Fates Supports/Hinata Odin

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C Support

Odin: Omen of the apocalypse, I summon thee! Send that sweet gift of the skies to bed! Odin Dark prepares his next spell! LUNAR INVERSION!

Hinata: Uh...Odin? What are you doing?

Odin: Oh! You startled me! From what shadowy nook did you emerge?

Hinata: Huh?! I could ask you the same thing! (...If I understood a word you'd said!) Why are you screaming your head off like a big ol' weirdo?

Odin: Ha! Odin Dark is no common banshee! You witnessed the casting of a great spell! I have just unleashed magic too powerful and extreme for you to comprehend!

Hinata: That sounds ominous. What does it do?

Odin: That spell just traded darkest night for brightest day...and vice versa.

Hinata: Really? It still looks like daytime to me.

Odin: I see your point, but do not lose faith so hastily! Surely you saw this gloomy cloud. Before you arrived, I cast my most famous spell. ...And see? It's already working!

Hinata: Where?! What's happening?

Odin: Look! The sun reveals herself through that crack in the sky! Behold the shaft of light!

Hinata: Oh my gosh! You're right!

Odin: Of course I'm right. Nothing is too difficult for Odin Dark!

Hinata: WHOA! I owe you an apology. I can't believe it... You're the real deal!

Odin: Ah. Music to my tune-starved ears. Go ahead, you can say it again if you like. In fact, why not follow me around and repeat that a few times? LOUDLY.

B Support

Hinata: Hey, Odin!

Odin: Yes? It is I—triumphant dabbler in the mysterious arts!

Hinata: I've been looking for you everywhere! I wanna be your apprentice!

Odin: Wha?!

Hinata: I wanna learn all of your weird, secret spells! Come on. It'll be fun! Haven't you always wanted a sidekick?

Odin: Not really.

Hinata: I have a great idea! Let's start with the spell for the clouds. That one's awesome!

Odin: I'm afraid I'm not in the market for any adjunct spellcasters.

Hinata: Adjuh-what?!

Odin: Look. I'll be frank. I, Odin Dark, have been kissed by magic. It flows through my veins! You? Not so much.

Hinata: Please! Pretty please! It's not like I'm asking you to do it for free! If you teach me some spells, I'll give you this katana!

Odin: Let me see that!

Hinata: Here. Look all you want!

Odin: How marvelous and menacing! A harbinger of death! This is no ordinary sword!

Hinata: Of course it isn't! My family has served the Hoshidan royals for years! This katana is befitting a samurai. ...So, come on. Please?!

Odin: I cannot turn away such lavish tuition, but I warn you. My hopes for you are meager!

A Support

Hinata: Uh, Odin...I've been practicing that chant you taught me, and it's not working. No matter how many times I practice or how loud I scream, the sun isn't budging!

Odin: Alas, this is as I expected.

Hinata: You keep saying that, but I'm starting to think you just got lucky that time. You can admit it. You're nothing but a faker, huh?

Odin: SHHHH! Keep your voice down! As you may recall, I never asked for an apprentice!

Hinata: Calm down! I'm not going to tell anyone! You upheld your end of the bargain. You taught me a few spells. You never promised me they'd work! Here. Take my sword.

Odin: Odin Dark must decline. That wondrous blade is yours to wield.

Hinata: Are you sure? We made a deal!

Odin: The samurai live and die by the sword. I would never claim something so precious.

Hinata: You mean this whole time, you were never planning to accept my katana as payment? But that makes no sense! I saw how your eyes lit up when you held it.

Odin: Indeed, but it was not the sword that lent a sparkle to my eye. As a practician of the magic arts, I was touched by your enthusiasm for the craft. You were so persistent! You'd hand over your legendary sword for a few lessons! I couldn't let you do it. I thwarted you by omitting crucial steps from the spells.

Hinata: But why would you do that?!

Odin: I crushed your hopes on purpose so you'd give up and keep your special sword.

Hinata: Whoa. Seriously?! That's amazing!

Odin: It's not amazing! It's horrendous!

Hinata: Nah. You were just looking out for me! I'm so relieved that your spells are legit. Now, come on. Teach me for real this time! I'll work really hard to be a good student!

Odin: Fair enough. Odin Dark shall labor to become a teacher worthy of admiration!

Hinata: All right! It's a deal. ...And this time, I'll keep the sword.

Odin: Ah, what triumph! The student has learned his first lesson! Uh, Hinata... Does your spectacular katana have a name by chance?

Hinata: Oh, are you curious? I'll tell you...right after you teach me that sweet cloud spell!