Side Story: Sleepless in Shibuya

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When Side Story is available, you receive a Topic from Tiki in Contacts.

Bloom Palace

Tiki: Big brother...

Tiki: I don't want to be alone... I want to see you.

Tiki: Oh, big brother... you made it. Hey, can we talk for a bit?

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • Yes
  • No

If the player chooses "no"

The screen goes blank and you get the option to perform Unity.

If the player chooses "yes":

Itsuki: Of course.

The screen goes blank for a second.

Tiki: Um... I had a scary dream.

Itsuki: That bad?

Tiki: Yeah. It was a dream where everyone in this world didn't know I existed anymore. No matter how much I yelled or screamed, no one noticed me. I was all alone in that dream... Ehehe... It's silly, isn't it? I've got you and everyone else with me.

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • It was just a dream.
  • We would never leave you

If the player chooses option 1:


If the player chooses option 2:

Itsuki: We would never leave you. There's nothing to worry about.

Tiki: Yeah... Thanks, big brother. You're right. You do come to see me like this. And besides, when my "sisters"---The other "Tikis"---carry songs to me, I feel like I'm connected with the world. Then again, that's only because my body's made from the Performa that my sisters bring me.

Itsuki: In that case... maybe I can make a song too.

Tiki: ...Huh?

Ituski: So you can feel more connected to this world.

Tiki: Really!? You'll really make one!?

Itsuki: Yeah.

Tiki: Yaaaay! It's a promise then!

Itsuki: Leave it to me.

Fortuna Office

Itsuki leaves the Bloom Palace and upon approaching the door, Chrom's voice is heard.

Chrom's Voice: To think you'd bring up wanting to make a song.

Itsuki: Is it odd?

Chrom's Voice: No, I think it's a great idea. Your skill as an entertainer has risen quite a lot. I believe you'll mature into a fine man.

Itsuki: Still... I've never composed or written a song before... What should I do?

Chrom's Voice: How about that girl from before? Tiki=Waifu, I think? The one you rescued.

Itsuki: Oh, her...! True, I'd have nothing to worry about if she'd teach me. If I remember correctly, she usually composes songs at the cafe. I should check it out.

Itsuki begins sending urgent Topic to Tiki. It goes as follows:

Itsuki: Tiki.

Tiki: Is the song done already!?

Itsuki: There's no way I could've gotten it done that fast. I'm thinking of going to the cafe and asking Tiki=Waifu to teach me.

Tiki: I se!

Itsuki: I don't know how it'll go, but I'll try my best at it. Wait for me.

Tiki: Okay! I'm really looking forward to it!

Tiki: Tmsfe-sticker 20.png

Shibuya Central City Cafe

Itsuki: ...She's not here...

Uta-loid Lover: I haven't seen anything from Tiki=Waifu in a while again.

Bored High-Schooler: Yeah. It's not just her though. Seems like other composers are dropping out. Maybe Tiki's become outdated.

Uta-loid Lover: You've got a point... The Tiki fandom hasn't been too active these days.

Itsuki: ...Again? What do you think, Chrom?

Chrom's Voice: A Mirage may be involved with this. It's possible Tiki had that nightmare because her supply of Performa's been dropping...

Itsuki: If a Mirage is involved in this, then the 106 is suspect.

Chrom's Voice: Agree. This may be related to how the composer wandered in there before.

Itsuki: Let's check it out.

Itsuki sends urgent Topic to Tiki. It goes as follows:

Itsuki: Tiki.

Tiki: Is it done!? Is the song done!?

Itsuki: About that... I can't find Tiki=Waifu...

Tiki: Huh...?

Itsuki: It's possible she wandered into the Idolasphere at the 106 again.

Tiki: Tiki=Waifu...

Itsuki: Don't worry, Tiki. I'll be sure to bring her back safe.

Tiki: Big brother...

Itsuki: So I hope you can wait on the song until then.

Tiki: Um, big brother. I have a bad feeling about this... Make sure you be careful, okay?

Itsuki: Of course!

Tiki: Tmsfe-sticker 20.png

Shibuya 106 Idolasphere

Chrom: Itsuki, it's faint, but I can sense the composer's presence...

Itsuki: You can tell?

Chrom: That girl has some powerful Performa as well, after all. Considering its potency, it wouldn't surprise me if a Mirage was after it.

Itsuki: We should hurry...!

You receive a new Topic from Tiki in the Side Story:

Tiki: Big brother! I'm sensing the powerful presence of a Mirage. It's coming from the deepest room under the building!

Tiki: I also sense weak Performa around it, but it's not just one of them...

