Fates Supports/Avatar(M) Shura

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C Support

Avatar: Shura! I just wanted to say that I'm glad you joined us.

Shura: Thank you, milord. I promise I won't let you down.

Avatar: I believe it. I had a question for you, though. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. Why did you become an outlaw? You seem an honorable enough type now...

Shura: ...

Avatar: ...I understand. Well, if you ever feel comfortable sharing, I'm all ears.

Shura: No, wait. The reason is...I needed money. There is a dream I must make a reality.

Avatar: A dream?

Shura: Yes. I dream of someday rebuilding Kohga, my home.

Avatar: I see. It must have been marvelous, to inspire such ardor.

Shura: It was. It was a beautiful, mountainous land, lush with greenery. And our people...they were so joyous—so cheerful. The laughter never truly ceased. In truth, it may not have been too different from other small countries... Nostalgia could easily have clouded my judgment in such matters. But for me it will always be an earthly paradise... one that must be restored at all costs.

Avatar: I wish I could have seen it. You make it sound so lovely.

Shura: That it was. And maybe someday you will see it, once it has been rebuilt. It would only be fitting; it was you, after all, that made me dare to hope once more. If Kohga stands tall once again, it will only be because this outlaw met so noble a man. Which is why I vow to serve you until my dream might be realized.

Avatar: I am glad to know I have such a valuable and steadfast ally at my side. I'll be counting on you, Shura.

Shura: Aye, milord. I will not disappoint.

B Support

Shura: Hmm...

Avatar: Shura! You look upset. Is something troubling you?

Shura: Avatar...? No. I'm all right.

Avatar: Are you sure? You look like you could use someone to talk to.

Shura: It's just...I am beginning to feel my dream of rebuilding Kohga will remain just that.

Avatar: Don't say that. I'm sure you will make it happen.

Shura: I wish I could have that same faith.

Avatar: But you were so hopeful just the other day. What's changed since then?

Shura: Nothing. Just thinking... Suppose we do win this war. Even if we reclaim our territory, the people of Kohga are no more. Perhaps what made Kohga beautiful was not the lands but the spirit of the people. And perhaps others, living in the same way, in the same homes, will be...different.

Avatar: I see.

Shura: I could rebuild a Kohga a thousand times as grand, and it would not change this. Perhaps I am simply a child at his mother's wake, wailing for her to return.

Avatar: Shura...

Shura: On some level, I must have always known this. Perhaps I never became an outlaw for my dream. Perhaps it was to escape reality. Outlaws only have to think about how they are going to survive each day. That life has a way of pushing aside one's larger doubts. It makes them irrelevant. But now they return to me. And they will not go back to sleep.

Avatar: I don't know what to say.

Shura: Bah. You needn't worry yourself over this, Lord Avatar. Even if I cannot hope to achieve my dream, I will still serve you loyally. If only to repay the debt I owe you for plucking me from the darkness. Now, I'll trouble you no more about this. Good day, milord.

(Shura leaves)

Avatar: W-wait! Don't go...

A Support

Avatar: Shura, we need to talk.

Shura: Eh? What's with the serious tone? Something wrong?

Avatar: Are you still worried that your dream of restoring Kohga will never be fulfilled?

Shura: Yes. Why?

Avatar: I see. Then Kohga is truly lost.

Shura: What do you mean? My homeland was destroyed long ago.

Avatar: It's true that Kohga is no longer the land it once was. And it is also true that many of its people no longer draw breath...

Shura: Yes, yes. And?

Avatar: However, the spirit of Kohga—the spirit you prize so highly—lives on inside you.

Shura: Hmph. Kohga's spirit, eh?

Avatar: Yes. As long as you believe in it, its fire will continue to blaze. However, if you give up, then there is nothing in this world that can restore it.

Shura: Heh. You sure know how to make a sappy speech, boy. But you're not wrong. Thank you. I will never allow myself to waver again. I WILL see Kohga restored.

Avatar: Yes. You will. And I'll do whatever I can to help you, my friend.

Shura: Thank you, Lord Avatar. I will not forget the kindnesses you have done me.