Side Story: A Wind Colored Tsubasa

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When the Side Story is available, the player will receive the following Topic from Tsubasa:

Tsubasa: Itsuki! help! I'm at our office right now.

please come here! >.<

Tsubasa: Tmsfe-sticker 10.png

Fortuna Office

Tsubasa: Omigoshomigoshomigosh... Wh-What do I do? What do I do, Itsuki!?

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • Yes
  • No

If the player chooses "no":

Itsuki: I'm a little busy right now.

Tsubasa: Omigoshomigoshomigosh...

f the player chooses "yes":

Itsuki: What's wrong?

Tsubasa: M-Ms. Maiko's gonna make me---

Maiko: Oh, gooood. You came at a great time, Itsuki. So... don't you think it's about time for Tsubasa?

Itsuki: About time for what?

Maiko: A solo concert, of course! We're planning on making a big announcement about it too!

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • It's finally time then.
  • Congratulations, Tsubasa.

If the player chooses option 2:


If the player chooses option 1:

Itsuki: It's finally time then.

Maiko: Yes, it certain is! The time is ripe, Tsubasa! After you made a brilliant debut as the pegasus idol, you've appeared in drink commercials, meet-and-greets... You've made a strong impression in lots of different fields! Your fans are steadily increasing in number too. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said you're a top-notch idol now!

Tsubasa: Eeeeeek!

Maiko: Be proud of yourself, Tsubasa! I'm absolutely certain that you can make this concert a success now!

Tsubasa: M-Mes, ya'am!

Maiko: On top of that, I plan on asking the up-and-coming composer Chouten Swafuji to make the new song you'll perform!

Tsubasa: Huh!? You mean THE Chouten Sawafuji!?

Itsuki: Is that a big deal?

Tsubasa: I-It's not just a big deal! He's known as the "Platinum-Hit Man." Every singer wants to work with him! Yikes, I can't believe someone like me might have a song made by Mr. Sawafuji.

Itsuki: He must be amazing then.

Maiko: And he'll be here any minute! Be sure to mind your manners, okay?

Tsubasa: Huh!? Th-Th-Th-This soon!?

Ayaha: Mr. Sawafuji is here to see you, Ms. Maiko.

Tsubasa: Eep!

The scene turns blank for a second and Maiko and Tsubasa are sitting on the couch with man.

Sawafuji: Uh... About this gig... I'd like to decline the offer.

Maiko: But when we spoke previously, you said that Tsubasa piqued your interest.

Sawafuji: ...I can't. There's... another job... that I need to do instead. I don't have time... to deal with a fake idol... whose popularity was artificially made.

Maiko: But...

Sawafuji: Heh heh... Wait for me... Azusa.

Maiko: ...Azusa?

Sawafuji: ...The new song, just for you... "Gray Funeral Makeup"... is almost done!

The scene turns blank for a second and returns to Maiko's desk.

Maiko: Sawafuji was acting strange... And he did mention Azusa...

Tsubasa: Yes, but she's...

Itsuki: Who's this Azusa person?

Tsubasa: Azusa Maekawa... She's a legendary idol who was poplar not too long ago. Her debut song "The Azusa-Colored Sky" was a huge hit that sold one million copies. She rose to stardom at once. Her voice was so beautiful, people called it "singing from the heavens." I still love her songs to this day...

Itsuki: To this day?

Tsubasa: Yeah. She passed away a year ago. The media said it was an illness, but a lot of things never got explained.

Maiko: ...That's what the public was told. In truth, she had been devoured.

Tsubasa: Huh?

Maiko: She died because a Mirage devoured her Performa whole. That day, Kiria immediately went there to slay the Mirage... But Azusa's absorbed Performa granted it immense powers. The Mirage overwhelmed even Kiria.

Itsuki: So that means... Azusa was also more skilled as a singer than Kiria...

Tsubasa: How terrible...

Maiko: Kiria and Tharja managed to drive it back, but they weren't able to defeat it.

Itsuki: Then that Mirage is still alive!?

Maiko: Yes. And if it requires more Performa to make a comeback... It's very possible that Sawafuji has been bewitched by that Mirage. It did succeed in completely taking in all of Azusa's talents, after all...

Tsubasa: Mr. Sawafuji's in danger then!

Maiko: The enemy should be quite powerful. No ordinary performance skills will be able to take it down.

Tsubasa: S-Still, we can't leave him alone. Let's go, Itsuki! We have to go after Mr. Sawafuji!

