonight. Shine extra bright so I'll know where to find you. I'll be waving back as hard as I can...
Of course, Tiki! It would be my pleasure!
===Tiki > Lucina===
Wow! The decorations are so beautiful. Have a look at that stand, Tiki!
===Tiki > Say'ri===
It is indeed lovely. Most times, I've been on the other end of these events. The sentiment is nice, but having feasts dedicated to you isn't quite the same.
Lady Tiki! Lady Tiki, are you here?
Then you're unaccustomed to actually attending?  
Hm? What's the matter, Say'ri?
Yes. It's...it's a very strange feeling.
I've come before you this day to speak with you on a matter of personal importance.
Say'ri, you're always so stiff. Please, just forget about it already, would you?
Having been alive three thousand years, new experiences are hard to come by. Yet I feel my time with you all has been one discovery after another. I realize now that there's still a whole world out there I haven't seen. I've so much left to learn. About the world, and about you.
Forget...about what, precisely?
Perhaps so.
About apologizing.
Now, what is this?
I'm sorry? Er, I mean I don't understand. With all due respect, I've said nothing yet...
Oh. That's a mask. People wear them to certain kinds of costumed dances. Would you care to try one on?
No, but you were about to. Say'ri, I've been alive for three thousand years. I just know. You came to apologize for awakening me, yes?
A costume, you say? Hmm... To humans, I would think simply being a manakete is enough of a curiosity.
That's— But how...? Truly, the Voice is wise beyond the ken of humankind! You've saved me the need for any preamble then. Please forgive my hasty, selfish act—
Perhaps. Though still, that lacks a certain...fun, I suppose.
I've already told you it's fine. Just forget about it. Really.
Lady Tiki, with all due respect, I cannot! Out of necessity or no, I've flung you from your lofty slumber into the throes of war. It is by my hand, and no other, that you now stand in a position of mortal peril! My regret cannot go unvoiced! Please let me offer what meager apology I may!
Yes! Festivals are there to be enjoyed. Getting into the spirit of things is key. Hmm. There must be something we could put together just for you...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Raise your head, Say'ri. Please? Yes, I'd retired to a position of uninvolved security in my sleep. I merely observed. I intended to never again play a hand in the affairs of others... I thought that was best for everyone.
...Lucina, tell me you're not planning to parade me around dressed in a silly outfit.
And I violated that choice, ran contrary to my lady's wisdom!
Perfect! That's it! Why don't you try dressing up as you did when you were a child?
Well, yes. Perhaps you did. My legend was meant to fade, as legends do. To scatter like sand in the wind.
Er... Why, exactly?
I'd intended to offer you my life, body, and soul in recompense once the war ended... But I cannot imagine such a scanty offering would serve you any use.
I remember an old scroll noting that as a child, your visage healed the masses. Seeing you as an adorable child warmed their hearts and eased their sorrows.  
Nor bring me any joy, certainly.
Honestly, the dreck these scribes come up with...
So all I've left to offer is my humble regret. I ask only that you allow me, at the very least, to continue to voice this apology...
Even now, people speak of it! The wonder of seeing a charming girl suddenly transform into a godly dragon!
I wonder if I'll ever understand the tastes of humans...
''Say'ri > Tiki''
''Lucina > Tiki''
Say'ri, you've made one grave mistake.
L-Lady Tiki? I... Yes, I know.
The choice I described before, to sequester myself away. That was how I felt then. Back when we first met. But that is not how I feel now.
Oh? Then...might I ask your mind now?
Tiki, I...I don't really know what to, uh...I'm sorry...
I'm thankful to you, Say'ri.
Yes, well, that's quite enough dress-up for now. Or ever.
Th-thankful?! ...To me, my lady? Pray, what could you mean?
I was so focused on faithfully re-creating the outfit you wore in the past, I...I suppose I failed to anticipate how silly children's clothes would look on an adult.
Yes, to you. Without your intervention, I'd never have met all these wonderful people. And you've made me see that I am still relevant. That I can still be of use. Even to those resigned to live out their days in hermitage, warm company is a blessing...It was you who reminded me of that, Say'ri.
Silly? I think that was a far cry from just silly, Lucina. Did you never stop to wonder how I would even fit into clothes that small?
My lady... I have no words.
I'm so, so sorry... Although it WAS you who decided to force your way into them anyway...
It seems even an old fossil like me can still serve as a brick in building a new future. To do any less would be a grievous waste. I would be no more than a forgotten stone. And a callous slight to all those who've died for their causes in three millennia's wars.
What was that?
My lady's noble words are so resplendent, I fear I am scarcely fit to hear them... There was a time I considered...I thought, if it meant living a life of shame, better to... But no. I swear here and now I shall cast aside all such thoughts in the future.
N-nothing! I said nothing...
See that you do. If a decrepit old granny like me has yet to give up, you can't either. I can think of no greater waste than for one so young as yourself to squander her life. Your future stands before you still, decades ripe with endless possibilities. I implore you, Say'ri. Live, and live well!
Good. Honestly, three millennia alive, and I've never been so humiliated.
I will, my lady, to the best of my ability. Your words are a treasure I shall cherish.
I was just... You've lived in such a different world than us all this time. Even now that you're traveling with us, you seem so distant at times... I'd hoped to help close that distance, but I fear I've done the opposite. For that, I'm truly sorry, Tiki.
...... You're wrong about that.
Come again?
===Tiki > Nah===
So this is how the denizens of the Outrealms celebrate. People are scarcely different, whatever realm they inhabit. They pray for bounty, then despair when those prayers go unanswered. At times that despair gives way to war... Alas, festivals are but man placating his gods only to selfishly curse them later.
Yes, the result was...less than ideal. But the fact that you were trying to treat me like a peer, as your equal... You didn't put me on a pedestal or treat me differently than the others. The costume was embarrassing, yes, but on the contrary, I feel...happy.
Wow, this square is huge! And I bet it'll be brimming with people once the party starts! I can't wait to beat these stupid Risen and have a good time with everyone! Oof, but if I'm there alone, I bet people will think I'm just a lost kid...again. Hmmmm... Ah, perfect! Tiki!
You... Really?
I do. It's...quite liberating. Thank you for that, Lucina. I've forgotten how wonderful human friendships can be, fleeting as they are. I shall endeavor to do what I can to grow closer to the others. And I hope you'll continue to introduce me to new firsts, good and bad alike.
Of course, Tiki! It would be my pleasure!
Hey, once we're done fighting, will you walk around the festival with me? This is my first time at one, so I'm really excited to see what it's like!
...Very well. If you wish.
===Tiki > Say'ri===
Thank you so much! I can't wait to taste all the amazing food and play all these games and...and... Ooh, maybe I'll even take a dip in that fountain!
Lady Tiki! Lady Tiki, are you here?
...Come again?
Hm? What's the matter, Say'ri?
Yeah! You and me can turn into dragons and flap around in it! It'll feel great!
I've come before you this day to speak with you on a matter of personal importance.
Public fountains aren't for bathing, child. Especially not as dragons. We'd crush it.
Say'ri, you're always so stiff. Please, just forget about it already, would you?
Really? We can't go swimming? Aww, that's no fun at all.
Forget...about what, precisely?
...Hee hee.
About apologizing.
Hmm? What are you giggling at, Tiki?
I'm sorry? Er, I mean I don't understand. With all due respect, I've said nothing yet...
Forgive me, dear. You just seem to be so very excited. Knowing how you usually are, it's quite a sight. I couldn't help but chuckle.
No, but you were about to. Say'ri, I've been alive for three thousand years. I just know. You came to apologize for awakening me, yes?
You're not excited too?
That's— But how...? Truly, the Voice is wise beyond the ken of humankind! You've saved me the need for any preamble then. Please forgive my hasty, selfish act—
Oh, I would say I'm starting to get into the mood.
I've already told you it's fine. Just forget about it. Really.
Great! Then let's take care of these Risen and spend the rest of the day having fun!
Lady Tiki, with all due respect, I cannot! Out of necessity or no, I've flung you from your lofty slumber into the throes of war. It is by my hand, and no other, that you now stand in a position of mortal peril! My regret cannot go unvoiced! Please let me offer what meager apology I may!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Raise your head, Say'ri. Please? Yes, I'd retired to a position of uninvolved security in my sleep. I merely observed. I intended to never again play a hand in the affairs of others... I thought that was best for everyone.
''Nah > Tiki''
And I violated that choice, ran contrary to my lady's wisdom!
Hey, Tiki?
Yes, child?
Well, yes. Perhaps you did. My legend was meant to fade, as legends do. To scatter like sand in the wind.
Are you sure you weren't fibbing when you said you were excited for the festival?
I'd intended to offer you my life, body, and soul in recompense once the war ended... But I cannot imagine such a scanty offering would serve you any use.
Goodness, no. I'm looking forward to it. Whatever makes you ask that?
Nor bring me any joy, certainly.
Well, I know you said so, but you just don't SEEM like you're looking forward to it.
So all I've left to offer is my humble regret. I ask only that you allow me, at the very least, to continue to voice this apology...
Is that how I appeared to you? Well, worry not, my dear. Everyone has their own way of expressing how they feel inside, Nah. There are those who show no outward signs, even when they're having fun. Especially old people like me.
''Say'ri > Tiki''
Will I stop smiling when I grow up too?
I couldn't say, child. Some do. I'm afraid I've lived far too long for little things to move me much... But today I'm in a rare mood to cut loose and enjoy myself.  
Say'ri, you've made one grave mistake.
Oh, good! We're going to have so much fun together!
L-Lady Tiki? I... Yes, I know.
The choice I described before, to sequester myself away. That was how I felt then. Back when we first met. But that is not how I feel now.
Um, Tiki? Is something wrong? You're staring at me now...
Oh? Then...might I ask your mind now?
Ah, forgive me.  
I'm thankful to you, Say'ri.
...I'm getting too excited again, aren't I?
Th-thankful?! ...To me, my lady? Pray, what could you mean?
Not at all, dear. Seeing you, I just... It reminded me of my own childhood. I'd thought those memories long lost...
Yes, to you. Without your intervention, I'd never have met all these wonderful people. And you've made me see that I am still relevant. That I can still be of use. Even to those resigned to live out their days in hermitage, warm company is a blessing...It was you who reminded me of that, Say'ri.
Memories from when you were my age?
My lady... I have no words.
Yes. Or thereabouts. I'm sure that I once felt as you do at the prospect of a festival. Heart racing with joy and excitement. Everything fresh and beautiful and new. I must have grinned from ear to ear and ran around talking to everyone I knew. Just like you today.
It seems even an old fossil like me can still serve as a brick in building a new future. To do any less would be a grievous waste. I would be no more than a forgotten stone. And a callous slight to all those who've died for their causes in three millennia's wars.
Really? It's hard to imagine you were ever like me...
My lady's noble words are so resplendent, I fear I am scarcely fit to hear them... There was a time I considered...I thought, if it meant living a life of shame, better to... But no. I swear here and now I shall cast aside all such thoughts in the future.
Hmm. Time changes everything, child... But it isn't time that's stripped me of my sense of joy. That's naught but an excuse. I've shut myself off from new discoveries... Though realizing it may well count as one.
See that you do. If a decrepit old granny like me has yet to give up, you can't either. I can think of no greater waste than for one so young as yourself to squander her life. Your future stands before you still, decades ripe with endless possibilities. I implore you, Say'ri. Live, and live well!
I will, my lady, to the best of my ability. Your words are a treasure I shall cherish.
But I've only time ahead of me to continue searching for more. I suspect I'll have no trouble finding them as long as I'm traveling with you, Nah. What do you say? Will you continue to be my guide along the way? Teach me to see the world though your eyes, Nah.
Huh? I...I'm not sure if I really understand, but...if there's anything I know, I'd be honored to share it with you!
===Tiki > Nah===
So this is how the denizens of the Outrealms celebrate. People are scarcely different, whatever realm they inhabit. They pray for bounty, then despair when those prayers go unanswered. At times that despair gives way to war... Alas, festivals are but man placating his gods only to selfishly curse them later.
Wow, this square is huge! And I bet it'll be brimming with people once the party starts! I can't wait to beat these stupid Risen and have a good time with everyone! Oof, but if I'm there alone, I bet people will think I'm just a lost kid...again. Hmmmm... Ah, perfect! Tiki!
===Owain > Inigo===
Hey. Can I ask you something?
Hm? What? Why the serious face? It's not like you at all. If you're not careful, you'll scare off the few girls you haven't already evacuated!
Hey, once we're done fighting, will you walk around the festival with me? This is my first time at one, so I'm really excited to see what it's like!  
Be serious, Inigo. This is important.
...Very well. If you wish.
Fine, fine. I'm sorry. What's your question?
...How many people have you killed? Since coming to this time period.
Thank you so much! I can't wait to taste all the amazing food and play all these games and...and... Ooh, maybe I'll even take a dip in that fountain!
Wha—?! Owain! What kind of a question is that? If this is more of your usual fun and games, it hardly seems appropriate.
...Come again?
Do I sound like I'm playing?
Yeah! You and me can turn into dragons and flap around in it! It'll feel great!
...... Very well. Let's see... Honestly... I...I've lost count by now.
Public fountains aren't for bathing, child. Especially not as dragons. We'd crush it.
You too...
Really? We can't go swimming? Aww, that's no fun at all.
Why do you ask? Why now?
...Hee hee.
Something about the bright lights and festive decorations here just... I dunno. It got me thinking about things. Like...of my first time... How hard it was.
Hmm? What are you giggling at, Tiki?
Strangely, I think I know what you mean. There was nothing like this in our time. Gathering to celebrate was unimaginable. Life for us was all just running and fighting. But on the other hand, we only had to fight the Risen. They weren't...
Forgive me, dear. You just seem to be so very excited. Knowing how you usually are, it's quite a sight. I couldn't help but chuckle.
Right. It wasn't until we got to this era that we were forced to fight the living.
You're not excited too?
I'll never forget the nights I spent here before meeting up with the rest of you. All alone, fighting... Killing just to stay alive.
Oh, I would say I'm starting to get into the mood.
That transition was hard for all of us...
Great! Then let's take care of these Risen and spend the rest of the day having fun!
It nearly crushed me, taking my first life... I remember my hands trembling, tears blinding me... I couldn't sleep for days.
''Nah > Tiki''
Yeah... In our time, human life was the most precious thing imaginable. But the moment we arrived here, that all changed... We began claiming it. You can't just flip a switch, like magic, and be able to kill the very next day.
Which world do you think is harder to live in?
Hey, Tiki?
Well, there's no doubt the future was a bleaker, harsher place. Not a day went by I didn't see humans being hunted and cut down by the Risen.
Yes, child?
Our parents among them... Nonetheless, this world has more than its fair share of harsh experiences. I suppose we have to face them down as we fight to bring them to an end.
Are you sure you weren't fibbing when you said you were excited for the festival?
...And we will. Gods, I hope we will.
Goodness, no. I'm looking forward to it. Whatever makes you ask that?
Well, I know you said so, but you just don't SEEM like you're looking forward to it.
''Inigo > Owain''
Is that how I appeared to you? Well, worry not, my dear. Everyone has their own way of expressing how they feel inside, Nah. There are those who show no outward signs, even when they're having fun. Especially old people like me.
So about what we were discussing earlier... What do we do about it? Where do we go from here?
Will I stop smiling when I grow up too?
To Grima's door. We kick it in and beat him down to save our future. What else is there?
I couldn't say, child. Some do. I'm afraid I've lived far too long for little things to move me much... But today I'm in a rare mood to cut loose and enjoy myself.  
No, I know, but...something feels off. In the future, all we had to think about was fighting Grima and the Risen. Things were awful, but simple. But now...in the past, there are living, breathing people standing in our way.
Oh, good! We're going to have so much fun together!
You're worried you're losing sight of who it is we're really fighting?
We've got to face facts, Owain. Our enemy is anyone standing in the way of a peaceful future. Right? The Risen, Grima, their allies... They're all enemies of that peace.
Um, Tiki? Is something wrong? You're staring at me now...
I guess it's unavoidable, huh... Ugh. Ours was never an easy fate, and it just gets more complicated every day.
Ah, forgive me.  
We all knew it would be hard, but that's why we're here. To change our fate. Right? We just have to have faith.
...I'm getting too excited again, aren't I?
I do.
Not at all, dear. Seeing you, I just... It reminded me of my own childhood. I'd thought those memories long lost...
Then you've no cause for waver. We're not just fighting for family, but for mankind! We're out to save the world, Owain. But great things come at great cost. If we start second-guessing ourselves, we'll never see it through. ...Right?
Memories from when you were my age?
Yes. Or thereabouts. I'm sure that I once felt as you do at the prospect of a festival. Heart racing with joy and excitement. Everything fresh and beautiful and new. I must have grinned from ear to ear and ran around talking to everyone I knew. Just like you today.
Really? It's hard to imagine you were ever like me...
Hmm. Time changes everything, child... But it isn't time that's stripped me of my sense of joy. That's naught but an excuse. I've shut myself off from new discoveries... Though realizing it may well count as one.
But I've only time ahead of me to continue searching for more. I suspect I'll have no trouble finding them as long as I'm traveling with you, Nah. What do you say? Will you continue to be my guide along the way? Teach me to see the world though your eyes, Nah.
Huh? I...I'm not sure if I really understand, but...if there's anything I know, I'd be honored to share it with you!
You're right. Doubt like this will only get us killed. Hope for a better future brought us here, and I can't be second-guessing that. ...Besides, I know I'm not bearing this burden alone. It's hard on everyone.
We're all in this together, Owain. we've all lost people dear to us. We can try to put on a brave face, but those memories will always bubble up. ...Today just happened to be your day of doubt.
===Owain > Inigo===
B-blast my moment's weakness... But fear not this devilry, my friend! 'Twas but the dark whimsy of wicked spirits!
Hey. Can I ask you something?
Now, there's the Owain I know and completely fail to understand.
Hm? What? Why the serious face? It's not like you at all. If you're not careful, you'll scare off the few girls you haven't already evacuated!
What's to understand?! It's simple—I am the chosen warrior of light!
Be serious, Inigo. This is important.
Yes, good, good. Well, it would seem my work here is done. Now, let's have a smile before I go. We are at a festival, after all.
Fine, fine. I'm sorry. What's your question?
The warrior of light has no time for smiling! Only grim and sober smiting...for justice!
...How many people have you killed? Since coming to this time period.
Heh, very well. I guess I'll take it.
Wha—?! Owain! What kind of a question is that? If this is more of your usual fun and games, it hardly seems appropriate.
...Hey, Inigo?
Do I sound like I'm playing?
...... Very well. Let's see... Honestly... I...I've lost count by now.
Sorry for the strange questions and all the self-doubt today. If you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I'll always be willing to listen.
You too...
Oh? Are you sure? Listening's never been your forte...
Why do you ask? Why now?
Hey! I'll have you know—
Something about the bright lights and festive decorations here just... I dunno. It got me thinking about things. Like...of my first time... How hard it was.
Ha ha. Easy now. Stay that sword hand of yours—I was just kidding. I know I can count on your when it really matters, Owain. And I appreciate it.
Strangely, I think I know what you mean. There was nothing like this in our time. Gathering to celebrate was unimaginable. Life for us was all just running and fighting. But on the other hand, we only had to fight the Risen. They weren't...
Right. It wasn't until we got to this era that we were forced to fight the living.
I'll never forget the nights I spent here before meeting up with the rest of you. All alone, fighting... Killing just to stay alive.
===Inigo > Brady===
That transition was hard for all of us...
Oh. Hey, Inigo.
It nearly crushed me, taking my first life... I remember my hands trembling, tears blinding me... I couldn't sleep for days.
Hello? Anybody home?
Yeah... In our time, human life was the most precious thing imaginable. But the moment we arrived here, that all changed... We began claiming it. You can't just flip a switch, like magic, and be able to kill the very next day.
Which world do you think is harder to live in?
HEY! Quit ignorin' me, pretty boy!
Well, there's no doubt the future was a bleaker, harsher place. Not a day went by I didn't see humans being hunted and cut down by the Risen.
Gah! ...Yeesh, Brady. Don't sneak up on me like that. And why the shouting out of the blue? Is something wrong?
Our parents among them... Nonetheless, this world has more than its fair share of harsh experiences. I suppose we have to face them down as we fight to bring them to an end.
...And we will. Gods, I hope we will.
It ain't out of the blue, and I didn't sneak up on nobody! I called your name, but you were starin' off into space.
''Inigo > Owain''
You did? Er, I was? Ha ha, sorry...
Good grief... What's got you so preoccupied?
So about what we were discussing earlier... What do we do about it? Where do we go from here?
Oh, just... It's nothing.
To Grima's door. We kick it in and beat him down to save our future. What else is there?
Lemme guess. You were thinkin' about how it'd feel to get up and dance at a festival like this?
No, I know, but...something feels off. In the future, all we had to think about was fighting Grima and the Risen. Things were awful, but simple. But now...in the past, there are living, breathing people standing in our way.
Wha—?! N-no way! I'd never want to—
You're worried you're losing sight of who it is we're really fighting?
Nailed it, huh? You're lookin' everywhere but my eyes. Heh, you're a terrible liar.
B-but I'm not lying! Why would I think something like that? We're in the middle of a battle here. The only thing on my mind is the Risen! They're all I can think about! Promise!
We've got to face facts, Owain. Our enemy is anyone standing in the way of a peaceful future. Right? The Risen, Grima, their allies... They're all enemies of that peace.
Well, that ain't healthy neither.
I guess it's unavoidable, huh... Ugh. Ours was never an easy fate, and it just gets more complicated every day.
I'm just really eager to fight them. You know me: Mr. Serious Fighter! I mean, it'd be a crime to see them wreck that AMAZING stage... Or to let them hurt any of these people who would LOVE my newest routine... Or to tear down that garland that just gave me the PERFECT idea for a new move... But I mean, really, who has time to think about dancing at a time like this?
We all knew it would be hard, but that's why we're here. To change our fate. Right? We just have to have faith.
...If you were any more transparent, you'd be invisible. I dunno whether to be insulted or impressed that you thought I'd buy it.
I do.
Then you've no cause for waver. We're not just fighting for family, but for mankind! We're out to save the world, Owain. But great things come at great cost. If we start second-guessing ourselves, we'll never see it through. ...Right?
How many years do you think I've heard you go on about your dreams, Inigo? If you're starin' off into space, it's obvious what's kickin' around your head.
You're right. Doubt like this will only get us killed. Hope for a better future brought us here, and I can't be second-guessing that. ...Besides, I know I'm not bearing this burden alone. It's hard on everyone.
Ha ha... Yes... I suppose...you're...right... ......
We're all in this together, Owain. we've all lost people dear to us. We can try to put on a brave face, but those memories will always bubble up. ...Today just happened to be your day of doubt.
Aaaaand there he goes again.
B-blast my moment's weakness... But fear not this devilry, my friend! 'Twas but the dark whimsy of wicked spirits!
Now, there's the Owain I know and completely fail to understand.
''Brady > Inigo''
What's to understand?! It's simple—I am the chosen warrior of light!
Yes, good, good. Well, it would seem my work here is done. Now, let's have a smile before I go. We are at a festival, after all.
Imagining yourself dancin' again?
The warrior of light has no time for smiling! Only grim and sober smiting...for justice!
Huh? Oh, Brady. You caught me again. How embarrassing...
Heh, very well. I guess I'll take it.
What's there to be embarrassed about? It's your dream, ain't it?
...Hey, Inigo?
W-wait, why are you being so serious all of a sudden? ...Ohh, I get it. You've been picturing yourself playing violin here, haven't you?
Heh. Look at you, tryin' to turn the tables... Yeah. You're half right.
Sorry for the strange questions and all the self-doubt today. If you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I'll always be willing to listen.
Only half?
Oh? Are you sure? Listening's never been your forte...
You remember our promise, Inigo?
Hey! I'll have you know—
A promise? What, between us?
Ha ha. Easy now. Stay that sword hand of yours—I was just kidding. I know I can count on your when it really matters, Owain. And I appreciate it.
===Inigo > Brady===
Yeah. Talkin' about you dancing for the people here made me remember. We were just kids. I don't blame you for forgettin' it.
Oh. Hey, Inigo.
What was it?
To do what our mothers swore to, but never got the chance.
Hello? Anybody home?
I'd play violin while you danced.
HEY! Quit ignorin' me, pretty boy!
Oh...right! We'd go from town to town performing at festivals and feasts... We wanted to make as many people forget the war and smile as we could.
Gah! ...Yeesh, Brady. Don't sneak up on me like that. And why the shouting out of the blue? Is something wrong?
So you do remember!
It ain't out of the blue, and I didn't sneak up on nobody! I called your name, but you were starin' off into space.
Yeah! We wanted to use whatever talent we had to make people's lives easier. I remember our mothers always talking like that and getting all excited...
You did? Er, I was? Ha ha, sorry...
But they both died before they got the chance to see it through... The two of us promised to take up where they left off.
Good grief... What's got you so preoccupied?
I wonder how I could have forgotten something like that until now...
Oh, just... It's nothing.
We had other things to worry about. Our world didn't leave kids a whole lotta time for dreamin'.
Lemme guess. You were thinkin' about how it'd feel to get up and dance at a festival like this?
Still, knowing I lost sight of something so important... I just... *Sniff* I'm sorry... Mother...and Maribelle...please forgive me...
Wha—?! N-no way! I'd never want to—
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sniffle* S-stop that... Wh-what kinda ladies' man cries like that?
Nailed it, huh? You're lookin' everywhere but my eyes. Heh, you're a terrible liar.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sob* Well, why do you always have to look so scary when you cry?
B-but I'm not lying! Why would I think something like that? We're in the middle of a battle here. The only thing on my mind is the Risen! They're all I can think about! Promise!
I can't... *sniff* ...I can't help what my stinkin' face looks like! And why are we standing in the middle of a battle sobbin' like a couple'a fools?
Well, that ain't healthy neither.
I don't know! ...Goodness, we must look terrible. ...... So about that promise... Do you still plan to keep it?
I'm just really eager to fight them. You know me: Mr. Serious Fighter! I mean, it'd be a crime to see them wreck that AMAZING stage... Or to let them hurt any of these people who would LOVE my newest routine... Or to tear down that garland that just gave me the PERFECT idea for a new move... But I mean, really, who has time to think about dancing at a time like this?
Course I do! I ain't about to remember it, then turn around and forget it again. ...I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't want us to go through with it.
...If you were any more transparent, you'd be invisible. I dunno whether to be insulted or impressed that you thought I'd buy it.
True. I guess this means I'll have to start practicing twice as hard.
We got a battle to finish before we get too far ahead of ourselves here. That's about enough cryin' for today. Let's go, partner.
How many years do you think I've heard you go on about your dreams, Inigo? If you're starin' off into space, it's obvious what's kickin' around your head.
I'm right beside you.
Ha ha... Yes... I suppose...you're...right... ......
Aaaaand there he goes again.
''Brady > Inigo''
===Inigo > Gerome===
Look at that fountain, Gerome. Isn't it just charming?
Imagining yourself dancin' again?
Oh! And is that an antiques stand? Have you ever seen such a precious doll?
Huh? Oh, Brady. You caught me again. How embarrassing...
...Some of us are fighting here. Cease your pointless nattering.
What's there to be embarrassed about? It's your dream, ain't it?
Ah, yes. So sorry to spoil the mood. Alas, my brilliant plan to bring a little joy into your dreary life has failed.
W-wait, why are you being so serious all of a sudden? ...Ohh, I get it. You've been picturing yourself playing violin here, haven't you?
If you're bored, there are Risen out there that need dispatching.
Heh. Look at you, tryin' to turn the tables... Yeah. You're half right.
Hmph. Just trying to set the tone for the festivities to come... Must you always be so dour? You're certainly dressed for a party. Do you often go to masked balls in that silly thing? Here, let me see it.
Only half?
Wha—?! Never touch a man's mask! Give it here!
You remember our promise, Inigo?
Ah ha ha! Now, now. A few minutes without it won't kill you. ...Goodness. Those dark circles under your eyes can't be good, if you ask me.
A promise? What, between us?
I didn't. Now give it back!
Yeah. Talkin' about you dancing for the people here made me remember. We were just kids. I don't blame you for forgettin' it.
Boy, someone's rather self-conscious... Not getting much sleep of late? Tut, tut. A soldier needs proper rest, Gerome.
What was it?
Hmph. You're one to talk.
To do what our mothers swore to, but never got the chance.
Oh? And what does that mean?
That you'll be in no condition to fight if you keep slinking off into the night.
I'd play violin while you danced.
I'm sure I have no idea what you mean. I'm always snug in my tent come night!
Oh...right! We'd go from town to town performing at festivals and feasts... We wanted to make as many people forget the war and smile as we could.
Really? Then how did you also manage to be at the edge of that lake last night?
So you do remember!
How did you—? Gerome, tell me you weren't...
Yeah! We wanted to use whatever talent we had to make people's lives easier. I remember our mothers always talking like that and getting all excited...
Watching you dance?
But they both died before they got the chance to see it through... The two of us promised to take up where they left off.
Argh! This is so embarrassing! ...And creepy! Next time say something! Don't just watch from the shadows!
I wonder how I could have forgotten something like that until now...
Perhaps I will. Next time.
We had other things to worry about. Our world didn't leave kids a whole lotta time for dreamin'.
...I suppose you just didn't know what to say after seeing how awful I was. I guess I can't blame you.
Still, knowing I lost sight of something so important... I just... *Sniff* I'm sorry... Mother...and Maribelle...please forgive me...
I never said that.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sniffle* S-stop that... Wh-what kinda ladies' man cries like that?
Ugh, and of all the nights to be seen, last night was just dreadful! The choreography for that number is nowhere near done, and... Ugh, you are the worst! Stupid, stupid Gerome!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sob* Well, why do you always have to look so scary when you cry?
I can't... *sniff* ...I can't help what my stinkin' face looks like! And why are we standing in the middle of a battle sobbin' like a couple'a fools?
Wh-what's gotten into her? She seems awfully riled up...
I don't know! ...Goodness, we must look terrible. ...... So about that promise... Do you still plan to keep it?
Down, girl! I agree he was out of line, but mauling him is simply out of the question!
Course I do! I ain't about to remember it, then turn around and forget it again. ...I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't want us to go through with it.
M-MAULING me?! Eeeek! K-keep her away from me! I'm too young to be mauled!
True. I guess this means I'll have to start practicing twice as hard.
