Fates Supports/Kagero Peri

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C Support

Kagero: Ahhh... Nothing is so relaxing as enjoying tea in peace and quiet...

Peri: Kagero! There you are! I've found you!

Kagero: Oh, hello, Peri. What can I do for you?

Peri: You can help me learn, Kagero! Specifically, how I can become more like you!

Kagero: Become more...like me? I don't understand what you mean by that...

Peri: You're pretty! And cool! I could tell from the moment I saw you that you were great. It feels like my heart skips a beat when I see you fight in battle. I look up to you!

Kagero: You look up to me?

Peri: Yup! So I've decided to learn from you so that I can become a better everything! I'll just copy what you do, and that'll make me better. Great idea, huh?

Kagero: I'm sorry, I don't think I entirely understand what you mean...

Peri: What are you drinking, there?

Kagero: This? It's a certain kind of tea I enjoy. It's called matcha. It's a green tea.

Peri: Oooh, I bet I would love green tea! Especially a green tea that you drink! Do you think I'd become more like you if I drank this? Lemme have a sip!

Kagero: Sure, I can pour you... Hey, that's my cup! Don't drink it all at once...

Peri: Ooooohhhh. It's biiiiitttteeerrrrrr. Bleh-bleh-bleh!

Kagero: I told you not to drink it all...

Peri: This isn't delicious at all! Are you trying to prepare yourself for some kind of torture?!

Kagero: Oh dear, is your makeup starting to run? Here, have a glass of water.

Peri: *gulp* *gulp* Ugh... That was really, really bitter...

Kagero: I know. You have to get used to the flavor. You can't just dive right in. Especially since I make it pretty strong...

Peri: I won't give up! I'll try that tea again and become a better fighter, just like you! But not today. My mouth actually hurts from drinking that. I'll come by another time. Better have some tea ready when I do!

(Peri leaves)

Kagero: She's got a bit of energy...

B Support

Peri: Hey there, Kagero! Are you drinking that bitter tea again?

Kagero: You mean matcha? Yes, Peri. I just made some, in fact...

Peri: I'll have some with you, then! I'll master the drinking of this tea, and then I'll grow more powerful, like you!

Kagero: I don't think it was drinking matcha that made me grow into a powerful fighter... But if you think it will help you, go ahead. Here, this cup is for you.

Peri: Thanks! All right then, here we go! *gulp* Oh gods, I think this is more bitter than last time!

Kagero: I told you before; don't drink it all at once! You knew it was going to be bitter, too...

Peri: Maybe that was just an odd glass. Let me try another cup of it... *gulp* *cough* So...bitter...

Kagero: Peri, are you just messing with me?

Peri: What? Never! I'm trying to learn! I'm really serious about improving myself! I just...can't handle how bitter this is...

Kagero: If you'd stop drinking it in one gulp... I could give you this little sweet. You're supposed to eat this, then drink the tea.

Peri: What? Why didn't you say so?!

Kagero: Because you insisted on setting tea-drinking speed records. Matcha is meant to be enjoyed with a sweet. You eat one... And then drink from your cup. It removes some of the bitterness.

Peri: Oooh, I see...

Kagero: Since you're still getting used to it, I'll give you a few extra sweets.

Peri: What cute little sweets! But let's see how they taste... Yummy! I like these a lot. So now that I've got one of those, I just take a drink from the cup...

Kagero: Not a gulp.

Peri: Not a gulp! You're right! The tea doesn't taste that bitter at all!

Kagero: Excellent.

Peri: Thank you, Kagero! Wow, those sweets really are good. Can I have a few more?

Kagero: Certainly.

Peri: Yaaaay! I'm so happy! Thanks!

Kagero: Hm? Hang on, Peri. Don't just eat all the sweets! Drink the tea, too.

Peri: *munch munch*

Kagero: Well, at least you liked the little bit of tea you tried this time...

A Support

Peri: Hey! Hey, Kagero! Would you like to share some matcha today?

Kagero: Certainly. You are always welcome.

Peri: Heehee, yay! I'm getting more used to the flavor now. We've gotten closer too, don't you think?

Kagero: About that... Why is it that you are so interested in becoming exactly like me?

Peri: Oh, that's obvious! The first time I saw you in combat was all I needed to motivate me! You were covered, head to foot, in bright red, and you looked so strong. It was cool!

Kagero: Bright...red? What are you talking about?

Peri: It was in the dead of night. You were sneaking up on an enemy sentry line... They had no idea you were there. You got right up behind the bad guy, and as he turned...you flicked your blade out! It was too fast to even see, and the enemy seemed paralyzed by the blow! When you drew your sword back, a fountain of blood erupted from the man! It was amazing!

Kagero: So then, you saw...

Peri: I did! ...Was I not supposed to?

Kagero: Well, that was a covert mission. I don't often like for my allies to see how I sometimes must fight. It is...less than honorable. If I can't simply sneak by, it results in pointless death.

Peri: B-but...it was so cool! Anyway, most fighting is pointless! In the end, it's either you or them. And I always side with myself in that situation!

Kagero: Peri...

Peri: More importantly—I want to hear more stories of your battles, Kagero! Maybe if I listen well, I can learn how to sneak around and defeat enemies quickly! The way you moved that night...it was like watching art being made. Art of death!

Kagero: ...I see. I suppose if that is how you think, there is no point debating this.

Peri: Now do you understand why I admire you so much? I want to become stronger! I know that you're the right person to learn from! You're so graceful and beautiful...

Kagero: You know... It may be good for us, as fighters from two different countries, to teach each other. If you're dedicated to this idea, then I will gladly continue to share tea with you. And if it is what you wish... In time, I will teach you some of how I fight.

Peri: Really? You mean it? That makes me so very, very happy!

Kagero: Of course. I'm counting on you to teach me about Nohr, as well.