Warriors Supports/Lianna Lyn

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Lianna: Lyn, is it true that you came to this world all by yourself? You must've been very lonely before you met up with us.

Lyn: Oh, you don't have to worry about me! I'm used to being alone. That's how I lived back on the plains.

Lianna: Back on the plains? But I thought you were from a noble family.

Lyn: Only technically. My mother was from a noble family, but not my father. He was the son of a Lorca chieftain. A nomad. My parents eloped in secret, and I was raised as a simple plains dweller.

Lianna: Did you have any idea who you were...or who your mother was?

Lyn: No... My parents were killed by a group of bandits before they could tell me. After that, the Lorca scattered. And I, well... I just lived on my own.

Lianna: How terrible! I'm sorry for bringing all this up.

Lyn: It's OK. It happened a long time ago...

Lianna: But I think it explains a lot.

Lyn: You mean why I don't act like an average member of the noble class?

Lianna: Oh, no! That's not what I meant at all. It explains your strength. Your compassion. You're so-- I don't know....True to yourself. Me? I'm always worried about acting like a proper princess or big sister. So I'm constantly second-guessing myself and making mistakes.

Lyn: I understand. I was a bit bewildered to learn about my family's...history. Suddenly I was part of the nobility! It made me question everything.

Lianna: You were worried about the same things as me?

Lyn: I was...at first. Then, on my travels, I met some very dear friends. A reliable tactician, an interesting pair of knights, and a Pegasus Knight as well!. Ha ha! They called themselves Lyndis's Legion. I realized that those friendships defined me more than any noble bloodline.

Lianna: Interesting... It's funny. Just like you have your friends from the Legion, I have all of you. So maybe I should worry less about being a princess and more about being a friend.

Lyn: Agreed! Things like social status shouldn't matter when among friends. We risk our lives for each other, after all.

Lianna: That's true... I guess I've been pretty foolish all this time!

Lyn: Not at all! In fact, you're one of the most genuine people I know. You're also one of the biggest worriers I know. And I love you for that!

Lianna: Thank you, Lyn. Well, I'll try not to worry quite so much about all this!

Lyn: Good! You shouldn't. But if you do....you'll still have my friendship.