Fates Supports/Hisame Sophie

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C Support

Sophie: Hisame! Just the man I wanted to see!

Hisame: You were looking for me?

Sophie: I'm REALLY in a bind right now. See, Daddy and I are supposed to have dinner with some Hoshidans. You have to figure there'll be a lot of Hoshidan food served there, right?

Hisame: And what, pray tell, is wrong with Hoshidan food?

Sophie: N-nothing! It's not the food I'm worried about... It's the utensils! You're supposed to eat it with these things called chopsticks, right? I don't know where to start!

Hisame: You can't use chopsticks?

Sophie: No! The last time I tried, I almost burned the house down! If I don't have them under control by the dinner, it'll be a disaster!

Hisame: I see your point. But chopsticks aren't something one can master overnight.

Sophie: I know—I've been trying for a week! But I had this great idea. I'll get YOU to teach me!

Hisame: Huh?

Sophie: You eat Hoshidan food all the time, so you must be a pro at using chopsticks, right? There's gotta be a trick or two you can show me!

Hisame: A "trick"? Do you think there's something to it beyond holding them correctly?

Sophie: Obviously! If that's all there was, I'd have it down by now! So be my tutor. Teach me all the secrets to stress-free eating!

Hisame: When you put it that way, I can't in good conscience refuse... *sigh* Very well. I can spare a little bit of time for some lessons.

B Support

Sophie: OK. I can do this. Just gotta pinch so the bean is caught between the chopsticks... Hah!

Hisame: Guck!

Sophie: Aaaah! I'm so sorry, Hisame! That was an accident, I swear!

Hisame: I understand. Just as I understand it was an accident the first 10 times you hit me in the face...

Sophie: Ugh... I'm making a total fool of myself... Why can't I get the hang of this?

Hisame: You're holding them properly. You just have to practice control now.

Sophie: Really?! So I AM making progress! I remember the other day you sighed every time I tried to pick them up!

Hisame: Heh...that's your true strength, Sophie. Your willingness to dust yourself off and try again, no matter how many times you fail.

Sophie: Y-you think so?

Hisame: Yes. It takes real inner strength to continue in the face of adversity.

Sophie: Thanks, Hisame. I still have plenty of time before the dinner to figure this chopsticks thing out!

Hisame: That's the spirit. Let's keep at it until you're completely confident.

Sophie: OK! I KNOW I'll get the bean this time... Hah!

Hisame: Oof!

Sophie: Eep! Did I get you in the face again?! I'm so sorry—really I am...!

Hisame: You got me in the eye this time! I'm taking more injuries teaching you to eat than I do on the battlefield... Let's start smaller. Try NOT to send the bean flying this time. Can you do that?

Sophie: I'm on it!

A Support

Sophie: Hey, Hisame! Guess what!

Hisame: What is it?

Sophie: Remember how you helped me learn to use chopsticks without hurting anyone? You'll never believe what happened next!

Hisame: At the dinner party, you mean? How did it go?

Sophie: Now, don't get mad yet, but... They actually had forks and knives set at the dinner table.

Hisame: What? They...hmm. I suppose that's not so unusual, given that they invited Nohrians to the dinner. I should have anticipated this...

Sophie: But I didn't use them! I deliberately left them untouched so I could show off my new chopstick skills!

Hisame: You didn't...! A-and how did it go? Please don't tell me you sent food flying every which way...

Sophie: Of course not! I was a natural—I didn't mess up even once!

Hisame: Whew...!

Sophie: Daddy and the Hoshidans noticed, too! They all knew how bad I was before at it. Everyone said it was wonderful how I forced myself to improve like that! But it was really you who forced me. So thanks, Hisame!

Hisame: I had less to do with it than you say. You did well, Sophie.

Sophie: Heehee! Well, thanks at least for being patient with me. You were a great chopsticks tutor!

Hisame: Heheh...I can settle for that.

S Support

Sophie: Hey, Hisame.

Hisame: Ah, hello, Sophie. What can I help you with today?

Sophie: Nothing! I came to thank you, in fact.

Hisame: But you already thanked me once...

Sophie: Once is hardly enough! I need to keep doing it until it sinks in! It was really good of you to stick with me for all those lessons. No one has ever been so patient at practicing stuff with me before.

Hisame: You were so earnest when you came to me for help that I couldn't refuse. Far be it from me to reject one so desperate as you seemed to be.

Sophie: Heehee...you're really sweet, Hisame.

Hisame: No I'm not.

Sophie: Yeah, you are. I noticed a while ago...when you were helping me with the chopsticks. That's when...um... That's when I fell in love with you.

Hisame: You what?!

Sophie: I...I want to be your girlfriend. I was looking for you so I could tell you that.

Hisame: Oh...well, message received. I suppose I should return the favor and tell you how I feel as well.

Sophie: *gulp*

Hisame: Ahaha...it's nothing to be nervous about.

Sophie: How should I know?! If you step back, I'm hardly a catch. So I'm not holding out much hope here...

Hisame: I wouldn't say that. True, you're somewhat high maintenance. But your perseverance in the face of all your blunders is commendable. You have deep reserves of strength to pick yourself up whenever you stumble. It seems natural to me that I should have fallen in love with such a woman...

Sophie: I-in love? With ME?! Th-that means...

Hisame: Yes. I want to be yours.

Sophie: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! What a day! You say nice things about me and then agree to be my boyfriend!

Hisame: Heh, are you really that happy?

Sophie: Of course!

Hisame: Then I'm happy too. Let's both do everything we can to keep each other happy, OK?

Sophie: You've got yourself a deal!