Fates Supports/Asugi Soleil

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C Support

Soleil: Hmmm...

Asugi: You want something, Soleil?

Soleil: *sniff* *sniff* Is that candy I smell? You're hiding some in your pouch, aren't you? Now I see why all the girls in camp go gaga over you.

Asugi: What's with that sour look? Are you after my sweets, too? I don't mind sharing. I just made a fresh batch of hard candy, in fact.

Soleil: Whoa! Thanks a ton! I LOVE jawbreakers! Hang on... Oh no you don't! You're not getting off that easy! We're going to have it out, right here, until you admit it... You've been plying all the girls in the army with your irresistible sweets, huh?!

Asugi: Huh?! That's crazy talk!

Soleil: Oh yeah? Then explain why all I hear from my girlfriends is "Asugi" this and "Asugi" that! They can't get enough of your chocolates and suckers—they say they're "divine." You've got them hooked on your candy!

Asugi: I didn't know they were that into it. I'm honored.

Soleil: You pig...

Asugi: Huh?

Soleil: All they think about are your lousy sweets, even though I'm RIGHT THERE! It's so frustrating... I can't believe I'm fighting for their attention and LOSING! I tried sweetening the tea until it makes me gag, but nothing works! Am I yesterday's news? Tossed out so they can rot their teeth with candy bars?!

Asugi: Geez, you whine a lot.

Soleil: Fine! I know what side my bread's buttered on! If I can't beat you, I'll join you!

Asugi: Uh...

Soleil: I'll make my OWN candy and pass it around, just like I know you do! Then we'll see who the girls swoon for!

Asugi: Heh. Trying to beat me at my own game, huh? It's on now. But remember, making quality candy is an art. And I am an artist. You talk a good game, but you'll find it's not so easy to pull off.

Soleil: Heheh. I see what you're doing, and I won't be scared off. Soon enough, it'll be YOU tossed aside like day-old cake. And don't come crying to me when it happens!

B Support

Soleil: Arrrrrrghhhhhh! ASUGI!

Asugi: Is there a problem, Soleil? Urgh...what is that burning smell?! Hey, whoa, get away from me!


Asugi: What am I looking at? A black lump? Have you been mining coal?

Soleil: No! This was SUPPOSED to be the hard candy you were making.

Asugi: That doesn't look like any candy I've ever seen. What recipe were you using...?

Soleil: That's what I wanna know! I made it just the way you did when I was spying on you! I was careful to follow every step exactly like I saw you doing it. Ugh...my dream of winning over all the girls with delicious candy... It's turned to horrible slag, just like this gross, black un-candy.

Asugi: Speaking of which, PLEASE throw that thing away. It's making me retch.

Soleil: I dunno. I hate to see all my hard work go to waste.

Asugi: I hate to break it to you, but we're long past that point. Any girl you offer THAT to might not ever speak to you again. Besides, you don't have the first idea about how to hide it. If you keep the candy under your armpit, not only will it break, it'll smell terrible.

Soleil: Huh, good point. Though I think that might actually have improved this batch.

Asugi: Face it, Soleil. Your candy is never going to be a hit with the ladies.

Soleil: *sigh* You're probably right.

Asugi: Heh... You always seemed pretty sharp on the battlefield. I wouldn't have expected you to flounder this hard at simple baking.

Soleil: You think I'm a good fighter?

Asugi: Sure. I think so, anyway. I can't count how many times you've saved me out there. It probably comes naturally to you. And that's how you should approach those girls you like, too. Don't force yourself to use my technique. Just do what comes naturally.

Soleil: That's good advice. I'll remember that!

Asugi: All that aside, do you still want to learn to make candy?

Soleil: Hmmm...sure, why not!

Asugi: OK. I'll teach you for real so you don't have to crib off what you think I'm doing. I owe you that much from battle.

Soleil: Really?! Whoa, thanks! I take back all that stuff I said. You're a swell guy after all!

Asugi: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Get your hands off me! You've still got that horrible gunk on you, and I don't want that stuff on my clothes!

Soleil: Whoops! Lemme change real quick.

Asugi: Not HERE! Ugh! I wasn't planning on using my ninjutsu today, but here we are. Hrah!

