Fates Supports/Avatar(M) Hisame

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C Support

Hisame: Good grief! When will my father grow up and stop acting like a lewd, disgusting...

Avatar: Hisame, did I catch you at a bad time? You look pretty angry.

Hisame: Ah, Avatar. No, you're just in time. I have a few things I'd like to share...

Avatar: O-OK...

Hisame: ...About my father.

Avatar: You mean...Hinata?

Hisame: Exactly. His attitude toward relationships makes me ill. The way he fawns over every woman he comes across, you'd forget he was married!

Avatar: It could be worse, right? He could be rude to every woman he comes across.

Hisame: I see your point... but, no. Today, he was at the market, and the sales- woman flirted her way right into his wallet. He was so busy ogling her that he didn't notice the price on anything! Now, we could probably set up our own shop. We have enough clothes!

Avatar: Wow. I don't know what got into him.

Hisame: I wish I could say this was a onetime thing, but no—Father does this ALL the time! I can't believe we're even related. Here I am, afraid to even approach a woman...

Avatar: You are?! Why?

Hisame: What do you mean, "Why?" Do you really need a reason?! Girls are intimidating!

Avatar: Hmm... So it seems that you and your father both share a weakness for women.


Avatar: Maybe you and your father are two of a kind after all. That's sort of cute.

Hisame: M-me...and my father...th-the same? No, you must be confused.

Avatar: Hisame...are you OK?

Hisame: I'm sorry. I need to go piece my life back together.

(Hisame leaves)

Avatar: Hmm... Did I say something wrong?

B Support

Hisame: Hey, Avatar. Listen to this!

Avatar: What's happened now?

Hisame: I'll give you one guess. It's my father again—my sick, twisted, no-good father!

Avatar: Wow. Calm down, Hisame. You're losing your cool!

Hisame: Y-you're right. Sorry about that.

Avatar: ...Well?! Are you going to tell me what happened this time?

Hisame: So Father decided to round up a bunch of friends and hold a sword-fighting class...

Avatar: That sounds really nice of him.

Hisame: Sure... Except all of his students were girls! That would've been fine if he hadn't felt the need to show them how to hold a sword... He kept wrapping his arms around them from behind, grinning like an idiot!

Avatar: It sounds like you're being a little harsh... In your book, you wouldn't want your father to talk to women—any women at all, right?

Hisame: W-well, not like that! Why can't he be more like a proud, dignified warrior?

Avatar: I see what's going on here. We call this "hero worship."

Hisame: What?!

Avatar: You clearly love your father so much you can't accept his less-than-perfect behavior. Maybe that's your problem with women too... They are always catching you off guard.

Hisame: It's an interesting theory.

Avatar: I am very touched by how much you love and respect your parents.

Hisame: OK, now you're just messing with me again.

(Avatar leaves)

Hisame: Yeah... You better run! ...Even if you might be right.

A Support

Avatar: You seem a little down, Hisame. You're not still thinking about your father, are you?

Hisame: Actually, yes...

Avatar: I think you're taking this whole thing way too seriously.

Hisame: But it's a serious problem! Do you think a weakness for women could be debilitating in battle?

Avatar: I don't even know how to answer that. ...Hmm... No, Hisame. I think it might be the opposite.

Hisame: How so?

Avatar: You can't help but notice when a woman is around, right? ...And you treat these women as people you should respect and honor?

Hisame: Absolutely.

Avatar: In this world, there are a lot of bad guys who are violent toward women... Compared to them, you and your father are practically role models!

Hisame: That might be taking it a bit far.

Avatar: Soldiers need strong bodies and hearts in order to protect the weak. In that sense, I think both you and your father are model soldiers.

Hisame: I never thought of it that way. That's a nice thought... If only it were true! Heh heh.

Avatar: Hisame, I finally made you smile!