Warriors Supports/Ryoma Anna

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Anna: Ergh...so...heavy...but...must stock... store...ugh!

Ryoma: Anna! What are you doing? You could hurt yourself carrying all that!

Anna: Thanks, but...I got it...ergh... I've been managing...on my own--HEY! Ryoma?! What are you doing?

Ryoma: Carrying these items for you. I hope you don't mind.

Anna: I did...until I started to get feeling back in my arms...

Ryoma: You should have asked for my help from the very beginning.

Anna: You're right. I could've been done with this hours ago. You're such a gentleman, Ryoma! You know what? As a thank-you, I'm going to offer you a special deal. Any weapon in the shop is yours! On the house!

Ryoma: That's unnecessary, Anna. I was only acting as any friend would.

Anna: There you go again... Listen, I'm only doing what any salesperson would do. It doesn't have to be a weapon. Is there anything else you're in the market for?

Ryoma: Hmm...well, there is something, but...no. It would be too difficult.

Anna: I'll be the one to decide that! Finding unusual items is kind of my specialty...

Ryoma: All right then... What I'd really like is a little taste of Hoshido. In Hoshido we have daikon radishes, rice, miso, and azuki beans...

Anna: Oh, yes. I've heard members of your family talk all about Hoshidan food!

Ryoma: I'm sure! Nothing would make my siblings happier than a treat from their homeland.

Anna: Wow. You really are a family man, aren't you, Ryoma? Well, leave everything to me! I actually have a contact who can help me out.

Ryoma: Excellent! It will be nice to put some Hoshidan food in my belly again.

Anna: ...Are you sure there's nothing else you want? Nothing just for you?

Ryoma: No, no. As long as my family is happy, I am happy. Besides, my favorite food is rare even in Hoshido... It would be too much.

Anna: I must say, it's admirable how you always put your family first. But don't you think they'd want you to do something for yourself too? To put it another way, it's OK to be selfish every now and again.

Ryoma: Perhaps you have a point... ­Well, if it's no trouble...could you please acquire some yuzu pepper on my behalf?

Anna: You got it! Anything else?

Ryoma: Well, it would taste good with some chicken...

Anna: Sounds delicious! I'll get it in stock right away.

Ryoma: Thank you, Anna! When it does come in, I'll cook you a true Hoshidan dinner.

Anna: What? You can cook?! This I've got to see.