Fates Supports/Jakob Peri

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C Support

Peri: Ah! It's Jakob!

Jakob: Hello, Peri. I didn't think I'd run into you today.

Peri: I'm glad you're here. I'm thiiiirsty! Make me some black tea!

Jakob: Um, no? If you want tea, you'd best go about getting it yourself.

Peri: What?! You can't refuse! You're a butler! All the butlers I've ever run into do exactly what I say.

Jakob: Perhaps, but I am not your butler; I serve only Lord/Lady Avatar.

Peri: Not fair! Not fair! I don't believe you! Pour me some tea right now!

Jakob: Hrmph. There is no chance of that happening.

Peri: *sob* Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! If you don't pour me some tea, I'll...I'll... I'll kill everyone in the area!

Jakob: I don't care in the slightest. If you try and go on a killing spree in camp, I'm certain you'll be punished. Banishment at the minimum, but probably execution just to be safe.

Peri: Huh?! But I don't wanna be executed! Killing isn't fun when it's happening to me!

Jakob: Then I suppose you'll have to abandon your plans for the day. The tea and the murder.

Peri: Jakob, you meanie!

B Support

Peri: Ah, it's Jakob...

Jakob: Hello, Peri.

Peri: Don't come near me. I hate you!

Jakob: Oh my. Really? That's a shame.

Peri: You're always picking on me. And saying mean things... Yeah, I definitely hate hate hate you!

Jakob: I am getting the vague notion that you dislike me, Peri.

Peri: You're never nice to me! You won't make me tea, and you tell me not to kill people! Killing people is my favorite pastime!

Jakob: I don't dislike you, Peri.

Peri: ...What? What'd you just say?

Jakob: I actually consider you a very skilled soldier. You've clearly mastered the art of killing the enemy.

Peri: You...you think so? You aren't just saying that.

Jakob: Of course. I don't indulge in false flattery. When you're tearing a path of destruction across the battlefield... It's a sight to see.

Peri: Wow... You really think I'm that amazing?

Jakob: If nothing else, you're valuable to Lord/Lady Avatar in battle.

Peri: I was wrong. I love you, Jakob!

Jakob: What? You were just saying you hated me.

Peri: But I love getting compliments! Especially on my killing. You should give me lots more!

Jakob: Heh. What a peculiar one you are.

A Support

Peri: Mhm mhm! This is really delicious!

Jakob: Of course it is. It's my own special recipe, after all.

Peri: Thank you, Jakob!

Jakob: It's no trouble. I had a little extra time today is all.

Peri: I'll cook something for you to show my appreciation!

Jakob: You... Can you cook?

Peri: Of course! I'm actually super amazing at it. People are always impressed with how well I can slice up the portions. That's because cutting food and cutting people are basically the same thing!

Jakob: I'm not sure that's entirely true...

Peri: Sure it is! Anyway, I'll make you something extra tasty. Be excited!

Jakob: You're constantly full of surprises, you know that?

Peri: What do you mean?

Jakob: You look like any other ruling-class member, but you fight incredibly well. Then some people think your only skill is in killing, but you say you cook well, too... I simply don't know what to make of you.

Peri: I don't think I'm all that strange. I like killing people, I like cooking... I cry, and I get scared. That's just who I am. None of those things are all that unique to only me.

Jakob: That's true, I suppose. And all those things are what make you...well, you. I suppose I just need to accept that my first assumptions about you were wrong.

Peri: Good idea! Just accept everything about me and don't complain!

Jakob: Heh. I can try.

S Support

Peri: Quick! Don't think about it, just tell me what you think!

Jakob: ...It's delicious.

Peri: Hah! Hooray! Jakob actually complimented my cooking!

Jakob: I'm surprised. You weren't kidding about your cooking skills.

Peri: Hehehe! I bet your opinion of me has changed again, now!

Jakob: Indeed. I must recognize your skill both in cooking and in killing.

Peri: Yay! Another compliment! I gotta go write all these down.

Jakob: With cooking this good, you'll make someone quite happy.

Peri: Mhm mhm. I think so too! How about you, Jakob?

Jakob: Wh-what?!

Peri: I think we get along great, and you like my cooking... And you stop me from killing when I shouldn't be killing! Also, I think I love you. So what do you think? I know you feel the same!

Jakob: H-how did you... I didn't expect this. But you're right—I've fallen for you.

Peri: Fallen for me as in you love me? Or that you'd fall over if I asked?

Jakob: That I love you, is what I mean. Even though you kill with almost reckless abandon, there's a goodness to you. A dangerous goodness, of course. But...do you want time to think about this?

Peri: Not at all! 'Cause if I end up marrying you... I just know you'll take good care of me. And you'll do all the cleaning, and all the laundry, and the sewing... And tea! You'll make tea for me whenever I ask for it. Mmm... Yep, I definitely don't need to think on this!

Jakob: You know that, if we got married, I'd be your husband, not your butler, right?

Peri: It's the same thing! And anyway, there are a lot of husbands in the world who do the housework!

Jakob: You might be right.

Peri: Don't take it the wrong way, though! I love you too, Jakob. I want to be with you because of that. The housework is just an extra perk! And I'll do the cooking, of course. You just need to help out with the rest.

Jakob: I see. That's a relief.