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Latest revision as of 05:48, 23 February 2016


C Support

Shigure: Ahhh! How I love the feel of the wind at this altitude... Those poor earthbound ones below don't know what they're missing.

(Shigure leaves)


(Selkie leaves)

Shigure: Hm? Is someone calling to me? Down, girl! Ah! Hello, Selkie. Did you need a lift somewhere?

Selkie: How did you know?! That's EXACTLY what I wanted! Can I ride on your pegasus?

Shigure: Of course! Where to?

Selkie: Oh, I don't want to go anywhere! OK, hear me out. First, I want you to fly waaaay up into the clouds. You're with me so far?

Shigure: I'm familiar with the principle.

Selkie: And then I wanna jump off!

Shigure: What?! No! The fall from that height would surely kill you!

Selkie: Haha, I knew you'd say that! But don't worry, I got it all worked out! See this sailcloth here? I'll hold it out as I fall, and whoosh! I'll be a flying fox! Doesn't that sound fun?!

Shigure: And you're sure you won't die?

Selkie: Relax! What could go wrong?

Shigure: I wish I could share that confidence... But who am I to say no? Get on, and I'll take you to new heights.

Selkie: Yaaaaay! Thanks, Shigure!

Shigure: All right, now... Is this high enough for you?

Selkie: This is perfect! Look out below! WHEEEEEEEEEE!

(Selkie leaves)

Shigure: Gods, she actually jumped! Incredible... The sailcloth is working just as she said. Oof, that was a bit of a rough landing. But she seems cheerful enough...

(Shigure leaves)

Selkie: Ahahaha! SHIGURE! THAT WAS SO FUN! Let's do it again!

(Selkie leaves)

Shigure: I'd be happy to! Hang on, I'll come down to get you!

B Support

Selkie: Hey, Shigure! Can you take me way up into the clouds again? I wanna go sky gliding!

Shigure: I don't know, Selkie. The winds are strong today. It might be better to hold off.

Selkie: It'll be fine! Worse comes to worst, I can glide away from the squalls. Pleeeeeeease, Shigure?

Shigure: ...Very well. Climb aboard.

Selkie: Yaaaay! Thanks, Shigure!

(fade to black)

Shigure: Is this high enough for you, Selkie?

Selkie: This'll do! Three, two, one... WHEEEEEEE!

(Selkie leaves)

Shigure: Ah, my noble steed. Would that I could be so irrepressible. Hm...?

(Shigure leaves)


(Selkie leaves)

Shigure: Selkie! Hold on tight! Quickly, take my hand!

Selkie: Just...a little closer...! Got you!

Shigure: Phew...that was distressingly close. I knew we shouldn't have come today.

Selkie: Whew...

Shigure: Is something wrong, Selkie? If you need a discreet place to vomit, let me know and we can touch down.

Selkie: Sorry, Shigure...I should've listened. You're the expert on flying.

Shigure: Haha. I'm only surprised to find there's something that rattles even you.

Selkie: Yeah! I'll be careful from now on for sure. Thanks for pulling my fur out of the fire.

Shigure: No thanks necessary. I should have known better than to take you up at all. It may not be quite what you had in mind, but why don't we ride on the ground today?

Selkie: Where's the fun in THAT?

Shigure: You'd be surprised. Riding at a gallop is quite invigorating. And safe, too.

Selkie: Well, you know best! Let's go for it!

Shigure: Trust me. My noble pegasus is as swift on land as she is on the wing. I promise you won't be bored.

A Support


Shigure: What's wrong, Selkie?

Selkie: Well...remember how I kinda got carried away the other day? Literally? It seemed like a good idea not to go flying in that kind of weather anymore. But that's the only kind of weather there's BEEN! What am I supposed to do?!

Shigure: The earthbound life is too mundane now that you've had a taste of the sky, eh?

Selkie: *sigh* Maybe there's some other fun game we can play. Ooh! We could buzz houses!

Shigure: That gets old faster than you'd think.

Selkie: Aww. It would be neat if I woke up one morning with wings instead of a tail. Then I could fly all on my own!

Shigure: Ahaha...I don't see that happening, I'm afraid.

Selkie: What else...what else...hmmm. Does your pegasus know any cool stunts?

Shigure: Stunts, hm? Now that you mention it... How does somersaulting strike you?

Selkie: Somersaulting?

Shigure: My pegasus is extremely talented at midair loops and flips. I'd wager she could pull them off even with the both of us mounted.

Selkie: You're kidding me, right? That's too good to be true! Can we try it right now?!

Shigure: Far be it from me to refuse a lady. Shall we see how many times we can somersault before getting dizzy?

Selkie: This is the BEST! DAY! EVER! Thanks a million, Shigure!

Shigure: Your passion for flight is all the thanks I need.

Selkie: This means I'll have to return the favor someday, huh?

Shigure: Return what favor?

Selkie: You know! The way you always make time to play with me! Someday, I'll do something for you to make you just as happy. Cross my heart!

Shigure: I look forward to that very much. Now then, shall we take to the air?

Selkie: You don't need to ask me twice!

S Support

Selkie: ...

Shigure: Selkie? Why are you staring at me? Is there something in my teeth?

Selkie: Nope! It was a stare of respect for how good a pegasus jockey you are.

Shigure: Hmhm...I'm surprised to hear that.

Selkie: How come?

Shigure: Because I respect you, too. I feel most alive when I'm watching you laugh so boisterously. At times, I think I might like to spend the rest of my days with—erm, well...

Selkie: Shigure?

Shigure: Oh, why hide it any longer... I'm hopelessly in love with you.

Selkie: HUH?!

Shigure: It's true. I'm entranced with your boundless zest for life. Would you consider, possibly...being my girlfriend...?

Selkie: ...

Shigure: Ah dear. I had held out a fool's hope, but...

Selkie: No, no, no! I love you, too, Shigure. I would be super happy if you were my boyfriend! Although...

Shigure: Is there a catch?

Selkie: Now I won't ever get a chance to pay you back. You bent over backward to cheer me up, but I never did anything like that for you.

Shigure: Nonsense. Just now, you said the words that sent my heart soaring. No favor or playtime would have meant as much as to accept me as your boyfriend.

Selkie: No fooling?!

Shigure: Not even the bare minimum of fooling.

Selkie: Yaaaaay! If you're happy, then I'm happy too!

Shigure: Let's do our best to stretch this joy out indefinitely, side by side. I love you, Selkie.