Minerva, wait! Bad wyvern!
We got a battle to finish before we get too far ahead of ourselves here. That's about enough cryin' for today. Let's go, partner.
I'm right beside you.
''Gerome > Inigo''
...Inigo. I apologize for earlier.
===Inigo > Gerome===
Don't. It was my fault. I shouldn't have lashed out. I can't blame Minerva for getting excited after I yelled at you like that.
Look at that fountain, Gerome. Isn't it just charming?
Still, I...
Oh! And is that an antiques stand? Have you ever seen such a precious doll?
I am responsible for my partner's actions. She should not have...nipped you. Let's have that arm here. I'll clean the wound.
...Some of us are fighting here. Cease your pointless nattering.
What? N-no. I just... I don't think you and I are quite at that stage of our relationship yet.
Ah, yes. So sorry to spoil the mood. Alas, my brilliant plan to bring a little joy into your dreary life has failed.
What? Quit spewing nonsense. Now, hurry up before they're upon us!
If you're bored, there are Risen out there that need dispatching.
Oh, fine... Here.
Hmph. Just trying to set the tone for the festivities to come... Must you always be so dour? You're certainly dressed for a party. Do you often go to masked balls in that silly thing? Here, let me see it.
...... It's shallower than I'd feared. It should heal in no time, but I'll clean and dress it just to be sure...
Wha—?! Never touch a man's mask! Give it here!
OW! Ow, ow, ow!
Ah ha ha! Now, now. A few minutes without it won't kill you. ...Goodness. Those dark circles under your eyes can't be good, if you ask me.
Quiet, would you? I'm almost done.
I didn't. Now give it back!
I can't help if it hurts!
Boy, someone's rather self-conscious... Not getting much sleep of late? Tut, tut. A soldier needs proper rest, Gerome.
Hold still! You're making this harder than it has to be.
Hmph. You're one to talk.
I'm sorry! I'm just...not used to being manhandled like this... Please, Gerome, just promise me you'll be gentle!
Oh? And what does that mean?
What the hell are you saying? Stop talking like that already!
That you'll be in no condition to fight if you keep slinking off into the night.
What? I just never expect you to have such a strong, firm touch...
I'm sure I have no idea what you mean. I'm always snug in my tent come night!
That! Words like that! You'll give everyone in earshot the wrong idea!
Really? Then how did you also manage to be at the edge of that lake last night?
About what?
How did you—? Gerome, tell me you weren't...
Ugh, forget it! ...There. You're done.
Watching you dance?
Argh, but it hurts! It hurts so— Oh, you're done? Not bad! The cleaning was a little botched, but still, you're handy with a bandage, huh?
Argh! This is so embarrassing! ...And creepy! Next time say something! Don't just watch from the shadows!
The cleaning was fine, in spite of all your squirming.
Perhaps I will. Next time.
Ha ha. I'm sorry. I'm just teasing. Seriously, thank you, Gerome. Will you let me apologize to Minerva? Once we're done here, I mean. I want to tell her I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier.
...I suppose you just didn't know what to say after seeing how awful I was. I guess I can't blame you.
...She wasn't angry on my behalf.
I never said that.
What? Then why did she...?
Ugh, and of all the nights to be seen, last night was just dreadful! The choreography for that number is nowhere near done, and... Ugh, you are the worst! Stupid, stupid Gerome!
You spoke ill of your dancing. She's actually something of a fan of yours. She was upset that someone she's so fond of belittled his eminently enjoyable talents.
Wait, what?! Are you serious?
Wh-what's gotten into her? She seems awfully riled up...
Inigo...this is me you're speaking to. Have you ever known me to jape?
Down, girl! I agree he was out of line, but mauling him is simply out of the question!
All right, fair point. But wow... I didn't see THAT one coming.
M-MAULING me?! Eeeek! K-keep her away from me! I'm too young to be mauled!
That's why I didn't say anything last night. Knowing you, you'd have stopped as soon as you realized you had an audience. Minerva would have been heartbroken.
Minerva, wait! Bad wyvern!
''Gerome > Inigo''
...Inigo. I apologize for earlier.
Huh. I see... Well, it's still a little embarrassing, but I'm glad to hear she liked it. Er...if you think she'd like to see more, tell her she's always welcome. I'll dance extra hard as a way to apologize for today and thank her for her patronage!
Don't. It was my fault. I shouldn't have lashed out. I can't blame Minerva for getting excited after I yelled at you like that.
Hmm... There are worse ways to kill time on sleepless nights, I suppose.
Still, I...
Ha ha... Touché. ...Er, wait a minute. Does that mean you're planning to come with her?!
I'm not sending her out into the night alone. It could be dangerous.
I am responsible for my partner's actions. She should not have...nipped you. Let's have that arm here. I'll clean the wound.
Well, yeah, for others! I have the bandages to prove it! But hmm... All right. Three's a crowd, but if you really must come too...
What? N-no. I just... I don't think you and I are quite at that stage of our relationship yet.
What, so she's welcome, but I'm not? Wait, don't tell me you were planning to... Look, I know she's cute, Inigo, but she's a WYVERN. You can't—
What? Quit spewing nonsense. Now, hurry up before they're upon us!
WHOA! Slow down there! Just how desperate do you think I am?! I just didn't expect you'd have much fun watching me dance, is all! I'd feel bad knowing you were suffering through it as her chaperone, and—
Oh, fine... Here.
Who says I'd be suffering?
...... It's shallower than I'd feared. It should heal in no time, but I'll clean and dress it just to be sure...
OW! Ow, ow, ow!
I thought you were pretty decent too. I...could watch you dance again. Er, if you don't mind, that is.
Quiet, would you? I'm almost done.
You could?! Gerome, I...I'm speechless.
I can't help if it hurts!
Good. Because we've talked enough for today. Let's get back to work.
Hold still! You're making this harder than it has to be.
Heh, all right. Thanks, Gerome. I feel a lot more confident now. You and Minerva can come and watch me anytime you like. I'll be waiting!
I'm sorry! I'm just...not used to being manhandled like this... Please, Gerome, just promise me you'll be gentle!
What the hell are you saying? Stop talking like that already!
What? I just never expect you to have such a strong, firm touch...
===Brady > Owain===
That! Words like that! You'll give everyone in earshot the wrong idea!
Ahh, Brady. Perfect timing. Come here a minute.
Meh? What do you want?
About what?
What's a festival without music, am I right?
Ugh, forget it! ...There. You're done.
Uh, I guess? So what of it?
Argh, but it hurts! It hurts so— Oh, you're done? Not bad! The cleaning was a little botched, but still, you're handy with a bandage, huh?
Then what are you waiting for, Brady? Or should I say... Grand Fiddlemeister Brady, beloved of the earth below!
The cleaning was fine, in spite of all your squirming.
Ha ha. I'm sorry. I'm just teasing. Seriously, thank you, Gerome. Will you let me apologize to Minerva? Once we're done here, I mean. I want to tell her I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier.
Come! Now is the time to unveil your hidden powers of song! Make the sacred dragonsbeard sing! Play us a chorus of eternal prosperity!
...She wasn't angry on my behalf.
Eternal what, now? What are you even talking about?
What? Then why did she...?
Oh dark and tragic day! Is my voice too soft to rouse your soul to wakefulness?! ...... Ugh. Work with me, Brady. I'm asking you to play music.
You spoke ill of your dancing. She's actually something of a fan of yours. She was upset that someone she's so fond of belittled his eminently enjoyable talents.
What, because they're havin' a festival, you want me to play violin?
Wait, what?! Are you serious?
There! Perhaps your soul's slumber is not so deep after all... Now take in hand the miraculous dragonsbeard, and—
Inigo...this is me you're speaking to. Have you ever known me to jape?
And what's with all this dragonsbeard business? Violin strings are made from catgut, and my bowstrings are horsehair. No dragons involved, see?
All right, fair point. But wow... I didn't see THAT one coming.
Gods, you're no fun at all. It's called poetic license! I'm adding drama!
That's why I didn't say anything last night. Knowing you, you'd have stopped as soon as you realized you had an audience. Minerva would have been heartbroken.
Yeah, whatever. Look, are we done? We got a battle to fight here.
Huh. I see... Well, it's still a little embarrassing, but I'm glad to hear she liked it. Er...if you think she'd like to see more, tell her she's always welcome. I'll dance extra hard as a way to apologize for today and thank her for her patronage!
Wait! Come on, play us a song!
Hmm... There are worse ways to kill time on sleepless nights, I suppose.
Pass. I'm outta practice. I haven't played in weeks.
Ha ha... Touché. ...Er, wait a minute. Does that mean you're planning to come with her?!
But it won't be a proper festival without music!
I'm not sending her out into the night alone. It could be dangerous.
It won't be a proper festival with a buncha Risen walkin' around, neither!
Well, yeah, for others! I have the bandages to prove it! But hmm... All right. Three's a crowd, but if you really must come too...
Aww, come on! Pleeeease?!
What, so she's welcome, but I'm not? Wait, don't tell me you were planning to... Look, I know she's cute, Inigo, but she's a WYVERN. You can't—
GAH, fine! If it'll just get you off my back, just...fine!
WHOA! Slow down there! Just how desperate do you think I am?! I just didn't expect you'd have much fun watching me dance, is all! I'd feel bad knowing you were suffering through it as her chaperone, and—
You'll do it?!
Who says I'd be suffering?
Not like I got much choice. Sheesh... All right. You wanted music—you got it. Sit down, shut up, and listen!
I thought you were pretty decent too. I...could watch you dance again. Er, if you don't mind, that is.
''Owain > Brady''
You could?! Gerome, I...I'm speechless.
Good. Because we've talked enough for today. Let's get back to work.
Heh, all right. Thanks, Gerome. I feel a lot more confident now. You and Minerva can come and watch me anytime you like. I'll be waiting!
Ahh, such dulcet tones! The melancholy melody flows like a river, washing the spirit clean!
Uh, thanks?
===Brady > Owain===
It is the divine breath of the muse-gods that fills your mortal frame, Brady!
Ahh, Brady. Perfect timing. Come here a minute.
Stop. You're embarrassin' me. I got an image to keep here.
Meh? What do you want?
Heh, don't be so modest. I do not offer words of idle praise, friend. No, by lauding you, I've branded your soul with one of the six highest honors!
What's a festival without music, am I right?
I got no clue what you're sayin'... But this may be the first time your usual malarkey ain't made me wanna slug ya.
Uh, I guess? So what of it?
You're welcome! And wow, you're pretty good at violin, huh?
Then what are you waiting for, Brady? Or should I say... Grand Fiddlemeister Brady, beloved of the earth below!
Heh. Forgot you sound like an eight-year-old when talkin' normally.
You should have joined a symphony or something instead of an army!
Come! Now is the time to unveil your hidden powers of song! Make the sacred dragonsbeard sing! Play us a chorus of eternal prosperity!
How many symphonies you see fightin' Risen?
Eternal what, now? What are you even talking about?
Still, I think it'd be a much better fit. Probably pays better too!
Oh dark and tragic day! Is my voice too soft to rouse your soul to wakefulness?! ...... Ugh. Work with me, Brady. I'm asking you to play music.
Look, I'm here because I wanna be, all right?!
What, because they're havin' a festival, you want me to play violin?
It just seems like a waste, considering your potential.
There! Perhaps your soul's slumber is not so deep after all... Now take in hand the miraculous dragonsbeard, and—
Hey, I can't help that I'm an awful fighter...
And what's with all this dragonsbeard business? Violin strings are made from catgut, and my bowstrings are horsehair. No dragons involved, see?
That's not what I meant. You're a fine fighter, but I think you'd be a world-class musician!
Gods, you're no fun at all. It's called poetic license! I'm adding drama!
Yeah, well. I don't need to be. Not now, anyway. This war's more important.
Yeah, whatever. Look, are we done? We got a battle to fight here.
Well, at least you don't have to worry about making ends meet after this is all over.
Wait! Come on, play us a song!
Maybe. And what about you? What's your plan once the war is over?
Pass. I'm outta practice. I haven't played in weeks.
M-me? Er... Huh. Honestly... I have no clue.
But it won't be a proper festival without music!
Why not try and be a poet? A guy what with your, uh...fancy take on words could really go places, yeah? Plus, then I could just hire you to write my lyrics!
It won't be a proper festival with a buncha Risen walkin' around, neither!
Poetry, huh? Hmm... Yeah, actually, I could see that! Owain the Wordsmith! It's got a ring to it, eh?
Aww, come on! Pleeeease?!
Heh. I'm kinda surprised you went for it that quick-like.
GAH, fine! If it'll just get you off my back, just...fine!
Hark! On this day is born the voice of a thousand fallen angels! Adore me, muse of muses, whose honeyed words sweeten even life's bitterest truths!
You'll do it?!
Good grief, I'm gonna end up regrettin' this, ain't I...
Not like I got much choice. Sheesh... All right. You wanted music—you got it. Sit down, shut up, and listen!
''Owain > Brady''
===Brady > Yarne===
''(To be added)''
Ahh, such dulcet tones! The melancholy melody flows like a river, washing the spirit clean!
Uh, thanks?
It is the divine breath of the muse-gods that fills your mortal frame, Brady!
===Kjelle > Lucina===
Stop. You're embarrassin' me. I got an image to keep here.
What a splendid little town this is! Even if all of it's citizens are in hiding... I wager they'll throw quite the festival once we take care of this interruption.
Indeed. Back in our time, the interruptions never ended. We never had anything like this.
Heh, don't be so modest. I do not offer words of idle praise, friend. No, by lauding you, I've branded your soul with one of the six highest honors!
Hey, what do you suppose they sell at that stand over there? Shall we take a quick look?
I got no clue what you're sayin'... But this may be the first time your usual malarkey ain't made me wanna slug ya.
You're welcome! And wow, you're pretty good at violin, huh?
Heh. Forgot you sound like an eight-year-old when talkin' normally.
Lucina, we have our pride as warriors to maintain.
You should have joined a symphony or something instead of an army!
Yes, and...?
How many symphonies you see fightin' Risen?
And we'd do well to maintain decorum during combat. Battle is our purpose. This is our stage to shine on. ...Everything else is a distraction.
Still, I think it'd be a much better fit. Probably pays better too!
But surely even a warrior needs rest now and again? Or do you have something against festivals?
Look, I'm here because I wanna be, all right?!
Wh-what? No, it's not that...  
It just seems like a waste, considering your potential.
All right, then how about this. Once the fighting is done, let's get everyone together to enjoy the fair. It'll be lots of fun—I'm sure of it!
Hey, I can't help that I'm an awful fighter...
Hmm... All right. If it's you and me, I...don't suppose I'd mind.
That's not what I meant. You're a fine fighter, but I think you'd be a world-class musician!
Wonderful! But wait, just the two of us?
Yeah, well. I don't need to be. Not now, anyway. This war's more important.
I only have time for the strong, Lucina. And in that, you certainly qualify.  
Well, at least you don't have to worry about making ends meet after this is all over.
I...see. Very well then, it's a date.
Maybe. And what about you? What's your plan once the war is over?
...... ...Enough. There's fighting to be done.
M-me? Er... Huh. Honestly... I have no clue.
As you like.
Why not try and be a poet? A guy what with your, uh...fancy take on words could really go places, yeah? Plus, then I could just hire you to write my lyrics!
Poetry, huh? Hmm... Yeah, actually, I could see that! Owain the Wordsmith! It's got a ring to it, eh?
Heh. I'm kinda surprised you went for it that quick-like.
''Lucina > Kjelle''
Hark! On this day is born the voice of a thousand fallen angels! Adore me, muse of muses, whose honeyed words sweeten even life's bitterest truths!
Good grief, I'm gonna end up regrettin' this, ain't I...
Mm? Is something the matter, Kjelle?
You're just going to ignore what I said before? How could you, of all people?
===Brady > Yarne===
I...I'm gonna go EXTINCT!
I said I only had time for the strong! You always pounce on lines like that, lecturing me about valuing the weak.
Buh?! What gives, Yarne? What's all the commotion about?
Ahh, that. Hah, yes, of course.
This can't be happening! I'm feeling extra, EXTRA endangered right now!
What's so funny?!
Would you give it a rest already?! Yer gonna make me go deaf here.
The fact that it bothered you is proof enough that the weak are on your mind. Besides, you care more than you let on. We see the defenseless the same, you and I. As something we must protect.
I c-can't help it! This is supposed to be a festival! Who lets MONSTERS into a festival?!
What? But I—
It ain't like they rolled out the welcome carpet. Simmer down.
That was why I didn't say anything. The reason you and I are so eager to be strong is in order to be their shield.
Simmer down? SIMMER DOWN?! Festivals are supposed to be fun! And safe! Very, very safe! Th-this is not safe! At all!
D-don't you think I know that?! Besides...
Hey, if it's buggin' ya that much, shut yer trap and start fightin' already!
But I came here to enjoy the festivities! Not to fight...
I don't...I don't really think the others are weak. They've saved me from too many close calls to count. Which isn't to say I don't think SOME could bear to train a little harder... But there's more to strength than being able to fight. They...they're all right.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Look, if ya wanna enjoy the party, yer gonna have to clean up the mess first. Now quit screamin' and complainin' and get out there. Yeesh.
Oh, Kjelle...
J-just...just shut up, Brady!
Ugh, enough of this prattle! All I was trying to say is that I need to get stronger still. Now, let's go crush these Risen and be done with it!
Haw?! That's my line, you furball!
Heh... Well, that's a sight. Who knew tough girl Kjelle could grow a heart underneath all that armor? She sure has grown lately. I'd best be careful I don't get left behind.
You don't know what it's like! What I'm feeling right now! All my hopes and dreams for just one day's peace, dashed to bits! Ugh, just...forget it! –leaves-
Wha—?! Hey, wait! Man, what's got into him? He looked like he was on the verge of tears...
===Kjelle > Severa===
''Yarne > Brady''
My, Kjelle. That's a stern face, even by your standards. Something up?
This festival has everyone going soft. A bandit slipped in while no one else was watching. I just sent him running.
There you are. Yarne, why are you so hung up on this festiv— Wait, you ARE crying!
What? Really? Wow, nothing ever slips past you, huh? It's amazing.
N-no, I'm not!
I'm hardly special. I'd say the fact that no one else took notice is a problem. ...Alas. In any case, I found this bottle on him.
Then who put all the years and snot on your face?
Ugh! What's IN that?! The purple makes it look unnatural enough, but frothy too? That canNOT be good.
Th-the wind blew something into my eye! ...And nose!
I overheard him muttering something about it being a rare brew. That it possessed miraculous effects. Maybe it awakens new powers in you?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* All right, fine. Look—here. Dry your eyes with this.
Look, I really hope I'm wrong here, but you're not actually planning to—
O-okay... *HOOONK!*
Let's drink it together.
Argh, FOUL! Who blows their nose into another guy's handkerchief?!
WHAT?! Not on your life, sister! Don't drag me into this!
...Much better, thank you.
You sure? It could be some amazing potion that doubles your strength...
Yeesh... Anyway, what gives? Why are you so upset?
Yes, and that's be great, except it's clearly some kind of awful poison!
It's just... I've always dreamed of going to a festival. We didn't have anything like that when we were kids, you know?
Suit yourself. More super-strength tonic for me then.
I guess not.
So it... I guess it became like a symbol of peace for me. Of a better world. I always wanted to go to one. To live in a world that had them. So when I heard we were going to one today, I just got so excited...
What?! Stop! That stuff could kill you!
And now yer crushed because it fell through.
Oh, please. You're exaggerating. Now, I just pull out the stopper, and...
Y-yeah... Even if it IS in an Outrealm. I still really wanted to experience one...
Don't blame me if you wind up melting or something... I tried to warn you!
I hear ya, but...that don't justify getting' all weepy like the world was endin'.
Down the hatch!
B-but it was really important to me!
Ew, yuck! Stop! Really, stop!
Look, once the war ends, we'll have plenty of time for festivals in our world. All we gotta do is hurry up and go end it.
Gah! Hey, let go! What, did you decide you want in on it after all?
W-well, yeah, but...that's a lot easier said than done...
No, you lunatic!
Maybe, but it'll come a lot quicker if ya actually fight instead of just whine.
Well, too late! You had your chance. *glug, glug, glug*
Urk... B-but I might—
AAAH, I can't believe you really drank it! I tried to stop you, but nooo!
Hey, give yourself some credit! You're not goin' extinct to the likes of these guys! Let's get this mess cleaned up here so we can get back to fixin' our world, yeah? Then we can throw all the festivals you want.
Whew! I feel... The same? Wait, what gives? I don't feel stronger at all. Was it just water with some dye in it?
Brady... O-okay, no more whining. I'm gonna try my best!
Gawds, Kjelle... Maybe it wasn't poison, but your little stunt there just shaved years off my life!
That's the spirit! Now let's go get some revenge on these party crashers!
''Severa > Kjelle''
H-hey, Shevera... Y'know what? You're cute. Real...really *hic* cute.
===Kjelle > Lucina===
Huh? Kjelle?! Why are you slurring? Are you sick? What the heck's gotten into you?
What a splendid little town this is! Even if all of it's citizens are in hiding... I wager they'll throw quite the festival once we take care of this interruption.
Mmmebbe I got a toofache. 'Cause yer shooo *hic* shweet. Heh heh. I been thinkin'... I...I'm tired of all these *hic* weak boys... I wanna shpend more time with... with... you inshtead... 'Cause yer sho shtrong *hic* and pretty... Reeeeal pretty...
Indeed. Back in our time, the interruptions never ended. We never had anything like this.
H-hands, Kjelle! Hands to yourself! Honestly, what is wrong with you?! Look at you! Your cheeks are all flush!
Hey, what do you suppose they sell at that stand over there? Shall we take a quick look?
I dunno... But I feel reeeally good! Hee hee... *hic*
Ack! Let go, you brute! You're squeezing the life out of me! Oh, don't tell me... I think I've figured out the secret to that "miracle brew" of yours.
Didja? Gosh, and yer shmart too... Thish just proofs it! Hee hee... "proof." Shounds funny, doesn't it? That thief shaid it too. He shaid this shtuff was "hundred proof."
Lucina, we have our pride as warriors to maintain.
He said WHAT?!
Yes, and...?
Sheveraaa... C'meeeeere...
And we'd do well to maintain decorum during combat. Battle is our purpose. This is our stage to shine on. ...Everything else is a distraction.
And quit tugging at my clothes! You'll stretch them out, you lummox! Rrrgh! You've left me no choice. Sorry, Kjelle, but... HU-YAAAH!
But surely even a warrior needs rest now and again? Or do you have something against festivals?
Wh-what? No, it's not that...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Huff, huff* *Ahem* ...Um, Kjelle? Are you, like, still alive?
All right, then how about this. Once the fighting is done, let's get everyone together to enjoy the fair. It'll be lots of fun—I'm sure of it!
Owww... Ngh? Where... Severa, what happened?
Hmm... All right. If it's you and me, I...don't suppose I'd mind.
Ah, good. Sounds like that did the trick. ...It better have. I think I chipped a nail.
Wonderful! But wait, just the two of us?
I can't seem to remember what— Severa, why are your clothes on all crooked?
I only have time for the strong, Lucina. And in that, you certainly qualify.
Where do I even begin, except to say THAT THIS WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!
I...see. Very well then, it's a date.
How about...at the beginning? And maybe...a little softer? ...Argh, why is my head pounding? Sorry, but I think I need to go lie down for a little while.
...... ...Enough. There's fighting to be done.
Yes, maybe you'd better. You'll be doing us all a favor. Mm? It's that stupid bottle... She must have dropped it when I slugged her. Wait... This thing doesn't say anything about "proof"! It says "truth"! Gods, this print is so tiny, how can... Oh, gods... "Truth Serum"?! "This patented blend of fast-acting herbs relieves the body and mind of tension. allowing users to speak their minds more frankly than they ever thought possible!" Wait, then that was... Then she really... WHAAAAAAAT?!
As you like.
''Lucina > Kjelle''
===Cynthia > Lucina===
Mmm, everything smells so delicious! Hello? Anyone here? I'll take three of... ...Oh. Right. They've all evacuated. Well, in that case... *Munch, munch, slurp* Hee! Soooo good!
CYNTHIA! You can't just take those!
Mm? Is something the matter, Kjelle?
You're just going to ignore what I said before? How could you, of all people?
Don't you "eep" me! What did you think you were doing? The people here worked all year to grow and bring that fruit to market. I can't believe you would think to just take some without paying.
I know, and I'm sorry... I promise I'll come back and pay for them later.  
I said I only had time for the strong! You always pounce on lines like that, lecturing me about valuing the weak.  
Honestly, you can be such a handful sometimes... And look. You've dribbled juice all over your armor.
Ahh, that. Hah, yes, of course.  
What? ...Oops.
What's so funny?!
Hold still a moment. I'll wipe it off.
The fact that it bothered you is proof enough that the weak are on your mind. Besides, you care more than you let on. We see the defenseless the same, you and I. As something we must protect.  
Heh, thanks.
What? But I—
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Really, I wonder where your head is sometimes. You're not a child anymore. You can't just keep acting without thinking.
That was why I didn't say anything. The reason you and I are so eager to be strong is in order to be their shield.  
All right, enough already! You're right. I'm NOT a child, so stop treating me like one, would you? I may be a little careless sometimes, but you've always been so patronizing!  
D-don't you think I know that?! Besides...
I'm just saying that we all need you to act like an adult and start—
Stop trying to play the big sister! You're not so much older than me! I'm not a kid! I'm...I'm a hero! And that's what really matters!
I don't...I don't really think the others are weak. They've saved me from too many close calls to count. Which isn't to say I don't think SOME could bear to train a little harder... But there's more to strength than being able to fight. They...they're all right.
Ugh, Cynthia, that isn't... Look, I never meant to—
Oh, Kjelle...
Just forget it. Good-bye, you big bully!
Ugh, enough of this prattle! All I was trying to say is that I need to get stronger still. Now, let's go crush these Risen and be done with it!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Seems I've gone and sparked a tantrum...
Heh... Well, that's a sight. Who knew tough girl Kjelle could grow a heart underneath all that armor? She sure has grown lately. I'd best be careful I don't get left behind.
''Lucina > Cynthia''
===Kjelle > Severa===
Eww, I'm completely covered!
Cynthia, what happened? You're a muddy mess!
My, Kjelle. That's a stern face, even by your standards. Something up?
I fell in that puddle... Ugh, I'm all soaked now. It feels icky! Make it go away, Lucina!
This festival has everyone going soft. A bandit slipped in while no one else was watching. I just sent him running.
Unbelievable... What happened to you being an adult? We just spoke about this!
What? Really? Wow, nothing ever slips past you, huh? It's amazing.
I'm sorry...I'll try harder. I promise.
I'm hardly special. I'd say the fact that no one else took notice is a problem. ...Alas. In any case, I found this bottle on him.
All right, that's enough. Don't start crying on me. I'll go find you a change of clothes and something to dry off with.
Ugh! What's IN that?! The purple makes it look unnatural enough, but frothy too? That canNOT be good.
Thanks, Lucina! You're the best!
I overheard him muttering something about it being a rare brew. That it possessed miraculous effects. Maybe it awakens new powers in you?
Gah! Stop! Don't hug me. You're still— Argh, now I'm all covered in mud too!
Look, I really hope I'm wrong here, but you're not actually planning to—
Wow, you really are. Um... Sorry? Ooh, but!
Let's drink it together.
But what? Why are you so happy?
WHAT?! Not on your life, sister! Don't drag me into this!
But this way we're like twins! Muddy twins, but still, twinsies!
You sure? It could be some amazing potion that doubles your strength...
Twinsies? ...Really, Cynthia. I give up.
Yes, and that's be great, except it's clearly some kind of awful poison!
Ha ha ha! Cynthia conquers all! Even the ill humors of her evil twinsie!
Suit yourself. More super-strength tonic for me then.
...Heh. I never could stay mad at that smile for long. All right, let's get cleaned up and back to work. We've got to look our best for the festival, after all.
What?! Stop! That stuff could kill you!
Right! I'm right behind you, Lucy!
Oh, please. You're exaggerating. Now, I just pull out the stopper, and...
Don't blame me if you wind up melting or something... I tried to warn you!
===Cynthia > Severa===
Down the hatch!
Gaaah! I give up! Somebody, haaalp!
What the heck is wrong with you, wailing like a lunatic in the middle of combat?
Ew, yuck! Stop! Really, stop!
I'm trying to comb out my hair, but it keeps getting stuck in a tangle of knots. My perfect battle cry is meaningless if I charge into battle looking ridiculous...
Gah! Hey, let go! What, did you decide you want in on it after all?
Ugh, no kidding. It looks like a bird's nest up there... Here, let me do it. If you just took care of it daily like a NORMAL person, this wouldn't happen.
No, you lunatic!
Aw, I'm no good with that kind of girly stuff.
Well, too late! You had your chance. *glug, glug, glug*
This may come as a shock, dear, but last I checked, you ARE a girl. Get used to it. I'm glad I caught you before anyone else saw this mess. I'd be mortified for you. Now hold still a moment.
AAAH, I can't believe you really drank it! I tried to stop you, but nooo!
Thanks, Severa!
Whew! I feel... The same? Wait, what gives? I don't feel stronger at all. Was it just water with some dye in it?
Ever since we were little, it was always the boys you played with, huh? You'd always wanted to play the hero. I always had to play the wicked spinster... You know, come to think of it, I never much liked those games.
Gawds, Kjelle... Maybe it wasn't poison, but your little stunt there just shaved years off my life!
Ow! Ow ow ow! Take it easy, will ya! I'm sorry, all right?! We were kids! We didn't know any better!
''Severa > Kjelle''
Hmph, I wouldn't exactly say you've grown out of that phase. It wouldn't kill you to act the tiniest bit feminine from time to time, you know.
Aw, that's all right. That's why I have you, Severa.
H-hey, Shevera... Y'know what? You're cute. Real...really *hic* cute.
Well, don't blame me when you find you've grown up to be a wicked spinster yourself.
Huh? Kjelle?! Why are you slurring? Are you sick? What the heck's gotten into you?
Oh, I'll be fine. Besides, can you see me growing my hair out like yours? I wouldn't get a quarter of the way there before I got sick of it and hacked it all off.
Mmmebbe I got a toofache. 'Cause yer shooo *hic* shweet. Heh heh. I been thinkin'... I...I'm tired of all these *hic* weak boys... I wanna shpend more time with... with... you inshtead... 'Cause yer sho shtrong *hic* and pretty... Reeeeal pretty...
Hmm. I guess you have a point. ...But waaait a minute. Something's coming back to me... Hmm...
H-hands, Kjelle! Hands to yourself! Honestly, what is wrong with you?! Look at you! Your cheeks are all flush!
G-gah! Try to stay focused back there, would you? You're—OUCH! You're pulling my hair out in clumps! ACK! Pay attention!
I dunno... But I feel reeeally good! Hee hee... *hic*
Ack! Let go, you brute! You're squeezing the life out of me! Oh, don't tell me... I think I've figured out the secret to that "miracle brew" of yours.
''Severa > Cynthia''
Didja? Gosh, and yer shmart too... Thish just proofs it! Hee hee... "proof." Shounds funny, doesn't it? That thief shaid it too. He shaid this shtuff was "hundred proof."
Oh, hey, Severa. Thanks again for helping me with my hair!
He said WHAT?!
Er, is something wrong? You're making your "weird" face again...
Sheveraaa... C'meeeeere...
Oh, like you can talk about being weird!
And quit tugging at my clothes! You'll stretch them out, you lummox! Rrrgh! You've left me no choice. Sorry, Kjelle, but... HU-YAAAH!
...Huh? What'd I do now?
I remember now. I remember it ALL! Back before you started playing with the boys, you were the girliest of ALL of us!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Huff, huff* *Ahem* ...Um, Kjelle? Are you, like, still alive?
Um... Yeah, I guess I was. Heh heh, I didn't think you'd remember that...
Owww... Ngh? Where... Severa, what happened?
Then all of a sudden you transformed overnight! It's like something... Oh. Oh no. Cynthia, wasn't that... That was right around when... Your mother...
Ah, good. Sounds like that did the trick. ...It better have. I think I chipped a nail.
...Yeah. After the Risen killed her. Being such a mama's girl, losing her was... It just...hurt so much. I was so angry. After that, doing girly stuff... It all felt so pointless. I didn't care about being pretty. I just wanted to be strong enough to avenge her. I suppose I looked at the boys and thought they seemed stronger... It's silly, huh? When you spell it all out. But you know how kids are.
I can't seem to remember what— Severa, why are your clothes on all crooked?
That's why you decided to be a hero?
Where do I even begin, except to say THAT THIS WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!
Heh, yeah... Still got a long way to go though. I mean, have you seen Kjelle's arms?! I bet she could dual-wield halberds!
