Fates Supports/Forrest Avatar(F)

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C Support

Avatar: Working on something, Forrest?

Forrest: Good day, Avatar. I'm putting the final touches on embroidering this dress. Here...the last rose is complete. Go on— see for yourself. It's a little more effort, but these fine details can absolutely transform a work.

Avatar: You're right—it's exquisite. I'd rank it with the finest needlework I've seen.

Forrest: Oh, you flatter me. Anybody with a spool of thread and some time could do this much. Though if you like it, I could embroider a few cute embellishments on your outfits.

Avatar: Hmmm...that's a very tempting offer. Forgive me for saying so, but it's hard to see you as anything but a young lady.

Forrest: Is that strange to you? I can't imagine myself any other way. Ever since I was small, I've worn the clothes that enchanted me most.

Avatar: It's not strange at all. I admire your boldness in expressing yourself.

Forrest: Is that really and truly how you feel?

Avatar: I promise. Objectively speaking, you look amazing in that outfit.

Forrest: You're very kind, Avatar. Hmm, come to think of it... Would you object if I sewed you a new dress? Not that there's anything wrong with what you're wearing now, but... I think you would look very chic in a frilled skirt!

Avatar: I'd love that! I'm not as sure as you that I'd wear it well, but... if you have the time, I'd be honored to own one of your creations.

B Support

Avatar: Headed out, Forrest?

Forrest: Yes, I was making a trip into town to stock up on fabrics.

Avatar: Glad I caught you, because I need to do some shopping, too. Want to go together?

Forrest: Together? As in...both of us? You and me?

Avatar: Is there another meaning I'm unfamiliar with...?

Forrest: N-no, it's just...well, I'd be delighted to have your company, but... I don't want to stir up any commotion.

Avatar: What do you mean?

Forrest: Well, it shouldn't be a problem, I suppose. As long as I don't open my mouth, people will just assume I'm a girl. I wouldn't want you to be embarrassed when folks discover I'm a boy.

Avatar: I'm not worried about what anyone thinks.

Forrest: ...Well, I appreciate that. But might I get your honest opinion?

Avatar: Always.

Forrest: I've always dressed however I feel, and back home people respected that. Here I find that's not always the case, and my clothing makes it harder to fit in.

Avatar: Hmm. You do dress ostentatiously, for a man or a woman, but... some people simply grew up sheltered and have trouble with the unfamiliar.

Forrest: Yes. It doesn't happen everywhere, but I catch people staring sometimes. And once I've noticed, I wonder what other judgments they make. Who else they hurt.

Avatar: I wish I could say you're just overthinking things, but...I know it's not that simple. Even if you're comfortable with yourself, the world around you may need to grow.

Forrest: Quite...

Avatar: But.

Forrest: Hmm?

Avatar: However anyone else reacts, I want you to know that we will accept you as you are. Hold to that, when things seem uncertain.

Forrest: Thank you, Avatar.

Avatar: Now, are you ready to shop?

Forrest: Lead the way!

A Support

Forrest: Avatar...

Avatar: Hello, Forrest. What's on your mind?

Forrest: I have a gift for you, if it's something you would want. Here...

Avatar: Huh...an angel patch?

Forrest: Yes! I sewed it myself. It's a little touch of Forrest you can add to whatever you like. You've been kind enough to go on outings with me, regardless of what people think... I wanted to show you how much I appreciated that.

Avatar: Thank you, Forrest. I'll take good care of it. The threadwork is so detailed. Not that I'd expect any less from our master tailor.

Forrest: Heehee...you're too kind. I could do more in this vein for you, if you'd like.

Avatar: Really?

Forrest: Yes. A sleek fox or a fluffy rabbit... Maybe a moon encircled by stars. Oh, or! Remember how I offered to make you a frilly dress? What might be even better is if I made one covered in darling patches. Not too cloying, though... Maybe a six-gore skirt without the ruffles would do well. Ahh, I can picture it now! And I'm picturing it looking adorable on you, Avatar. What do you say?

Avatar: Y-you're sure about this?

Forrest: Yes! I guarantee it!

Avatar: If you're sure, then...why not? I'm game.

Forrest: You won't regret this!

Avatar: Haha...you get this sparkle in your eyes whenever the subject of clothing comes up.

Forrest: I simply can't help myself! You know I'm not ashamed of the way I dress, Avatar. And I feel I should show that confidence and pride in public. The only way the world will grow more tolerant is to see people like me. ...See us living, loving, and being both our unique selves and quite ordinary. When we're not invisible, we can become part of the pattern—woven into the fabric.

Avatar: Well said, Forrest. Your passion makes you so vibrant and full of life. I think you're at least as splendid as any of your creations.

Forrest: Why, thank you, Avatar!

S Support

Forrest: Avatar! Be a dear and try this on, when you have a spare moment.

Avatar: A hairpin? Did you make this too?

Forrest: I have talents in more than needlework, you see. It was made just for you. Ah...just as I'd hoped, it brings out your eyes magnificently. I made a matching necklace, if you wouldn't mind trying this on as well.

Avatar: Go right ahead.

Forrest: Why, it looks perfect on you!

Avatar: Haha, thank you. But you didn't have to do all this for me... That lovely dress with all the patches was enough for me.

Forrest: That was something of a test run for what I really wanted to put together. There's another dress for you in this bag. I...I put everything I had into this one.

Avatar: Hmm? O-OK... Good heavens! Is...is this...a wedding dress?!

Forrest: I think you'd look wonderful walking down the aisle in it. Will you marry me, Avatar?

Avatar: Come again?!

Forrest: The hairpin, necklace, and dress are all part of a wedding ensemble. I love you more than anyone else in the entire world. I can't imagine anyone else loving you as much as I do. Won't you please be my very own princess?

Avatar: Forrest...

Forrest: I crafted a ring for you as well. Will you accept it...?

Avatar: ...

Forrest: Your silence says everything. I suppose you can't see yourself with a man like me...

Avatar: Don't be so sure. Granted, you look to me like a young lady on the outside, which isn't usually my type.

Forrest: But?

Avatar: But you have a noble heart. Your passion, drive, and consideration for others... I couldn't ask for anything more in a man.

Forrest: Then...that means...

Avatar: I accept your dress, your ring, your necklace. I accept your proposal. I accept you, Forrest, in every way.

Forrest: Avatar! Thank you, thank you... I swear I'll make you happy!

Avatar: I hope I can do the same for you.

Forrest: Gracious me, I haven't a moment to lose. I must set to work on another dress!

Avatar: What's wrong with this one? Didn't we just establish it looks fine on me?

Forrest: Yours is taken care of, yes. But I still need to make one for myself!

Avatar: Hmph. You're going to look better than me at my own wedding, aren't you.

Forrest: Wouldn't it be stranger if I didn't?

Avatar: ...Good point. It's part of what I find so charming about you. Then shall we both wear your fashions as we swear our love to each other?

Forrest: Gladly!

(Confession Scene)

Forrest: I love you for you who are. As I know you love me. What a lovely pair we make. May love always triumph over ignorance.