Warriors Supports/Robin Tharja

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Tharja: Robin... You've fallen ill!

Robin: Well, that's news to me. I feel just fine.

Tharja: Oh, you don't have to hide it from me. After all, I know everything about you.

Robin: Everything? Like... what?

Tharja: Well, this morning you slept in a whole nine minutes and 26 seconds.

Robin: You keep track of the seconds?

Tharja: Of course. You chewed each bite of breakfast eight more times than usual... And you used a whole half bucket more of water to wash your face.

Robin: Why do you keep track of such trivial things?! You really do know everything...

Tharja: Last night you tossed eight times in your sleep, and turned six times.

Robin: Well, that would expl--Wait! Are you saying you didn't sleep last night?

Tharja: Don't make this about me. We're talking about you and your health. But you can relax. I have just the thing to make you all better.

Robin: You're going to cast another curse on me, aren't you...

Tharja: Hmhmhm.. I already cast a hex to purify all evil spirits

Robin: Of course you have. But when?

Tharja: I'll also prepare a hex to help you sleep, so you can wake up feeling refreshed.

Robin: Ah-haha... With this many hexes, I'll have nothing to worry about.

Tharja: But that's still not enough. We never know when someone else may curse you. I'll prepare numerous countercurses and be ready at a moment's notice.

Robin: Is there anyone hear who wants to curse me? ...Aside form you, that is? Tharja, I appreciate your help, but isn't watching over me like this exhausting? I feel guilty knowing that you're going to such great lengths just for me

Tharja: I do this because I want to. You've nothing to feel guilty about.

Robin: But why is it you...pamper me so much?

Tharja: Because you;re my fated one, of course.

Robin: Oh, yeah... Fated one, right.

Tharja: Why, I've been watching over you since I first laid eyes upon you.

Robin: As you never fail to mention. You know you're special to me too, right?

Tharja: I am?

Robin: I've been watching you too. And I see how hard you've been working. You use your magic for the good of everyone. Not just me.

Tharja: Hm... So you found out about the hexes I cast on everyone.

Robin: You work harder than anyone else here, so take a break once in a while.

Tharja: Well... Maybe I'll tone it done. A little

Robin: And in exchange, I'll watch over you. We can support each other from now on.

Tharja: You are going to watch over me? Watching each other day in, day out... Heehee... You really are my fated one.