Tiki: I think a lot of people might be trapped! Please, big brother! You have to hurry and rescue them!

B4F of Shibuya 106 Idolasphere

Itsuki: Tiki=Waifu!

Cervantes: Hah hah hah! Commendable! Commendable indeed, making it this far.

Chrom: What massive amounts of Performa...! So that presence I sensed before was from this man...

Cervantes: Yes, these humans' Performa suit me just fine! Bwa hah hah... sometimes my brilliance even amazes me!

Chrom: Is this man different from the others? What is this feeling? It's like Tiki---no, more like the fake Yashiro we fought...!

Itsuki: Could it be the Dragonstone!?

Chrom: Just what is he...!?

Cervantes: Ah, my mustache bristles with victory! You think you can beat a general like me? Unparalleled? Undefeated? Unshaven!? If you wish to save these humans, you must defeat me first!

Chrom: Be careful, Itsuki! That Mirage isn't going down easy!

Itsuki: Even so, we can't back down from this! Let's do this, Chrom!

Battle initiates.

Cervantes: Ah, I can feel victory bristling in my whiskers!

After a few turns into the battle:

Cervantes: Gwahahaha! Aye, stupendous! With this much Performa, I can do anything I please!

After the battle ends:

Itsuki: Phew..

Fanboy Composer: Where... am I?

HS-girl COmposer: I gotta... make a new song...

Itsuki: Are you okay!?

Tiki=Waifu: ...?

Itsuki: What a relief...

Tiki=Waifu: Oh... you're that kind person... ...Did you save me again?

She gets up and stands.

Tiki=Waifu: Thank you very much.

Itsuki: I-It's nothing.

Tiki=Waifu: ... Should I... offer you some donuts as a token of my gratitude?

Itsuki: Oh, I'm good on those, thanks.

Tiki=Waifu: Hmm... then what can I do...? Oh, I'm not parting with these headphones though.

Itsuki: I was wondering if you could teach me how to compose a song.

Tiki=Waifu: That's all you want!? Not only are you kind, you're selfless too. Your request is a piece of cake. Let's begin once we're at the cafe.

Itsuki: Thanks. All right then, I'll escort you to a safe area first.

Tiki=Waifu: How much nicer can you get!?

Itsuki: Huh?

Tiki=Waifu: ...However, that won't be necessary. I've come here before, so I can return on my own.

Itsuki: Uh... Anyway, I should get the others back to Shibuya.

The screen transitions the same area but without the civilians.

Chrom: Itsuki, take a look at this. It's too small to call it a shard, but it's a piece of the Dragonstone.

Itsuki: You mean from Tiki?

Chrom: Most likely. This fragment must've fallen into that Mirage's hands. This may have allowed him to gather the Performa from those humans and amplify their effects.

Itsuki: We should give it back to Tiki later.

Chrom: I agree.

Obtained (Key Item) Dragonstone Chip.

Once you exit the Idolsphere, you receive an urgent Topic from Tiki=Waifu. It goes as follows:

Tiki=Waifu: I am waiting at the cafe, so please come see me.

Tiki=Waifu: The sooner, the better.

Shibuya Central City Cafe

Tiki=Waifu: ...Ah. You've made it, Selfless-and-Kind Person.

Itsuki: I should've introduced myself much sooner, but my name's Itsuki Aoi. It's nice to meet you.

Tiki=Waifu: Is that so? Well then, shall we begin?

The screen goes blank and then a laptop is shown in front of Itsuki.

Tiki=Waifu: Still... how do I go about teaching you...? Usually, I make songs like ZAAAP! or BAAAM!

Itsuki: ...Zaaap?

Tiki=Waifu: Uhh, why don't I have you start by writing the lyrics...? If you want to compose a song, I assume you want to convey your feelings to someone, right? I think it'll work if you think about them while writing the lyrics.

Itsuki: I see... I'll give it a try.

Itsuki followed Tiki=Waifu's advice and tried writing the lyrics...

Tiki=Waifu: Next is the music for it... but how do we do this...? Well... you know. What's important is going with the flow. Just give it a try however you want.

Itsuki: Could you be a little more specific...?

Tiki=Waifu: Hmm... Once you come up with a phrase of music, start adding more to it to make that melody stand out... I think.

Itsuki: I'll try that.

Itsuki followed Tiki=Waifu's advice and tried composing music...

Itsuki: Something like this...?

Tiki=Waifu quietly listens to Itsuki's song.

Tiki=Waifu: I think it sounds fine? I'm not too sure though.

Itsuki: Come on...