How about...at the beginning? And maybe...a little softer? ...Argh, why is my head pounding? Sorry, but I think I need to go lie down for a little while.
Heh. Honestly, you're still such a child. ...But I think I understand you now.
Yes, maybe you'd better. You'll be doing us all a favor. Mm? It's that stupid bottle... She must have dropped it when I slugged her. Wait... This thing doesn't say anything about "proof"! It says "truth"! Gods, this print is so tiny, how can... Oh, gods... "Truth Serum"?! "This patented blend of fast-acting herbs relieves the body and mind of tension. allowing users to speak their minds more frankly than they ever thought possible!" Wait, then that was... Then she really... WHAAAAAAAT?!
Heh heh. Talking about it is really bringing back the memories, huh... *Sniff* Sorry, Severa. I don't... I don't mean to... *sniffle*
You are absolutely hopeless, you know that? Now cut it out before you set me off too. ...And I'm sorry, Cynthia. I don't think I ever understood how serious you were.
===Cynthia > Lucina===
N-no, it's...it's okay, really...
Mmm, everything smells so delicious! Hello? Anyone here? I'll take three of... ...Oh. Right. They've all evacuated. Well, in that case... *Munch, munch, slurp* Hee! Soooo good!
Well, if you ever need someone to untangle that mop of yours again...I'm here. So come on, enough tears.
CYNTHIA! You can't just take those!
Y-you don't mind?
Seeing you all weepy throws me off. I'M supposed to be the gloomy one. So...yeah. Any time you want. As a special deal just for you.
Don't you "eep" me! What did you think you were doing? The people here worked all year to grow and bring that fruit to market. I can't believe you would think to just take some without paying.
Hee hee... All right. Thanks, Severa. I mean it!
I know, and I'm sorry... I promise I'll come back and pay for them later.  
Honestly, you can be such a handful sometimes... And look. You've dribbled juice all over your armor.
What? ...Oops.
===Cynthia > Nah===
''(To be added)''
Hold still a moment. I'll wipe it off.
Heh, thanks.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Really, I wonder where your head is sometimes. You're not a child anymore. You can't just keep acting without thinking.
===Gerome > Laurent===
All right, enough already! You're right. I'm NOT a child, so stop treating me like one, would you? I may be a little careless sometimes, but you've always been so patronizing!
Laurent. A moment, please?
Hmm? Is something wrong, Gerome? You look unwell.
I'm just saying that we all need you to act like an adult and start—
I've had a lot on my mind lately, and it's been giving me nasty headaches.
Stop trying to play the big sister! You're not so much older than me! I'm not a kid! I'm...I'm a hero! And that's what really matters!
My condolences. But might I ask what it is that has you so distressed?
Ugh, Cynthia, that isn't... Look, I never meant to—
It's us. Our generation, come back from the future. I fear we're...losing focus.
Just forget it. Good-bye, you big bully!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Sigh* Seems I've gone and sparked a tantrum...
We've become...not "tourists," perhaps, but we've lost a sense of urgency. I keep thinking we need to recall our purpose here. You, me, all of us... Hence the headaches.
''Lucina > Cynthia''
I suspected you were feeling this way. Honestly, I'm in the same boat...
So you see it too.
Eww, I'm completely covered!
I do. Especially of late, our forces have been prone to...idle distraction.
Cynthia, what happened? You're a muddy mess!
Yes. Just look how eager everyone is to indulge in this frivolous festival. It's good of us to protect these people, true, but still...it's worrisome. But I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my concerns, Laurent.
I fell in that puddle... Ugh, I'm all soaked now. It feels icky! Make it go away, Lucina!
As am I. It seems we share good sense.
Unbelievable... What happened to you being an adult? We just spoke about this!
I've always considered you a kindred spirit among our peers, Laurent. And I'm certain I'll continue to depend on you in the coming fight.
I'm sorry...I'll try harder. I promise.
Thank you, Gerome. That's high praise indeed, coming from you! I'm honored.
All right, that's enough. Don't start crying on me. I'll go find you a change of clothes and something to dry off with.
It falls upon us to keep ourselves focused and to carry on the fight in earnest.
Thanks, Lucina! You're the best!
Indeed. We have a realm and a generation to save, after all. All right. I'm ready to dive back into combat—risk and ruination be damned!
Gah! Stop! Don't hug me. You're still— Argh, now I'm all covered in mud too!
Er...right. That wasn't quite what I had in mind, but...
Wow, you really are. Um... Sorry? Ooh, but!
But what? Why are you so happy?
''Laurent > Gerome''
But this way we're like twins! Muddy twins, but still, twinsies!
Ah, Gerome!
Twinsies? ...Really, Cynthia. I give up.
Hm? What is it?
Ha ha ha! Cynthia conquers all! Even the ill humors of her evil twinsie!
Here. Have some of this fruit. I'm told it's a specialty of the region.
...Heh. I never could stay mad at that smile for long. All right, let's get cleaned up and back to work. We've got to look our best for the festival, after all.
It certainly looks good.
Right! I'm right behind you, Lucy!
It is. One of the locals gave it to me earlier. Go on, give it a try!
Hm... Yes, perhaps I shall.
===Cynthia > Severa===
Have as much as you like. I've got plenty.
Gaaah! I give up! Somebody, haaalp!
I was about to say that's quite the haul you've got there. It's nice of you to make the rounds and share your windfall with the rest of us.
What the heck is wrong with you, wailing like a lunatic in the middle of combat?
Oh, it's just you, actually.
I'm trying to comb out my hair, but it keeps getting stuck in a tangle of knots. My perfect battle cry is meaningless if I charge into battle looking ridiculous...
...Just me?
Ugh, no kidding. It looks like a bird's nest up there... Here, let me do it. If you just took care of it daily like a NORMAL person, this wouldn't happen.
Yes. To be honest...I was inspired by our previous conversation. I realized you are precisely the type of person I should fraternize with more often.
Aw, I'm no good with that kind of girly stuff.
I...I see.
This may come as a shock, dear, but last I checked, you ARE a girl. Get used to it. I'm glad I caught you before anyone else saw this mess. I'd be mortified for you. Now hold still a moment.
You're diligent and focused. You know your priorities and don't shy from ugly truths. You're also fiercely dedicated to your allies but don't indulge in idle social prattling. We're alike in that. I feel certain ours will be an edifying partnership.
Thanks, Severa!
Hmm. That's...very kind of you. Still, I'm a little surprised.
Ever since we were little, it was always the boys you played with, huh? You'd always wanted to play the hero. I always had to play the wicked spinster... You know, come to think of it, I never much liked those games.
Oh? Is this gesture so out of character for me? I hope I haven't offended...
Ow! Ow ow ow! Take it easy, will ya! I'm sorry, all right?! We were kids! We didn't know any better!
Not at all. But you would do well to spend time with the others too. The bonds that link allies are of critical importance in combat. Any effort you make to grow closer to the others can only make you stronger.
Hmph, I wouldn't exactly say you've grown out of that phase. It wouldn't kill you to act the tiniest bit feminine from time to time, you know.
Aw, that's all right. That's why I have you, Severa.
Well, don't blame me when you find you've grown up to be a wicked spinster yourself.
No, your point is compelling. I just hadn't expected you of all people to make it. You're not exactly known for being a team player among the troops...
Oh, I'll be fine. Besides, can you see me growing my hair out like yours? I wouldn't get a quarter of the way there before I got sick of it and hacked it all off.
I...suppose you're right. I didn't even know I was acting strange until now. Though you've been the same way lately. Apparently it's contagious.
Hmm. I guess you have a point. ...But waaait a minute. Something's coming back to me... Hmm...
Hah. Perhaps so. Still, I cannot deny the truth of your words. Fostering bonds is important. Perhaps I'll go share this fruit with the others after all.
G-gah! Try to stay focused back there, would you? You're—OUCH! You're pulling my hair out in clumps! ACK! Pay attention!
A prudent plan. Though I'm glad you came to me first, Laurent. It's nice to have someone to speak freely with, and I'm glad that someone is you.
''Severa > Cynthia''
The pleasure is all mine.
Oh, hey, Severa. Thanks again for helping me with my hair!
===Morgan (M) > Owain===
Er, is something wrong? You're making your "weird" face again...
Wha—Morgan! What are you doing on the ground? Are you all right?!
Oh, like you can talk about being weird!
Urgh...nngh...Huh? Ugh, ow!
...Huh? What'd I do now?
What's wrong? Is it your head? Are you hurt? Was it...the Risen?!
I remember now. I remember it ALL! Back before you started playing with the boys, you were the girliest of ALL of us!
It was...the festival decorations. I saw them, and something started to come back to me.
Um... Yeah, I guess I was. Heh heh, I didn't think you'd remember that...
You remembered something?!
Then all of a sudden you transformed overnight! It's like something... Oh. Oh no. Cynthia, wasn't that... That was right around when... Your mother...
It felt like I was about to, but then my head started to ache... Everything went hazy, and I collapsed... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worried.
...Yeah. After the Risen killed her. Being such a mama's girl, losing her was... It just...hurt so much. I was so angry. After that, doing girly stuff... It all felt so pointless. I didn't care about being pretty. I just wanted to be strong enough to avenge her. I suppose I looked at the boys and thought they seemed stronger... It's silly, huh? When you spell it all out. But you know how kids are.
So you blacked out just before you could remember? Interesting...
That's why you decided to be a hero?
Seems that way...
Heh, yeah... Still got a long way to go though. I mean, have you seen Kjelle's arms?! I bet she could dual-wield halberds!
Yes, yes... This gives rise to a new hypothesis.
Heh. Honestly, you're still such a child. ...But I think I understand you now.
It does?
Heh heh. Talking about it is really bringing back the memories, huh... *Sniff* Sorry, Severa. I don't... I don't mean to... *sniffle*
Indeed it does, Morgan... Why, your memories have clearly been sealed away with some kind of evil curse!
You are absolutely hopeless, you know that? Now cut it out before you set me off too. ...And I'm sorry, Cynthia. I don't think I ever understood how serious you were.
Meaning...what, exactly?
N-no, it's...it's okay, really...
Meaning you didn't lose your memories. They were deliberately sealed away! And whatever fiend did it cursed you to fall unconscious if that seal was threatened!
Well, if you ever need someone to untangle that mop of yours again...I'm here. So come on, enough tears.
What?! But how can you be sure?
Y-you don't mind?
I can't. That's why it's still a hypothesis. But it's a credible one, is it not?!
Seeing you all weepy throws me off. I'M supposed to be the gloomy one. So...yeah. Any time you want. As a special deal just for you.
I...guess? Normally, I'd dismiss this as another of your crazy delusional fantasies. But you make a pretty solid argument... Still, who would want to do that?
Hee hee... All right. Thanks, Severa. I mean it!
Who indeed, and by what diabolical design? We must figure that out next, faithful friend!
''Owain > Morgan''
===Cynthia > Nah===
Mmm, smell that fresh bread! The best part about a harvest fair is all the yummy food!
How are you feeling, Morgan? Manage to pin down any of those memories?
You're always thinking about your stomach, Cynthia.
Not one...
Am I? I seem to remember you eating twice as many rolls as me at breakfast.
For shame. Headache still getting the way then?
That's not true at all! After all, "a manakete cannot live on bread alone!"
Yes. I wonder what's causing it...
Ooh, is that an old adage from your people! What does it mean?
It's got to be a curse. I'm sure of it!
It means you also have to eat your veggies! And some fruit sometimes too!
But who would go to all that trouble?
Wow, that's...not deep at all. I thought maybe it meant needing art and song and friends to nourish the soul too... Weird, I guess, but that's just me!
The Grimleal! You've been marked as prey by the dark priesthood!
Erm. That may, um...actually be right.
You...really think so?
Hmm. Well, did YOU know that festivals weren't always happy occasions? They say that back in the day, some were downright scary, blood affairs!
I know so. Just as I know there's some shocking secret locked in those memories! Some world-shattering revelation they don't want coming to light...
S-scary? And bloody? How?!
What? Why would I know anything like—
Well, on years when the harvest was good, people would celebrate. Like this, actually. But on years where there was drought or famine, they prayed for next year's harvest. ...And offered up a child's life in sacrifice!
Fight it, Morgan! You must be strong! Resist their wicked magic! Tap into the power sleeping within your rarefied bloodline to break free!
S-s-sacrifice! A child?! But that's terrible!
A-all right! Here goes... Hnnngh... Come on, me! Remember! Break free of...the curse...if, you know, there is one...like Owain is saying... Nnngh... Rrrraaaaagh!... Ahh!
But oh so necessary! Their very LIVES depended on such precious sacrifice! Only the blood of a babe could move the dragon gods to break a famine or drought. ...Or so they believed. Pretty crazy, huh? People will make up any old thing when they're desperate, I guess.
What is it? Did you remember something?! Have you had a breakthrough?!
Y-yeah, that's...really crazy...
Yes! I remembered... I remembered... I remembered that I forgot to eat breakfast this morning! That explains the headaches and the light-headedness!
Hmm? You okay, Nah? Looking a little green there...
...Huh? Then what was all that about the festival decorations triggering your memory?!
Y-you don't think... They're not going to sacrifice a child at THIS festival, are they?!
Oh, right! Yesterday, Mother lent me a book chronicling Ylisse's history. It had an illustration of an old festival that looked just like this one!
Hmm...No, I don't think so. I mean, look around you! With a harvest this bountiful, there'd be no need to, right? Unless...
What?! So that's it? Case closed? No curse? No grand conspiracy?
Oh, what a relief! It was driving me crazy! ...I should probably eat something now. Oh, sorry. Were you saying something?
''Nah > Cynthia''
Ugh... Forget it. Our ultimate showdown with the Grimleal will have to wait.
Hey, Cynthia. About what you said earlier...
Huh? What did I say?
It's...got me all scared. What if they're really looking for a sacrifice to offer to the dragon gods this year?
Oh, that? Why? You're worried they're going to pick you?
...Maybe? I mean...look at me.
Well, you can stop. You're safe, I promise. You may look like a little kid, but you're just as old as the rest of us.
Sure, YOU know that, and I know that, but nobody HERE knows that... Even the Risen here all seem to be coming after me! Wait, maybe... You don't think they'd leave the festival alone if I served as a sacrifice, do you?
What?! No! That's crazy talk! Why would Risen want a sacrifice? They don't care about next year's harvest!
But if the village has a good harvest, the Risen get more food when they attack!
Hmm. I suppose that's true. ...Oh, wait! You mean because they'd be able to eat what the farmers grew?
Yes...? What else would I mean?
...That if there was a good harvest, all the village children would be fattened up?
What's the rule on these custard trifles? Okay to eat for lunch, or—? Owain? Owain, are you still listening?
Eep! Th-that's terrible! You're terrible! I'm not hearing this!
Ah ha ha, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! No more talking about kids getting eaten, I swear. Besides, they used to feed those kids to the dragon gods of the lake, right? If anything, that means YOU'D have been the one doing the eating, Nah.
...Come again?
===Morgan (M) > Yarne===
''(To be added)''
You're a manakete, silly. Do the math.
I... Gosh, I guess I am! I kind of forgot for a minute there. When you put it like that, it's not so scary at all. Gross, maybe...but not scary.
Yeah? Hah! Glad you came around!
Hey, don't laugh! It was YOUR fault I got scared in the first place!
===Morgan (F) > Noire===
''(To be added)''
===Gerome > Laurent===
Laurent. A moment, please?
Hmm? Is something wrong, Gerome? You look unwell.
I've had a lot on my mind lately, and it's been giving me nasty headaches.
My condolences. But might I ask what it is that has you so distressed?
It's us. Our generation, come back from the future. I fear we're...losing focus.
We've become...not "tourists," perhaps, but we've lost a sense of urgency. I keep thinking we need to recall our purpose here. You, me, all of us... Hence the headaches.
I suspected you were feeling this way. Honestly, I'm in the same boat...
So you see it too.
I do. Especially of late, our forces have been prone to...idle distraction.
Yes. Just look how eager everyone is to indulge in this frivolous festival. It's good of us to protect these people, true, but still...it's worrisome. But I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my concerns, Laurent.
As am I. It seems we share good sense.
I've always considered you a kindred spirit among our peers, Laurent. And I'm certain I'll continue to depend on you in the coming fight.
Thank you, Gerome. That's high praise indeed, coming from you! I'm honored.
It falls upon us to keep ourselves focused and to carry on the fight in earnest.
Indeed. We have a realm and a generation to save, after all. All right. I'm ready to dive back into combat—risk and ruination be damned!
Er...right. That wasn't quite what I had in mind, but...
''Laurent > Gerome''
Ah, Gerome!
Hm? What is it?
Here. Have some of this fruit. I'm told it's a specialty of the region.
It certainly looks good.
It is. One of the locals gave it to me earlier. Go on, give it a try!
Hm... Yes, perhaps I shall.
Have as much as you like. I've got plenty.
I was about to say that's quite the haul you've got there. It's nice of you to make the rounds and share your windfall with the rest of us.
Oh, it's just you, actually.
...Just me?
Yes. To be honest...I was inspired by our previous conversation. I realized you are precisely the type of person I should fraternize with more often.
I...I see.
You're diligent and focused. You know your priorities and don't shy from ugly truths. You're also fiercely dedicated to your allies but don't indulge in idle social prattling. We're alike in that. I feel certain ours will be an edifying partnership.
Hmm. That's...very kind of you. Still, I'm a little surprised.
Oh? Is this gesture so out of character for me? I hope I haven't offended...
Not at all. But you would do well to spend time with the others too. The bonds that link allies are of critical importance in combat. Any effort you make to grow closer to the others can only make you stronger.
No, your point is compelling. I just hadn't expected you of all people to make it. You're not exactly known for being a team player among the troops...
I...suppose you're right. I didn't even know I was acting strange until now. Though you've been the same way lately. Apparently it's contagious.
Hah. Perhaps so. Still, I cannot deny the truth of your words. Fostering bonds is important. Perhaps I'll go share this fruit with the others after all.
A prudent plan. Though I'm glad you came to me first, Laurent. It's nice to have someone to speak freely with, and I'm glad that someone is you.
The pleasure is all mine.
===Morgan (M) > Owain===
Wha—Morgan! What are you doing on the ground? Are you all right?!
Urgh...nngh... Huh? Ugh, ow!
What's wrong? Is it your head? Are you hurt? Was it...the Risen?!
It was...the festival decorations. I saw them, and something started to come back to me.
You remembered something?!
It felt like I was about to, but then my head started to ache... Everything went hazy, and I collapsed... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worried.
So you blacked out just before you could remember? Interesting...
Seems that way...
Yes, yes... This gives rise to a new hypothesis.
It does?
Indeed it does, Morgan... Why, your memories have clearly been sealed away with some kind of evil curse!
Meaning...what, exactly?
Meaning you didn't lose your memories. They were deliberately sealed away! And whatever fiend did it cursed you to fall unconscious if that seal was threatened!
What?! But how can you be sure?
I can't. That's why it's still a hypothesis. But it's a credible one, is it not?!
I...guess? Normally, I'd dismiss this as another of your crazy delusional fantasies. But you make a pretty solid argument... Still, who would want to do that?
Who indeed, and by what diabolical design? We must figure that out next, faithful friend!
''Owain > Morgan''
How are you feeling, Morgan? Manage to pin down any of those memories?
Not one...
For shame. Headache still getting in the way then?
Yes. I wonder what's causing it...
It's got to be a curse. I'm sure of it!
But who would go to all that trouble?
The Grimleal! You've been marked as prey by the dark priesthood!
You...really think so?
I know so. Just as I know there's some shocking secret locked in those memories! Some world-shattering revelation they don't want coming to light...
What? Why would I know anything like—
Fight it, Morgan! You must be strong! Resist their wicked magic! Tap into the power sleeping within your rarefied bloodline to break free!
A-all right! Here goes... Hnnngh... Come on, me! Remember! Break free of...the curse...if, you know, there is one...like Owain is saying... Nnngh... Rrrraaaaagh! ...Ahh!
What is it? Did you remember something?! Have you had a breakthrough?!
Yes! I remembered... I remembered... I remembered that I forgot to eat breakfast this morning! That explains the headaches and the light-headedness!
...Huh? Then what was all that about the festival decorations triggering your memory?!
Oh, right! Yesterday, Mother lent me a book chronicling Ylisse's history. It had an illustration of an old festival that looked just like this one!
What?! So that's it? Case closed? No curse? No grand conspiracy?
Oh, what a relief! It was driving me crazy! ...I should probably eat something now. Oh, sorry. Were you saying something?
Ugh... Forget it. Our ultimate showdown with the Grimleal will have to wait.
What's the rule on these custard trifles? Okay to eat for lunch, or—? Owain? Owain, are you still listening?
===Morgan (M) > Yarne===
Wow... So this is a festival, huh? Look at all these decorations and stands... It looks like so much fun!
Oh? Is this your first festival, Morgan?
I'm...not sure! Without my old memories, it's kind of hard to say. But this IS my first time since losing them—that much I know!
It's my first time too, actually.
I don't know about you, but just looking around gets me in the mood to party!
Um, you do realize we're standing in a war zone at the moment, right? ...But I see where you're coming from. It's hard to keep from smiling.
Right?! I find myself humming cheery tunes as I hack away at Risen!
What?! That's probably going a bit too far... But you know, I'm a little jealous. Nothing ever fazes you, does it? It's like you're in your own little world.
Huh? How do you mean?
You're always...I don't know, oblivious? Unflappable? Whatever it is, I wish I could be more like that.
Ha ha, thanks! Well, assuming that's a compliment, anyway.
See! Like that! That's what I mean! But I wonder... If you were an endangered species, do you think you'd still be so easygoing?
Hmm. I don't know. I've never really thought about it before... But I'd probably still be the same as I am now.
Wha—?! But...how can you be so sure?
Hmm... I have my reasons, but it's a little hard to put it into words...
I...I see... Well, if you figure it out, I'm all ears...
''Yarne > Morgan''
Well, Morgan? Have you put your finger on it yet?
Oh, hello again, Yarne. And yeah, I think I've figured it out just enough to explain.
...Oh? I'm very interested. Because I think the threat of extinction would make anyone squirrely...
Well, not having my old memories, the stakes just feel smaller for me, I guess. I may not be an endangered species, exactly, but I'm not far off, you know? Other than my mother, I don't have any real connections to my past.
Maybe so, but still... You want to be a tactician, right? There's no way for you to realize that dream if you're dead.
Well, sure, I do hope to follow in Mother's footsteps. Maybe even outshine her! And true, I guess that does mean I can't be too cavalier in the risks I take. But that's all there is. Simple as that.
What do you mean?
I don't have anything bigger than my ambitions to worry about defending. It's not the sort of thing a person gets desperate over. At least, not me. If I die before it happens, that's a shame, but it's hardly a cause for panic.
Wha—?! Don't you dare say that!
Er, Yarne? What's gotten into—
Don't even think it! That's horrible!
Is it?
Of course it is! We're comrades, Morgan. Friends! I'd be devastated if you died! Are you saying you wouldn't be sad to never get to see any of us again?!
What? N-no! That would be awful!
Right! So don't go saying the stakes aren't high when they absolutely are. Get desperate! Panic! You should be clinging to every minute for dear life! For you! For me! For all of us!
Yarne, I...I'm sorry. And thank you. Hearing you say that, it's... I'm really touched you feel that way.
Well, I'm happy to be able to shout some sense into you.
I'll take extra care to make sure both of us make it out of this war alive!
You'd better! Surviving's no fun if you do it alone!
===Morgan (F) > Noire===
BWAH HA HA HA! Come, fool! Grovel before me or be trampled underfoot! Those with no love of this mortal coil, step ye forward now and meet a fiery doom! DOOM! DOOOOOOM!
M-Morgan? ...What are you doing?
Oh, heya, Noire! Perfect timing! I was just working on my impression of you!
I...I'm sorry? An impression? But why?
As soon as the Risen hear it, they'll turn tail and flee! Shock and awe, right? It was a strategy I'd completely overlooked until now! Seems word of your fearsome feats has spread throughout their ranks, killer.
What?! S-surely that can't be... I don't have any feats to speak of!
Aw, don't be so modest! You could fill books with all the things you've done! There's tell that he who falls under your gaze is marked for ineluctable death! One fool sought refuge in a boulder's shade only to have both rock and body skewered! Another sought to kill you in your sleep but was crushed flat when you rolled over! One victim escaped for a time. Three years later, BAM! An arrow from the heavens! All who see you echo a unified chorus—that the shafts you loose are as ravenous beasts! Tirelessly they hunt their pray, and their bite is surest death! Woe be unto your foes!
Um...you made all that up just now, didn't you?
Yup! So far it's a unified chorus of just me, but I'm pretty sure it'll catch on.
Ooh, I wish you wouldn't tease me like that!
Aww, I don't mean any harm. And I really do think it has potential as a strategy! If we can spread word of what a juggernaut you are, it may give foes pause. Imagine—winning battles without having to fight them. It's a tactician's dream!
You know I just want to help, but I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with this... Though, I do wonder... Won't threatening the enemy just make them angrier?
What? Naw, it'll be fine! Trust me! Just wait till they see you coming. They'll run away crying!
You know, she never listens once she gets like this... I just hope she doesn't wind up getting herself hurt.
''Noire > Morgan''
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Huff, huff* ...Whew! That was awfully close, huh?
Yes, and...*pant*...whose fault is that, exactly?
Heh... Yeah, sorry about that... But I was right that doing my impression of you would send them running! ...I just thought they'd be running AWAY, not running AT us. Gosh, they were angry!
I t-told you this would happen...
I know, and I should have listened. I'm sorry, Noire. Really. Thankfully, though, you got angry too and wound up crushing the lot of them! Actually, now that I think about it, they WERE running scared by the end! I guess my impression just can't compete with the real thing. You're amazing!
I'm a monster... When I get like that, I feel as though I'm not myself anymore.
Really? I think you're aces when you're angry!
S-stop, Morgan. You don't have to make up stuff just to cheer me up...
It's the absolute truth! I'd do anything to be more like that!
...You would?
Sure! A tactician always has to keep a cool head and examine the situation objectively. Sometimes that means making harsh choices.
W-well, yes... But what's that got to do with me and my...issues?
The other day, the Risen had a group of us cut off. I was sure we'd lose a few lives. Normally I'd just swallow that loss and chalk it up to the vagaries of war... But then you burst onto the scene, eyes all full of "blood and thunder," right? It was tactically hopeless, but you just couldn't accept that, could you? You cut us a path out of it single-handedly, saving lives AND the day!
I...I did? I don't remember anything like that.
Well, I was there and you did! It was incredible! There was no plan, no strategy—just overwhelming force! That's when it really hit me. Sometimes all the tactics and theories in the world can't help you survive. What you need is action! The momentum built up by fearless, decisive action!
Wow... I didn't realize... I mean, if I really did help, then I'm happy to hear it. This...this may be the first time I've ever been glad of this personality of mine.
You should be! And that's exactly why we should keep spreading rumors of your feats! Next time they'll be SO intimidated, they won't even DREAM of facing us!
Eeep! No more, Morgan! P-please!
===Laurent > Yarne===
===Laurent > Yarne===
''(To be added)''
Hmm... Interesting.
Mm? Talking to yourself again, Laurent?
No, merely recalling something I read. "Trace back the roots of a culture's festivals, and you'll lay bare its history."
Huh. Does that work?
Perhaps we'll find out today.
Eh, I'm more interested in enjoying the festival than learning about it.
Even if its history might offer up some new information about the taguel?
Wait, you think it might?!
The possibility is certainly there.
Then I'd definitely be interested! But isn't this just a harvest festival?
It is now, yes. But that doesn't mean that was always the case. Every costume, every piece of décor is a window into this culture. Traditions like these speak volumes.
Huh! All right, now you're starting to get me curious.
Ah! Yarne, look behind you!
ACK! Wh-what?! What's behind me?! Oh. Hey, is that...? The paintings for sale at that stand... Those are paintings of taguel!
Lions and falcons as well... And look. That one appears to be a heron.
Aw, no rabbits, huh?
You never know. Take a look and you might find some.
So what are these, Laurent? Why would they paint pictures of taguel?
It would appear they're illustrations of the legends of a neighboring continent. Shall we have a closer look?
Yeah! Maybe we'll learn something!
''Yarne > Laurent''
Hey, Laurent, it's not just those paintings. The murals here have taguel too!
It would seem the taguel have some kind of connection to the history of this town. The relationship is unclear, but it certainly seems worthy of further investigation.
Thanks, Laurent. Seeing people remember the taguel through stories and art like this... It makes me really happy!
I'm delighted to hear it.
...I bet there were tons of them, huh? Back in the day, I mean. Of all different kinds too, just like in the paintings.
Indeed... But through these paintings and murals and such, even the lost tribes live on. We are the benefactors of their wisdom passed down through the years.
Yeah... It's kind of amazing.
It's true you are a rare and precious creature, Yarne, but fear not... Even if you were to die and go extinct tomorrow, your memory would live on.
Yeah... Wait, WHAT?! H-hey, talking about my death like that is NOT okay!
Heh. My apologies. I didn't mean for it to sound glib.
Yeesh, don't scare me like that! My heart could've stopped...
What I said applies only from a historical perspective, of course.
I...I see...
Indeed, I've no intention of allowing ill to befall any of my allies. Least of all extinction! I swear  it to you and all the other taguel enshrined in these pieces.
Aw, thanks, Laurent... It feels good knowing I have you to protect me!
...Now it's your turn. Swear to them you'll fight bravely and selflessly!
It falls on you to defend their honor. To carry on their pride! Now let us rejoin the fray!
Urk... R-right... Well, I suppose I've got no choice but to step things up. I'm not about to embarrass myself with all these other taguel watching!
That's the spirit, Yarne!
Line 4,433: Line 5,372:
Hmm, I see. But you look awfully young for someone my age... Not that I'm all that grown up yet either, mind you...
Hmm. I see. But you look awfully young for someone my age... Not that I'm all that grown up yet either, mind you...
Line 4,442: Line 5,381:
Ugh, now your being silly. I told you, I'm the same age as you! And if you told somebody that, it'd make it HARDER to find me, not easier!
Ugh, now you're just being silly. I told you, I'm the same age as you! And if you told somebody that, it'd make it HARDER to find me, not easier!
Hmm...I suppose you've got me there. It'd be simpler to just ask if they've seen a girl who looks around 10 or—
Hmm... I suppose you've got me there. It'd be simpler to just ask if they've seen a girl who looks around 10 or—
Line 4,451: Line 5,390:
Er, sorry. Of course you won't. It's just your so small, sometimes I forget...
Er, sorry. Of course you won't. It's just you're so small, sometimes I forget...
Line 4,469: Line 5,408:
Why is this such an issue for you? It was just one simple question. I'm not trying to pry into your business out of idle curiosity either, you know. This is part of a tactician's job. I'm doing this to help everyone. You included!
Why is this such an issue for you? It was just one simple question. I'm not prying into your business out of idle curiosity either, you know. This is part of a tactician's job. I'm doing this to help everyone. You included!
Line 4,484: Line 5,423:
I'm just a hair past... *whisper, whisper*
I'm just a hair past...*whisper, whisper*
Line 4,511: Line 5,450:
I said your mature, Nah. Most kids your age spend their days running around playing in the mud! You're way more grown up than that.
I said you're mature, Nah. Most kids your age spend their days running around playing in the mud! You're way more grown up than that.