(Asugi leaves)

Soleil: Huh? Where'd Asugi go? Asugi? Hellooooooo? *sniff* Hmm, there's a burned smell fading behind me. That would explain it...

A Support

Soleil: Asugi, I did it! See for yourself! The sweets smell really, really good!

Asugi: Nicely done. Now all you have to do is chill them, wrap them up, and hide them in your clothes.

Soleil: It's weird. The longer I look at these, the less I can believe I made them. So you think the girls will like these, do you?

Asugi: Oh yeah. They'll be falling all over themselves for your sweets.

Soleil: And you're not saying that to flatter me?

Asugi: On my honor. If I was one of your girls, I'd be drooling right now. ...Sorry, that got away from me. You know what I mean.

Soleil: Hahah, understood. You know, I think I'm going to stop copying you once I get your candy recipe down.

Asugi: What? But you tried so hard.

Soleil: Not as hard as you did. You act cold, but you're really nice. You did so much to help me. Those girls who I thought were only after your candy... I think now they were really attracted to what a good guy you are. So even if I somehow made better candy than you could, it wouldn't help.

Asugi: This is great. Keep those compliments coming. You're falling for me too now, huh?

Soleil: Ahaha, please! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Maybe if you were a little cuter...but sadly, you're not my type.

Asugi: Hah...I should have known.

Soleil: Thanks, Asugi. You taught me something more important than how to make candy. I'm going to win those girls over in my own way!

Asugi: That's how it's done. You can't go through life down someone else's path. It wouldn't have meant anything if those girls fell for a recipe that I taught you.

Soleil: All the same, I got you something as thanks for today.

Asugi: Oh yeah? What'd you... Soleil! This is... I don't know what to say!

Soleil: It's the weekly special pastry from the town's best bakery.

Asugi: You got this just for me?! Soleil, you're my favorite person in the whole world! No joke, no flattery, I could kiss you right now.

Soleil: Heheh, looks like waking up early to get in line paid off. That's the kind of effort I need to put in to win those girls' hearts, too... Not copying anyone else, but coming up with my own ideas! I can't wait!

S Support

Asugi: I've been hearing interesting things about you from the girls around camp. They're talking about how much fun it is to go out with Soleil.

Soleil: No way! You're not pulling my leg, right?

Asugi: Nope. You know all the best places in town to go for sweets.

Soleil: Ahaha, I might have you to thank for that. I had to try a bunch of places when I was out shopping for those pastries for you.

Asugi: It's not just the girls, mind you. I hear things from the guys, too. They're all impressed at how good you are in battle.

Soleil: Yeah? Well, that's not as exciting. Let's go back to how into me the girls are.

Asugi: I...I'm serious, Soleil. You've got a lot of people interested in you.

Soleil: Hah, you say that like it's a bad thing. Wait...is it? Asugi...

Asugi: ...

Soleil: Are you jealous that I've stolen your thunder?

Asugi: No!

Soleil: Hmm, true, I did stop stealing your act. Then what's got you so upset?

Asugi: *sigh* All right, I'll stop beating around the bush. I'm worried you'll get so caught up in one of them that you won't have time for me.

Soleil: What?

Asugi: I dunno... I'd miss you. We'd just gotten to be friends, and I hate the idea of losing that. We haven't even been to a candy store together! I have so much to show you! I have fun hanging out with you. I know you like spending time with me, too. And I'm worried you'll forget about that as soon as the next cute girl comes along.

Soleil: Asugi...

Asugi: I don't care if it sounds silly. I had to get it off my chest.

Soleil: It does sound ridiculous! For cripes' sake, Asugi... To hear you talk, it's impossible to have more than one friend at once. Why would hanging out with the girls mean I couldn't spend time with you?

Asugi: Then...you wouldn't ditch me? Even if you found a girlfriend?

Soleil: No way. You're too good a friend to abandon like that!

Asugi: Whew!

Soleil: I can't believe we're even having this conversation.

Asugi: Heh...I do feel a little silly, now that it's all out in the open. But it's good we talked about it. Now I know for sure you'll stick with me. I'll never doubt you again—I promise.

Soleil: You'd better not! If there's one thing you can count on, it's me being your friend.

Asugi: Yeah.

Soleil: Now then...what were you saying about a tour of the sweetshops in town?