Itsuki: Agreed!

You receive a new urgent Topic from Maiko:

Maiko: I checked Mr. Sawafuji's schedule. He has a meeting at Daitou TV Station, but he still hasn't shown up.

Tsubasa: the station...

Itsuki: The Idolasphere's there. You don't suppose he's...


Maiko: Make sure you two stay safe, okay?

Tsubasa: Tmsfe-sticker 02.png

Daitou TV Station Idolasphere

Caeda: What an infernal presence...

Kiria: It's the same aura as that day, isn't it, Tharja?

Tharja: Ugh. That's a familiar stench... Just reminds me of our failure. Heh heh heh... But there's no escape this time.

Kiria: Are you all right, Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: I-I'm okay! We need to rescue Mr. Sawafuji, no matter what!

Kiria: That's the spirit. Let's go.

You receive a new Topic in the Side Story:

Kiria: any idea where this unpleasant presence is coming from, Tiki?

Tiki: It's north of Film Set B... I sense a powerful presence that Barry was caught in...

Tiki: It's a really strong Mirage! Will you be okay!?

Kiria: won't be foolish enough to let the same target escape twice.

Kiria: plus I have trustworthy friends with me now.

Tiki: Tmsfe-sticker 20.png

Sawafuji: Hahaha! How is it, Azusa!? How's the new song that I made just for you!? You truly are the best idol ever!

Pheros: Good... Give more! Give me more Performa, the source of power! Hehehe... Ahahahaha!

Tsubasa: S-Stop right there! Let go of Mr. Sawafuji!

Pheros:...It looks like the new "fans" have come. I'll welcome you all with this new song that he made. "I'm Azusa Maekawa. My next song is Gray Funeral Makeup. Hehe... I'll sing it with all my hate!"

Tsubasa: Aah!

Kiria: Ngh! We can't make a move like this!

Tharja: This singing... It's stronger than before...!

Kiria: We need a song from a similar idol to counter those vocals. Tsubasa has to do this...!

Tsubasa: I-I can't...! That's impossible for me! I mean... I'm up against a legendary idol!

Sawafuji: Precisely! She is Azusa Maekawa, the "singing voice from the heavens"! Someone like you will never best her!

The player is given three options on how to respond:

  • I believe in Tsubasa!
  • She'll do it regardless!
  • Tsubasa will become a new legend!

If the player chooses option 1:


If the player chooses option 2:


If the player chooses option 3:

Itsuki: Then Tsubasa will become a new legend!

Tsubasa: Itsuki...

Caeda: You can surely prevail over this! Believe in the skills you've acquired... all your experiences until now... and the strength of your ideals!

Tsubasa: Caeda...

Caeda: Sing, Tsubasa! Sing so that you can save Mr. Sawafuji... and the trapped soul of Azusa! The time has come to take flight!

Tsubasa:' Hraaaaaaaah! ...I'm Tsubasa Oribe, 18 years old! My song is "Feel! ... [to be filled out since it was autoscroll]"

A cinematic occurs with Tsubasa changing clothes and singing

Sawafuji: Th-This singing...!

Pheros: That's impossible...! My singing... lost!? No... This isn't over yet!

Itsuki: Let's do this, Tsubasa!

Tsubasa: Yeah. WE WILL save Mr. Sawafuji!

Battle initiates:

Pheros: I, Azusa Maekawa... will put all my sorrow and resentment in this next song.

After defeating the boss:

Pheros: How...!? How could I---I, the legendary idol---be bested by this child!?

Tsubasa: The legendary idol is Azusa Maekawa! Not you!

Pheros: You isolent child...!

The battle ends.

Tsubasa: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... Ehehe... *Sigh* ...Itsuki.

Itsuki: What's up?

Tsubasa: Even though we were in such a grim situation... being able to sing with everything I had felt... really great.

Itsuki: I see.

Tsubasa: I... really love singing.

A new Performa is born from Tsubasa: Wing of Dreams.

Sawafuji: ...That performance in which you gave your all... was marvelous.

Tsubasa: Huh?

Sawafuji: Impressive... Most impressive... That voice... That composure... An infinite vessel that accepts all fans' feelings...

Tsubasa: Eh? Huh?

Sawafuji: It can only be equated to enlightenment... An idol's true ssence... To think one could attain this in a body of flesh...

Sawafuji: ...Tsubasa Oribe.