Latest revision as of 21:27, 29 June 2013



Well, milord, here we are. This must be the place. Hmm? Look at all the people in the streets. And these decorations... It seems we've arrived amidst a festival of some sort.

Looks that way, doesn't it? At least the town seems secure. Perhaps we might forget our troubles for a day and join the festivities?

You mean it? I love festivals! Come on! What are we waiting for?

Um, Lissa? Where did you get that hat?

The nice man with funny sideburns gave it to me! Pretty cool, huh?

...Funny sideburns?

Well, hiya there! Welcome to our humble little village, okay? It's not every day we get guests from another world, don'tcha know.

Huh?! I know you! You're—

The captain of the village cheer brigade, yessiree!

Hmm...You do seem quite...cheerful...

Well, of COURSE I do, Silly Billy! Our annual harvest fair just started! Singing, dancing—we're all just havin' a gay ol' time here, don'tcha know! ...What? Why are you staring like that? ...Is my wee little party hat crooked?

N-no, it's just...uh... *Ahem* So! A harvest festival, you say?

Oh yeah, you betcha! We got all kinds of fresh produce, plus games and prizes and fun at every stall! Take a gander for yourself— Oh, and don't forget to bring a friend! They say the fair has a special magic that brings folks closer together, ya know. There's so much to do and see and talk about! Oh, sooo much to talk about! You start chatting, and it's just blah-blah-blah this, and blah-blah-blah that... Blah-blah-blah the other one and blah-blah-blah don'tcha know and... Blah-blah-blah-blah! It's THAT much fun! People just won't shut up!

*Ahem* Yes, I believe I see your point... Nevertheless, it seems a worthy endeavor to strengthen the ties between our troops. I shall inform the others.

Ooh, I wonder who I should invite! Maybe Maribelle? Hey, mister, who are you taking?

Me? Why, I'm so glad you asked! He should be here any second... Oh! There he is. ...Victor!

Vincent! Oh, Vincent! It's just terrible! Horrible! Awful, don'tcha know!

What's wrong, Victor? Where's your party hat?! And your face—you look like you've seen a ghost!

I think I have, Vincent! Or a zombie at least. Monsters have invaded the village! They're shambling all over the square and being all moany and just spoiling everything!

What?! Monsters?

So much for forgetting our troubles...

It can't be helped. If the village is in trouble, we have to lend a hand. Vincent, Victor—lead the way. We'll do all we can to help defend—

Oh, Victor, you poor thing! Are you sure you're all right?

Just peachy, Vincent—not a scratch! But awww, that's just so sweet of ya to worry about me!

Er, hello? Did you hear me? We're soldiers. My army can protect you from—

Well, of course I was worried, Silly Billy! And I still am—let's getcha outta here! I say we run home, lock the doors and bar the windows, and wait for this to blow over.

Good idea, Vincent! You're just as sharp as a tack, ain'tcha? But don't worry—whatever happens, I'll protect ya, okay?

...Uh, guys?

Aw, thanks, Victor! And I'll protect you too!

Aw, Vincent, you're a peach! We make sure a great team, don'tcha know!

Yessiree! We faced that crisis head on, and together we made it though!

No, you did not! The crisis is just starting, and you're planning to run!

Huh? ...Oh! You're still there? You'd best be running too, don'tcha know! This is no place for a bunch of scrawny tourists, nosiree! Ta-ta now! *Vincent leaves*

...T-tourists?! Rrgh... Well, I guess it's up to us "tourists" to save their cheery backsides... Lissa, Frederick—rally the others!

Does this mean we can still go to the fair? Yay!


Frederick? What is it?

Those two men...

Oh, that? Heh, I know they came off as rude, but I'm certain it wasn't intention—

N-no. It's just... Their concern for one another... Such dedication... It's...so inspiring...

Excuse me?!

Would that we all could demonstrate such compassion for our fellow man...

Well, er, yes... I suppose that's one way of looking at it... But you do realize that—

Milord, wait! *sniff* I have something to say!

Oh, gods...

From this day forward, let us, too, share such a relationship! I will be as your Vincent, milord, and you, my Victor!

Would you just grab a lance and start killing things? That's an order!


Chrom > Frederick

*Huff, huff* Milord! Over here!

What in the world, Frederick? You're panting like an asthmatic dog.

Sir, something of grave importance has come to my attention. Something connected with a certain famous feature of the town.

Grave importance? Do tell.

There is a renowned legend associated with the fountain in the plaza. Have you perchance heard of it?

Er, no.

No matter. I shall explain to you. Please come with me, sir.

H-hey, stop yanking on my arm. What legend are you talking about?

If two people toss a coin into the fountain at the same time...they'll be bound by powerful affection that will last until death do them part.

Till death do them part?! Now, w-wait a second!

Come, sir! We cannot let this opportunity pass us by. The fountain is this way. And don't worry—I've a purse full of coins!

Frederick, will you slow down?! This legend—surely it's meant for lovers? You know, young men and women hoping for a long and happy marriage?

Heavens forbid! Marriage is a union of equals! A couple on the same footing! You and I are not equals! How could it possibly be the same thing?!

Er, that's not what I meant...

Milord, this fountain will strengthen the bonds of servitude! Liege and vassal, lord and servant, king and subject... To serve you for life is my dream! ...And I want us to be closer than anyone—including that pair we just met!

Ahh, now I see... So this is about those two, isn't it? Look, I know you can't stand losing, but sometimes you take things a bit too far. Besides, we have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment... You know, like the pack of monsters that are threatening this town?

But, wait! My liege! Please, just one little toss of a coin! I assure you it won't take that long! Milord, where are you going?!

Frederick > Chrom

*Sigh* How disappointing... Milord and I missed our chance to toss coins into the fountain. He thinks I only wanted to do it to not lose out to those other two... But no! For truth, my only desire is to cement my place as vassal! Of course, I have only myself to blame for not explaining myse— ...Hm? What's that? An archer drawing his bow? And his target is...CHROM?! This I cannot allow! No matter how much milord doubts my sincere intentions... I shall always be ready to protect him—with my very life if necessary! Milord, look out! Ungh...!

F-Frederick? What the—?!

Milord, are you unharmed?

I-I'm fine, yes, thank you. But what about you? You're wounded!

A mere flesh wound. The joy of saving you from harm is smothering the pain most effectively.

Frederick, are you sure you're all right? That looks VERY painful...

If you wish to help me...perhaps...you will do me...a great favor?

Of course! What do you want? Shall I bring a healer? Carry you to a medic's tent? Name it!

...I would like...I would like to toss a coin into the fountain with you.

...This again? Frederick, you truly are far too competitive for your own good...

No, milord. You misjudge me. I care not whether our friendship is stronger than theirs. I merely desire to protect and serve you—nothing more, nothing less. Even after peace has returned, I wish to remain by your side. Indomitable, faithful...inseparable unto death.

Ah, Frederick... *Sigh* You just will not be dissuaded, will you? Very well. Get your purse, and take me to this fountain of yours.

Thank you, milord! I shall remain your vassal for all time!

Frederick > Henry

Oh boy, I LOVE town fairs! All the banners and stalls and screaming...

Er, indeed. The colorful decorations do lift one's spirits, don't they?

Oh? I didn't think you were the type to enjoy smallfolk frolics, Frederick.

Of course I am! Everyone loves a good fair.

So when it all starts up again, you're gonna join in the fun? Sample the sweets, dance a jig, toss knives at the jugglers?

Er, no.

Oh. So what ARE you going to do?

My job—nay, my duty—is to protect the common folk from harm. Sometimes the most dangerous times are when we give ourselves over to celebration. We let down our guard, and threats to our lives are forgotten for the nonce. It's my responsibility to safeguard this town from war's terrible menace. As such, I must stand stalwart, alert, hand on pommel, ready to do battle!

Snooze. That sounds so boring! You must really hate your life.

Not at all. Why do you say that?

Isn't it frustrating? Watching everyone letting their hair down and having fun? Meanwhile, you stand around all grim and serious like you've got a lance up your—

*Ahem* On the contrary, I manage to keep myself quite busy indeed. Returning lost children to their tearful parents... Tying down tarps on stalls that are threatening to blow away... Settling disputes between neighbors who've had too much mead... For a knight who yearns to serve the people, there's no better place than the local fair!


So no, I don't hate my life at all. I find these fairs to be quite fun.

Hmm. I guess we just have different definitions of the word "fun"...

I think you'd benefit from being able to see things from a knight's point of view. Spend a day in my plate-metal shoes, and then you'd understand!

Henry > Frederick

...There we go. That should hold it.

Hey, Frederick. What are you up to?

Securing the guy ropes on this awning lest the wind blow it away. Once I am done, the stall will be safe for the children to procure sweets.

Huh. Working for the people again! Listen, Frederick. About that talk we had earlier. Do you remember it?

Yes, of course.

Well, I was thinking... You're ALWAYS helping people, you know? Not just at fairs, but on the march, in camp... Heck, you even dig out our latrines! But I have a hard time believing all the work you do is really fun.

I'm not sure I follow...

You're like a donkey strapped to a donkey wheel! Round and round you go, working and working, never stopping for a rest. Seems to me your idea of fun is wearing yourself out with chores!

Hmm. Perhaps you're right. I do derive pleasure from a hard day's work...


It gives my life meaning to sacrifice my health for the benefit of others.

You know...it sounds a bit like the dark arts to me.

Dark arts?!

Yep! Think about it: You derive please from working yourself to the bone, right? And in doing so, you manage to dredge up extra-powerful energy from within! I mean, to outsiders it makes you look like some superhuman saint... But in the end, you're just doing what feels good to you—just like me!

Er, I see... It's certainly an...interesting theory.

Nya ha! I know, right? Maybe we should work together to help you develop this natural talent! I'll teach you all about dark magic and how to embrace your inner darkness. It's incredibly dangerous, of course. Most folks get swallowed up, never to return... But I've got a good feeling about you, Frederick! I think you'll probably be okay.

P-probably?! I'm not sure I'd enjoy being swallowed by anything, let alone dark—

ANYhoo, now that that's settled, let me know when you're ready for our lessons!

Er, something tells me you're not going to take no for an answer... *Sigh* Can we start out small, at least? Something with minimal risk...?

Sully > Miriel

Sully. I wonder if I might pose an interrogative.

Uh, you mean you wanna ask me a question? Sure. Do your worst. Can't promise I can help, but I'll do my damnedest!

Oh, I am certain that you'll be able to help...should you be willing.

You don't say.

I do. In fact, I just did. Now, allow me to cut to the chase. My question is this: Why do you speak in such a gruff and masculine manner? According to my observations, few ladies of breeding speak so colorfully. You are the first I have encountered who says "arse," let alone "damn" or "bastar—

Whoa there, lady! All right, all right! I get the picture! See, in my house, I was the youngest of three—I had two older brothers. And I learned that sometimes nothing says it better than a good, solid expletive. ...Yeah. Blame it on my damned brothers—the foul-mouthed sons-a-guns!

Fascinating. Which raises another, equally intriguing, question: these brothers of yours—they do not serve in the Ylissean Knights.


It is my understanding that, by and large, all highborn sons of Ylisse enter the order. Why did they not do so? Were they perhaps afflicted by some physical handicap?


I'm sorry? Were you attempting to tell me something?

...Aren't you a nosy witch? Why don't you mind your own damn business!

Hmm. It appears that I have caused offense. Fascinating...

Miriel > Sully

Sully. I feel that I must make reparations with you.

Uh, sorry. What are we making? ...Oh, right. You mean you want to apologize about that stuff earlier?

Precisely. I requisitioned the pertinent records and ascertained the facts.

Then I guess there's no point me tryin' to hide anything, huh...

Indeed not. Your brothers, they were...

Uh-huh. They served as knights, all right. But one day, they went to help out a village that was being hassled by bandits... And they never came back...

I apologize for forcing you to recall such painful memories. Curiosity and a thirst for knowledge are no excuse for insensitivity.

Aw, forget it. It's all right. Seriously. I should've never gotten my smallclothes in a twist about it. How could you have known, right?

You're very kind.

By the by, I've been thinking more about how I talk—y'know, all "masculine"? I think it's more than just listening to my brothers when I was little. Maybe it's got something to do with me trying to carry on their legacy. I wanted to honor their memory by being the roughest, toughest knight out there... And somewhere along the line, I ended up talking like one too!

Fascinating. Psychologically speaking, your reasoning seems sound. I am sure that wherever they are now, your brothers are watching over you. And I am equally certain they are proud to see what a fine knight you've become.

Ha! Thanks, Miriel! You're just full of surprises, aren't ya? I never figured you for the religious type! Do you really believe in the afterlife?

Interesting that you should ask. It is, in fact, a fascinating avenue of inquiry. Though there is little supporting data, some theorists have posited that...

Virion > Frederick

Finally, a quiet moment to myself to forget my cares and soothe my soul...

Virion, what in the world are you doing?!

Why, I'm sipping tea, of course. What of it?

In the middle of a battlefield? This is neither the time nor the place, sir!

Oh, shush now. We nobles bear many a heavy burden, you know. This delightful ritual of civilization gives me strength to fulfill my arduous duties! Indeed, you look a bit frayed yourself. Why not have a seat and join me?

Er, well, I WAS feeling somewhat parched... I suppose one small cup couldn't hurt. *sniff* Ah... An herbal mix, yes? From the plantations of Ferox, if I'm not mistaken. ...I consider myself something of a tea connoisseur, if I may be so bold.

Truly amazing. Inspiring, even!

...Beg pardon?

I was just thinking about what an abundantly gifted knight you are.

Why, thank you.

Such breeding—to be able to identify the source of a tea with a single sniff! I'm flabbergasted! Wonder-struck! Overcome with joy!

Er, yes. Well, I'm not sure it's quite that big a deal, but—

That settles it. I must have you as my own! House Virion demands the very best. And you, sir, will make a superb addition to my retinue of vassals!

...Are you headhunting me, sir?

Well, yes, I suppose I am. Metaphorically, of course, hah! One day, when this war is over, my domains will prosper again... And when they do, you WILL serve me—at double your current pay!

A most generous offer, sir, but you ask the impossible. I'm afraid I must refuse.

Refuse?! But why?

For generations, my family has served the royal family of Ylisse exclusively.



To hear it twice stings my very soul... But the past is past, and you must consider your future! Still, I see you shall not be easily persuaded... Very well then. We shall speak more of this later. But rest assured, I shall not give up so easily! When it comes to wooing, my title of Virion the Tenacious is well earned!

Woo me as you may. I can assure you my answer will remain unchanged...

Frederick > Virion

Frederick! There you are. We have unfinished business to discuss.

V-Virion! You caught me off guard. What could possibly be so pressing?

Don't play coy with me! You know what I want. You. As my vassal. If you refuse, you may as well just take this sword and cut me down...

Isn't that a bit...extreme?

I insist! Go on, lop off my head. I've no use for it if I cannot have you.

*Sigh* I appreciate your fervor, Virion. But as I said before, my family has served House Ylisse for generations unbroken.

Yes, yes. I believe "exclusively" was the word you used. But exclusivity is a fleeting thing, my friend! Generations change! New allegiances are formed! Surely my impassioned plea is enough to move your heart to switch sides! So come, what do you say? Serve me, or strike me down where I stand!

...Very well, Virion. If you insist, then I suppose you leave me no choice.

Ha-HAH! I KNEW you would come around and agree to be my vassal!

Are you ready?

Erm, w-wait... What's going on, exactly? Careful with that thing—it's quite sharp!




You can stop cowering now. It's dead. A close call, though, wasn't it?

An interloper... How mischievous of you not to tell me.

When in service of my lord, I believe actions speak louder than words. But as I said before, I'm afraid I cannot serve you. I am promised to another.

Nothing will change your mind?


*Shrug* Very well. I suppose even Virion the Tenacious cannot woo them all. But I hope we can remain friends? Perhaps share tea again?

Now, that I can do. Tea is one passion of mine that knows no boundaries!

Stahl > Kellam

Stahl, you're amazing.

Buh?! Where did you come from?

Nowhere. I was just standing here watching you.

Oh. So you saw me break up that quarrel just now then. It's only natural that tempers flare at times like these... In times of war and chaos, it's often the smallfolk who end up suffering the most. Somehow it falls to me to play the peacemaker. Seems I've got a knack for it! I pour oil on troubled waters, soothe injured pride—that sort of thing.

Oh, I've seen you do it plenty of time. We sure are lucky to have you around!

Oh, I don't know about that. Chrom and Robin are the ones who keep everything ticking. They're the leaders, the inspirers, the oxen that haul our wagons. Me? I'm just grease on the axles, helping to keep the wheels from creaking.

Well, however humble, it must be great to have your own special role to play. Man, I wish I could be like you... I wish I could be grease!

Hah! Now I'm blushing, Kellam. No one's ever praised me like this.

Well, it's true. I hope someday I can be as useful as you, Stahl!

Kellam > Stahl

Hey, Stahl. Remember our little chat from earlier?

You mean the one about the grease?

Right. I was thinking...you know...maybe I could learn to be a conciliator too.

Hm. I wonder...

You don't think I have it in me, do you...? *sigh* I AM useless, even as grease!

Come now, Kellam. I never said that. Everyone has something they're really good at, right? Better than others? You just have to figure out what it is you do best and make that your focus. You can't just force yourself into a role you're not cut out for. I mean, do you think when I started out, I WANTED to be the grease man?

Then how come that's what you ended up doing?

Honestly? I just sort of fell into it. No one else was willing to take the job, and it seemed to suit me, so... *shrug*


Look, what do you do in battle? You protect others, right? That's an important role. You should keep working on that. Get good at it. Look at me. When it come to fighting, I'm no better than anyone at anything. Not like you. No, you have REAL talent. You're a standout—and I envy you that!

A s-standout? ME? No one's ever said THAT before...

Oh, don't be so humble! I respect what you do. I always have.

Respect?! Now you've really gone off the deep end! You sure you're feeling well? I respect you like a hundred times more than you could ever respect me!

Hah! Look at us going red in the face and patting each other on the back... Of course, true comrades should point out each others' weaknesses as well. Still, it's a fine thing to get a word of encouragement every now and then. Especially if it means strengthening the bonds of friendship between us!

You're right. I'll keep that in mind. It's been an honor having a frank talk like this with someone of your caliber, Stahl!

Well, when we're finished with this fight, we can sit down for another chat. Then I can tell you exactly why the honor is all mine, friend!

Vaike > Chrom

Well, if it isn't Chrom. Just the prince I was hopin' to walk up and talk to!

Er...right. What's up, Vaike? Usually when you look this excited, it means you want to spar. But really, I don't think this is the time or the place for—

Rebuffed again? Aw, I even spit-shined my breast-plate and everything! ...Wait, what am I talkin' about? Teach ain't lookin' to spar! No, sir. Actually, Teach is here to file a complaint!

Is that...so.

Look, you're a good ally. I'll concede that. Handy with a sword, everyone trusts ya... Granted, when it comes to rugged good looks, ol' Vaike has ya beat, but...

Rugged good looks...?

But with everything else, you always come out on top. And that's my problem! I'm tired of standin' in your shadow! What gives? It didn't used to be like this. We used to be like equals, you and me!

...Honestly, Vaike, I don't think anything has changed at all. Are you sure this isn't just all in your head?

In my head?! Oh, I see—so now not only am I second fiddle, I'm crazy too! W-well, if we're gonna start hurlin' insults, Teach can give as good as he gets!

...... Look. We're in the middle of a battle. Can we discuss this later?

Hey! Where ya goin'?! Come back here! The Vaike's not done talkin'! *Sigh* One of these days, that man will show me the proper respect...

Chrom > Vaike

HI-YAAAH! *Swing*

Buh?! *Block* Heh. The classic Vaike surprise attack. Swing first, ask questions later...

I thought about tryin' a new approach, but I always come back to the tried and tested.

Fair enough. Come on then. You've started it—now let's finish it.

Gah, there you go again, bein' all irritatingly calm and smug! GWAAAAAAAAAR!


*Pant, pant*

*Huff, huff* Well? Feel better now?

Bah! Always lookin' down your nose at me... Patronizin', that's the word.

That's not my intent, Vaike. ...But while I have your attention, let me tell you something. Because of the duels we fight, I've grown to trust you a great deal. I know your strength, your skills, your prowess better than anyone. So no matter what you think of me, I know I can rely on your strength.


Think about it. How many times have we sparred like this now? I've lost count.

Hmph. So yer sayin' the Vaike is a reliable guy? Well, har! I've always known THAT! Knew it from the very start!

Then you should also know that I'm not trying to patronize you. So keep challenging me all you want, and I'll do my best to return the favor.

Oh no, you don't! We're gonna switch things around, my little prince! You want to fight the Vaike? Then next time, YOU have to challenge ME!

Heh... If that'll make you happy, then sure. Let's spar again once this battle is over.

Ha ha! That's the spirit! We'll give this little fair its very own main event! But first, we'd better get back to cleanin' up these pesky little rats.


Miriel > Cherche

Fascinating. Most fascinating.

What is it, Miriel? You've seen enough of the Risen to be used to them by now.

Indeed. But this is the first I've heard of them being drawn to a harvest. The academic literature has so far been silent on the topic. I wonder if this odd phenomenon is due to something in their biological makeup.

It does seem a little strange that monsters would be attracted by the harvest. But I have heard of other places where the two are connected. For example, there's a festival held around this time in one of the Outrealms. In it, children parade through their villages dressed as monsters and devils.

To what end to they engage in such activity?

Your guess is as good as mine. But perhaps there are more links between monsters and the harvest than we think.

Intriguing. This demands further inquiry. If you develop your harvest thesis any further, you must notify me immediately.

I will. But let's focus on harvesting these monsters first.

Cherche > Miriel

Cherche. Do you have a moment?

For you, Miriel? Of course. You always have interesting things to say.

Fascinating. This is not the usual response to my attempts to engage in discourse. The stock reaction is one of discomfort, and in extreme cases, flight.

Really? I can't imagine why.

I gather that it is because I am considered tedious. This is due to my predilection for erudite language and abstruse subject matter.

Oh, nonsense! I don't find you tedious in the slightest. In fact, I find the way you speak refreshingly precise.


Oh, yes. When most people talk, logic and reason go out of the window. It's all "Wow!" and "Y'know!" and "Did you hear?" and so on. It's as if they just spew out whatever nonsense pops into their heads. But not you. You're calm, reasoned, measured, and to the point.

This is high praise indeed. But I fear you may be overstating the case.

Not at all! In fact, you know what? I think I might be one of the few people who truly understands you.

...I am gratified that you think so. I also regard you in a positive light. Dialogue with you tends to result in more rewarding outcomes than with most. I find our talks both enlightening and enlivening.

Ha. Now who's overstating the case? But listen to me prattling away! There's something I wanted to discuss with you. It's about a legend from my homeland. The story of a certain dragon... I think it might interest you. Would you like to hear it?

Please go on. You have my undivided attention.

Sumia > Sully

Hey there, Sumia. What a waste of a perfectly good fair, eh? Let's clear these shambling corpses out so we can get back to the party!

I know! I bet everyone's dying for the festivities to start again!

Say, check out that banner over there. "Something, something...best looking villager...something...beauty pageant." Huh. This fair's got everything.

"Looking for attractive contestants...male and female...and...and..." ...OH!

What's it say? I can't read that bit. The writing's too damn small.

It says there's a beauty contest for women...dressed in men's clothes!

Ha! Sure it does. Now you're just yankin' my chain.

No, I'm serious! It's quite clear. "Women dressed as men," it says.

What the hell kinda contest is that?

I don't know, but I totally think you should enter!

M-me? In a beauty contest?! Har! You been hittin' the mead or what?

But you look so good in men's clothing! Nearly everyone says so. And, I mean, you already kind of talk like a man, right? I bet you'd do really well!

Look, maybe I swear too much for polite society, but dammit, I—

Okay, well never mind about your potty mouth. But still...you should consider it. Women dressing up like men is a long-standing and noble tradition, you know. It's from an elegant, seductive world that transcends the boundaries of gender itself!

You sure as hell seem to know a lot about it.

...Which is why the more I think about it, the more I know you just HAVE to enter!

Forget it!

Don't worry. I can handle the details. I'll be your manager, hee hee! Okay, first things first: we need to find you the perfect outfit...

H-hey! Wait up, Sumia! I didn't agree to this, damn you!

Sully > Sumia

Okay, Sully, I'm back. Sorry it took so long!

Don't tell me you went and borrowed some poor sap's clothes?

Well, not just ANY poor sap! When I told Chrom what it was for, he was more than happy to help!

What? You borrowed togs from the prince himself?!

Sure! He said these didn't fit him anymore, so he let me borrow them. Here you go. Slip your arm through here, and I'll just check it for size.

Right now? We're in the middle of a damn battle, for crying out loud!

Huh...? Oh, right! Battle! S-sorry, I forgot... I just got so excited about the contest, I couldn't wait to start...

Heh, I don't think I've ever seen you this determined before.

I know it's silly...but this whole thing is just SO alluring! I mean, men have their own unique appeal, and women do too, right? But combine them both, and you get the best of both worlds! The beauty of the female form, with the magnetic appeal of a handsome man... If we can pull this off, you'll be like a dashing prince from a fairy tale!

Uhhh, yeah, sure. Different strokes, I suppose.

Anyway, of everyone in this army, you're the best one suited for this. You're going to enter this contest and totally CRUSH the competition! And as your manager, I'll be right there, front and center, cheering you on!

Oh, for the love of the gods... You do realize I haven't actually said yes yet?!

Sumia > Cordelia

Sumia? Can I have a word?

Oh, hey, Cordelia. What's up?

What's up? More like what's down. As in, all over the ground. When you were hauling supplies earlier, you dropped and smashed a crate, didn't you?

Oh, that. Er, yeah, sort of...

You do realize this is an army, right? We can't afford to lose precious military supplies on account of ridiculous accidents. ...I also happen to know it was YOU who knocked all those spears over yesterday.

Oh, you saw that too, huh... I'm SO sorry. I was just trying to—

I'm not finished! You also filled the pegasus feed bags with pebbles, did you not? And—I don't know how you did this—you spilled fig oil over the entire armory!

ARGH, I'm really sorry! That pebble thing was a total accident! I can explain—

I don't need apologies or excuses! You must understand this is war. Even a small mistake can wind up costing someone's life on the battlefield! When that happens, are you going to say sorry to their corpse?

I-I know, Cordelia... I know I shouldn't be so clumsy... I try SO hard all the time, but stuff just... *sob* ...keeps happening... WAAAAH!

Sumia, wait! Don't run off! Drat. She looked really upset. Maybe I was too hard on her...

Cordelia > Sumia

Er, Cordelia...I'm sorry for running away from you earlier.

