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When the Side Story is available, the player will receive the following Topic from Yashiro:

Yashiro: Aoi, we must talk. Come to the cafe.

Yashiro: Tmsfe-sticker 30.png

If the player stalls too long before taking the Side Story, the player will receive the following Topic from Yashiro:


>Outside Cafe Seiren

Yashiro: It's you, Aoi... ...Truth be told, I'm troubled over my next role. I'd like to speak with you about it.

The player is given two options on how to answer:

  • Yes
  • No

If the player chooses "no":

Itsuki: Sorry, but can we do this later?

Yashiro: Very well. Later it is...

If the player chooses "yes":

>The side story has been accepted.

Itsuki: If I can help, then sure. ...Still, this is rare. Never thought I'd hear you say there's something troubling you.

>The screen transitions to the interior of the cafe.

Yashiro: I am surprised at the change within me as well. I would have never stumbled over something like this before.

Itsuki: Isn't that good, though? You aren't relying on your old "perfection" and are taking the production as a whole. So what's troubling you?

Yashiro: ...It's about my next role. It's been decided that I will appear in the "Masqueraider" show. My part is the enemy leader.

Itsuki: Well, that's unexpected. I didn't know you took jobs for shows like that.

Yashiro: Everything I've done till now has been for lead roles, but now I wish to try others and consulted with Shimazaki.

Itsuki: I see.

Yashiro: However, there is something I could not figure out while defining the character. The role of "Dr. Schraube" is about a man who detests the Masqueraider yet respects him as a warrior. But since I've fought only with vengeance til now, enemies are othing more than beings to be harted... I cannot figure out how I could come to revere someone I must fight. Of course, I will act this role out like I usually do---just as written in the script. But that alone won't do this time. I am the enemy... I have a duty to make the hero stand out as much as possible. That is why I wish to learn of this respect that is born during a fight.

Itsuki: Someone you can respect, huh...?

Yashiro: However, no such person exists in this world anymore...

Navarre: The opponent you seek lies in the Idolasphere.

Yashiro: What? Aoi, I suggest we prepare ourselves.

>Yashiro gets up and leaves as the screen transitions to Itsuki standing outside the cafe. The player will then receive the following urgent Topic from Yashiro:

Yashiro: The Illusory Area of Memories---that is suposedly where an opponent whom I can respect awaits, according to Navarre.

Inside Illusory Area of Memories.

Yashiro: Navarre... what in the world is here?

Navarre: Just follow me.

Chrom: I can feel power radiating from somewhere close by... Whoever it's coming from must be...

Itsuki: Let's proceed with caution.

Everyone nods as gameplay resumes. The player will receive the following Topic in Side Story:

Tiki: I feel a Mirage's aura in the room where Gharnef was... It feels a bit like Yashiro's too...

Tiki: It's probably who Navarre was talking about, but who could it be?

>Inside the boss room

Yashiro: Ah...

Itsuki: Isn't that---

Chrom: What is that being...? A Performa? No... Is it a soul itself taking form?

Yashiro: ...Father.

Navarre: So the presence I detected before was indeed your father's.

Itsuki: Why is he here...?

Chikaomi: ...Yashiro.

Mirage's Voice: It happened five years ago. I found the pitiful, wandering soul of Chikaomi Tsurugi and took it for myself.

Yashiro: ...!

Chikaomi: Gaaaaaaaaah!

Yashiro: Father!

Chikaomi: Heh heh heh...

Chrom: Who are you!?

Chikaomi: I am a Mirage who has mastered the sword. My name is Lon'qu. This overwhelming power... It's just as I expect from a rare genius---from Chikaomi Tsurugi's soul!

Yashiro: ...!

Navarre: What a powerful aura...!

Chikaomi: Mwahahah! I have taken it all!

Yashiro: Damn you!

Chikaomi: Trembling, are we? I can feel your disturbance, fear... anger. "Yashiro. A true artist is one who can suppress and control their feelings."

Yashiro: Ah...

Chikaomi: You are a failure. Now, my "son." I shall devour you as you drown in regret... just as I did with your father.

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • Get up, Yashiro!
  • Will you leave him like that!?

If the player chooses option 2:


If the player chooses option 1:

Itsuki: Get up, Yashiro!

Yashiro: ...!

Navarre: ...Itsuki's right. You must slay this Mirage and settle your father's regrets.

Itsuki: Now's the time for you to surpass your father!

Yashiro: But, I...

Itsuki: The Yashiro I know can do this! Come on!

Yashiro: All right... I'll do it. Aoi, Navarre, lend me your strength. I will slay that Mirage...!

>Battle initiates.

Lon'qu: Yashiro... I'll take your Performa as well.

>After the battle ends.

Chikaomi: ...That will do, Lon'qu.

Lon'qu: Finally.

Yashiro: Father!