Tsubasa: Y-Yes!?

Sawafuji: ...Would you give me the honor... of writing your new song?

Tsubasa: Eh!? Oh! Y-Yes! I hould be wonored!

Caeda: I'm delighted for you, Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: I couldn't have done it without you and Itsuki encouraging me! Thank you!

Itsuki: Looks like this case is closed.

Tsubasa: No it's not! I still gotta practice for my solo concert!

Itsuki: Well then, let's head back.

Sawafuji: It seems I can finally move on too, Azusa... Please watch over her...

You receive a new Topic from Tiki as soon as gameplay resumes:

Tiki: Tsubasa's new Performa is really powerful...!

Tiki: We gotta perform a Unity at once! Come see me when you get back, okay?

Tiki: Tmsfe-sticker 19.png

Bloom Palace

Caeda: Tsubasa, I'd like to formally express my gratitude today.

Tsubasa: What's this all of a sudden!?

Caeda: By meeting and being with you, I was able to learn the joys of singing and the wonders of expressing oneself. Thank you, Tsubasa.

Tsubasa: Th-Then, I should be thanking you a ton too! I mean, if you weren't with me, Caeda...

Caeda: Haha. But I am certain you can stand on your own now. You have a trustworthy companion in Itsuki, after all. He's strong, kind, and accepting... For some reason, I feel a sense of nostalgia when I see him.

Tsubasa: He really is! Itsuki's amazing! I mean, no! Th-That's not okay, Caeda! I don't think you should be saying stuff like that!

Caeda: Whyever ot? I believe romance is a right bestowed to all maidens.

Tsubasa: Ugh... Waaagggghhh...!

Caeda: Heehee... 'Tis merely a joke. I'm sorry for teasing you.

Tsubasa: Geez, Caeda! ...Seriously though, why are you bringing this up all of a sudden? It's like you're saying goodbye... H-Hey! We'll always be together. Right?

Caeda: ...Of... course. But today's your first solo concert. It's a day to celebrate. It's something to commemorate, so I had to tell you how I feel.

Tsubasa: I see!

Caeda: It's almost time...

Tsubasa: Uh-huh! It still hasn't hit me, but I feel like I've finally come this far.

Caeda: This far? That's not right, Tsubasa. Your path is only beginning.

Tsubasa: Caeda... Yeah, you're right!

Caeda: Go do your best, Tsubasa! I look forward to your commemorative performance!

Tsubasa: I will!

The cinematic of the concert appears on the screen.

Sawafuji: A stoicism that exudes Azusa in her prime... Divine singing... Innocence... Your charms cannot be mimicked. A new era has come... A revolution of idols... The newest idol legend... begins now...

Sawafuji: ...Tsubasa Oribe.

Tsubasa: Ses, yir!?

Sawafuji: Your performance... was spectacular... Allow me to write... your next song as well...

Tsubasa: Th-Thank you for everything.

Itsuki: He's an odd one as always...

Tsubasa: H-He sure is...

Itsuki: But if Mr. Sawafuji praised you that much, doesn't that mean he expects great things from you?

Tsubasa: You think so...? To be honest, I think was also entrusted with Azusa's passions. That's why I want to succeed... and I hope I can create something new with it too.

Itsuki: That's a big responsibility.

Tsubasa: Mm-hm!

The scene transitions to show Tsubasa facing the screen.

Itsuki: By the way, how do you feel now that your first solo concert is over?

Tsubasa: Well...! I can't really put it into words... but it was tons of fun! It made me wonder if that's how Kiria always feels on stage... I think I can understand it now.

Itsuki: I see.

Tsubasa: Um... well... you're the one who helped me get this far. So... thanks.

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • This was all you, Tsubasa.
  • I should be thanking you too.

If the player chooses option 2:


If the player chooses option 1:

Itsuki: This was all you, Tsubasa. I didn't do anything in particular.

Tsubasa: That's not true! When I'm suffering or sad, you always help me carry that burden, but you act like you're totally fine with it... I think... it's cheating that you can do that!

Itsuki: Cheating? What do you mean?

Tsubasa: I'm not saying! ...Hehe! But, you know, Itsuki, I'm not even close to being satisfied yet! I want more and more people to listen to my songs! That's why I'll try and work harder too! So, um...
...I'd like it if you keep watching by my side.

Itsuki: Of course.
...After all, who knows what'll happen if I take my eyes off you.

Tsubasa: Ehehe... Yup!