It's all right. I wanted to apologize as well. I spoke too harshly. I know you do your best. I shouldn't have gone on for so long about it.

Oh, gosh, NO! You didn't do anything wrong at all! You were totally right! I know I mess up all the time, and I know it causes trouble for everyone...

Look, Sumia—

I might not get better right away, but I really, REALLY want to improve! So would you mind just keeping an eye on me a little while longer...? You know, in case I mess up again?

Of course not, Sumia.

Oh, thank you! I promise you won't regret this! Er, by the way, Cordelia, while I have you here...


At one of the stands, I saw these cute little pegasus-feather ornaments... When the fair starts up again, maybe you and I could go and have a look?

Good grief, Sumia, you really do take the cake! Here I was all worried you were off in some corner sobbing inconsolably... In reality, you were wandering around the stands looking for trinkets to buy! I tell you, I wish I could bounce back from setbacks as quickly as you.

Ah...right. S-sorry...

Heh... Still, it's nice to see you smiling again. That cheerful face of yours has always been a boon during tough battles.

It has? ...Wait, that's a good thing, right?

Of course it is, silly. It calms my nerves and allows me to focus.

Oh, really? I never knew... Well, thanks, Cordelia. It means a lot knowing I'm at least a little bit helpful. So, er...about the feather ornaments? Will you come with me?

No need.

Aww! Why not?

This is for you.

Ohmigosh! That's the very ornament I was talking about! How did you—?!

I saw them earlier, before all this happened, and decided to buy two. It's funny that of all the trinkets on sale, we noticed the exact same ones.

Wow! Thanks SO much, Cordelia! I promise to be more helpful now!

Good. And I'll do my best to help you along the way. Frankly, I need that cheerful support of yours on the battlefield!

Donnel > Stahl

Dancin' donkeys, but this fair ain't somethin' else!

Donny? What are you doing standing there, mouth agape?

I was just thinkin' how grand and colorful everythin' looks! I mean, we had our own fairs back in the village, but they weren't nothin' like this! Let's hurry up and finish whuppin' these Risen so we's can have some fun!

Are fairs really that exciting? I haven't been to many, honestly.

That so? Now, that there's a cryin' shame, if you don't mind me sayin'. Why, a good fair's just about the best darn thing in the whole wide world! You couldn't drag me away from a fair with a pair of shire horses!

Hah! I bet I know why, too. The REAL reason you like fairs...

Wh-what do ya mean?

They offer...opportunities, shall we say? To the dapper young village lad? What better place to meet a young maid, dance a jig...and mayhap more? The promise of love and romance—therein lies the charm. Am I right?

Gosh, n-no! I ain't never thought anythin' like that! Not one bit!

Are you sure?

Er...well, maybe a mite. I mean, a lot of guys and gals go in for the dancin'... But I wasn't never much one for it. Had me two left feet, they used to tell me. Wasn't that I was clumsy or nothin', though. It's just...there was this one time... See, there was this paint pail and a piglet...and sweet Betty from down the lane... Well, let's just say it was mighty embarrassin'. Put me off dancin' for good!

Oh ho! A young man with a checkered past! Tell me more!

N-no way! I already done told ya more'n ya need to know! ‘Sides, I'm tired'a talkin' ‘bout me. How's about you?

How's about me what?

Ya know! Girls! I wager you got lots of fine lady memories.

Who, me? Oh, ha ha, no, I—

I mean, a fella as good lookin' and charmin' and everythin' as you? I bet YOUR past ain't embarrassin' at all! I wanna hear all about it!

O-oh, would you look at the time? Sorry, Donny—gotta run!

Hey, Stahl! Wait up! Dang. Now why'd he run off like that? I bet he's got some great yarns to spin...

Stahl > Donnel


Wah! D-Donny?!

Ah-hah! Gotcha cornered now! You're gonna tell me a story or else!

Look, Donny. I don't have any stories.

Now, you listen here. Ain't no use pretendin' ya got nothin' to say. I reckon you got a barrel full of stories from your youth, and I wanna hear one!

*Sigh* Fine, fine. As long as you promise to leave me alone after.

I swear it on my uncles prize sow, rest her precious soul!

Er, right. Anyway, this is a story from years ago, when I was still a lad. A friend took me alone to what would be the only fair I saw as a boy... I had a crush back then, and I was hoping to see her at this fair. We knew there'd be a dance floor, with girls looking for partners...

See, I knew it! So? Did ya dance with her? Did ya fall in love?

No. As we walked toward the town, my friend told me about a girl he fancied...

...Oh. Don't tell me—

Yes. It was the very same girl whom I had long adored from afar! I was deeply conflicted. But he was a fine friend, one I didn't want to lose. So, in the end, I did nothing. I stayed silent the whole night. He danced with the girl of my dreams, and I...never went to another fair.

Gosh, Stahl. That was awfully kind of ya. You sure are selfless! I can't believe that girl ended up with your friend and not you!

Kind? I don't know. Maybe I just lacked the courage to be frank.

Well, never you mind! When this fight's over, we're gonna make things right. I'll put on a wig, you put on a blindfold, and the two of us'll dance instead! You can pretend I was your girl and get the regret right outta your system. Shoot. It's a fair, after all, right?! It'll be fun!

Er, Donny...I appreciate the thought, but I really don't think that'll be necessary...

Donnel > Kellam

Um, Donnel?

Hey there, Kellam! What can I do ya for?

Well, there's something I've been wondering about for ages... I tried to resist, but...I just can't keep it to myself any longer.

Well, ya know I'll help if I can! What's ticklin' yer curiosity?

All right, I'll just come out and ask: Why do you wear a pot on your head?

Huh? THAT'S yer question? Err... A-ain't it obvious? You wear a big helmet when yer fightin', right? Well...I wear a pot for the same reason—to keep my noggin in one piece!

Well, yes, I'd guessed that much. But what I mean is, why a pot? Why not...you know, an actual helmet? If it's a question of coin, I'm sure Chrom would be happy to help...

B-boy, you sure ya don't wanna talk about somethin' else? Anyway, no, it ain't about money. I been wearin' this thing since I was on all fours! I've grown mighty attached to it, ya know? Heck, I'd feel naked without it...

I see. So in other words, it's kind of like a good-luck charm, huh?

Er, yeah! That's EXACTLY what it's like! A good-luck charm! Well, glad we cleared that up. Now if you'll pardon me— Whoa, Kellam! Over yonder! It's some kinda monster! Sorry. I better run off and warn the others!

Huh? But...I don't see any monster? ...What's gotten into him? Hmm... This all came about when we started talking about his pot... Maybe he's hiding something under that thing...? Something shameful that he doesn't want anyone else to know! Well, if there's anyone who can sneak up on him to yank it off and have a look... Okay, easy does it. Eaaasy does it...

Phew! Dodged an arrow back there. Good thing I skedaddled when I did...

(Perfect. He hasn't noticed me yet. Almost there... Allllmooost...) And...NOW!

Kellam > Donnel

S-Sorry, Donnel...

I should hope so! Dancin' donkeys, of all the mean tricks to pull...

I thought you might be hiding something, but I never imagined THAT! I mean, your hair! It's like, it's like... Gods, I don't know WHAT it was like!

*Sigh* Like a drunk musk ox ambled on up there and kicked the bucket?

W-Well, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind... Although...now that you mention it... *snort*


Ah, sorry! That...wasn't laughter, honest! J-just something caught in my nose!

*Sigh* Ma always said I had hair messier than a slop trough. I done tried everythin'—water, bacon grease, my ma's special ointments... As ya can see, nothin's been able to tame it.

...Still, does it really matter so much? It's distinctive, I'll grant you that, but—

Oh, it matters all right! Shoot, this army's just full'a lords and ladies, knights and princes... I'm surrounded by highborn types with their lustrous, flowin' locks... My curly mop stands out like a hedgehog in a pile o' marshmallows!

Maybe. But if it were me, I'd be happy to stand out. It's good to be noticed! I don't look like anything special at all, and that's why no one ever sees me... But then, I'm not the one with an ox on my head, right? So what do I know... Anyway, I promise I won't tell anyone about your hair. It'll be our secret.

Truly? Shucks, Kellam, that's a relief! I owe ya one! ...But I reckon you've gotta tell me one of yer secrets now too. That way we'll both owe each other, and everythin'll be all fair and square!

Wha—?! B-but I don't have any embarrassing secrets!

Oh, I don't buy that for a cotton-pickin' minute! Go on, Kellam. Dish me yer dirt!

Er...maybe we should get back to fighting those Risen...

Lon'qu > Vaike

Ogre's teeth! It's a veritable Festival of the Undead out here, eh? Whaddya say, Lon'qu? Let's light some fireworks and clean this mess up!

Hush. I'm observing our foes. Your mindless chatter is distracting.

Pfft. Fiiine, Lord Serious. Have it your way. But take it from ol' Teach... Standin' there all day with your shoulders all knotted is just gonna wear ya out. Sometimes ya gotta relax and learn to let your hair down! In fact, once we've taken care of business here, I'm gonna show ya how. We'll jump into his fair and have a whale of a time. Sound good?

No. I am only interested in pursuits that will make me stronger.

Look, the Vaike's makin' an effort here—least ya could do is meet me halfway. Ya keep brushin' people off like this, and eventually no one's gonna like ya! Speakin' of brushin' off, I heard ya have a hard time treatin' with ladyfolk. Course, it's just a daft rumor, and I'm sure there's not a grain of truth to it. A good-lookin' warrior like you goin' all knock-kneed at the sight of a lass? Hah! Sounds absurd to me!

I don't expect you to understand me, nor do I care if you do.

Wait, so yer sayin' there's some truth to it? You're an odd fish, that's for sure. ...But damn if this thing about women ain't gnawin' at my skull. It makes no sense—unless, maybe, you were scarred by some bad experience? Is that it? True love did you wrong? She dump ya for the local noble lad?

Not at all.

Then what's the problem? Ya gotta tell ol' Vaike!

Will you PLEASE go away?

Must be one hell of a secret, if yer so determined to stay mum about it... ...WAAAIT A MINUTE. I get it now. Har! Why didn't ya just say so? That ain't nothin' to be ashamed of! You should be proud that yer into—

SILENCE! The last thing I need is you making up nonsensical theories of your own. Fine. I shall tell you the whole story. It's a sad tale, one I do not like to share, but... If it means shutting you up, then so be it. *Ahem* It all began—

Say no more, my mysterious friend! The Vaike understands! I gotta go share the news with everyone... I finally figured out Lon'qu's big secret!

Wh-what?! What have you figured out?! Come back here, damn you! I haven't told you anything yet you infuriating knave!

Vaike > Lon'qu

Say, did you hear?

About Lon'qu? Oh, yeah. I'd never have guessed!

Indeed. But we should probably keep quiet about it. Maybe he doesn't want people to know...

What's to hide? He's one of our best warriors! He should be proud of who—


L-Lon'qu! Sire! Y-you're looking progressive today! Er, I mean— Uh... W-we were just leaving! Bye!

This is your doing, Vaike. The ridiculous rumors you've been telling about me are everywhere. The men don't trust me anymore. You have to fix this.

Hah! ...Yeah. I never imagined the stories would get around so fast!

That's it. You need to die. Bend your head, and I'll make it quick.

Look, I said I was sorry! Sheesh. Anyway, it's all part of the Vaike's plan! Just you wait and see what I've got in store for phase two!

Plan? What do you mean, "plan"?

Trust me, pal! I know what I'm doin'. Honest! Spreadin' those rumors—that was just the start. I'm layin' the groundwork!

...Keep talking.

Y'see, all you care about is fightin', right? Honin' your skills and all that. The problem is, you're neglectin' your friends and allies, and that ain't good. But by circulatin' these stories, I'm raisin' your public awareness, see?

Even if I accept that ridiculous claim, surely there are better ways to—

Maybe, maybe not. I didn't think about it that hard.

Damn you!

But you're a real tough nut, and ya don't much like talkin' to anyone. I figured drastic measures were needed to get your attention. A little tiff between friends does more to strengthen bonds than story silence!

...... Fine. Carry on with your "plan."

That's the spirit! Now come with me, and let's talk to the troops. We got a few fallacies to clear up!

D-don't put your arm round my shoulders, curse you! We're supposed to be squashing the damn rumors, not sparking more!

Lon'qu > Gregor


Oy! Lon'qu, my friend. Why are you making with long face? This is festival, place of joy and fun. You should be making with festive face!

I hate festivals.

Hate festivals?! Never before has Gregor heard such extraordinary claim!

I'm not much for noise and clamor. I prefer quiet.

But clamor is whole point! Without clamor, festival is like any other day. Boring!

When this thing reopens, the plaza will be crawling with people again. The thought alone makes my head hurt.

You are hating this much, eh?

I don't even understand why we bothered coming here.

Ha! But here we are, so is like spilled milk under bridge, yes? We should enjoy rare opportunity in strange otherworld place!

Enjoy? More like persevere. I'll find no pleasure here.

Oy! Why is butt always clenching so tight? Having fun is important life experience!

Life experience?

Yes! Gregor thinks you are living the very one-dimensional lifestyle. Every day, you train, you fight, you stab people... You must become more well-rounded person. Like Gregor! Basilio sent you out in world to discover new things and broaden the horizons, yes? So you must be letting down hair and joining in fun. Is your duty!

Hmm... Broaden my horizons, huh. ...Very well. I shall join the festival—no matter how painful it proves to be.

Gregor > Lon'qu

Gregor. I have a question about this festival business.

You do? Ah, is good, is good! Gregor happy to answer all queries!

In what manner should I use it to "broaden my horizons"?

Mmm, is good question. First, when festivities begin again, you must be immersing yourself. Join crowds, try activities, and most vital, you must be talking to locals! Find out why they celebrate, so you can learn heart and soul of festival.

I see. So I shall interrogate the participants, uncover the facts, and—

No, no! Gregor is not suggesting you become private investigator!

Then how am I to find this information?

That is easy thing! Share meat, drink mead, and make merry with new friends!

I don't drink mead. Slows down the reflexes.

Oy! First women, then festivals, now mead?! Is such cold and empty lifestyle...

...You know nothing about it. I just don't like to drink, that's all.

Hmm. Well, in any case, Gregor must be thinking of other ways to immerse you... Ah! Here comes storm of brain! You are handy with blade, so you must be good at peeling the vegetables, yes?

On mess duty, the cook has been known to praise my work, sure... But what of it?

What of it?! We must be taking advantage of your cooking talents, that is what! You can help kind people who prepare festival food. Easy way to make friends. ...Then you share meat and drink mead and make merry with new friends!

That last bit sounds exactly like your earlier advice...

Hah! Is no matter! No need to overthink small details, yes?


Oh? What is rare smile Gregor sees on Lon'qu's face? Is gas, perhaps?

I'm just...starting to think your suggestion might not be all that unpleasant. You're a remarkably persuasive man. Your enthusiasm is infectious.

Oy, such reaction warms cockles of Gregor's heart! But this is just beginning! Gregor can teach Lon'qu all about having fun! Once festival reopens, Gregor take you around and show you fabulous time!

...I'll think about it.

Hah! You not saying no, so Gregor takes this as resounding YES!

I said I'll think about it!

Yes, okay. You think...then say yes! Gregor guarantees good time. Ah, Gregor very much looking forward to this!

*Sigh* You're not going to allow me to refuse, are you? ...Still. I suppose a warrior should always be prepared to accept new challenges...

Ricken > Henry

Hey-o, Ricken. Question: Are you interested in dark magic?

Um, I'm not sure. Why?

Well, you're always trying to improve yourself, right? To be a better mage? If so, then you should learn about ALL kinds of magic, including the dark arts!

Hmm, I don't know... I'm an elemental kinda guy. Always have been. Fire, Wind, Thunder—magic like that just works for me. I can trust it.

Nya ha! That's because you don't know all the good things about dark magic!

That's true—I don't. In fact, I kind of assumed there WERE no good things.

What?! Blasphemy! There are good sides to everything! Even if said things just so happen to have the word "dark" in them.

Er, right. Yeah. Of course... Sorry. I didn't mean to be disrespectful.

Nya ha ha! It's okay. I mean, it's not like I'm unaware of dark magic's fearsome reputation.

So why don't you tell me then? The good things, I mean.

Well, for one, dark magic feels really good!

...It feels good?

Yeah! Like when you push your body to the limit to amass dark power. It's like if you buy something really, really expensive. Ever done that? Parting with all that coin is tough, and you feel guilty afterward... But at the same time, you end up with this amazing new thing you wanted! And that feels really good, you know? Dark magic is like that.

Er, oh-kaaay?

Yeah. And it gets even better. With the dark arts, everything's painted black. Good stuff, bad stuff, it doesn't matter—and that makes you feel super powerful! Plus, when you defeat an enemy, the feeling is like nothing else. You really should give it a whirl—I know if anyone can appreciate it, it's you!

That's awful nice of you to say but really, I just don't think—

Plus, the best thing is, if you master the dark arts... You'll totally start looking like an adult instead of some twerpy little kid!

WHOA! R-REALLY?! An adult? ...Me? Hmm. Now that you mention it, the dark arts ARE very grown up... Fair enough, Henry. You've got me thinking about it in earnest now!

Henry > Ricken

Henry! I've been thinking about what you said before, and I've decided. I AM interested in learning more about dark magic!

Nya ha! Really? That's great!

Yeah! In fact, I'm thinking it would be fun to, er, try taking it for a spin.

You won't regret it. Get ready to enjoy the taste of immense power, my friend! First, I have to share some of my dark energy with you.

Sounds good! What do I do?

Give me your hands. Both of them. I'll hold them in mine.


Now...stay still. Very still. If you twitch and I get it wrong, you could die.

*Gulp* Er. I didn't know it was so—

Ready? Here we go! Three...two...one...NOW!

Whoa. That feels weird! Like a heavy gloom is settling over me. I feel myself becoming...depressed. Is that normal?

Oh yeah. Everyone feels like that the first time. But then you get used to it. You just have to grin and bear it for a while until it starts to get better. Okay. You ready for more? Because here goes!

...YEOWCH! My whole...body...suddenly...wracked with pain...

Er, wait. It hurts?

Y-yes... All over... Like being pricked with blazing-hot needles... I suppose this is normal too, right? Just...have to...get used to it...?

Er, actually, no. Feeling bummed out, sure. Very normal. But horrible, prickly pain? That's not a part of the plan. *Gasp* ...WHOA!

Wh-what's wrong? Why'd you suddenly let go of my hands?

The magic was repelled somehow and flooded right back into me! Hmm... I'm afraid it seems like you're incompatible with dark magic.

What? Aw, man! B-but I wanted to try it so much!

Sorry, kid. It's just not gonna work. Your body threw the power back at me. That must have been why it started to hurt. Like I said—you're just not compatible.

Aw, shucks. I guess that's it then. I'm stuck being a regular mage and using boring old elemental magic...like a kid.

Uh, listen...you know when I said that dark magic would make you more grown up? Well, I kinda sorta made that up. I just wanted you to have more confidence... You need to stop worrying so much about what other people think of you.

So...you wanted me to try dark magic to help me feel better about myself?

Pretty much, yep. Sorry it didn't work out, though. Guess I can't help you after all. It's too bad. I would have liked to have seen what you were like all grown up.

Aw, Henry... I'm so happy that you cared about me enough to try this! I had no idea! Well, I'm not about to give up. I'm gonna keep trying and trying, until one day I can use dark magic too!

That's great, Ricken! Who knows? Once you're a little bigger, maybe—

Hey! No more talking to me like I'm a kid, okay? It's not helping!

Oh, er, right. Sorry about that, nya ha! But anyways, let's try again in a little while. The more people we can show the good sides of the dark arts to, the better!

Thanks, Henry! I'll do my best, I promise!

Maribelle > Lissa

This simply will not do! It's always "Oh, Lissa!" this, and "Please, Lissa!" That. Don't these people realize that my poor darling is NOT their personal servant? Her bright, vivacious character lifts spirits and boosts morale... She tends to the sick and cures their ills... My dear Lissa is a veritable angel of mercy!

Hey, Maribelle! What's going on?

Lissa! Darling! I was just— Goodness. What in the name of the gods are you wearing on your head?

Oh, this old thing? One of the villagers gave it to me earlier! Isn't it just adorable? It suits me to a tee, don't you think?

Everything looks good on you, darling. ...Even that.

Aww, thanks! You know, if you like it, I can get you one too—they had lots to spare!

Oh, gods, n— Um, that is... Thank you for the kind offer but I must politely decline. By the way, I couldn't help but notice all those people crowded around you just now. What did they want? They weren't asking anything...peculiar of you, were they?

Peculiar? Gosh, no! They're my friends! They wouldn't do anything weird!

Hm. I wish I could have as much faith in them as you, darling.

You know, Maribelle, I've noticed something about you. You're awfully hard on other people, but you've always been very kind to me...

I'm a noble, dear. I was raised to honor and respect my equals.

Um, sure...but were you raised to be so mean to everybody else?

It's not about being mean. It's about not wanting others to take advantage of you. Every time you and I have some quiet time together, someone interrupts. There's always someone asking something of you. Why can they not leave us be?

Oh, Maribelle... I wish you'd make more of an effort to let other people in. I mean, you know the old saying, right? Two's company, but three's even BETTER company!

Hogwash! You are MINE and mine alone, and I am SICK and tired of sharing you!

Whoa. Are you all right, Maribelle?

Oh, gods. Did I say that out loud? Forgive me...

Maribelle, wait—! ...Aaaand she's gone. I wonder what got into her all of a sudden? Gosh, I hope it wasn't the hat! It is a bit out there...

Lissa > Maribelle

Um, Maribelle? Do you have a moment?

Of course. I was hoping we might have a chance to chat, in fact. About my little outburst earlier... I really must apologize. I feel terrible. I don't know what came over me.

Oh, gosh, it's okay! I was scared to death you were still angry with me! When you went off like that, I felt like I'd done something terrible...

Oh, Lissa. You really are too sweet. I'M the one who was acting horridly. I have no right to be angry with others for seeing just how wonderful you are. How could anyone not fall madly in love with you? You're perfect!

Oh, I don't know about that...

It's true! You've always had the most remarkable ability to charm people. You grew up a royal, cosseted away in that palace...and yet still, you managed to surround yourself with friends from all walks of life.

I didn't do anything special. I just like talking, I guess...

It's more than that. You ARE special. You have a unique gift! *Sigh* I wish I had even a thimbleful of your charisma, truly I do... People do not clamor to spend time with me. They find me...prickly.

Prickly? You?! NEVER!

Meanwhile, you strike up friendships so easily with strangers... But when you do, it feels for all the world as if they're trying to steal you away from me. I can't bring myself to join in, so I just stand there fretting and fuming... I end up jealous of your easy charm and convinced that you're going to desert me. *Sigh* Isn't that awful? I'm a horrible, mean-spirited, and utterly selfish person!

No way, Maribelle! Not at ALL! You're a totally wonderful person! You're kind and brave, and you have the best manners of anyone I know! I'm honored to that you're my friend!


Please, Maribelle. You have to trust me. I'll never leave you, okay? No matter how many friends I have, you'll always be the most important. You know, the villagers were saying that fairs are best enjoyed with friends. And guess who popped into my head right away? You, that's who! *Sigh* I feel bad that I made you worry so much without even noticing... Hey, I know—why don't I make it up to you with a special treat?

Thank you, Lissa, but I'm a bit too old to be appeased with trinkets. It's more than enough to know you are still my friend and always will be.

Hmm... Okay. Well, how about this then...? Once this battle's over, let's spend a day at the fair together. Just you and me!

Oh, darling... Now, that sounds simply wonderful!

Maribelle > Olivia

Ah, Olivia. I was hoping to run into you. There is something we need to discuss.

Uh-oh... I mean, um, really? What is it?

It concerns your table manners—specifically, the way you use your fork. You brandish it like a battle axe. It is most uncouth. I've also noticed that you arrange your cutlery in quite the wrong order.

Um, do I? To be honest, I didn't know there was an order. Hah...

Then there is a matter of the manner in which you left your seat yesterday evening. The racket when you scraped your chair across the floor was most unladylike!

I-I can explain that one! Somebody asked me to dance, so I was in a hurry, and—

*Sigh* I suppose there's nothing else for it. We simply cannot have you sullying this army's reputation any longer. I will shoulder the burden of instructing you in the etiquette of the noblewoman. Though the task be daunting—nay, immense—I shall make you my responsibility!

Gosh, Maribelle... Are my manners really that bad? I mean, I appreciate the offer to teach me about forks and plates and things... But I'm so busy with dance practice, I don't have a lot of spare time...

Why, my dear girl—our lessons will complement your training perfectly! Manners are about moving with grace and style, after all. Is this not the very essence of dance?

Hmm... I never thought of it like that before. But now you mention it, I suppose it does make a little sense...

"A little sense"?! It makes perfect sense, darling! In any case, I shan't take no for an answer. You WILL be my pupil! Do I make myself clear?

Er...yes, ma'am. Crystal clear...

Olivia > Maribelle

No, no, NO!

Argh! I'm sorry!

How many times do I have to tell you? If you do it like that, it will end up splashing all over the place! I've never met anyone so utterly hopeless at pouring a simple cup of tea! Surely you must have performed at any number of society functions? How did you manage not to pick up even the rudiments of civilized behavior?

Well, whenever I went to a fancy party, Basilio always came with me... He made sure I never got myself into trouble...

Hmph! I might have known that indulgent fool of a man was behind this!

B-but without him to help me, I could never have focused on my dancing! A young girl gets an awful a lot of attention at those rich people's parties. And not all of it is the welcome kind, if you know what I mean...

...Yes. I can well imagine. Some of those old lords can be a terrible handful. But that's hardly a concern any longer, is it? Now that you're a Shepherd, you are safe from such unwanted advances.

...That's true. I DO feel safe here.

Good. Then stop worrying, and start focusing on your lessons!


"Okay"?! Good heavens, girl! The correct answer is "Yes, milady"!

Y-Yes, milady!

Panne > Olivia

Panne! I can't believe you did that just now! You're so mean!

...Hm? Ah, you mean the incident at dinner? But you eat so slowly. It is almost bovine. Must you really chew every single bite so laboriously?

Hmph! Must YOU wolf down every morsel like it's trying to run away?! That piece of goat meat was the best part of the whole meal—I was saving it for last! It looked SO delicious... I was SO looking forward to it... But when I looked down, it was gone!

I can confirm that it WAS delicious.

Ugh! You're horrible!

But I thought you were finished. The fat was starting to congeal. And besides, you have only yourself to blame. I merely obeyed the laws of nature. The animal that cannot safeguard its food must go hungry.

That might be relevant if we were wolves or wild pigs living in the forest!

...On reflection, I suppose I could have asked your leave beforehand. Very well. Next time I take something from your plate, I will ask first. Acceptable?

Well, I guess that would be better than just snatching it...

Heh... Good. Then it is settled. Now let us dwell on this no more.

...! ...Wait a minute. Did Panne just let out a little chuckle? Wow! That might be the first time I've ever seen her smile!

Olivia > Panne

Panne! Not again! Why do you keep doing such horrible things to me?

Whatever do you mean? I did you a kindness in combing your hair. You told me it was an unruly mop, and you wished you could do something with it.

Yes, something GOOD! I didn't mean I wanted it to stick straight up in the air! It looks like there's a tree growing out of my head—I'll be a laughingstock!

Hm. You must forgive me. I find I cannot help but tease you.

Ugh! Why? At least tell me that?!

Because I despise all man-spawn and have long sought my revenge. In you, I have found the perfect victim!

What?! B-b-but that's horrid! Why me? What did I ever do to—?!

I jest.

Gah! Well, don't, okay? It doesn't suit you...

...If you must know the truth, I tease you because you remind me of someone. A young taguel. We were like sisters. She was a terrible crybaby, and timid, but with a good heart. She looked up to me. And I often teased her mercilessly, just as I do you. It sometimes pains me that I was not gentler with her...

Why? What happened to— Oh...

Yes, she is dead. Killed by humans.

I'm so sorry, Panne...

Don't be. It was a long time ago.

...Hey, I have a great idea—why don't I take her place?


From now on, I want you to treat me just like a little sister.

Olivia, I appreciate your concern, but that won't be necessary...

It will be if I ever want to see you smile again! I don't think I can bear for you to be all glum now that I've seen you happy... It's such a terrible waste! I want you to laugh and smile all the time! So let's, let's—

...Thank you, Olivia. You truly are just like her. Very well. We will do as you suggest.

Oh, I'm so happy to hear that!

As am I. I will enjoy the free rein you have given me to torment you.

What? No! That's not what I meant! I just—!

Heh... Another jest, Olivia. Do not worry. From now on, I will try to be as kind as kind can be. As kind as I should have been to her...

Gaius > Chrom

What a delicious-looking cake. Soft, spongy layers smothered in icing... And what's that? Is it an amulet of some kind? Perhaps a protective charm?

Hey, Blue. What are you up to?

Aren't these stalls fascinating? Such a weird and wonderful array of food and trinkets!

You think? Looks like regular old festival fare to me. If I've seen this stuff once, I've seen it a thousand times. ...Ah, but you don't visit village fairs, do you? Being a royal and all?

Not all that often, I'm embarrassed to admit... Frankly, many of the customs are something of a mystery to me.

Hey, it's never too late to learn. I'll teach you anything you want to know. You know, like what's good to eat, which games are fun, which are a scam... I'd wager I've seen more fairs than you've had hot custard pies.

Well, it would be nice to have a guide. I mean, of course we have our own events at the capital from time to time. But I haven't had many opportunities to see festivals in other parts of th— ...Hm? What's going on? There appears to be a commotion in the plaza...

Thief! Me money pouch, it's been nicked!

Curses! Mine's missin' too!

Uh-oh. This sounds like the work of a cutpurse... First he creates a distraction, then he relives his marks of their coins...


Hm? What is it, Gaius?

Er, what? Oh, n-nothin'. I just...I've got an errand to run! If you'll excuse me...

What came over him?

Chrom > Gaius

Er, Gaius? Can I have a word? About before...


W-wait, Gaius! Don't run away! Now where'd he go? I could've sworn he ducked down this way... Wait... Surely he's not the cutpurse? Could he be hiding from me in shame? Or to count his ill-gotten gains? ...No, what am I saying! It would be wrong of me to suspect a fellow Shepherd!

Hey, Blue. What's with the furrowed brow? Troubles got you down?

