Fates Supports/Avatar(M) Camilla

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C Support

Camilla: Avatar! I've been looking all over for you.

Avatar: Camilla? Is something wrong?

Camilla: No, no, of course not. Now, I'll just sit down first, and...I'm all ready!

Avatar: This again?

Camilla: That's right—it's time for you to rest your precious little head in my lap. Would you like a lullaby as well? I know how hard it is to fall asleep sometimes.

Avatar: Camilla, it's been YEARS since I've done that.

Camilla: Are you sure? It seems like yesterday to me. I could just sit and stare at your cute little sleeping face for hours. C'mon! I promise I won't kiss your cheeks while you're sleeping. Oh, who am I kidding? I can't promise that!

Avatar: Camilla... I'm not a child anymore.

Camilla: So?

Avatar: So...our relationship has to evolve. You don't need to cuddle me to sleep anymore.

Camilla: I don't see why not!

Avatar: Look, it's normal for a sister to be close to her brother... But this is something else altogether.

Camilla: So you're worried about what people will think, is that it?

Avatar: Well, yes! I'm not a child anymore, and I need to be taken seriously!

Camilla: D'awww, you're all growed up. I'm so proud of you, my sweet little brother.

Avatar: Are you even listening to me?

B Support

Camilla: Ah, there you are, Avatar.

Avatar: Hello, Camilla. I suppose it's my nap time?

Camilla: Of course not. I've come to my senses. I know I oughtn't treat you as a child.

Avatar: Do you mean that? My message finally got through?

Camilla: Certainly. Going forward, I will treat you as the adult brother you have become. Now then, I was thinking we deserve a small break from all this action. Shall we pop off to the local hot springs for a spell? Do a bit of a "spa fortnight," as I like to call it?

Avatar: What?!

Camilla: What do you mean, "what"? It's just a little soaking and relaxing, dear. Don't we deserve a little extra time to bond?

Avatar: Of course, but... How do you think it would look to the others? I can't let my friends fight and die while I'm off soaking in a tub!

Camilla: And basking in the rejuvenative powers of daily facial peels! One mustn't forget the facial peels.

Avatar: I'm sorry, Camilla, but I can't get away for something like that right now.

Camilla: Oh, I suppose not. It's just that I feel terrible about your wretched past. Being locked away for so long...unable to run wild with the other boys. Let alone experience life's simplest pleasures! Like splashing in the ocean...or playing knights and dragons with your friends. Father didn't allow that sort of thing, did he.

Avatar: No.

Camilla: Don't you see how hard it was on me? Not to be able to do anything for my poor little brother?

Avatar: Camilla, please don't cry.

Camilla: You're right, I'm being ridiculous. Letting my emotions overtake me like that. Just give me a moment...

Avatar: Of course.

Camilla: ...to pack both of our bags! Now, will you be needing any armor, or can we pack light?

Avatar: Better bring a set, just in case. Wait, what am I saying?

A Support

Avatar: Camilla, can we chat for a minute?

Camilla: Of course, my silly little Avatar! I mean...of course, Avatar. Is everything all right? You seemed so distressed the other day. And then you just ran off...

Avatar: I know. I just needed some time to think.

Camilla: Time to think?

Avatar: Yes. Sometimes you come on so strong, and my first reaction is to run and hide. But...I realized that that's pretty childish.

Camilla: Oh?

Avatar: I mean, here I am trying to get you to treat me as an adult... But I'm acting like a spoiled brat. I do need to work harder at empathizing with others. I know that your intentions are pure. And I appreciate how much you care for me. So...I'd like to spend more time with you. I promise I won't run away again.

Camilla: Awwww... *sob*

Avatar: Camilla?

Camilla: My little Avatar is growing up right before my eyes. So, where should we go first? There's a whole world out there to explore!

Avatar: Well, I thought you might have some ideas about that.

Camilla: Oh, I most certainly do! Look at this map.

Avatar: Did...did you just pull that out of your bra?

Camilla: Where else would I keep it? Now, let's see... Ah, yes. See all these circles?

Avatar: Yes... Is this a map of all of Nohr?

Camilla: Indeed. Oh, I've been planning this for ages! Now, each circle represents a place I've dreamed of visiting with you.

Avatar: I don't know what to say...

Camilla: First on the list is this field of flowers here. It's absolutely sublime—a living work of art. This circle is a cavern filled with sparkling crystals and mysterious rock formations. And, last but not least, a secluded hot spring not far from our current location...

Avatar: Really?

Camilla: Yes, I want more than anything to go together.

Avatar: Camilla, you meant for us to visit this hot spring from the very beginning, didn't you?

Camilla: Don't be ridiculous. It just so happens that it's a natural wonder.

Avatar: And it has nothing to do with the—what did you call it? Facial peel?

Camilla: Oh, well as long as we're there, we might as well TRY one...or two...

Avatar: Well...let me think about it. OK?

Camilla: Oh, certainly! I can wait. I mean, I've already been waiting for years. Take your time, brother. This will be like the blink of an eye.

Avatar: First things first... They don't actually peel your face off, do they?

S Support

Camilla: OK, I'm all packed, Avatar. Are you ready for our hot-spring vacation?

Avatar: Um... I'm actually having second thoughts about the whole thing, Camilla.

Camilla: You're still hung up on what other people will think—is that it?

Avatar: Yes, but it's more than that.

Camilla: Well, why don't we just get married? Nobody would bat an eyelash at two newlyweds going on a honeymoon.

Avatar: What?! How do you think people's eyelashes would respond to a brother marrying his sister?

Camilla: Oh, please. We're not blood related. And everyone knows that.

Avatar: But...we've lived as brother and sister for so long. And everyone knows THAT, too.

Camilla: You know, I've always been a bit sad that we're not actually related. But if we got married, we would be!

Avatar: Camilla, are you even listening to yourself?

Camilla: So, is that a no?

Avatar: I...I think it has to be a no, right? Even though there is a part of me that wants to say yes...

Camilla: There is? Let's build on that! Look, what's the hang-up? You don't find me attractive?

Avatar: Gods...I had hoped to avoid ever having this conversation...

Camilla: So that's it, then. You find me hideous.

Avatar: Camilla, no! It's just the opposite, I'm afraid. Growing up with a stunningly attractive sister...who's not ACTUALLY my sister... It was confusing, to say the least. And now that we're adults of no blood relation...

Camilla: Oh, Avatar. I never knew you felt that way!

Avatar: Exactly.

Camilla: But don't you see? There's no reason to hide our love any longer. I'll say it again: we are not related. There's no taboo preventing us from marrying. We're just like...childhood sweethearts who have finally come of age.

Avatar: ... ... All right.

Camilla: What?!

Avatar: Let's do it, Camilla. Let's ignore the dissenters and get married.

Camilla: Are you sure, Avatar? I don't want to feel as though I've pushed you into this...

Avatar: No. I'm certain. Thanks to you, I won't have to live with regret any longer. You've shown me that being an adult means being true to yourself. I love that about you...and I love you.

Camilla: I love you too, Avatar. Let's stay together forever.

Avatar: Once the war is over, we can travel wherever we like. Even to the hot spring you've been wanting to visit for so long.

Camilla: Wait, we still don't get to go right now?

(Confession Scene)

Camilla: We're a real family now. And I love my family more than anything.