Prologue: Reincarnation

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Introduction Cutscene

>Cutscene showing a teenage girl in an opera house watching a show starring a male and female actor, as well as a small string orchestra. Purple fog mysterious appears and the actress suddenly disappears, leaving the crowd muttering questions to themselves. Soon, everyone in the audience starts to disappear, leaving only the teenage girl. As the fog approaches her, she begins crying, and a bright bubble suddenly appears around her, dispelling the fog. She looks around, confused.

Newspaper: Mass disappearance at opera house. Audience of a thousand missing; still unaccounted for. Whereabouts still unknown for veteran actor Chikaomi Tsurugi and idol ingenue Ayaha Oribe. Local 13-year-old girl, only survivor.

And so… five years later...

>Game intro plays, features Reincarnation by Kiria Kurono.

Prologue: Reincarnation

>Camera pans into the TV station seen in the game’s intro, an older teenager who resembles the 13-year-old girl in the first cutscene is shown in the station. Camera shifts to the blue-haired teenage boy seen in the game’s intro, who is also in the station.


Some kind of event, huh…? Wonder what’s taking Touma so long.

>Wii U GamePad shakes, shows a text conversation between Itsuki and a red-haired teenage boy called Touma.

Itsuki: Aren’t you two overreacting a little?

Touma: hey, we’re all friends here. what’s wrong with wanting to all hang out

Touma: welp, guess that means tomorrow’s gonna be us guys out on the town!

>An urgent message appears on Topic.

Touma: blargh sorry! running late! I seriously just got off the stage

Touma: sorry, man. gah, and i was the one who set this whole thing up, too

The player is given two options on how to reply:

  1. Don't worry about it.
  2. Welp. I'm going home.

If the player chooses option 1:

Touma: thanks man. sorry again!

Touma: oh btw, i saw someone who looked a lot like tsubasa in odaiba today. did she tell you anything about her plans?

Itsuki: Nope…

Touma: eh, it was probably someone else then. Anyhow, i’ll be there as soon as i can, so just hang on a little more

Touma: sends a picture of a masked man with the words, “here I go!” written on it.

If the player chooses option 2:



(Guess I'll just wander about, then...)

>Camera shifts towards the back of the female girl.



>Game transitions to gameplay. The option to scroll up on the currently-selected Topic conversation is given, revealing the beginning of the conversation.

Touma: hey itsuki! you down to hang out in odaiba tomorrow? have a little end-of-exams party?

Itsuki: responds with an “ok” picture

Touma: awesome. i’m working as an extra until like 1, so let’s meet up around then

Touma: you want in on this tsubasa

Tsubasa: sends a picture depicting a crying person

Tsubasa: wish I could, but I’m busy tomorrow… ;_;

Itsuki: Ah, well. It happens.

Tsubasa: invite me next time you guys go hang out, okay? I’ll definitely go then!

Touma: no worries, tsubasa. as soon as itsuki has some free time, i’ll let you know

Tsubasa: sends a picture of a smiling person with sparkles all over them

Itsuki: Aren’t you two overreacting a little?

Touma: hey, we’re all friends here. what’s wrong with wanting to all hang out

Touma: welp, guess that means tomorrow’s gonna be us guys out on the town!

>Clicking ‘CONTACTS’ allows the player the reveal two additional conversations on Topic: one with Tsubasa, and another for Touma

>Player clicks Tsubasa’s profile.

Tsubasa: Itsuki! how’s studying going? you ready for the next test?

Itsuki: Eh, it’s going okay… How about you, Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: we only have tests in two subjects tomorrow, so I just finished reviewing. now I’m going to sleep early ^_^

Itsuki: There’s three subjects tomorrow. English, Literature, and Math.



Itsuki: Tsubasa?

Tsubasa: I FORGOT MATH!!!!! D8

Tsubasa: actually, I probably blocked it out of my mind because I didn’t want to think about it…

Tsubasa: sends a picture of a blushing dog looking shocked

Itsuki: Good luck.

>Player clicks Touma’s profile.


Itsuki: What’s up?

Touma: what are you acting all calm for!? you know we have a test tomorrow! holy crap i am not sleeping tonight

Itsuki: Why don’t you study then?

Touma: what, you feel like you’re ready for it?

Itsuki: Eh. So-so, I’d say.

Touma: woooow, this crap again? yeah, i can tell you’ve been studying your ass off!

Itsuki: No, seriously. I haven’t really had a lot of a time for that.

Touma: there’s no time to waste! gotta use these final moments to cram as much as i can!


Touma: sends a picture of a masked him with the words, “Here I go” written on it

Itsuki: Best of luck to you.

To be added...