Ah-HAH! Gaius! Where did you run off to?!

I was chasing down that pickpocket and then returning the purses to the soldiers.

You were?

Set a thief to catch a thief, right? It was easy enough for me to suss out where the scoundrel would run.

I...I see...

What's the problem? You're acting like you don't believe me or something.

Wh-what?! No, don't be silly! You're a Shepherd—I'd never doubt you! ...Although you WERE acting incredibly suspicious...

Hah! Sorry to make you worry. To tell the truth, I did act a bit like I had something to hide. But I wasn't trying to deceive you or anything. I promise.

Then what was it?

Honestly? I was just having a little fun. I wanted to see if you really trusted me. Believe me, I was thrilled when you didn't immediately accuse me of being the thief! I apologize for messing with you like that on account of my own silly insecurities.

Heh... Well, the joke is on me, I guess. You had me worried there, Gaius. Between that and all this running around after you, I'm completely exhausted.

Aw, now you're making me feel bad. Here, let me make it up to you. For the rest of the day, I'll treat you to whatever you want from the fair!

Well, if you feel that guilty...why not? But are you sure you can afford it? This is my first proper fair, and I'll have to make up for all that I've missed. Which means sampling every cake and bonbon that's on offer!

Come on, Blue. You DO realize who you're talking to here? Anyway, once we're done sampling sweets, I'll take you on a tour of the nightlife. The after-hours shows here are somethin' else, and they run until dawn!

Er, m-maybe you missed the part where I said I was exhausted...

Cordelia > Panne

Cordelia! Make ready to face me!

Panne! What in the world are you trying to—?! Aah! Hngh!

Hmph. Not bad. Your reflexes are...adequate.

What in blazes are you doing attacking me out of the blue like that?!

For many moons now, I have longed to challenge you to a duel. A duel to the death!

Good grief, why? Did I do something to offend you? Because if I did, I'm—

No. No insult has been given. I heard tell that in this army of great warriors, you are the greatest of all. Since then, I have burned with the need to know—how mighty are the man-spawn? How powerful is their greatest warrior? Is she a match for the last of the taguel?

Now, listen—taguel, human, or whatever else we may be, right now we're allies! The threat we face is far too great for us to be fighting amongst ourselves. I absolutely refuse to duel you, be it to the death or otherwise. We have more important things to worry about.

What can be more important than the honor of our respective races? We must duel and determine once and for all which is the mightier species!

Look, I'm not interested in being humanity's representative in your little...whatever. This place is crawling with Risen, and I have work to do, even if you don't!

Wait! Cordelia! I am not done! Bah. You can run, man-spawn, but you cannot hide! I am the last of the taguel...and I will see this through!

Panne > Cordelia

Cordelia! At last I have found you!

Panne, I already told you, I'm not going to fight you. We're in the middle of a battle, and we have monsters to slay...

Then I will make it quick. Ready your weapon, human. The man-spawn must know the might of the taguel at last!

*Sigh* Okay, Panne. This has gone far enough. We need to talk. This isn't about proving which species is the strongest, and you know it.

You dare refute my motives? I fight for the honor of the taguel!

Is that really true? Is this really about the honor of your people? I think it's a little more personal than that.

Wh-what do you mean?

Remember when you used to say you'd never trust humans? Well, things have changed, haven't they? You've found friends among us.

...This may be true. But it has no bearing on our quarrel.

Ah, but it does. As you've grown closer to us, you've lost that fire. You were filled with hate and anger over the loss of your people. That passion, painful though it was, drove you. It made you who you are. But as you learn to trust humankind, the flame is flickering out. And you fear that when it finally dies, your identity dies with it.


But you're wrong to be afraid. You have something else now. Something better. Something that will make you stronger than you ever were alone. You have friends.


We can't replace your lost people, nor would we want to. But soon you'll get to know us even better. You'll learn to trust us even more. And when you do, you'll realize that...we're your people now.

...... You truly think so?

I know so. And it will be humanity's privilege to welcome you.

Thank you, Cordelia. You must forgive me...

There's nothing to forgive. Now about that duel. If it's not to the death, I might just consider it... Frankly, I'm as curious as you are to find out who's the strongest!

Hah! I doubt that!

Oh yeah? Try me!

Gregor > Ricken

*Sigh* Trouble, trouble... Gregor's brow is the furrowed.

Hey, Gregor. What's the matter?

Ah, is Ricken! Gregor would like word with his little friend. Tell me—people who come to fair were all taken to the safe refuge, yes?

Yep! Everyone was evacuated, no problem. All nice and orderly, too.

Nice and orderly, you say...but Gregor is afraid to be reporting otherwise!

Uh, why? What happened?

Crazy lady being ushered to safe place was drinking mead before fair begin! She drink so much she weaving and bobbing like ship in big storm, yes? But worst thing is—she grasp Gregor's hand...and...beg Gregor to marry her!

Whoa! She proposed to you?! Nice one! You're a real lady killer, Gregor!

Nice one?! Oy, this is no laughing matter, pipsqueak!

I'm not laughing! I'm seriously impressed! One look at you and she wanted to wed you? Man, grown-ups have it good!

Ho ho. Well, ‘tis true. Gregor can charm spikes off of cactus, but... ...No, no, NO! This is not a good thing! Woman so drunk, eyes were crossed!

Hah! So you're saying she couldn't even see you properly? What happened next? Did you say yes?

Gregor is saying NO, of course! But drunk lady very, very persistent. She say she come back later for answer, after Gregor have time to think about it.

Oh boy...

Oy, is like getting proposal from hellish underworld demon vixen.

Sounds hard to refuse! Maybe you should just pack up and move to this Outrealm?

There you go again with the bad joking about a very, VERY serious matter. Anyway, Gregor is stuck in big pickle, and you cannot be helping ou—Wait! Gregor is having storm of brain! Ricken, you CAN be helping Gregor!

Uh-oh. This sounds ominous...

Ricken > Gregor

Ugh, Gregor! I'm gonna get you for this, I swear!

HA HA HA! Gregor is so sorry...*chuckle* Very...*snort*...sorry...

I can't believe you made me wear a dress and pretend I was your girlfriend! I feel like some kind of performing monkey or something! This is even worse than being treated like a kid!

Ho ho! But, Ricken, long, blond wig is suiting you perfectly. Is good, no?


Ah, you look so beautiful as a lady. *sigh* It bring tear to Gregor's eye. It must be good to wear dress so well. Why you not happy like Gregor?

It's not good AT ALL! I don't see the humor in any of this, frankly!

Oy, why Ricken is getting cute lady smallclothes in twist? What better time to let long hair down than at fair, eh? Ha ha! *sniff* Ah, but seriously. Gregor is thanking you for help. You save the bacon.

Yes, well. I hope you ARE grateful.

Of course, it help you make such pretty girl. Even high-pitch voice fools other lady. Thanks to you, Gregor safely refuse offer from terrifying drunken woman! Ricken's dainty gestures like highborn lady make Gregor's heart go aflutter!

All right, all right! That's enough teasing already!

Teasing? No, no! Gregor making heartfelt compliment! ...Oh, okay. Sorry. Gregor actually teasing. But now taking it all back.

You sure? All that stuff about looking pretty and having a high-pitch voice, too?

Yes, yes. All silly joke. Gregor not mean any of it.

Well, good. I'm glad to hear it. I suppose I might forgive you then...

Ah! You did dainty gesture again! Just like real noble lady! Ha ha!


Libra > Virion

Greetings, noble Libra!

Oh. Hello, Virion. Is there something I can help you with?

I was wondering. Once this beastly battle is over and the fair reopened...perhaps you might join me in touring the attractions and enjoying the festivities? Together—a highborn noble and a handsome young servant of the gods... Just think of all the appraising glances and not unwelcome attention we would draw!

In other words, you'd like me to help you pick up village girls.

Come, come! We'll be the toast of the fair! Where's the harm in that?

I apologize, but I'm not in the mood for being the toast of anything.

What's wrong, young friend?! Are you unwell? Does your stomach ail you?

No, it's not that. I'm afraid my affliction is of the mental kind. I am simply bemoaning my utter helplessness.

Helplessness? But, Libra, you always fight so splendidly!

You misunderstand... Shortly after we arrived, I met an elderly couple among the residents here. The two were horribly afflicted with a dreadful mortal disease. They seem to be suffering so, but I am powerless to help them... There's a cure, I'm told, but it is terribly expensive. Well beyond my meager means...

I see. And thus this feeling of helplessness.

Yes. I can strike down countless foes, yet I cannot save the life of one poor old couple? O merciful gods, what am I to do?

'Tis a grave problem, I can see. But the solution is obvious, no? You seem to be quite friendly with the immortals above... Therefore, you must pray, my friend! Sooner or later, your voice will be heard!

Sooner or later? So I'm to just wait around for a miracle to occur?

Don't tell me YOU doubt the power of prayer?! Where is your faith, Libra?

N-no, you're right... Forgive me. I need to exercise patience. I need to believe that with enough prayer, that couple can achieve salvation...

Y-yes, well, then again, what do I know, right?! You are the priest, after all! ...... ANYhoo, I just remembered I've got some, er, less spiritual business to attend to. If you'll excuse me...


Virion > Libra

O gods, hear my prayer...


Ah, Virion. Did you take care of whatever business you had to attend to?

I did. ...Here. This is for you.

A flask...of medicine?! Is this the cure I was seeking? Where did you—?! How did you—?!

*Shrug* I am a nobleman. I know powerful people in high places. You might say I pulled a few favors is all.

B-but this potion is incredibly valuable. The cost alone...!

Now, now. You let me worry about that! I'd say you have a more urgent job... There's a certain sickly old couple who are in desperate need of that cure.


What? why are you staring at me like that? It's most unnerving...

You used to own an expensive dagger, did you not? Crafted with the finest steel, encrusted with firestones and dragon gems?


Yes. A family treasure, passed down by generations of your ancestors... Yet today, the scabbard hangs empty at your hip. What happened to it?

Oh, er, so it does! The knife must have fallen out somewhere, ha ha! Ha.

But that was an heirloom!

*Shrug* It wasn't THAT valuable, really. Just a fancy dagger, is all. Easy come, easy go, as they say! ANYhoo, must run again. Chat later? ...Oh and don't forget to deliver that medicine to that couple!

Virion, wait! *Sigh* He can't fool me. I know exactly what he did with that priceless dagger. He gave it up without hesitation, all for the sake of two elderly strangers... Perhaps that selfless, noble gesture was the miracle I was praying for all along.

Libra > Gaius

O great gods above, grant us your mercy...

Crivens, Libra, you sure are one for prayers, eh?

Hello, Gaius. Would you care to join me?

I'm no believer. You know that. Besides, I've got nothin' to beg for.

But through prayer, we can ask mercy of the gods and cleanse our souls.

Heh. I bet it'll take more than a few knee bends and "oh gods" to cleanse this soul...

Well, knowing—and regretting—past sins is the first step toward redemption.


Come now. One little prayer to lighten the burden on your soul.

...All right, Padre. What have I got to lose, right?

Nothing but your guilt!

...... Hold on. What are you doin' staring at me with that silly grin on your face?

My apologies... I was just thinking how dazzling you look kneeling there!

Dazzling? Me? You sure you haven't been dipping into the holy mead?

No, no. My head is as clear as a bell. To repent your past deeds, you have chosen to fight for everlasting peace... How can I fail to be dazzled by such purity of motive and nobility of heart?

I don't get it, Padre. You get a kick outta reformed criminals trying to make good?

No, this is a compliment from the heart! I mean it in the best way possible.

Well, you sure got a strange way of expressing yourself...

To commit mistakes, but then strive to correct errors of the past... I doubt there is anything that brings a mortal closer to the divine and holy.

Look, I appreciate the compliments, but you've got this all wrong. There's not much in the way of atoning or repenting going on here... The truth is I just really don't regret my past, okay?

Hmm, I wonder...

Gaius > Libra

So, Gaius, are you telling me you DON'T regret your past misdeeds?

Look at it this way: what's my main role here in Chrom's army? Opening locked doors and cracking sealed treasure chests, that's what. And how is that different from the old days? Not one bit, that's how.

Yes, I suppose so, but...

And not only that. I spend a lot of my time sneakin' into enemy camps... I'm a spy, a saboteur, a guerilla...even an assassin sometimes. Now, does that sound like someone who's trying to atone for a criminal past?

But tell me. Why do you do those things?

Because I'm good at them, and it ups the odds of us survivin' the next battle. No matter how dirty the job, if it saves one more life on our side, I'll do it.

That sounds...logical. On the face of it. But—

But even if the cause is just, the deed is still wrong? Is that your theory? Well, so be it. Someone's gotta do the dirty jobs, and it might as well be me.

Gaius, I fear there may be some misunderstanding. I do not blame you for your deeds, now or in the past. That's not my point.

So what's the third degree?

As you yourself seem to recognize, your actions are hardly worthy of praise. On the contrary, your..."special" skills may earn you the distrust of your allies. Your duties are dangerous, dirty, and bring you little personal reward. Yet even so, despite this, you persist in them. THAT is why I ask—why?

It takes more than pretty words and noble purpose to build a better future. Someone's gotta dig the latrines and haul out the rubbish. If it's not me, it's gonna be someone else. And why not me, right? Then you fair-haired do-gooders can concentrate on saving the world. And you can do it without having to fret about getting your hands dirty.

But, Gaius...

That's the right tool for the job, Padre. That's all I am.

...... Ah, Gaius. Chrom's army served by many a righteous, noble knight...but I would say you might just be the most upright and noble of them all... May the gods protect you!

Tharja > Nowi

Tharja, you're so boingy!


Didn't you hear me? I said you're boingy!

And what does that mean, exactly? ...Do I even want to hear this?

You know! Your figure! Like, your hips and your...other parts! Boingy!

Gods. Where do you learn such things? One moment I'm dealing with a simpering innocent, and the next... *sigh*

Sooo...can I see 'em? Your boingy bits, I mean...

Why are you even asking ME, anyway? There must be others with more *ahem* "boingy" bits than me.

Oh, no. I've checked out EVERYBODY in the whooole army, and you know what? You're the boingiest of them all. ...Trust me.

What an honor. Perhaps you should check again to be safe? Now go on. Run along.

FINE! If you're gonna be like that, I will! CHROM! HEY, CHROM! Tharja said that I should ask you about her boingy—

WHAT?! Grr... Pipe down, or I'll hex you into next week!

But you just TOLD me to—

I changed my mind. No more asking anyone about boingy bits, you hear?

Boo. Will you at least tell me what your boingy bits feel like? Are they soft?

What is this all about? Why do you want to know?

Well, I head some of the men talking about your figure... And they said they bet your boingy bits are white as snow and soft as pillows. That sounds pretty nice to me! So I decided I had to see for myself.

Grrr... When I find out who these men are who've been talking about me... Well, let's just say there are bout to be some new toads hopping around camp...

Nowi > Tharja

...Hm? Did I just doze off in the middle of a battle? Curious. I must be even more tired than I thought. Still, it was a wonderful dream... Fancy Robin showing up! Hee hee. Ooh, the fun we had...

Morning, sleepyhead! That was quite a snooze you had there!

What do you mean, quite a snooze? Why in the world didn't you wake me up? We're in the middle of a battle!

Hee hee! Because you looked like you needed the sleep, silly! ...Aaaaand it seemed like a good opportunity to get a closer look at your boingy bits.

Y-you WHAT?!

And you know what? "Boingy" doesn't even begin to do them justice! The way they make your clothes stretch! So smooth and—

Are you out of your tiny mind?! I hope you enjoyed it...because you're about to receive the hexing of your life!

Eeeek! No, don't! I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I really am! You just looked so tired lately, I didn't want to wake you! I was worried, you know? But I stood watch over you the whole time, honest! I...I thought I was helping... *sob*

...Urgh. How am I supposed to stay angry with that face? All right, all right... Fine. I accept your apology.

*Sniff* R-really...? Oh, yay! 'Cause you know what—you look sooo much better now! You were all super-pale before, and—

Enough! Ever heard the expression "quit while you're ahead"? Anyway, no more staring at people's...ugh..."boingy bits" while they're asleep. Understood?

You mean I should only stare at 'em while they're awake? Gotcha!

Grr... That's it. You ARE getting hexed!

Tharja > Nowi (EU Version)

Tharja, it's so nice and shiny.


Didn't you hear me? I said it's so nice and shiny!

And what does that mean, exactly? ...DO I even want to hear this?

You know! Your hair! It's so sleek and shiny and stylish!

Gods. Is that your idea of a compliment? One moment I'm dealing with a simpering innocent, and the next... *sigh*

Sooo...can I comb it? Oh please, say I can...

Why are you even asking ME, anyway? There must be others with more exciting hair than me.

Oh, no. I've checked out EVERYBODY in the whooole army, and you know what? You've got the best hair of them all. ...Trust me.

What an honour. Perhaps you should check again to be safe? Now go on. Run along.

FINE! If you're gonna be like that, I will! CHROM! HEY, CHROM! Tharja wants to know what you think about h-

WHAT?! Grr... Pipe down, or I'll hex you into next week!

But you just TOLD me to-

I changed my mind. No more asking anyone about my hair, you hear?

Boo. Well, if I can't comb it, can you at least tell me what it's like to touch?

What is this all about? Why do you want to know?

Well I heard some of the men talking about your hair... And they said they bet it was as sleek and soft to the touch as silk. That sounds pretty nice to me! So I decided I had to see for myself.

Grrr... When I find out who these men are who've been talking about me... Well, let's just say there are about to be some new toads hopping around camp...

Nowi > Tharja

...Hm? Did I just doze off in the middle of a battle? Curious. I must be even more tired than I thought. Still, it was a wonderful dream... Fancy Avatar showing up! Hee hee. Ooh, the fun we had...

Morning, sleepyhead! That was quite a snooze you had there!

What do you mean, quite a snooze? Why in the world didn't you wake me up? We're in the middle of a battle!

Hee hee! Because you look like you needed the sleep, silly! ...Aaaand it seemed like a good opportunity to touch your lovely hair.

Y-you WHAT?!

And you know what? I was right. Your hair is really special. The way it feels! So sleek and smooth and-

Are you out of your tiny mind?! I hope you enjoyed it...because you're about the receive the hexing of your life!

Eeeek! No, don't! I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I really am! You just looked so tired lately, I didn't want to wake you! I was worried, you know? But I stood watch over you the whole time, honest! I...I thought I was helping... *sob*

...Urgh. How am I supposed to stay angry with that face? All right, all right... Fine. I accept your apology.

*Sniff* R-really...? Oh, yay! 'Cause you know what- you look sooo much better now! You were all super-pale before, and-

Enough! Ever heard the expression 'quit while you're ahead'? Anyway, no more touching people's hair while they're asleep. Understood?

You mean I should only touch it while they're awake? Gotcha!

Grr... That's it. You ARE getting hexed!

Anna > Tiki

Heh, looks like fruit is still the big seller at this festival. Nice to know some things haven't changed over the ages.

Oh, hello, Anna. What are you doing?

Ah, Tiki! I was just taking a little look around the plaza.

It sounded as if you were speaking to yourself.

Oops, was I? I didn't even realize. I suppose the sights have me feeling rather nostalgic. I'm all aflutter here.

Oh? Then you've been here before?

Who, me? Nope, can't say as I have!

But that's...You just said it was a nostalgic sight, did you not?

Ahh, yes. That. You see, my family has this looong tradition of writing each other letters. We tell each other all about the places and sights and exotic products we come across.

How long is "looong"?

Let's just say "surprisingly." So it's entirely possible one of us has been here to see this. It just wasn't me.

Hmm...I see.

I can remember reading about some of your exploits too, way back in the day.

Back in the day? That was two millennia ago!

Give or take. You've likely met some of my ancestors. Actually, I'd bet on it.

Hmm. Now that you mention it...I do seem to remember coming across a few women who bore a similar air...

Did you, now? Well, if they looked like me, that's a near guarantee! Strong family resemblance and all that.

Oh, I'm sure.

Heh, that's kind of wild to think of, huh? A connection over the generations!

Mmm, its a rather lovely thought.

Tiki > Anna

Anna, might I have a moment? I wanted to follow up on something you mentioned.

More about the log my family keeps?

Yes. Any written record of reasonable detail stretching that far back would be massive.

Tell me about it! It was a real pain to get through the whole thing when I was little. But reading that shared history is how the kids in my family grow up. Always has been. Which is why all that information is still stuck in our heads now. We all know it.

That's rather remarkable, really.

It had a lengthy chapter on this world's history. Its culture and traditions. I could tell you all about King Marth's life the same as I could talk about yours, Tiki. In sober detail... Almost if I were there to see it.

I have to say, Anna, speaking with you is very...well, very nostalgic, I suppose. To borrow your term.


It feels almost as if I'm speaking with an old friend. One I haven't seen in ages.

Funny thing about that family history. As I read it, the passages flowed into my mind. It's different from learned knowledge. It's as if they became my own memories.


So the first time I saw you, I felt it too, on an instinctive level. Like I'd finally run into you again after thousands of years.

But that's... It's as if our two souls have lived on, or been reincarnated, or...Somehow we've met and parted and met again, bound together across time.

Yes! That's the perfect way to describe it! It sounds like something plucked straight from a fairy tale, but it's how I really feel. And you feel the same?

I do. Honestly, I feel a lot of things right now, Anna. Above all, profoundly happy.

You said it! I'm really glad we got to speak like this.

Absolutely. And I look forward to many more conversations to come.

You can bank on it!

Cherche > Nowi


Cherche, are you okay? Are you sick or something?

No, I'm fine. It's Minerva. She's not feeling well at all. I think she may have caught a cold. Perhaps the air of the Outrealms doesn't suit her.

Awww. There, there... Poor Minerva-werva. I hope you get better soon, girl. When you do, you and me are gonna go out and play, okay?

What a nice idea. The two of you can go flying together. You probably have a lot in common, huh? Why didn't I think of this sooner? A manakete is a lot like a wyvern, right? You're practically sisters!

Umm...I guess...

So tell me, Nowi—when you get a cold, what do you find is the best way to treat it? I'll wager there are cures for dragonkin that we humans would never think of!

Lemme see... Um, I'd get plenty of rest, curl up in a blanket, and drink plenty of fluids.


Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah! There's one more thing! I once knew an old manakete... A super-old, super-wise manakete... And he taught me that if I caught a cold, I should eat lots and lots of fruit!

Fruit, huh? Heh heh. I suppose we're not all that different after all. Still, it's good advice. And lucky for us this town's got plenty of fruit on sale! I'll pick some up for her as soon as we're done with this battle.

Great! Hope it all works out for ya!

Nowi > Cherche

Hey, Cherche! How's Minerva holding up?

A little better since I followed your suggestion and fed her some fruit. Thanks very much for the advice, Nowi.

Anytime! Always glad to lend a hand. Hey, speaking of which, I was thinking... If Minerva doesn't get better soon, I could turn into a dragon and carry you instead!

That's very kind of you. But have you ever put on a brindle and carried a knight into battle before?


Hmm. Then it might not be a good idea. Not without a little practice, at least...

Oh, it'll be fine, silly! All you have to do is hang on tight and not fall off! Why, I took Robin to market on my back just the other day! He/She was quiet as a mouse the whole trip!

Is that so?

Yep! I guess he/she was so excited, he/she completely forgot to speak! You should've seen us—we did a loop-the-loop and everything! And then I did this super-fast dive and pulled up juuust in time! Heh! That was his/her favorite part for sure! He/She was so excited, he/she lost his/her lunch! C'mon, I'll show you! It's fun, fun, fun!

Um, perhaps not. I think I heard about this shopping trip of yours...Didn't Robin have to have his/her fingers pried off your neck one by one?

Yeah, that was kinda weird... It took AGES to loosen his/her grip...

Gods, Minerva. Hurry up and recover soon!

Tiki > Nowi

Wow, look at all these stands and shops! Let's check 'em out, Tiki!

We haven't the time, dear. We're in the middle of combat.

Aww, come on! Just for a little bit! It'll only take a few minutes. For us, that's like a fraction of a fraction of a percent of a blink of an eye!

Hmm. I suppose it does feel that way at times, but still... I keep forgetting that you're the second oldest member of this army, after me. Even as another manakete, there are times it slips my mind.

Oh, will you look at these ornaments! Aren't they cute?! A flower, a heart... Ooh, they even have a dragon! And look at this one. It's a blue star! Just lovely...

Yes... A star.

Hmm? Don't you like stars, Tiki?

Oh, no. I'm quite fond of them. Just...looking up at them, I sometimes can't help but think them terribly lonely.

Lonely? Why?

Have you ever heard it said that people join the stars when they die?

I don't think so, no. Do they? Is that really what happens?

According to some, anyway.

So Chrom and Robin will become stars too?

When their time comes, perhaps. That's why I feel a heaviness when I gaze up at night. I'm trapped down here on earth, when all those I've loved are way up in the sky. So far away, beyond my reach... I wonder if they ever look down at me too.

Gosh, that's so wonderful!


Yeah! Being able to see them every single night? It's like you never lost them at all!


Good-byes come too soon with people, and it's always sad to see friends go. But once they're stars, you can spend years and years together! Hundreds... Thousands! If anything could take the sting out of saying good-bye, that's it!

...... Yes... Right above us, every night, for thousands of years... I wonder why I never thought to see it that way before.

Tiki? Wh-what's wrong? Are you crying? Did I make you sad? I'm so sorry!

No... I'm happy, Nowi. I'm happy. I was always afraid of starlight. It was a reminder of every time I'd been left behind. Of everyone I failed to save. But not tonight. Not ever again, thanks to you. Thank you, Nowi.

Huh? First you're crying, now you're all smiley... You're pretty weird today, Tiki!

Nowi > Tiki

Once we return from the Outrealms, will you join me in stargazing, Nowi?

Sure, I don't mind, but...didn't you say that stars make you sad?

Yes, until now. But I have a feeling that's all in the past, thanks to you.

Really? Well, I don't know what I did, but if it's something you want to do, I do too! Plus, that way, even if you get lonely, I'll be right there with you! It's a foolproof plan!

Indeed. You're a brilliant strategist.

Hee hee! Once it gets dark out, we'll have to hunt for the spot with the best view!

As it happens, I already know of a place. The stars shine so beautifully there. It's too steep to climb for most people, but for a pair of dragons, it's no trouble at all.

Ooh! Then it'll be our secret spot—just the two of us!

Ha ha, I suppose it will.

Yaay! I get to have a secret spot with Tiki! I'm excited already! Gosh, I hope night comes soon!

The nights have grown colder lately. Are you sure you'll be warm enough like that?

Yup! I'll be just fine!

And you won't fall asleep along the way?

I almost never fall asleep while flying! Besides, I slept in extra late this morning! But, um...if it gets TOO late, I might nod off a bit...

Well, then it's a good thing I'll be there to wake you. So now that's decided, let's end this fight. It seems still more Risen have arrived.

Right! Just watch. I'll fight harder than ever! And thanks, Tiki! I'm really, reeeally looking forward to tonight!

As am I, Nowi... As am I. So many lonely nights, I looked up at the stars and wept... All alone, head full of faces I would never see again. Those dark hours were torture. But I'm no longer alone, and I've shed my last tears of solitude. How could I ever be alone surrounded by my new friends, watched over by the old...? Mar-Mar... Friends... I'm coming to see you tonight. Shine extra bright so I'll know where to find you. I'll be waving back as hard as I can...

Tiki > Lucina

Wow! The decorations are so beautiful. Have a look at that stand, Tiki!

It is indeed lovely. Most times, I've been on the other end of these events. The sentiment is nice, but having feasts dedicated to you isn't quite the same.

Then you're unaccustomed to actually attending?

Yes. It's...it's a very strange feeling.


Having been alive three thousand years, new experiences are hard to come by. Yet I feel my time with you all has been one discovery after another. I realize now that there's still a whole world out there I haven't seen. I've so much left to learn. About the world, and about you.

Perhaps so.

Now, what is this?

Oh. That's a mask. People wear them to certain kinds of costumed dances. Would you care to try one on?

A costume, you say? Hmm... To humans, I would think simply being a manakete is enough of a curiosity.

Perhaps. Though still, that lacks a certain...fun, I suppose.


Yes! Festivals are there to be enjoyed. Getting into the spirit of things is key. Hmm. There must be something we could put together just for you...

...Lucina, tell me you're not planning to parade me around dressed in a silly outfit.

Perfect! That's it! Why don't you try dressing up as you did when you were a child?

Er... Why, exactly?

I remember an old scroll noting that as a child, your visage healed the masses. Seeing you as an adorable child warmed their hearts and eased their sorrows.

Honestly, the dreck these scribes come up with...

Even now, people speak of it! The wonder of seeing a charming girl suddenly transform into a godly dragon!

I wonder if I'll ever understand the tastes of humans...

Lucina > Tiki




Tiki, I...I don't really know what to, uh...I'm sorry...

Yes, well, that's quite enough dress-up for now. Or ever.

I was so focused on faithfully re-creating the outfit you wore in the past, I...I suppose I failed to anticipate how silly children's clothes would look on an adult.

Silly? I think that was a far cry from just silly, Lucina. Did you never stop to wonder how I would even fit into clothes that small?

I'm so, so sorry... Although it WAS you who decided to force your way into them anyway...

What was that?

N-nothing! I said nothing...

Good. Honestly, three millennia alive, and I've never been so humiliated.

I was just... You've lived in such a different world than us all this time. Even now that you're traveling with us, you seem so distant at times... I'd hoped to help close that distance, but I fear I've done the opposite. For that, I'm truly sorry, Tiki.

...... You're wrong about that.

Come again?

Yes, the result was...less than ideal. But the fact that you were trying to treat me like a peer, as your equal... You didn't put me on a pedestal or treat me differently than the others. The costume was embarrassing, yes, but on the contrary, I feel...happy.

You... Really?

I do. It's...quite liberating. Thank you for that, Lucina. I've forgotten how wonderful human friendships can be, fleeting as they are. I shall endeavor to do what I can to grow closer to the others. And I hope you'll continue to introduce me to new firsts, good and bad alike.

Of course, Tiki! It would be my pleasure!

Tiki > Say'ri

Lady Tiki! Lady Tiki, are you here?

Hm? What's the matter, Say'ri?

I've come before you this day to speak with you on a matter of personal importance.

Say'ri, you're always so stiff. Please, just forget about it already, would you?

