Fates Supports/Silas Sakura

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C Support

Sakura: Oh no...oh dear...

Silas: Princess Sakura...you keep making little noises like that. Is something wrong?

Sakura: U-um...

Silas: Well? What is it?

Sakura: I-it's just...

Silas: Yes...? Are you sure nothing's wrong?

Sakura: Y-yes...sorry about that. I have...u-um...something very... impolite to ask you...oh dear...

Silas: Ask away. I won't judge.

Sakura: I-I really mean no offense by this... But, I mean, you see... Oh, I can't do it! I just can't ask...!

Silas: Deep breaths, princess. In...out...

Sakura: ... N-no, I can't! Excuse me, Silas. I-I'm so sorry...!

(Sakura leaves)

Silas: What in the world was that all about? Should I mention this to someone, or... Well, maybe not just yet. I'll keep an eye on her and see what happens.

B Support

Sakura: S-Silas...

Silas: Princess Sakura, I'm starting to worry about you. If something is wrong, please...

Sakura: N-no, I'm fine.

Silas: Then...what were you trying to ask me the last time we met?

Sakura: It was, um...about your condition...

Silas: My condition? I didn't know I had a condition. Rest assured, Princess, that I'm feeling fit as a fiddle.

Sakura: ...

Silas: You don't believe me, do you.

Sakura: I-it would make me feel better if I could, um...examine you...

Silas: Erm, if that's what it takes, be my guest.

Sakura: OK...this will only take a second...

Silas: I have time. Can I ask why you think there's something wrong with me?

Sakura: I-it's...your head...

Silas: My head? Oh! Do you mean my hair? I know it sticks up more than hair should, but I didn't realize that was a condition.

Sakura: N-no, it's not your hair! I-I mean, yes, your cowlicks are unusually severe, but that's not what worries me...

Silas: Well, wait. We're agreed on the hair being a problem? Can we go back to that?

Sakura: ...That's strange. You don't seem hurt or sick at all...

Silas: And...having established that, can you explain why you thought I might be? I'm a little lost...

Sakura: Oh! Of course...how did I not see it? I think you might be...cursed!

Silas: Cursed?! How?! By whom?!

Sakura: I fear that someone's cursed your head... There's no time to lose... Please excuse me!

(Sakura leaves)

Silas: A curse on my head? What is she talking about...?!

A Support

Sakura: Silas! I have it!

Silas: Princess Sakura...what happened to you? You're covered in twigs and leaves. Have you been rooting around in the forest?

Sakura: N-never mind that... I brought some herbs that should ward off the curse. J-just lie down, and I'll take care of it!

Silas: I'm sorry, but no. I'll need an explanation before I do anything. What in the world is going on here?

Sakura: A-all right...let me try to explain... This has been bothering me for a long time. The first time I met you, I thought that you must have been ill...

Silas: Why? I don't remember having a cough or runny nose at the time.

Sakura: But you told us that you were my brother/sister's oldest friend.

Silas: Yes. Which was true.

Sakura: B-but Avatar said he/she didn't recognize you... So I thought there must have been something wrong with your memory.

Silas: Er...what?

Sakura: Except I couldn't find any bumps or bruises. Which left only one explanation... Y-you must be cursed!

Silas: No, no, no. You've got this all wrong. I'm not sick or cursed or anything of the sort. I really am Avatar's best friend. I know Avatar said he/she didn't remember at first... But he/she figured it out not long afterward.

Sakura: Y-yes, except... Avatar was only saying that to be polite. I-I think he/she changed his/her story out of sympathy for you and your condition...

Silas: No, you don't understand. I absolutely am an old friend of Avatar's. But we were both very young and hadn't seen each other in a long time. That's why he/she didn't remember me immediately.

Sakura: R...really?

Silas: Really. Just ask your brother/sister or our Nohrian friends.

Sakura: ... So...that's the truth of it? I'm terribly sorry, then...

Silas: No, it's fine. Now that we've got the misunderstanding smoothed out, anyway. I was taken aback, that's all... I'm curious, though... Did you really climb up into the mountains to get those herbs for me?

Sakura: Yes... I-I was worried about what else the curse might do to you... I'm so sorry...about everything... I'll be more careful from now on.

Silas: Don't be. If anything, it's good to know someone's looking out for me. I'm just happy that we're both on the same page now.

S Support

Sakura: Silas, did you want to see me?

Silas: Ngh...

Sakura: S-Silas?! Do you feel unwell?

Silas: Yes...I'm having trouble breathing... I think I really am cursed this time.

Sakura: I-is this true?! Oh no! I'll go fetch the herbs at once. I won't be gone long!

Silas: No...this can't be cured with a few herbs...

Sakura: Wh-what will we do?!

Silas: There's only one way...

Sakura: What is it?! I'll do anything I can to help!

Silas: Rumor has it...the curse will be lifted... if you accept this ring...

Sakura: ... Wh...what?!

Silas: That's why...it's so hard to breathe... My love for you is so overpowering, Princess Sakura... Every time I think of you, I feel short of breath...my chest tightens...

Sakura: S-so...this isn't a curse, but...

Silas: I'm afraid not... I've contracted a fatal case of true love...

Sakura: ...

Silas: ...OK, sorry about that. I'll stop kidding around and be straight with you. Will you marry me, Princess Sakura? I know that things are tense between Nohr and Hoshido... But I don't want that to get in the way of you and me. That's why I bought this ring.

Sakura: ...

Silas: Yeah... *sigh* I didn't think you'd go for a Nohrian.

Sakura: N-no, I have nothing against you! I'm just caught off guard... Oh, I wish I was better at these things, but... I'm s-so happy you told me...

Silas: You...you are?!

Sakura: As far as our nationalities go...I've never thought much about that... But...i-if it would make you happy... my answer is yes.

Silas: Thank you so much... Our engagement is strong medicine. My breathing troubles have entirely cleared up.

Sakura: What a relief...

Silas: There's still some tightness in the chest... But that's no doubt just it swelling from happiness.