Tiki=Waifu: That's just how songs are. There's no right or wrong answer. However, I could sense what you feel for "Tiki," so I"m certain this is a good song. It's as if you're talking about "Tiki" like she exists... That's quite the imagination you have---not as much as mine though.

Itsuki: Ahaha...

Tiki=Waifu: Time to upload this at once. Let's have the whole world hear this embarrassing song.

Itsuki: Just a moment. There's someone I want to have listen to it first, before anyone else does.

Tiki=Waifu: Is that so? You actually have a life, hm? Well I hope you crash and burn then.

Itsuki: A-Anyway, thanks for your help. I'm sure this will make her happy.

Tiki=Waifu: I don't really get the situation, but good luck to you, Selfless-and-Kind Person with an Actual Life.

Itsuki sends an urgent Topic to Tiki. It goes as follows:

Itsuki: The song's done, Tiki.

Tiki: Really!?

Tiki: I wanna hear it!

Itsuki: Hold on. Be there soon.

Tiki: Tmsfe-sticker 02.png

Bloom Palace

Tiki: Welcome back, big brother! Ooh! Can I hear it right away?

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • Of course.
  • I want to use the facility.

If the player chooses option 2:

The screen goes blank and you get the option to perform Unity.

If the player chooses option 1:

Itsuki: Of course.

The screen goes blank and Itsuki plays the song from his phone while Tiki listens.

'Tiki: ...

Itsuki: What do you think?

Tiki: ...Thank you.

Tiki turns around and face Itsuki.

Tiki: I sense a strong connection to the world---to you---through this... Thank you, big brother.

Itsuki: I'm glad to hear that... Oh, right. There's this too... We found it in the Idolasphere.

Tiki: Ah...

The screen gets blurry around Tiki.

Tiki: Eh? Huh?

Itsuki: Wh-What's going on...!?

The screen turns white and Tiki lands on the ground instead of floating.

TIki: ...

Tiki reaches out and touches Itsuki's face.

Itsuki: ...!

Tiki: I... I can touch you... I can't believe this! I can touch you, big brother!

Itsuki: You gained a physical form...? But how...?

Tiki: I dunno! It's a miracle... It must be because your song was filled with really powerful feelings!

Itsuki: Wait... Then this means you might be able to---

Tiki: Mm-hm!

Itsuki: So, what do you want to do?

Tiki: U-Um! I wanna eat a donut for real! Also! I wanna walk outside in your world! And then...! And then...!

Itsuki: Let's do everything you want.

Tiki: Really?

Itsuki: Leave it to me.

Tiki: Th-Then, one more thing! I wanna do a concert like everyone else!

Itsuki: R-Right. Leave it to me.

A cinema occurs showing Tiki singing.

Tiki: That concert felt really great! Thanks, big brother!

Itsuki: Glad to hear it.

Tiki: So this is what everyone always does...

The player is given two options on how to respond:

  • You should debut as an idol.
  • Singing isn't the only thing.

If the player chooses option 1:


If the player chooses option 2:

Itsuki: Singing isn't the only thing. I'm sure you'd enjoy acting too. You can keep trying new things and find what you want to do.

Tiki: ...Those donuts were really good too.

Itsuki: There are lots more delicious things too---not just donuts. I'll take you all over.

Tiki: Thanks, big brother.

Tiki floats off the building.

Tiki: But... I'm sorry. ...I don't think that'll be possible.

Itsuki: Tiki?

Tiki: Ahaha... looks like my time is up.

Itsuki: No...

Tiki: I had fun today. I felt so happy. Big brother... thanks for granting so many of my wishes.

Itsuki: N-No... WHat do you mean you "had fun"? You finally got to go outside!

Tiki: I'm sorry.

Itsuki: No! Don't disappear on me, Tiki!

Tiki: I'll always remember the warmth of your hand, big brother...

Itsuki: Ah...

Tiki fades as the screen turns white.

Itsuki: ...Tiki? Tiki!

Itsuki: Tiki...!

Bloom Palace

Itsuki: Tiki...

Tiki: Uh... W-Welcome back.

Itsuki: Tiki?

Tiki: Ahaha... um... I should apologize. When I came to, I was back here again... Looks like the effect of that tiny Dragonstone just wore off...

Itsuki: I... I seriously thought you disappeared...

Tiki: Ahaha...

The screen goes white.

Tiki: Th-There's still much more I need to do here. I can't disappear that easily!

Itsuki: When someone disappears like that, people in this world think that they're gone for good.

Tiki: Hrgh... I'm so sorry that I worried you.

Itsuki: Still... I'm so glad you're here. I really am...

Tiki: ...I love you, big brother.

Itsuki: Hm?

Tiki: Ehehe! It's nothing!