Forget...about what, precisely?

About apologizing.

I'm sorry? Er, I mean I don't understand. With all due respect, I've said nothing yet...

No, but you were about to. Say'ri, I've been alive for three thousand years. I just know. You came to apologize for awakening me, yes?

That's— But how...? Truly, the Voice is wise beyond the ken of humankind! You've saved me the need for any preamble then. Please forgive my hasty, selfish act—

I've already told you it's fine. Just forget about it. Really.

Lady Tiki, with all due respect, I cannot! Out of necessity or no, I've flung you from your lofty slumber into the throes of war. It is by my hand, and no other, that you now stand in a position of mortal peril! My regret cannot go unvoiced! Please let me offer what meager apology I may!

*Sigh* Raise your head, Say'ri. Please? Yes, I'd retired to a position of uninvolved security in my sleep. I merely observed. I intended to never again play a hand in the affairs of others... I thought that was best for everyone.

And I violated that choice, ran contrary to my lady's wisdom!

Well, yes. Perhaps you did. My legend was meant to fade, as legends do. To scatter like sand in the wind.

I'd intended to offer you my life, body, and soul in recompense once the war ended... But I cannot imagine such a scanty offering would serve you any use.

Nor bring me any joy, certainly.

So all I've left to offer is my humble regret. I ask only that you allow me, at the very least, to continue to voice this apology...


Say'ri > Tiki

Say'ri, you've made one grave mistake.

L-Lady Tiki? I... Yes, I know.

The choice I described before, to sequester myself away. That was how I felt then. Back when we first met. But that is not how I feel now.

Oh? Then...might I ask your mind now?

I'm thankful to you, Say'ri.

Th-thankful?! ...To me, my lady? Pray, what could you mean?

Yes, to you. Without your intervention, I'd never have met all these wonderful people. And you've made me see that I am still relevant. That I can still be of use. Even to those resigned to live out their days in hermitage, warm company is a blessing...It was you who reminded me of that, Say'ri.

My lady... I have no words.

It seems even an old fossil like me can still serve as a brick in building a new future. To do any less would be a grievous waste. I would be no more than a forgotten stone. And a callous slight to all those who've died for their causes in three millennia's wars.

My lady's noble words are so resplendent, I fear I am scarcely fit to hear them... There was a time I considered...I thought, if it meant living a life of shame, better to... But no. I swear here and now I shall cast aside all such thoughts in the future.

See that you do. If a decrepit old granny like me has yet to give up, you can't either. I can think of no greater waste than for one so young as yourself to squander her life. Your future stands before you still, decades ripe with endless possibilities. I implore you, Say'ri. Live, and live well!

I will, my lady, to the best of my ability. Your words are a treasure I shall cherish.

Tiki > Nah

So this is how the denizens of the Outrealms celebrate. People are scarcely different, whatever realm they inhabit. They pray for bounty, then despair when those prayers go unanswered. At times that despair gives way to war... Alas, festivals are but man placating his gods only to selfishly curse them later.

Wow, this square is huge! And I bet it'll be brimming with people once the party starts! I can't wait to beat these stupid Risen and have a good time with everyone! Oof, but if I'm there alone, I bet people will think I'm just a lost kid...again. Hmmmm... Ah, perfect! Tiki!


Hey, once we're done fighting, will you walk around the festival with me? This is my first time at one, so I'm really excited to see what it's like!

...Very well. If you wish.

Thank you so much! I can't wait to taste all the amazing food and play all these games and...and... Ooh, maybe I'll even take a dip in that fountain!

...Come again?

Yeah! You and me can turn into dragons and flap around in it! It'll feel great!

Public fountains aren't for bathing, child. Especially not as dragons. We'd crush it.

Really? We can't go swimming? Aww, that's no fun at all.

...Hee hee.

Hmm? What are you giggling at, Tiki?

Forgive me, dear. You just seem to be so very excited. Knowing how you usually are, it's quite a sight. I couldn't help but chuckle.

You're not excited too?

Oh, I would say I'm starting to get into the mood.

Great! Then let's take care of these Risen and spend the rest of the day having fun!

Nah > Tiki

Hey, Tiki?

Yes, child?

Are you sure you weren't fibbing when you said you were excited for the festival?

Goodness, no. I'm looking forward to it. Whatever makes you ask that?

Well, I know you said so, but you just don't SEEM like you're looking forward to it.

Is that how I appeared to you? Well, worry not, my dear. Everyone has their own way of expressing how they feel inside, Nah. There are those who show no outward signs, even when they're having fun. Especially old people like me.

Will I stop smiling when I grow up too?

I couldn't say, child. Some do. I'm afraid I've lived far too long for little things to move me much... But today I'm in a rare mood to cut loose and enjoy myself.

Oh, good! We're going to have so much fun together!


Um, Tiki? Is something wrong? You're staring at me now...

Ah, forgive me.

...I'm getting too excited again, aren't I?

Not at all, dear. Seeing you, I just... It reminded me of my own childhood. I'd thought those memories long lost...

Memories from when you were my age?

Yes. Or thereabouts. I'm sure that I once felt as you do at the prospect of a festival. Heart racing with joy and excitement. Everything fresh and beautiful and new. I must have grinned from ear to ear and ran around talking to everyone I knew. Just like you today.

Really? It's hard to imagine you were ever like me...

Hmm. Time changes everything, child... But it isn't time that's stripped me of my sense of joy. That's naught but an excuse. I've shut myself off from new discoveries... Though realizing it may well count as one.


But I've only time ahead of me to continue searching for more. I suspect I'll have no trouble finding them as long as I'm traveling with you, Nah. What do you say? Will you continue to be my guide along the way? Teach me to see the world though your eyes, Nah.

Huh? I...I'm not sure if I really understand, but...if there's anything I know, I'd be honored to share it with you!

Owain > Inigo

Hey. Can I ask you something?

Hm? What? Why the serious face? It's not like you at all. If you're not careful, you'll scare off the few girls you haven't already evacuated!

Be serious, Inigo. This is important.

Fine, fine. I'm sorry. What's your question?

...How many people have you killed? Since coming to this time period.

Wha—?! Owain! What kind of a question is that? If this is more of your usual fun and games, it hardly seems appropriate.

Do I sound like I'm playing?

...... Very well. Let's see... Honestly... I...I've lost count by now.

You too...

Why do you ask? Why now?

Something about the bright lights and festive decorations here just... I dunno. It got me thinking about things. Like...of my first time... How hard it was.

Strangely, I think I know what you mean. There was nothing like this in our time. Gathering to celebrate was unimaginable. Life for us was all just running and fighting. But on the other hand, we only had to fight the Risen. They weren't...

Right. It wasn't until we got to this era that we were forced to fight the living.

I'll never forget the nights I spent here before meeting up with the rest of you. All alone, fighting... Killing just to stay alive.

That transition was hard for all of us...

It nearly crushed me, taking my first life... I remember my hands trembling, tears blinding me... I couldn't sleep for days.

Yeah... In our time, human life was the most precious thing imaginable. But the moment we arrived here, that all changed... We began claiming it. You can't just flip a switch, like magic, and be able to kill the very next day.

Which world do you think is harder to live in?

Well, there's no doubt the future was a bleaker, harsher place. Not a day went by I didn't see humans being hunted and cut down by the Risen.

Our parents among them... Nonetheless, this world has more than its fair share of harsh experiences. I suppose we have to face them down as we fight to bring them to an end.

...And we will. Gods, I hope we will.

Inigo > Owain

So about what we were discussing earlier... What do we do about it? Where do we go from here?

To Grima's door. We kick it in and beat him down to save our future. What else is there?

No, I know, but...something feels off. In the future, all we had to think about was fighting Grima and the Risen. Things were awful, but simple. But now...in the past, there are living, breathing people standing in our way.

You're worried you're losing sight of who it is we're really fighting?


We've got to face facts, Owain. Our enemy is anyone standing in the way of a peaceful future. Right? The Risen, Grima, their allies... They're all enemies of that peace.

I guess it's unavoidable, huh... Ugh. Ours was never an easy fate, and it just gets more complicated every day.

We all knew it would be hard, but that's why we're here. To change our fate. Right? We just have to have faith.

I do.

Then you've no cause for waver. We're not just fighting for family, but for mankind! We're out to save the world, Owain. But great things come at great cost. If we start second-guessing ourselves, we'll never see it through. ...Right?

You're right. Doubt like this will only get us killed. Hope for a better future brought us here, and I can't be second-guessing that. ...Besides, I know I'm not bearing this burden alone. It's hard on everyone.

We're all in this together, Owain. we've all lost people dear to us. We can try to put on a brave face, but those memories will always bubble up. ...Today just happened to be your day of doubt.

B-blast my moment's weakness... But fear not this devilry, my friend! 'Twas but the dark whimsy of wicked spirits!

Now, there's the Owain I know and completely fail to understand.

What's to understand?! It's simple—I am the chosen warrior of light!

Yes, good, good. Well, it would seem my work here is done. Now, let's have a smile before I go. We are at a festival, after all.

The warrior of light has no time for smiling! Only grim and sober smiting...for justice!

Heh, very well. I guess I'll take it.

...Hey, Inigo?


Sorry for the strange questions and all the self-doubt today. If you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I'll always be willing to listen.

Oh? Are you sure? Listening's never been your forte...

Hey! I'll have you know—

Ha ha. Easy now. Stay that sword hand of yours—I was just kidding. I know I can count on your when it really matters, Owain. And I appreciate it.

Inigo > Brady

Oh. Hey, Inigo.


Hello? Anybody home?


HEY! Quit ignorin' me, pretty boy!

Gah! ...Yeesh, Brady. Don't sneak up on me like that. And why the shouting out of the blue? Is something wrong?

It ain't out of the blue, and I didn't sneak up on nobody! I called your name, but you were starin' off into space.

You did? Er, I was? Ha ha, sorry...

Good grief... What's got you so preoccupied?

Oh, just... It's nothing.

Lemme guess. You were thinkin' about how it'd feel to get up and dance at a festival like this?

Wha—?! N-no way! I'd never want to—

Nailed it, huh? You're lookin' everywhere but my eyes. Heh, you're a terrible liar.

B-but I'm not lying! Why would I think something like that? We're in the middle of a battle here. The only thing on my mind is the Risen! They're all I can think about! Promise!

Well, that ain't healthy neither.

I'm just really eager to fight them. You know me: Mr. Serious Fighter! I mean, it'd be a crime to see them wreck that AMAZING stage... Or to let them hurt any of these people who would LOVE my newest routine... Or to tear down that garland that just gave me the PERFECT idea for a new move... But I mean, really, who has time to think about dancing at a time like this?

...If you were any more transparent, you'd be invisible. I dunno whether to be insulted or impressed that you thought I'd buy it.


How many years do you think I've heard you go on about your dreams, Inigo? If you're starin' off into space, it's obvious what's kickin' around your head.

Ha ha... Yes... I suppose...you're...right... ......

Aaaaand there he goes again.

Brady > Inigo


Imagining yourself dancin' again?

Huh? Oh, Brady. You caught me again. How embarrassing...

What's there to be embarrassed about? It's your dream, ain't it?

W-wait, why are you being so serious all of a sudden? ...Ohh, I get it. You've been picturing yourself playing violin here, haven't you?

Heh. Look at you, tryin' to turn the tables... Yeah. You're half right.

Only half?

You remember our promise, Inigo?

A promise? What, between us?

Yeah. Talkin' about you dancing for the people here made me remember. We were just kids. I don't blame you for forgettin' it.

What was it?

To do what our mothers swore to, but never got the chance.


I'd play violin while you danced.

Oh...right! We'd go from town to town performing at festivals and feasts... We wanted to make as many people forget the war and smile as we could.

So you do remember!

Yeah! We wanted to use whatever talent we had to make people's lives easier. I remember our mothers always talking like that and getting all excited...

But they both died before they got the chance to see it through... The two of us promised to take up where they left off.

I wonder how I could have forgotten something like that until now...

We had other things to worry about. Our world didn't leave kids a whole lotta time for dreamin'.

Still, knowing I lost sight of something so important... I just... *Sniff* I'm sorry... Mother...and Maribelle...please forgive me...

*Sniffle* S-stop that... Wh-what kinda ladies' man cries like that?

*Sob* Well, why do you always have to look so scary when you cry?

I can't... *sniff* ...I can't help what my stinkin' face looks like! And why are we standing in the middle of a battle sobbin' like a couple'a fools?

I don't know! ...Goodness, we must look terrible. ...... So about that promise... Do you still plan to keep it?

Course I do! I ain't about to remember it, then turn around and forget it again. ...I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't want us to go through with it.

True. I guess this means I'll have to start practicing twice as hard.

We got a battle to finish before we get too far ahead of ourselves here. That's about enough cryin' for today. Let's go, partner.

I'm right beside you.

Inigo > Gerome

Look at that fountain, Gerome. Isn't it just charming?


Oh! And is that an antiques stand? Have you ever seen such a precious doll?

...Some of us are fighting here. Cease your pointless nattering.

Ah, yes. So sorry to spoil the mood. Alas, my brilliant plan to bring a little joy into your dreary life has failed.

If you're bored, there are Risen out there that need dispatching.

Hmph. Just trying to set the tone for the festivities to come... Must you always be so dour? You're certainly dressed for a party. Do you often go to masked balls in that silly thing? Here, let me see it.

Wha—?! Never touch a man's mask! Give it here!

Ah ha ha! Now, now. A few minutes without it won't kill you. ...Goodness. Those dark circles under your eyes can't be good, if you ask me.

I didn't. Now give it back!

Boy, someone's rather self-conscious... Not getting much sleep of late? Tut, tut. A soldier needs proper rest, Gerome.

Hmph. You're one to talk.

Oh? And what does that mean?

That you'll be in no condition to fight if you keep slinking off into the night.

I'm sure I have no idea what you mean. I'm always snug in my tent come night!

Really? Then how did you also manage to be at the edge of that lake last night?

How did you—? Gerome, tell me you weren't...

Watching you dance?

Argh! This is so embarrassing! ...And creepy! Next time say something! Don't just watch from the shadows!

Perhaps I will. Next time.

...I suppose you just didn't know what to say after seeing how awful I was. I guess I can't blame you.

I never said that.

Ugh, and of all the nights to be seen, last night was just dreadful! The choreography for that number is nowhere near done, and... Ugh, you are the worst! Stupid, stupid Gerome!


Wh-what's gotten into her? She seems awfully riled up...

Down, girl! I agree he was out of line, but mauling him is simply out of the question!

M-MAULING me?! Eeeek! K-keep her away from me! I'm too young to be mauled!

Minerva, wait! Bad wyvern!

Gerome > Inigo

...Inigo. I apologize for earlier.

Don't. It was my fault. I shouldn't have lashed out. I can't blame Minerva for getting excited after I yelled at you like that.

Still, I...


I am responsible for my partner's actions. She should not have...nipped you. Let's have that arm here. I'll clean the wound.

What? N-no. I just... I don't think you and I are quite at that stage of our relationship yet.

What? Quit spewing nonsense. Now, hurry up before they're upon us!

Oh, fine... Here.

...... It's shallower than I'd feared. It should heal in no time, but I'll clean and dress it just to be sure...

OW! Ow, ow, ow!

Quiet, would you? I'm almost done.

I can't help if it hurts!

Hold still! You're making this harder than it has to be.

I'm sorry! I'm just...not used to being manhandled like this... Please, Gerome, just promise me you'll be gentle!

What the hell are you saying? Stop talking like that already!

What? I just never expect you to have such a strong, firm touch...

That! Words like that! You'll give everyone in earshot the wrong idea!

About what?

Ugh, forget it! ...There. You're done.

Argh, but it hurts! It hurts so— Oh, you're done? Not bad! The cleaning was a little botched, but still, you're handy with a bandage, huh?

The cleaning was fine, in spite of all your squirming.

Ha ha. I'm sorry. I'm just teasing. Seriously, thank you, Gerome. Will you let me apologize to Minerva? Once we're done here, I mean. I want to tell her I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier.

...She wasn't angry on my behalf.

What? Then why did she...?

You spoke ill of your dancing. She's actually something of a fan of yours. She was upset that someone she's so fond of belittled his eminently enjoyable talents.

Wait, what?! Are you serious?

Inigo...this is me you're speaking to. Have you ever known me to jape?

All right, fair point. But wow... I didn't see THAT one coming.

That's why I didn't say anything last night. Knowing you, you'd have stopped as soon as you realized you had an audience. Minerva would have been heartbroken.

Huh. I see... Well, it's still a little embarrassing, but I'm glad to hear she liked it. Er...if you think she'd like to see more, tell her she's always welcome. I'll dance extra hard as a way to apologize for today and thank her for her patronage!

Hmm... There are worse ways to kill time on sleepless nights, I suppose.

Ha ha... Touché. ...Er, wait a minute. Does that mean you're planning to come with her?!

I'm not sending her out into the night alone. It could be dangerous.

Well, yeah, for others! I have the bandages to prove it! But hmm... All right. Three's a crowd, but if you really must come too...

What, so she's welcome, but I'm not? Wait, don't tell me you were planning to... Look, I know she's cute, Inigo, but she's a WYVERN. You can't—

WHOA! Slow down there! Just how desperate do you think I am?! I just didn't expect you'd have much fun watching me dance, is all! I'd feel bad knowing you were suffering through it as her chaperone, and—

Who says I'd be suffering?


I thought you were pretty decent too. I...could watch you dance again. Er, if you don't mind, that is.

You could?! Gerome, I...I'm speechless.

Good. Because we've talked enough for today. Let's get back to work.

Heh, all right. Thanks, Gerome. I feel a lot more confident now. You and Minerva can come and watch me anytime you like. I'll be waiting!

Brady > Owain

Ahh, Brady. Perfect timing. Come here a minute.

Meh? What do you want?

What's a festival without music, am I right?

Uh, I guess? So what of it?

Then what are you waiting for, Brady? Or should I say... Grand Fiddlemeister Brady, beloved of the earth below!


Come! Now is the time to unveil your hidden powers of song! Make the sacred dragonsbeard sing! Play us a chorus of eternal prosperity!

Eternal what, now? What are you even talking about?

Oh dark and tragic day! Is my voice too soft to rouse your soul to wakefulness?! ...... Ugh. Work with me, Brady. I'm asking you to play music.

What, because they're havin' a festival, you want me to play violin?

There! Perhaps your soul's slumber is not so deep after all... Now take in hand the miraculous dragonsbeard, and—

And what's with all this dragonsbeard business? Violin strings are made from catgut, and my bowstrings are horsehair. No dragons involved, see?

Gods, you're no fun at all. It's called poetic license! I'm adding drama!

Yeah, whatever. Look, are we done? We got a battle to fight here.

Wait! Come on, play us a song!

Pass. I'm outta practice. I haven't played in weeks.

But it won't be a proper festival without music!

It won't be a proper festival with a buncha Risen walkin' around, neither!

Aww, come on! Pleeeease?!

GAH, fine! If it'll just get you off my back, just...fine!

You'll do it?!

Not like I got much choice. Sheesh... All right. You wanted music—you got it. Sit down, shut up, and listen!

Owain > Brady

Ahh, such dulcet tones! The melancholy melody flows like a river, washing the spirit clean!

Uh, thanks?

It is the divine breath of the muse-gods that fills your mortal frame, Brady!

Stop. You're embarrassin' me. I got an image to keep here.

Heh, don't be so modest. I do not offer words of idle praise, friend. No, by lauding you, I've branded your soul with one of the six highest honors!

I got no clue what you're sayin'... But this may be the first time your usual malarkey ain't made me wanna slug ya.

You're welcome! And wow, you're pretty good at violin, huh?

Heh. Forgot you sound like an eight-year-old when talkin' normally.

You should have joined a symphony or something instead of an army!

How many symphonies you see fightin' Risen?

Still, I think it'd be a much better fit. Probably pays better too!

Look, I'm here because I wanna be, all right?!

It just seems like a waste, considering your potential.

Hey, I can't help that I'm an awful fighter...

That's not what I meant. You're a fine fighter, but I think you'd be a world-class musician!

Yeah, well. I don't need to be. Not now, anyway. This war's more important.

Well, at least you don't have to worry about making ends meet after this is all over.

Maybe. And what about you? What's your plan once the war is over?

M-me? Er... Huh. Honestly... I have no clue.

Why not try and be a poet? A guy what with your, uh...fancy take on words could really go places, yeah? Plus, then I could just hire you to write my lyrics!

Poetry, huh? Hmm... Yeah, actually, I could see that! Owain the Wordsmith! It's got a ring to it, eh?

Heh. I'm kinda surprised you went for it that quick-like.

Hark! On this day is born the voice of a thousand fallen angels! Adore me, muse of muses, whose honeyed words sweeten even life's bitterest truths!

Good grief, I'm gonna end up regrettin' this, ain't I...

Brady > Yarne

I...I'm gonna go EXTINCT!

Buh?! What gives, Yarne? What's all the commotion about?

This can't be happening! I'm feeling extra, EXTRA endangered right now!

Would you give it a rest already?! Yer gonna make me go deaf here.

I c-can't help it! This is supposed to be a festival! Who lets MONSTERS into a festival?!

It ain't like they rolled out the welcome carpet. Simmer down.

Simmer down? SIMMER DOWN?! Festivals are supposed to be fun! And safe! Very, very safe! Th-this is not safe! At all!

Hey, if it's buggin' ya that much, shut yer trap and start fightin' already!

But I came here to enjoy the festivities! Not to fight...

*Sigh* Look, if ya wanna enjoy the party, yer gonna have to clean up the mess first. Now quit screamin' and complainin' and get out there. Yeesh.

J-just...just shut up, Brady!

Haw?! That's my line, you furball!

You don't know what it's like! What I'm feeling right now! All my hopes and dreams for just one day's peace, dashed to bits! Ugh, just...forget it! –leaves-

Wha—?! Hey, wait! Man, what's got into him? He looked like he was on the verge of tears...

Yarne > Brady


There you are. Yarne, why are you so hung up on this festiv— Wait, you ARE crying!

N-no, I'm not!

Then who put all the years and snot on your face?

Th-the wind blew something into my eye! ...And nose!

*Sigh* All right, fine. Look—here. Dry your eyes with this.

O-okay... *HOOONK!*

Argh, FOUL! Who blows their nose into another guy's handkerchief?!

...Much better, thank you.

Yeesh... Anyway, what gives? Why are you so upset?

It's just... I've always dreamed of going to a festival. We didn't have anything like that when we were kids, you know?

I guess not.

So it... I guess it became like a symbol of peace for me. Of a better world. I always wanted to go to one. To live in a world that had them. So when I heard we were going to one today, I just got so excited...

And now yer crushed because it fell through.

Y-yeah... Even if it IS in an Outrealm. I still really wanted to experience one...

I hear ya, but...that don't justify getting' all weepy like the world was endin'.

B-but it was really important to me!

Look, once the war ends, we'll have plenty of time for festivals in our world. All we gotta do is hurry up and go end it.

W-well, yeah, but...that's a lot easier said than done...

Maybe, but it'll come a lot quicker if ya actually fight instead of just whine.

Urk... B-but I might—

Hey, give yourself some credit! You're not goin' extinct to the likes of these guys! Let's get this mess cleaned up here so we can get back to fixin' our world, yeah? Then we can throw all the festivals you want.

Brady... O-okay, no more whining. I'm gonna try my best!

That's the spirit! Now let's go get some revenge on these party crashers!


Kjelle > Lucina

What a splendid little town this is! Even if all of it's citizens are in hiding... I wager they'll throw quite the festival once we take care of this interruption.

Indeed. Back in our time, the interruptions never ended. We never had anything like this.

Hey, what do you suppose they sell at that stand over there? Shall we take a quick look?



Lucina, we have our pride as warriors to maintain.

Yes, and...?

And we'd do well to maintain decorum during combat. Battle is our purpose. This is our stage to shine on. ...Everything else is a distraction.

But surely even a warrior needs rest now and again? Or do you have something against festivals?

Wh-what? No, it's not that...

All right, then how about this. Once the fighting is done, let's get everyone together to enjoy the fair. It'll be lots of fun—I'm sure of it!

Hmm... All right. If it's you and me, I...don't suppose I'd mind.

Wonderful! But wait, just the two of us?

I only have time for the strong, Lucina. And in that, you certainly qualify.

I...see. Very well then, it's a date.

...... ...Enough. There's fighting to be done.

As you like.

Lucina > Kjelle


Mm? Is something the matter, Kjelle?

You're just going to ignore what I said before? How could you, of all people?


I said I only had time for the strong! You always pounce on lines like that, lecturing me about valuing the weak.

Ahh, that. Hah, yes, of course.

What's so funny?!

The fact that it bothered you is proof enough that the weak are on your mind. Besides, you care more than you let on. We see the defenseless the same, you and I. As something we must protect.

What? But I—

That was why I didn't say anything. The reason you and I are so eager to be strong is in order to be their shield.

D-don't you think I know that?! Besides...


I don't...I don't really think the others are weak. They've saved me from too many close calls to count. Which isn't to say I don't think SOME could bear to train a little harder... But there's more to strength than being able to fight. They...they're all right.

Oh, Kjelle...

Ugh, enough of this prattle! All I was trying to say is that I need to get stronger still. Now, let's go crush these Risen and be done with it!

Heh... Well, that's a sight. Who knew tough girl Kjelle could grow a heart underneath all that armor? She sure has grown lately. I'd best be careful I don't get left behind.

Kjelle > Severa


My, Kjelle. That's a stern face, even by your standards. Something up?

This festival has everyone going soft. A bandit slipped in while no one else was watching. I just sent him running.

What? Really? Wow, nothing ever slips past you, huh? It's amazing.

I'm hardly special. I'd say the fact that no one else took notice is a problem. ...Alas. In any case, I found this bottle on him.

Ugh! What's IN that?! The purple makes it look unnatural enough, but frothy too? That canNOT be good.

I overheard him muttering something about it being a rare brew. That it possessed miraculous effects. Maybe it awakens new powers in you?

Look, I really hope I'm wrong here, but you're not actually planning to—

Let's drink it together.

WHAT?! Not on your life, sister! Don't drag me into this!

You sure? It could be some amazing potion that doubles your strength...

Yes, and that's be great, except it's clearly some kind of awful poison!

Suit yourself. More super-strength tonic for me then.

What?! Stop! That stuff could kill you!

Oh, please. You're exaggerating. Now, I just pull out the stopper, and...

Don't blame me if you wind up melting or something... I tried to warn you!

Down the hatch!

Ew, yuck! Stop! Really, stop!

Gah! Hey, let go! What, did you decide you want in on it after all?

No, you lunatic!

Well, too late! You had your chance. *glug, glug, glug*

AAAH, I can't believe you really drank it! I tried to stop you, but nooo!

Whew! I feel... The same? Wait, what gives? I don't feel stronger at all. Was it just water with some dye in it?

Gawds, Kjelle... Maybe it wasn't poison, but your little stunt there just shaved years off my life!

Severa > Kjelle

H-hey, Shevera... Y'know what? You're cute. Real...really *hic* cute.

Huh? Kjelle?! Why are you slurring? Are you sick? What the heck's gotten into you?

Mmmebbe I got a toofache. 'Cause yer shooo *hic* shweet. Heh heh. I been thinkin'... I...I'm tired of all these *hic* weak boys... I wanna shpend more time with... with... you inshtead... 'Cause yer sho shtrong *hic* and pretty... Reeeeal pretty...

H-hands, Kjelle! Hands to yourself! Honestly, what is wrong with you?! Look at you! Your cheeks are all flush!

I dunno... But I feel reeeally good! Hee hee... *hic*

Ack! Let go, you brute! You're squeezing the life out of me! Oh, don't tell me... I think I've figured out the secret to that "miracle brew" of yours.

Didja? Gosh, and yer shmart too... Thish just proofs it! Hee hee... "proof." Shounds funny, doesn't it? That thief shaid it too. He shaid this shtuff was "hundred proof."

He said WHAT?!

Sheveraaa... C'meeeeere...

And quit tugging at my clothes! You'll stretch them out, you lummox! Rrrgh! You've left me no choice. Sorry, Kjelle, but... HU-YAAAH!


*Huff, huff* *Ahem* ...Um, Kjelle? Are you, like, still alive?

Owww... Ngh? Where... Severa, what happened?

Ah, good. Sounds like that did the trick. ...It better have. I think I chipped a nail.

I can't seem to remember what— Severa, why are your clothes on all crooked?

Where do I even begin, except to say THAT THIS WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!

How about...at the beginning? And maybe...a little softer? ...Argh, why is my head pounding? Sorry, but I think I need to go lie down for a little while.

Yes, maybe you'd better. You'll be doing us all a favor. Mm? It's that stupid bottle... She must have dropped it when I slugged her. Wait... This thing doesn't say anything about "proof"! It says "truth"! Gods, this print is so tiny, how can... Oh, gods... "Truth Serum"?! "This patented blend of fast-acting herbs relieves the body and mind of tension. allowing users to speak their minds more frankly than they ever thought possible!" Wait, then that was... Then she really... WHAAAAAAAT?!

Cynthia > Lucina

Mmm, everything smells so delicious! Hello? Anyone here? I'll take three of... ...Oh. Right. They've all evacuated. Well, in that case... *Munch, munch, slurp* Hee! Soooo good!

CYNTHIA! You can't just take those!


Don't you "eep" me! What did you think you were doing? The people here worked all year to grow and bring that fruit to market. I can't believe you would think to just take some without paying.

I know, and I'm sorry... I promise I'll come back and pay for them later.

Honestly, you can be such a handful sometimes... And look. You've dribbled juice all over your armor.

What? ...Oops.

Hold still a moment. I'll wipe it off.

Heh, thanks.

*Sigh* Really, I wonder where your head is sometimes. You're not a child anymore. You can't just keep acting without thinking.

All right, enough already! You're right. I'm NOT a child, so stop treating me like one, would you? I may be a little careless sometimes, but you've always been so patronizing!

I'm just saying that we all need you to act like an adult and start—

Stop trying to play the big sister! You're not so much older than me! I'm not a kid! I'm...I'm a hero! And that's what really matters!

Ugh, Cynthia, that isn't... Look, I never meant to—

Just forget it. Good-bye, you big bully!

*Sigh* Seems I've gone and sparked a tantrum...

Lucina > Cynthia

Eww, I'm completely covered!

