Fates Supports/Avatar(F) Elise

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C Support

Elise: Hya! HIIIYAA!

Avatar: Um, Elise? Why are you throwing punches in the middle of the field?

Elise: Waaah! Avatar! I-I'm not doing anything! Really. Not a thing. Or, I mean, I was just here to pick flowers. YEAH! A pretty girl picking pretty flowers...

Avatar: Oh, I see. Are you sure about that?

Elise: But of course! I wanted to make you a lovely bouquet. I'M JUST TOO SWEET!

Avatar: OK then. It just seemed an awful lot like you were practicing your punches...

Elise: ... FINE! You caught me. You're just too clever for my devious deceptions. The truth is, lately I've been feeling like kind of a burden to everyone... I was hoping if I trained secretly I could become as strong as you are one day!

Avatar: Elise, please don't say that. I promise, no one thinks of you as a burden.

Elise: You're sweet to say that, Avatar. I love that you're always looking out for me. But that's exactly why I need to train! That way I can look out for myself instead!

Avatar: This clearly means a whole lot to you.

Elise: Oh, it means everything to me! Everything! See, watch this...KAPOW! My killer left hook. KABOOM! My right fist of fury! Kapow! Kaboom! HYAAA!

Avatar: Ah, wow. I'm impressed by your... exuberance. Well then, if it means that much to you, I'd be happy to help you out. After all, training is twice as effective with two minds at work.

Elise: You mean it, Avatar?! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best! I love you THE MOST!!

Avatar: Hahaha, you're very welcome. Now then, let's start with some cardio. Ready...GO!

Elise: Heehee, yay! Here I gooooo!!

B Support

Avatar: Hello, Elise. Shall we start our training for today?

Elise: Hrm... *sigh*

Avatar: Elise, are you feeling all right?

Elise: Not really. It's just... I've been training so hard, but I still feel like a big ol' burden.

Avatar: Nonsense. You've already improved quite a bit. Be patient. These things take time.

Elise: Do you mean it? You really think I've improved a lot?

Avatar: Absolutely. But the only way you'll keep getting better is to work hard every day.

Elise: You're right! No more moping around! I'm gonna do my best from here on out!

Avatar: That's the spirit!

Elise: So what are we working on today? Kicks? Punches? Intimidating faces?!

Avatar: Today we'll be working on your upper-body strength. Time for some push-ups! Go on, drop and give me twenty!

Elise: T-t-twenty push-ups? Like, in a row?! Is that even possible? And besides, aren't push-ups for big, burly, muscular types? Not cute little girls?

Avatar: That's just silly. Push-ups are for everyone. Everyone serious about training, anyway.

Elise: I see... Well, if you say so, Avatar. Here goes nothing...

Elise: One... Two... Three... F-four...

Avatar: You're doing great. Keep it up!

Elise: Fiiiiive... Ugh...

Avatar: What's the matter? You're not quitting already, are you? If you want to get stronger, you can't give up when things get tough.

Elise: But...my arms are wobbly... and I'm getting all SWEATY.

Avatar: No pain, no gain. When you can't take any more, remember why you're training. You want to be a stronger version of yourself, right? This is how you'll get there. Think you can handle it?

Elise: I...I CAN! I want to be better! Stronger! SWEATIER!!

Avatar: That's the Elise I know! Now let's try that again. This time, drop and give me ten!

Elise: OK! One! Two! Threeee!

A Support

Avatar: Training time, Elise. Are you ready to get started?

Elise: ...

Avatar: Elise?! What's going on? Why are you crying?

Elise: I...I... *sniffle* *sob* I'm sorry, Avatar. I just feel... *SNIFF* I'm just so pathetic...

Avatar: Why would you say that? You've been doing so well!

Elise: ... I-I think I've gotten a tiny bit stronger, thanks to you. But... But... *sob* But when I encounter an enemy on the battlefield all alone, I still get so s-scared! If I keep being such a weak baby, I'll never stop being a burden to everyone!

Avatar: Elise...

Elise: I want to help protect everyone... I wanna protect you and Xander... and Leo... and C-C-Camilla... and everyone else too... I just want everyone to be safe and happy and to *sniff* live peacefully. But for that to happen, we've just got to win this stupid war! I can't keep holding us back by being the weak link...

Avatar: Elise... You sweet, silly girl. Dry those tears. I understand how you feel, but I promise things aren't so bleak.

Elise: Avatar...

Avatar: War isn't just about fighting. To truly win, you must believe in what you're fighting for. You have such a pure desire for peace, and that's invaluable in times like these. So no, Elise, you're definitely not a burden. You're a ray of light in the dark. Now show me that smile, and please, never stop trying to improve. You're doing great.

Elise: Avatar... Th-thank you, Avatar! You always know just what to say. I love you so much!

Avatar: I love you too, Elise.

Elise: All right then, no more messing around! I'm gonna become the best me ever! I won't stop until I'm the invincible, unstoppable, legendary princess of Nohr!

Avatar: Haha, that's the spirit!