Fates Supports/Jakob Kagero

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C Support

Jakob: Hey there, Kagero. I'm just on my way to— What in the world is that painting?

Kagero: Hello, Jakob... It's just a normal painting. Is there something the matter?

Jakob: What was your inspiration for this image? I'm having trouble picturing the subject as anything that exists in our reality...

Kagero: Doesn't it resemble a cat to you?

Jakob: A...a cat? You mean this was supposed to be a painting of a cat?

Kagero: Not supposed to be. It is a painting of a cat.

Jakob: I don't know about that. If I close one eye and tilt my head to the left...and squint a little... I think I see an older woman, smiling as she sits on a pincushion.

Kagero: That's not at all what I painted. It's odd that you see that.

Jakob: It is quite odd indeed.

Kagero: I promise you, what I've painted here is a cat.

Jakob: A cat with features decidedly unlike any cat I have ever seen.

Kagero: ...That's fine. Honestly, I wasn't planning on showing this painting to anyone, anyway.

B Support

Kagero: Hmmm... If I just add a touch more of this color, it should be about right...

Jakob: Hello, Kagero. What are you...by the gods! I see you're creating another ominous painting today...

Kagero: Hello, Jakob.

Jakob: What is the subject of this painting?

Kagero: Can you not tell from looking at it?

Jakob: I apologize. I can't seem to place what I am looking at...

Kagero: *sigh* Here I thought I had done a better job of making it clear...

Jakob: It's all right! Let me see... Is it an ogre letting out a battle cry?

Kagero: It's a cat. Again.

Jakob: How could this possibly be considered a cat? I can't see it at all!

Kagero: I assure you it is. Look over there. That sleeping cat is what I was trying to paint.

Jakob: I don't understand how you can look at that cat... And end up painting this.

Kagero: I can see the cat quite clearly, though. I think something is off with how you view the world.

Jakob: It's your aesthetic sense that's off.

Kagero: I will admit you aren't the first person to say that to me.

Jakob: I suppose it isn't a bad thing... You can draw whatever you like. Your style has just grown very...unique...as you've practiced.

Kagero: Speaking of which... Would you like to help me with my next painting, Jakob? It may improve my paintings if I have someone else involved in the process. You could even create something of your own, too. I've already got all the supplies we would need. We could start right now.

Jakob: Really? I've never tried before... But sure, let's give it a shot.

Kagero: I can help you out with anything you don't understand; just ask. The basics of painting are second nature to me.

Jakob: A-ah, I appreciate any help you can offer...

A Support

Jakob: Kagero.

Kagero: Hello, Jakob.

Jakob: You really do enjoy painting, don't you?

Kagero: I do. I find it very relaxing. It helps me center myself, kind of like meditation.

Jakob: I see. Was I disrupting that by commenting on the scenes you were painting?

Kagero: Not in the least. If anything, it was very helpful to have your feedback on my paintings. I actually look forward to when you come by. It's somewhat rare to get a truly honest opinion out of someone.

Jakob: Heh. I really don't see how anyone couldn't have an opinion about your work. It is incredibly unique.

Kagero: Can you tell what I'm working on right now?

Jakob: Oh, of course. This is easy! It's a cat. It has to be a cat.

Kagero: Heh. Alas, this time I am not painting a cat.

Jakob: Aw, really? I thought for sure I knew what it was...

Kagero: Then...you have no idea at all what I've been working on? I can just tell you if you don't know.

Jakob: Wait, let me take a closer look. Hmmm. It looks like...a bald man, his eyes filled with tears, brandishing a whip!

Kagero: ... It's you, smiling.

Jakob: Th-that's how you'd paint my face?!

Kagero: I was so sure I'd gotten this one right. Apparently my confidence wasn't conveyed in my paintbrush.

Jakob: But...I don't shave my head! This person doesn't have a strand of hair left!

Kagero: I thought I'd observed enough of you when you were my painting companion. I was going to give you this as a gift, but considering how you reacted... it might be better just to get rid of it.

Jakob: Tsk... If you're only going to throw it away, I'll take it.

Kagero: Are you sure?

Jakob: You poured some feeling into this painting; it has special meaning as a result. Plus, it will probably work as a ward against demons. Go ahead and make any finishing touches to it, and then I'll happily take it.

Kagero: Heh... All right.

S Support

Jakob: Kagero, what do you think of this painting?

Kagero: Hmm...

Jakob: Just so you know, it isn't a painting of a cat.

Kagero: I can see that much. It looks like it's a man and a woman standing side by side.

Jakob: That's it exactly.

Kagero: I like it. Looking at it makes me feel all warm inside. I can tell the emotions of the artist are contained in the art.

Jakob: I'm glad. I was the artist who painted it, after all.

Kagero: Really? This is an original of yours?

Jakob: Indeed. It was kind of scary doing this when I am absolutely not used to it. But I really needed to express my feelings to you, and this was the perfect way.

Kagero: Your feelings? What do you mean?

Jakob: I feel like our relationship has really grown as we've worked on painting, don't you? I wanted to capture how you make me feel with this painting.

Kagero: ...

Jakob: Kagero, I want to be with you.

Kagero: Jakob...

Jakob: You make me feel so good when we're together. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather stand next to through life.

Kagero: You mean... The man and the woman in your painting... They're meant to be us, aren't they?

Jakob: Y-yes...

Kagero: Are you sure you want this, though? I'm a ninja, and I am sworn to Lord Ryoma. If it was needed, I would give my life for him in a heartbeat.

Jakob: I completely understand that, though. I wouldn't bat an eye if I needed to give my life to save Lord/Lady Avatar.

Kagero: Jakob...

Jakob: We were meant to be together, Kagero. What do you say?

Kagero: If you are fine with what I just said... Then yes. I will stand by your side.

Jakob: I couldn't ask for more.