Itsuki: Huh? I thought Mr. Chikaomi had been devoured...?

Chikaomi: Heh heh... It was all an act.

Yashiro: ...

Chikaomi: I heard that my son was troubled, so I had Navarre work with me to set this act up.

Itsuki: How in the world are you here?

Chikaomi: Lon'qu here saved my soul, which was on the verge of disappearing five years ago. I was concerned about the son I left behind, after all. I remained in this world as a spirit filled with regret. Heh heh... Then again, I do not know if it is correct for me to refer to this Idolasphere as "this world." However, it appears that my concerns were groundless. Yashiro.

Yashiro: ...Yes, Father.

Chikaomi: You've grown.

Yashiro: ...!

Chikaomi: You have yet to master your skills... but by gaining a friend, you've reached new heights as an actor---and as a person.

Yashiro: Father...

Chikaomi: Itsuki, Navarre... My son is still inexperienced, but look after him for me.

Itsuki: Y-Yes, sir.

Navarre: Understood.

Chikaomi: Lon'qu, my faithful Mirage. These past five years should not have existed for me. You have my gratitude.

Lon'qu: I was the one drawn to you, and I did as I pleased. I have no use for your thanks.

Chikaomi: Yashiro... forgive me. I did nothing for you as a father...

Yashiro: No, you did more than enough, Father. I could sense your greatness and care with every crossing of our blades. Because of you, I have reached further heights. I understand... So this is the respect that can blossom in battle. Father... thank you for everything.

>A bright light envelopes Yashiro as an orb forms out of Yashiro's chest. Yashiro achieves a new Performa: Ally and Friend.

Chikaomi: Heh... The final lesson I give to my son has become my final stage. Not bad... My life was truly worthwhile.

'Itsuki: Wait... Final?

Chikaomi: Farewell. Yashiro, do not neglect your training.

Yashiro: Yes, Father!

'>Chikaomi's surrounded by light as he slowly floats upward and fades into space.

Yashiro: Let's head back. I must continue my training.

>Chrom and Navarre fades as Itsuki and Yashiro are seen walking away. As gameplay resumes, the player will receive a new Topic in Side Story:

Tiki: Yashiro's dad passed on for certain this time, huh...

Tiki: But I can tell from the light of Yashiro's soul that he's accepted it.

Tiki: Looks like this will be a wonderful skill once a Unity is performed. Come to the Bloom Palace when you're ready!

Tiki: Tmsfe-sticker 19.png

>Back at Bloom Palace

Yashiro: Navarre. Thanks to your little scheme, I could finally put my felings of my father to rest. You have my gratitude.

Navarre: Mm.

Yashiro: But to think that you could deceive me... You're quite the actor yourself.

Navarre: Ah, you mean my conspiracy earlier... It's only natural. I've been in close contact with the finest actor all this time.

Yashiro: I see.

Navarre: Heh... You've changed as well. It seems coming to Fortuna was the right choice after all.

Yashiro: ...

Navarre: Believing in only oneself and devoting one's life to a single pursuit is indeed one way of living. Yet, it's also true that here are some limits that cannot be broken alone. Your encounter with companions who've helped guide you must be the greatest treasure in life.

Yashiro: Yes. And Navarre, I also consider meeting you one of my greatest treasures.

Navarre: ...I see.

>The screen transitions to a cinematic with Yashiro fighting with another character in his show.

>Back at Fortuna Office

Touma: Whoa! You totally nailed it, Yashiro! That was one great villain you played!

Yashiro: Of course. Who do you think I am?

Itsuki: It does seem miraculous that you did such a role though.

Yashiro: Is it odd?

Itsuki: No. I think it's great.

Yashiro: I see.

Touma: Ooh, what is this, Yashiro? Have you gotten more chill than before? Art first, you seemed like some weird guy that just rushed into things alone.

The player is given three options on how to respond:

  • Is it thanks to me?
  • Isn't it thanks to everyone?
  • That's Yashiro's skills for you.

If the player chooses option 3:


If the player chooses option 2:


If the player chooses option 1:

Itsuki: Is it thanks to me?

Yashiro: That's correct.

>The screen transitions to Yashiro appearing on the screen.

Yashiro: Aoi. ...I have learned many things from you. You taught me that I am not always perfect... and furthermore, that I exist only because others do. I could not have changed alone. It was because you were here that I was able to grow... Itsuki... I thank you from the depths of my heart.

Itsuki: You're thinking too highly of me. You had the ability to change from the beginning.

Yashiro: Hm, that is also true.

Itsuki: Wow, that's some confidence.

Yashiro: Naturally. There are many reasons. I am the top-performing talent of Fortuna Entertainment, the son of the phenomenal actor Chikaomi Tsurugi... ...and your friend, Itsuki. I hope we continue to get alon. I vow to fight alongside you as your sword and as your friend.

Job complete!