Warriors Supports/Lucina Frederick

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Frederick: Ah, Lucina. I've prepared some tea and a little snack for you.

Lucina: Oh! Well, thank you, Frederick.

Frederick: Additionally, I have repaired the seams in your tent and done some tidying up.

Lucina: Uhh...thank you. But really, that's too much. You shouldn't have.

Frederick: Nonsense. It is my duty. Incidentally, how long would your ideal scarf be?

Lucina: Now, this is really too much! Frederick, I can knit my own scarf. Hand that over!

Frederick: No, that's for Chrom!

Lucina: Wha--oh no! It's unraveling!

Frederick: Do not move! The yarn is tangled, but I believe it can be salvaged...

Lucina: No! Ugh... There goes the whole ball of yarn... I'm sorry, Frederick. I've messed it all up. This will take forever to untangle.

Frederick: No, it's my fault. Clearly the knitting wasn't tight enough. But please, leave the untangling to me. You should not be doing menial work. Your time is better spent doing more important things.

Lucina: Frederick, I appreciate your help, but you can't dote on me like this. There are others who need your aid more than I do.

Frederick: Well, I would defer to Chrom's judgment... ...Ah. Of course. You must be speaking of Chrom himself. Is that what you meant?

Lucina: ...Yes! Imagine if something happened while you were busy with me... I won't be the straw that breaks the pegasus's back... Meaning you, obviously.

Frederick: Yes, I understand this expression. But you must know that protecting you is as important as protecting Chrom. That doesn't mean I will neglect my duties to Chrom, though. Not ever.

Lucina: I'm so glad to hear you say that. I've been feeling so guilty...

Frederick: Do you find it hard, depending on others?

Lucina: Well...yes! I suppose I share my father's responsibility to defend our people. I feel I should not rely on anyone else... And I guess I can be a bit stubborn.

Frederick: Surely I have demonstrated that you can rely on me, Lucina. And moreover, I am not the only one who can help. So, please... Allow all of us to serve you and do not feel guilty for accepting it.

Lucina: ...Yes. Thank you again, Frederick. I will do my best.

Frederick: That said, you must not worry yourself with such trivial things. Like knitting!

Lucina: But...I enjoy knitting.

Frederick: Well, that makes two of us. I suppose if you insist...

Lucina: We can finish knitting this scarf together!

Frederick: Very well. Now, let me show you a little secret called knit one, purl two...