Warriors Supports/Lianna Leo

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Leo: Royal twins... That's quite unusual, isn't it?

Lianna: You think so? I guess I thought big royal families like yours were more of an oddity.

Leo: Yes, there are a lot of us. But we all have different mothers, you know. It's actually a pretty common practice for royal families in my world.

Lianna: Ah, I see. In Aytolis and Gristonne the king or queen can have only one spouse.

Leo: Of course! That's how it is in Nohr, too!

Lianna: Are you saying your mother was the king's...mistress?!

Leo: Don't be so shocked. All our mothers were. Well...except for Xander's.

Lianna: How do all those mothers live together and still get along?

Leo: Get along? Heh... How optimistic of you. In Nohr even the children of mistresses have a claim to the throne. So our mothers have always competed for the king's affection.

Lianna: You mean it's sibling against sibling, all to see who will inherit the throne?

Leo: At times, it is. I'm sure Aytolis has seen some similar conflict... Still, you ARE the older sibling... I'd assume the throne is yours to take.

Lianna: It's...complicated. As the older sister I do have a bit of an advantage. However, in Aytolis, male heirs can be given preference anyway. I'd be relieved to see my brother become king, but he's...hesitant.

Leo: Ha! I've noticed that you two are always encouraging the other to take the throne! To be honest, I'm quite jealous of your situation.

Lianna: But you and your siblings get along so well! My brother and I are constantly biting each other's head off.

Leo: It doesn't seem that way to me. Maybe you fight because you're willing to be honest with each other.

Lianna: Maybe... Well, I'm jealous too. I've always wanted an older brother or sister.

Leo: You can have Xander if you want! I'm just kidding. We all like one another, you know, in our own special ways.

Lianna: How could you not? You're all so wonderful... Even you, Leo. ­That's why I just can't believe it when you say you're all in competition.

Leo: Things weren't always so great between the children of the king of Nohr... You could learn a thing or two about palace intrigue just from the stories. But I'll spare you that. It really doesn't seem like something you'd need here.

Lianna: Are you trying to protect me? Hm. So there is a tiny speck of kindness and warmth under that cold exterior...

Leo: Is that how you see me? Actually...I'll take that as a compliment. I hope we have another chance to talk again soon, Lianna. I'd like to hear more about Aytolis and your...cooperative ways.

Lianna: Of course! I'm sure there's a lot we could learn from each other.