Fates Supports/Odin Nyx

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C Support

Odin: Nyx. Can you spare a moment?

Nyx: I suppose. What's on your mind?

Odin: I command you to stop infringing on my identity, knave!

Nyx: Excuse me?

Odin: Your innocent act is ill sorted with your menacing aura! And therein lies the fault! You and I are cut from the same dark, mysterious cloth.

Nyx: What are you babbling about?

Odin: "From childhood, she showed a tremendous talent for the black arts." "Her family, terrified of her powers, raised her almost against their will." These are the sorts of things I've heard about your past, and I have to say... It's quite impressive. More than impressive—your past looms large and hungry behind you. It lurks, it leers, it lunges out from the shadows, forcing me to acknowledge... You are my true peer. A fellow spelunker in the darkest of abysses.

Nyx: ... I have no idea what you're talking about.

Odin: In this as in all things, understanding is a superfluous luxury! All you need know is this: my appreciation for your origins borders on envy... And I was hoping we could be friends.

Nyx: Uh...sure...

B Support

Odin: Ah, Nyx...you have come, as I knew you must.

Nyx: Yes, Odin. You sent a messenger to have me meet you here. What did you need?

Odin: We are allies in shadow, you and I. We walk the same lonely path of endless dusk. When I acknowledged that in you, we formed a bond not easily broken... But! There can only be one dark paragon! Two cannot stand together at the summit. And so we must settle this in the only true way: with the names of our black magic.

Nyx: As usual, I have no idea what you're talking about... Are you saying that you want to have a duel using black magic?

Odin: Nothing so gauche. We shall duel using the ominous names of our cursed relics.

Nyx: Wait, what?

Odin: Begin! First is this accursed talisman... The fetish affixed to my left hand, a fell relic wrought of ash and misery... I give you...Graugang, the Gray Doom!

Nyx: ...

Odin: Come. Now it is your turn to reveal the true name of one of your cursed relics!

Nyx: You've...given names to each of your relics? I...uh...haven't done that.

Odin: Wh-what?! You don't name your relics?! How do you even DO magic?

Nyx: Like you said, I seem to have a natural talent for it...for better or worse...

Odin: Hmph. I was all wrong about you, Nyx... Your behavior is unbecoming of a diabolist! Turn in your tome and your profane effigy! Maaaan...and I thought you were cool...

Nyx: I can tell I've disappointed you...somehow, and I apologize for that... I guess I still don't really understand what you wanted me to do...

Odin: Can you at least tell me the names of your spells? Rituals? Blasphemous incantations?

Nyx: I've used so many spells that I couldn't even count them all, much less name them.

Odin: !!

Nyx: What? What is it now?

Odin: "...Couldn't even count them"? That is...impressive. It's the casual attitude toward death that I would expect from a fellow shadow dweller. Wait...does this mean...that you were the true avatar of annihilation all along...?

Nyx: I'm...going to go now.

A Support

Nyx: Odin.

Odin: No, don't come near... The mere sight of you is a testament to my own inadequacy...

Nyx: Inadequacy?

Odin: I...I learned more of your past. "In her youth, she used a forbidden spell... killing most of a village in one fell swoop." "The spell stole the victims' life energy for her, and she hasn't physically aged since."

Nyx: ...Right, that's what happened. You didn't think I was actually a teenager, did you?

Odin: I admit defeat. You are victorious.

Nyx: Huh?

Odin: Your origin story, your attitude—you are the avatar of annihilation here. Compared to you, I'm a dark dilettante at best, a complete fraud at worst... If only I had a tragic past like yours...

Nyx: Trust me, Odin, my past is nothing to envy. To tell the truth, I actually envy you.

Odin: What? Why?

Nyx: I don't understand everything you say, but I can see the passion behind it. And it looks to me like following that passion actually brings you happiness. Am I right?

Odin: Well...yes.

Nyx: I would give literally anything to feel that. Eternal youth is also eternal stagnation. I haven't been passionate about anything in so long...

Odin: ...

Nyx: What I'm saying is you're fine the way you are. Go on being Odin.

Odin: Y-you are serious?

Nyx: Yes.

Odin: W-well...good. Thank you for that.

Nyx: Anytime, Odin. Be yourself, and I'll try to do the same.

S Support

Nyx: All right, Odin. What's with the secrecy? Why did you call me out here?

Odin: Well, Nyx, I've been thinking about a child.

Nyx: A child? What child?

Odin: The child that will be born to us.

Nyx: What? Make sense!

Odin: A child who might inherit your calamitous might, as well as my own sacred blood... We will continue to exist in our child, like a bridge connecting us to the future... That's what I was thinking of. Deep, right?

Nyx: ... In other words... This is your roundabout way of proposing to me?

Odin: W-well...you could take it like that...

Nyx: I see... I'm disappointed in you, Odin.

Odin: What?

Nyx: A cowardly, indirect proposal is hardly behavior for a mysterious, shadowy figure. A proper practitioner of the fell arts would just ask directly, consequences be damned!

Odin: Your words strike with the force of the most fearsome curses...

Nyx: Odin, did you have something to say?

Odin: N-no...nothing at all. I...could have proposed normally if... I wasn't so intimidated. But every time I look at you and your unholier-than-thou aura, I feel unworthy...

Nyx: Will you stop doing that? I told you once. I accept who you are, regardless of how malefic you might not be.

Odin: I know you say that, but...

Nyx: No! Say it right! This is your last chance.

Odin: All right... ... Nyx...I love you. Please accept this ring and marry me.

Nyx: ... That's better. Yes. Now, what shall we name this child you're imagining?