Warriors Supports/Xander Lissa

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Lissa: Xander! Perfect timing! People really look up to you, right? Frederick and Ryoma are tall, but you really stand out.

Xander: Hm… I suppose you might say I cast a long shadow.

Lissa: I’m not making a metaphor–I’m wondering how you got so tall! I want to be taller, but I can’t seem to grow an inch!

Xander: Oh… Well, I guess you are a bit on the delicate side.

Lissa: Hmph, don’t call me delicate!

Xander: I’m, uh… I’m just repeating what Chrom said.

Lissa: Aww, I can’t believe he told you that.

Xander: Don’t be embarrassed. In my youth, I too wanted little more than to grow up.

Lissa: I knew you’d understand! I want to look all grown-up already.I want to be beautiful and graceful like my sister, or like Camilla. But I’m not nearly as tall as either of them.

Xander: Hmm, I see… Now that I think about it, Elise has had similar concerns lately. But if you’re looking for some secret way to grow… Well, I did nothing special.

Lissa: Aww. There aren’t any tricks you can think of? Like tying your hands and feet to different horses to stretch yourself out?

Xander: …That is not as effective as one would think.If anything, it was my strict training regimen. I’ve always been very active. And this may be obvious, but eating right is very important. Do you have a balanced diet?

Lissa: Actually, I have selective taste buds…I just can’t stand foods that smell,or anything that’s super tough.Like bear meat! I can’t believe that it’s so popular with some people. It’s exactly what I don’t want to eat!

Xander: Maybe you’ve just never had it cooked properly. I enjoy a nice fatty cut.

Lissa: Yuck, you sound just like Robin!

Xander: I can teach you how to cook it. If you boil it right, you can get rid of the smell.

Lissa: Ugh, well…if I eat that, maybe I’ll become more bearlike?

Xander: I’m having trouble picturing you with fur.

Lissa: Hmph, I meant as tall as a bear! I’ll try doing the things you said. And just you watch my progress! I’ll train every day and eat so much bear meat that one day I’ll be bigger than you. And then I’ll look down at you and make you change your name to Mr. Delicate!

Xander: If anyone can do that, Lissa, I’m sure it’s you. I’m still growing myself. I must always continue to grow, as a prince of Nohr.

Lissa: But there’s no way you can get any taller, Xander!

Xander: I’m not speaking in terms of height…I look forward to seeing your progress.