Cynthia, what happened? You're a muddy mess!

I fell in that puddle... Ugh, I'm all soaked now. It feels icky! Make it go away, Lucina!

Unbelievable... What happened to you being an adult? We just spoke about this!

I'm sorry...I'll try harder. I promise.

All right, that's enough. Don't start crying on me. I'll go find you a change of clothes and something to dry off with.

Thanks, Lucina! You're the best!

Gah! Stop! Don't hug me. You're still— Argh, now I'm all covered in mud too!

Wow, you really are. Um... Sorry? Ooh, but!

But what? Why are you so happy?

But this way we're like twins! Muddy twins, but still, twinsies!

Twinsies? ...Really, Cynthia. I give up.

Ha ha ha! Cynthia conquers all! Even the ill humors of her evil twinsie!

...Heh. I never could stay mad at that smile for long. All right, let's get cleaned up and back to work. We've got to look our best for the festival, after all.

Right! I'm right behind you, Lucy!

Cynthia > Severa

Gaaah! I give up! Somebody, haaalp!

What the heck is wrong with you, wailing like a lunatic in the middle of combat?

I'm trying to comb out my hair, but it keeps getting stuck in a tangle of knots. My perfect battle cry is meaningless if I charge into battle looking ridiculous...

Ugh, no kidding. It looks like a bird's nest up there... Here, let me do it. If you just took care of it daily like a NORMAL person, this wouldn't happen.

Aw, I'm no good with that kind of girly stuff.

This may come as a shock, dear, but last I checked, you ARE a girl. Get used to it. I'm glad I caught you before anyone else saw this mess. I'd be mortified for you. Now hold still a moment.

Thanks, Severa!

Ever since we were little, it was always the boys you played with, huh? You'd always wanted to play the hero. I always had to play the wicked spinster... You know, come to think of it, I never much liked those games.

Ow! Ow ow ow! Take it easy, will ya! I'm sorry, all right?! We were kids! We didn't know any better!

Hmph, I wouldn't exactly say you've grown out of that phase. It wouldn't kill you to act the tiniest bit feminine from time to time, you know.

Aw, that's all right. That's why I have you, Severa.

Well, don't blame me when you find you've grown up to be a wicked spinster yourself.

Oh, I'll be fine. Besides, can you see me growing my hair out like yours? I wouldn't get a quarter of the way there before I got sick of it and hacked it all off.

Hmm. I guess you have a point. ...But waaait a minute. Something's coming back to me... Hmm...

G-gah! Try to stay focused back there, would you? You're—OUCH! You're pulling my hair out in clumps! ACK! Pay attention!

Severa > Cynthia

Oh, hey, Severa. Thanks again for helping me with my hair!


Er, is something wrong? You're making your "weird" face again...

Oh, like you can talk about being weird!

...Huh? What'd I do now?

I remember now. I remember it ALL! Back before you started playing with the boys, you were the girliest of ALL of us!

Um... Yeah, I guess I was. Heh heh, I didn't think you'd remember that...

Then all of a sudden you transformed overnight! It's like something... Oh. Oh no. Cynthia, wasn't that... That was right around when... Your mother...

...Yeah. After the Risen killed her. Being such a mama's girl, losing her was... It just...hurt so much. I was so angry. After that, doing girly stuff... It all felt so pointless. I didn't care about being pretty. I just wanted to be strong enough to avenge her. I suppose I looked at the boys and thought they seemed stronger... It's silly, huh? When you spell it all out. But you know how kids are.

That's why you decided to be a hero?

Heh, yeah... Still got a long way to go though. I mean, have you seen Kjelle's arms?! I bet she could dual-wield halberds!

Heh. Honestly, you're still such a child. ...But I think I understand you now.

Heh heh. Talking about it is really bringing back the memories, huh... *Sniff* Sorry, Severa. I don't... I don't mean to... *sniffle*

You are absolutely hopeless, you know that? Now cut it out before you set me off too. ...And I'm sorry, Cynthia. I don't think I ever understood how serious you were.

N-no, it's...it's okay, really...

Well, if you ever need someone to untangle that mop of yours again...I'm here. So come on, enough tears.

Y-you don't mind?

Seeing you all weepy throws me off. I'M supposed to be the gloomy one. So...yeah. Any time you want. As a special deal just for you.

Hee hee... All right. Thanks, Severa. I mean it!

Cynthia > Nah

Mmm, smell that fresh bread! The best part about a harvest fair is all the yummy food!

You're always thinking about your stomach, Cynthia.

Am I? I seem to remember you eating twice as many rolls as me at breakfast.

That's not true at all! After all, "a manakete cannot live on bread alone!"

Ooh, is that an old adage from your people! What does it mean?

It means you also have to eat your veggies! And some fruit sometimes too!

Wow, that's...not deep at all. I thought maybe it meant needing art and song and friends to nourish the soul too... Weird, I guess, but that's just me!

Erm. That may, um...actually be right.

Hmm. Well, did YOU know that festivals weren't always happy occasions? They say that back in the day, some were downright scary, blood affairs!

S-scary? And bloody? How?!

Well, on years when the harvest was good, people would celebrate. Like this, actually. But on years where there was drought or famine, they prayed for next year's harvest. ...And offered up a child's life in sacrifice!

S-s-sacrifice! A child?! But that's terrible!

But oh so necessary! Their very LIVES depended on such precious sacrifice! Only the blood of a babe could move the dragon gods to break a famine or drought. ...Or so they believed. Pretty crazy, huh? People will make up any old thing when they're desperate, I guess.

Y-yeah, that's...really crazy...

Hmm? You okay, Nah? Looking a little green there...

Y-you don't think... They're not going to sacrifice a child at THIS festival, are they?!

Hmm...No, I don't think so. I mean, look around you! With a harvest this bountiful, there'd be no need to, right? Unless...


Nah > Cynthia

Hey, Cynthia. About what you said earlier...

Huh? What did I say?

It's...got me all scared. What if they're really looking for a sacrifice to offer to the dragon gods this year?

Oh, that? Why? You're worried they're going to pick you?

...Maybe? I mean...look at me.

Well, you can stop. You're safe, I promise. You may look like a little kid, but you're just as old as the rest of us.

Sure, YOU know that, and I know that, but nobody HERE knows that... Even the Risen here all seem to be coming after me! Wait, maybe... You don't think they'd leave the festival alone if I served as a sacrifice, do you?

What?! No! That's crazy talk! Why would Risen want a sacrifice? They don't care about next year's harvest!

But if the village has a good harvest, the Risen get more food when they attack!

Hmm. I suppose that's true. ...Oh, wait! You mean because they'd be able to eat what the farmers grew?

Yes...? What else would I mean?

...That if there was a good harvest, all the village children would be fattened up?

Eep! Th-that's terrible! You're terrible! I'm not hearing this!

Ah ha ha, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! No more talking about kids getting eaten, I swear. Besides, they used to feed those kids to the dragon gods of the lake, right? If anything, that means YOU'D have been the one doing the eating, Nah.

...Come again?

You're a manakete, silly. Do the math.

I... Gosh, I guess I am! I kind of forgot for a minute there. When you put it like that, it's not so scary at all. Gross, maybe...but not scary.

Yeah? Hah! Glad you came around!

Hey, don't laugh! It was YOUR fault I got scared in the first place!

Gerome > Laurent

Laurent. A moment, please?

Hmm? Is something wrong, Gerome? You look unwell.

I've had a lot on my mind lately, and it's been giving me nasty headaches.

My condolences. But might I ask what it is that has you so distressed?

It's us. Our generation, come back from the future. I fear we're...losing focus.


We've become...not "tourists," perhaps, but we've lost a sense of urgency. I keep thinking we need to recall our purpose here. You, me, all of us... Hence the headaches.

I suspected you were feeling this way. Honestly, I'm in the same boat...

So you see it too.

I do. Especially of late, our forces have been prone to...idle distraction.

Yes. Just look how eager everyone is to indulge in this frivolous festival. It's good of us to protect these people, true, but still...it's worrisome. But I'm glad to know I'm not alone in my concerns, Laurent.

As am I. It seems we share good sense.

I've always considered you a kindred spirit among our peers, Laurent. And I'm certain I'll continue to depend on you in the coming fight.

Thank you, Gerome. That's high praise indeed, coming from you! I'm honored.

It falls upon us to keep ourselves focused and to carry on the fight in earnest.

Indeed. We have a realm and a generation to save, after all. All right. I'm ready to dive back into combat—risk and ruination be damned!

Er...right. That wasn't quite what I had in mind, but...

Laurent > Gerome

Ah, Gerome!

Hm? What is it?

Here. Have some of this fruit. I'm told it's a specialty of the region.

It certainly looks good.

It is. One of the locals gave it to me earlier. Go on, give it a try!

Hm... Yes, perhaps I shall.

Have as much as you like. I've got plenty.

I was about to say that's quite the haul you've got there. It's nice of you to make the rounds and share your windfall with the rest of us.

Oh, it's just you, actually.

...Just me?

Yes. To be honest...I was inspired by our previous conversation. I realized you are precisely the type of person I should fraternize with more often.

I...I see.

You're diligent and focused. You know your priorities and don't shy from ugly truths. You're also fiercely dedicated to your allies but don't indulge in idle social prattling. We're alike in that. I feel certain ours will be an edifying partnership.

Hmm. That's...very kind of you. Still, I'm a little surprised.

Oh? Is this gesture so out of character for me? I hope I haven't offended...

Not at all. But you would do well to spend time with the others too. The bonds that link allies are of critical importance in combat. Any effort you make to grow closer to the others can only make you stronger.



No, your point is compelling. I just hadn't expected you of all people to make it. You're not exactly known for being a team player among the troops...

I...suppose you're right. I didn't even know I was acting strange until now. Though you've been the same way lately. Apparently it's contagious.

Hah. Perhaps so. Still, I cannot deny the truth of your words. Fostering bonds is important. Perhaps I'll go share this fruit with the others after all.

A prudent plan. Though I'm glad you came to me first, Laurent. It's nice to have someone to speak freely with, and I'm glad that someone is you.

The pleasure is all mine.

Morgan (M) > Owain


Wha—Morgan! What are you doing on the ground? Are you all right?!

Urgh...nngh... Huh? Ugh, ow!

What's wrong? Is it your head? Are you hurt? Was it...the Risen?!

It was...the festival decorations. I saw them, and something started to come back to me.

You remembered something?!

It felt like I was about to, but then my head started to ache... Everything went hazy, and I collapsed... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worried.

So you blacked out just before you could remember? Interesting...

Seems that way...

Yes, yes... This gives rise to a new hypothesis.

It does?

Indeed it does, Morgan... Why, your memories have clearly been sealed away with some kind of evil curse!

Meaning...what, exactly?

Meaning you didn't lose your memories. They were deliberately sealed away! And whatever fiend did it cursed you to fall unconscious if that seal was threatened!

What?! But how can you be sure?

I can't. That's why it's still a hypothesis. But it's a credible one, is it not?!

I...guess? Normally, I'd dismiss this as another of your crazy delusional fantasies. But you make a pretty solid argument... Still, who would want to do that?

Who indeed, and by what diabolical design? We must figure that out next, faithful friend!

Owain > Morgan

How are you feeling, Morgan? Manage to pin down any of those memories?

Not one...

For shame. Headache still getting in the way then?

Yes. I wonder what's causing it...

It's got to be a curse. I'm sure of it!

But who would go to all that trouble?

The Grimleal! You've been marked as prey by the dark priesthood!

You...really think so?

I know so. Just as I know there's some shocking secret locked in those memories! Some world-shattering revelation they don't want coming to light...

What? Why would I know anything like—

Fight it, Morgan! You must be strong! Resist their wicked magic! Tap into the power sleeping within your rarefied bloodline to break free!

A-all right! Here goes... Hnnngh... Come on, me! Remember! Break free of...the curse...if, you know, there is one...like Owain is saying... Nnngh... Rrrraaaaagh! ...Ahh!

What is it? Did you remember something?! Have you had a breakthrough?!

Yes! I remembered... I remembered... I remembered that I forgot to eat breakfast this morning! That explains the headaches and the light-headedness!

...Huh? Then what was all that about the festival decorations triggering your memory?!

Oh, right! Yesterday, Mother lent me a book chronicling Ylisse's history. It had an illustration of an old festival that looked just like this one!

What?! So that's it? Case closed? No curse? No grand conspiracy?

Oh, what a relief! It was driving me crazy! ...I should probably eat something now. Oh, sorry. Were you saying something?

Ugh... Forget it. Our ultimate showdown with the Grimleal will have to wait.

What's the rule on these custard trifles? Okay to eat for lunch, or—? Owain? Owain, are you still listening?

Morgan (M) > Yarne

Wow... So this is a festival, huh? Look at all these decorations and stands... It looks like so much fun!

Oh? Is this your first festival, Morgan?

I'm...not sure! Without my old memories, it's kind of hard to say. But this IS my first time since losing them—that much I know!

It's my first time too, actually.

I don't know about you, but just looking around gets me in the mood to party!

Um, you do realize we're standing in a war zone at the moment, right? ...But I see where you're coming from. It's hard to keep from smiling.

Right?! I find myself humming cheery tunes as I hack away at Risen!

What?! That's probably going a bit too far... But you know, I'm a little jealous. Nothing ever fazes you, does it? It's like you're in your own little world.

Huh? How do you mean?

You're always...I don't know, oblivious? Unflappable? Whatever it is, I wish I could be more like that.

Ha ha, thanks! Well, assuming that's a compliment, anyway.

See! Like that! That's what I mean! But I wonder... If you were an endangered species, do you think you'd still be so easygoing?

Hmm. I don't know. I've never really thought about it before... But I'd probably still be the same as I am now.

Wha—?! But...how can you be so sure?

Hmm... I have my reasons, but it's a little hard to put it into words...

I...I see... Well, if you figure it out, I'm all ears...

Yarne > Morgan

Well, Morgan? Have you put your finger on it yet?

Oh, hello again, Yarne. And yeah, I think I've figured it out just enough to explain.

...Oh? I'm very interested. Because I think the threat of extinction would make anyone squirrely...

Well, not having my old memories, the stakes just feel smaller for me, I guess. I may not be an endangered species, exactly, but I'm not far off, you know? Other than my mother, I don't have any real connections to my past.

Maybe so, but still... You want to be a tactician, right? There's no way for you to realize that dream if you're dead.

Well, sure, I do hope to follow in Mother's footsteps. Maybe even outshine her! And true, I guess that does mean I can't be too cavalier in the risks I take. But that's all there is. Simple as that.

What do you mean?

I don't have anything bigger than my ambitions to worry about defending. It's not the sort of thing a person gets desperate over. At least, not me. If I die before it happens, that's a shame, but it's hardly a cause for panic.

Wha—?! Don't you dare say that!

Er, Yarne? What's gotten into—

Don't even think it! That's horrible!

Is it?

Of course it is! We're comrades, Morgan. Friends! I'd be devastated if you died! Are you saying you wouldn't be sad to never get to see any of us again?!

What? N-no! That would be awful!

Right! So don't go saying the stakes aren't high when they absolutely are. Get desperate! Panic! You should be clinging to every minute for dear life! For you! For me! For all of us!

Yarne, I...I'm sorry. And thank you. Hearing you say that, it's... I'm really touched you feel that way.

Well, I'm happy to be able to shout some sense into you.

I'll take extra care to make sure both of us make it out of this war alive!

You'd better! Surviving's no fun if you do it alone!

Morgan (F) > Noire

BWAH HA HA HA! Come, fool! Grovel before me or be trampled underfoot! Those with no love of this mortal coil, step ye forward now and meet a fiery doom! DOOM! DOOOOOOM!

M-Morgan? ...What are you doing?

Oh, heya, Noire! Perfect timing! I was just working on my impression of you!

I...I'm sorry? An impression? But why?

As soon as the Risen hear it, they'll turn tail and flee! Shock and awe, right? It was a strategy I'd completely overlooked until now! Seems word of your fearsome feats has spread throughout their ranks, killer.

What?! S-surely that can't be... I don't have any feats to speak of!

Aw, don't be so modest! You could fill books with all the things you've done! There's tell that he who falls under your gaze is marked for ineluctable death! One fool sought refuge in a boulder's shade only to have both rock and body skewered! Another sought to kill you in your sleep but was crushed flat when you rolled over! One victim escaped for a time. Three years later, BAM! An arrow from the heavens! All who see you echo a unified chorus—that the shafts you loose are as ravenous beasts! Tirelessly they hunt their pray, and their bite is surest death! Woe be unto your foes!

Um...you made all that up just now, didn't you?

Yup! So far it's a unified chorus of just me, but I'm pretty sure it'll catch on.

Ooh, I wish you wouldn't tease me like that!

Aww, I don't mean any harm. And I really do think it has potential as a strategy! If we can spread word of what a juggernaut you are, it may give foes pause. Imagine—winning battles without having to fight them. It's a tactician's dream!

You know I just want to help, but I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with this... Though, I do wonder... Won't threatening the enemy just make them angrier?

What? Naw, it'll be fine! Trust me! Just wait till they see you coming. They'll run away crying!

You know, she never listens once she gets like this... I just hope she doesn't wind up getting herself hurt.

Noire > Morgan

*Huff, huff* ...Whew! That was awfully close, huh?

Yes, and...*pant*...whose fault is that, exactly?

Heh... Yeah, sorry about that... But I was right that doing my impression of you would send them running! ...I just thought they'd be running AWAY, not running AT us. Gosh, they were angry!

I t-told you this would happen...

I know, and I should have listened. I'm sorry, Noire. Really. Thankfully, though, you got angry too and wound up crushing the lot of them! Actually, now that I think about it, they WERE running scared by the end! I guess my impression just can't compete with the real thing. You're amazing!

I'm a monster... When I get like that, I feel as though I'm not myself anymore.

Really? I think you're aces when you're angry!

S-stop, Morgan. You don't have to make up stuff just to cheer me up...

It's the absolute truth! I'd do anything to be more like that!

...You would?

Sure! A tactician always has to keep a cool head and examine the situation objectively. Sometimes that means making harsh choices.

W-well, yes... But what's that got to do with me and my...issues?

The other day, the Risen had a group of us cut off. I was sure we'd lose a few lives. Normally I'd just swallow that loss and chalk it up to the vagaries of war... But then you burst onto the scene, eyes all full of "blood and thunder," right? It was tactically hopeless, but you just couldn't accept that, could you? You cut us a path out of it single-handedly, saving lives AND the day!

I...I did? I don't remember anything like that.

Well, I was there and you did! It was incredible! There was no plan, no strategy—just overwhelming force! That's when it really hit me. Sometimes all the tactics and theories in the world can't help you survive. What you need is action! The momentum built up by fearless, decisive action!

Wow... I didn't realize... I mean, if I really did help, then I'm happy to hear it. This...this may be the first time I've ever been glad of this personality of mine.

You should be! And that's exactly why we should keep spreading rumors of your feats! Next time they'll be SO intimidated, they won't even DREAM of facing us!

Eeep! No more, Morgan! P-please!

Laurent > Yarne

Hmm... Interesting.

Mm? Talking to yourself again, Laurent?

No, merely recalling something I read. "Trace back the roots of a culture's festivals, and you'll lay bare its history."

Huh. Does that work?

Perhaps we'll find out today.

Eh, I'm more interested in enjoying the festival than learning about it.

Even if its history might offer up some new information about the taguel?

Wait, you think it might?!

The possibility is certainly there.

Then I'd definitely be interested! But isn't this just a harvest festival?

It is now, yes. But that doesn't mean that was always the case. Every costume, every piece of décor is a window into this culture. Traditions like these speak volumes.

Huh! All right, now you're starting to get me curious.

Ah! Yarne, look behind you!

ACK! Wh-what?! What's behind me?! Oh. Hey, is that...? The paintings for sale at that stand... Those are paintings of taguel!

Lions and falcons as well... And look. That one appears to be a heron.

Aw, no rabbits, huh?

You never know. Take a look and you might find some.

So what are these, Laurent? Why would they paint pictures of taguel?

It would appear they're illustrations of the legends of a neighboring continent. Shall we have a closer look?

Yeah! Maybe we'll learn something!

Yarne > Laurent

Hey, Laurent, it's not just those paintings. The murals here have taguel too!

It would seem the taguel have some kind of connection to the history of this town. The relationship is unclear, but it certainly seems worthy of further investigation.

Thanks, Laurent. Seeing people remember the taguel through stories and art like this... It makes me really happy!

I'm delighted to hear it.

...I bet there were tons of them, huh? Back in the day, I mean. Of all different kinds too, just like in the paintings.

Indeed... But through these paintings and murals and such, even the lost tribes live on. We are the benefactors of their wisdom passed down through the years.

Yeah... It's kind of amazing.

It's true you are a rare and precious creature, Yarne, but fear not... Even if you were to die and go extinct tomorrow, your memory would live on.

Yeah... Wait, WHAT?! H-hey, talking about my death like that is NOT okay!

Heh. My apologies. I didn't mean for it to sound glib.

Yeesh, don't scare me like that! My heart could've stopped...

What I said applies only from a historical perspective, of course.

I...I see...

Indeed, I've no intention of allowing ill to befall any of my allies. Least of all extinction! I swear it to you and all the other taguel enshrined in these pieces.

Aw, thanks, Laurent... It feels good knowing I have you to protect me!

...Now it's your turn. Swear to them you'll fight bravely and selflessly!


It falls on you to defend their honor. To carry on their pride! Now let us rejoin the fray!

Urk... R-right... Well, I suppose I've got no choice but to step things up. I'm not about to embarrass myself with all these other taguel watching!

That's the spirit, Yarne!

Noire > Severa

Ooh, Noire, have a look at this stand! Aren't these accessories darling?!

I-I'm not sure we should be ogling the merchandise with the owner not here...

Oh, what's the harm in a quick peek? Hmm, and this one's selling handicrafts... No, wait, it's a shooting gallery! I bet if you hit those targets with this toy bow, you win the prize above them! Although with the clerk evacuated and no one watching, we wouldn't need to bother...


Oh, c'mon, I'm just kidding. Relax, Noire. I'm not some petty looter. Really, you're too easy to tease. No, we're going to win our prize fair and square! Now, I'll just set the coins here, so they'll know we paid, and...

B-but, Severa, I really don't think this is the time...

It's the perfect time! Battlefield or no, this IS a festival, isn't it? So come make with the festivity. Go on, take your best shot.

M-me?! Wh-why me? This is your idea...

Hello? Archery is YOUR forte, not mine! Now show me what you've got! Chop chop!

Eep! Th-this is tyranny... ...All right. Calm down, Noire. You just have to take a shot and miss on purpose... She can't blame you for—

Oh, and don't even TRY missing on purpose. I'll know, and it WON'T be pretty.


That necklace there is the one I want. Now less blubbering and more nocking and firing.


Wha—Noire, wait! What are you doing?! Put down your bow! You can't use a REAL one! You have to use that toy to—

SILENCE, WENCH! You were the one who bade me strike down that bauble!


Twigs loosed from that pathetic mockery could never smite the trinket you so covet! Now hold your acid tongue and bear witness to my FLETCHED FURY!

Y-yes, ma'am... But, um... Could you maybe "win" the necklace instead of smiting it? Please...?

Severa > Noire

S-Severa, I'm sorry about...about before... But I'm better with a bow when I'm, you know...like that.

Gawds, you can say that again. You, like, rendered the stand under that necklace to splinters! I had to leave extra money for damages... You, dear, are a BEAST with that bow.

Ooh, I didn't mean to... I just... Sometimes I just lose control and... *sniff*

Oh, don't start crying on me now! Look, it's... Sure, it's a little odd, but so what? Getting mad like that is a survival mechanism for you, isn't it? So why apologize for it? I say you should be celebrating it!

...M-maybe you're right. We're at war. Being strong is a good thing... Maybe it'd be best if I went into every battle mad like that...

Well...that might pose a few problems of its own. You're a bit tough to...contain.

*Sigh* You're right...

And I can't deny you're deadly like that, but personally I prefer you the way you are now. You're a bit of a pushover, sure, but you're also kind and gentle and thoughtful. Not that I have much right to say it after forcing your hand earlier... Sorry, Noire.


So, um...by way of apology, please have this.

What? That's the necklace I just won you. But no... The color's different. The one we got was yellow, not green. This is lovely...

I know, right? I bought this one at a stand before the Risen showed up. I'd planned to wear it myself, but then once I saw its double in that archery stand... Well...I thought it might be fun if we had a matching pair, you know?

Y-you and me?

Is that a problem? I just...you know. I thought it might be fun to get to be better friends with you.

Is that why you made me try to win it?

Right. Although it wasn't much of a plan, considering I wound up making you mad...

N-no! I think it was a great plan. Especially now that I know why. Thank you, Severa. I'll treasure this.

Heh, and I'll wear the one you got for me proudly. These are a symbol of our friendship, so don't you dare go losing it, you hear?

Nah > Morgan (F)

Ooh, Nah! Do you have a minute?

Sure, Morgan. What do you need?

As part of my research as a tactician, I'm gathering intel on everyone. So! I'll need to know your age. I've been wondering about it for a while, actually.

And, er...just what do you plan to do with this information once you have it?

Well, put it to use when formulating strategies, I guess. Data on each soldier's temperament, skills, and condition are crucial for planning. Age is an important one of those factors.

I...suppose that makes sense. But we've made it this far without knowing, right? No need to fix what isn't broken!

That won't do at all! We could fight and win a hundred battles and still lose the next! War is an unpredictable thing, Nah!

Hrmm... True, but still...

So! Let's hear it. Give me a number.

Well, I'd say I'm about the same age as you, Morgan.

Hmm. I see. But you look awfully young for someone my age... Not that I'm all that grown up yet either, mind you...

Actually...I'd rather not talk about this.

What? Why not? There may come a time when we really need to know your exact age, Nah. Like, what if you got separated and we needed to ask around about you? What are we supposed to say? "Have you seen a girl who's I-don't-know years old"?

Ugh, now you're just being silly. I told you, I'm the same age as you! And if you told somebody that, it'd make it HARDER to find me, not easier!

Hmm... I suppose you've got me there. It'd be simpler to just ask if they've seen a girl who looks around 10 or—

ARGH. I am NOT going to run off and get separated! This conversation is absurd!

Er, sorry. Of course you won't. It's just you're so small, sometimes I forget...

Ugh, that's it! Now I'm REALLY never telling you, you... You JERK! Waaaaaaaah!

Nah, wait! Don't run off or you'll get...separated... *sigh*

Morgan > Nah

Ah ha! I've been looking everywhere for you.

...Leave me alone.

Why is this such an issue for you? It was just one simple question. I'm not prying into your business out of idle curiosity either, you know. This is part of a tactician's job. I'm doing this to help everyone. You included!

...A likely story.

Oh, come on! I promise!

...All right, fine. But you have to SWEAR you won't tell anyone else.

Done! You have my solemn word.

I'm just a hair past...*whisper, whisper*

So then you really are just about my age!

Yes! But I'm a manakete, so I grow slower. I mean, we've been over this before. We live far, far longer than humans, but that means we don't look our age at all...

And this slower growth—does it apply to your mental age as well as your body? I mean, are you psychologically younger than a human of the same age?

Rrrgh... Yes. That's why I didn't want to say anything...

Why not?

Because I don't want to be patronized! My mother always looked like a young girl, and in some ways she still was, mentally. So I heard no one ever treated her as an equal. She was always just a kid to them!

I don't know about other people, but I'd never patronize you, Nah! You're still young, sure, yet you're already fighting alongside adults, aren't you? That's an amazing accomplishment! Besides, I think you're awfully mature for someone around your age.

...What was that? What you said just now—can you repeat it?

I said you're mature, Nah. Most kids your age spend their days running around playing in the mud! You're way more grown up than that.

I'm grown up... Mature! I think that's the first time anyone's ever said that to me.

Really, your age is only an issue when you make it one. So stop worrying about it! Honestly, you could stand to be LESS mature! Relax and enjoy your childhood!

Wow... So you're saying I'm actually too mature?

Just a bit!

Heh. Thanks, Morgan. I feel a lot better hearing that. Phew... That's been weighing on me forever. I feel kind of exhausted now. In a good way.

Oh? Is it nap time, already? Well, don't you worry! Auntie Morgan can tuck you in and read you a—

MORGAN! Stop patronizing me!


...There. I think we got them all.

Well done, milord. Now the townsfolk can get back to their festival.

Did you see the smiles on their faces?

I did. There's no better reward for doing a good deed.

Wow, Victor! You weren't kidding! The monsters have all disappeared!

...Well, look who's returned.

Hmm? Oh, the tourists. You're still here? Are you all right? You're lucky those monsters didn't getcha!

Actually, it was WE who got THEM. And it wasn't luck—it was courage and skilled fighting that won the day.

Good griffons! You mean you're SOLDIERS? Well, why didn'tcha say so, for Pete's sake?!

Just... Never mind...

You're staring again... Is my party hat off kilter? Well, anyway—you saved our little village here, didn'tcha! That deserves a reward. Help yourselves to our produce—all you can carry! The least Victor and I can do is share the "fruits" of our labor. *wink*

Really? Well, all right! In that case, I'll take all the fruit from HERE...to here.

Lissa, that's half the cart. How would you even carry it all?

I won't have it for long. Watch this: HEY, EVERYONE! Free fruit! Come help me eat it!

Lissa, slow down! If you trip carrying all that—

Fear not, milord. I took the liberty of clearing the path of all pebble and other debris.

Oh? ...Then for once I'm grateful for your fastidious nature, Frederick.

Thank you, milord.


Milord? ...Is something else troubling you?

No, it's just... It's so peaceful here. Look at all these happy villagers.

Indeed... Once again the streets are filled with the sounds of laughter and celebration.

We saved this town. We kept the peace...

It was a good day for the Shepherds.

...No. Not yet.

Beg pardon, milord?

Once we bring peace to Ylisse—THEN we can call it a good day.

We will. Don't you doubt it for even a moment. And once Ylisse IS safe, we'll throw our own harvest fair! We'll invite Lissa, Robin...everyone! The entire kingdom! And you and I will co-captain the cheer brigade, just like Victor and Vincent! Perhaps they might teach us a few of their tandem harvest-dance routines if we—

*Ahem* WELL, would you look at the time! The festival fireworks start in just five or six hours—we'd best hurry to secure seats!