Fates Supports/Avatar(M) Orochi

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C Support

Avatar: Have a moment, Orochi?

Orochi: I live to serve, Lord Avatar.

Avatar: I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about my mother.

Orochi: Lady Mikoto—a remarkable woman. I'd be delighted to share my memories of her.

Avatar: I barely had a chance to get to know my mother. So little time, because of what I... Hmm. Anyway, could you share some stories about her?

Orochi: Trust me when I say she wouldn't have blamed you for what happened. And she'd be saddened if you blamed yourself, Lord Avatar. But yes, a story—a funny one! That's what we need.

Avatar: She seemed so graceful. You know funny stories about her?

Orochi: Oh, she was endlessly hilarious. One time, I recall catching her swimming— with her slippers on! She'd forget she had two chopsticks in hand—and eat with four! Some might say she was absentminded. Not I. She was a dreamer of dreams. So what if Lady Mikoto had her silly mishaps. We loved her for it.

Avatar: Please, go on.

Orochi: Once she sat cross-legged for so long, her legs went to sleep. And I am talking a DEEP sleep! She stood up before the court—and careened right into a fountain!

Avatar: I wish I could have been there. Er, at least to help her out of the water.

Orochi: Your mother was truly unique, like a wise sage and an accidental jester. She had the sweetest voice, but the things she would say... Honestly, that dear woman—she really was a hoot.

Avatar: Thanks, Orochi. That's exactly what I needed to hear right now.

B Support

Orochi: Hello there, Lord Avatar.

Avatar: Oh, Orochi! Thank you for sharing those funny stories about my mother last time.

Orochi: I fear I made her out to be a buffoon. Far from the truth.

Avatar: You did no such thing. You revealed a side I would never have known.

Orochi: But she had many facets. That woman was a gem. I'd like to tell you about the side of her that was kindness itself.

Avatar: I'm all ears.

Orochi: She was kind enough to treat me with the greatest respect. My family has long served as diviners at the royal palace. But we'd been treated very poorly.

Avatar: I can't believe that. Really?

Orochi: We diviners tell as many bad fortunes as good, which can make us unpopular.

Avatar: How unjust. To speak the truth, and be blamed for it?

Orochi: Indeed. But my fate was changed when I met Lady Mikoto. She treated me like her own daughter. No matter what fortunes I told her.

Avatar: A rare soul, I guess.

Orochi: The rarest! Why, once I saw enemies outside the palace... I rushed at them, tried to drive them off by myself, and got hurt badly. She wept at my bedside that night, and many nights after that. Once I got better, Lady Mikoto said I must never run off like that again. To make sure that I didn't, she made me one of her personal attendants.

Avatar: She sounds like perfection.

Orochi: Lady Mikoto was so kind, being in her presence was like basking in the sun.

Avatar: A beautiful memory. Thank you for sharing it.

Orochi: Of course. Now if you'll excuse me, Lord Avatar... Th-those are all the memories that Orochi has in her right now.

A Support

Orochi: Ah, Lord Avatar. May I share one last thought about your mother?

Avatar: Of course. Your tales are like pearls, Orochi.

Orochi: As I have said, she had many facets. Funny, kind, wise, brilliant... ...... And also dark.

Avatar: Oh?

Orochi: She usually shone, one way or another, no matter when you saw her. But then I'd catch her alone, a shadow in her features... She fell into dark spells, and I believe she was always thinking of...

Avatar: Me.

Orochi: Yes, you—or so I believe. She was agonizing over the loss of her son. Before her people, and at court, she was always bright as the sun. Yet she was unafraid to show this troubled side to me and Kagero.

Avatar: My poor mother...

Orochi: I wasn't sure whether to tell you. It's not a happy memory. And yet, in a way, it is. That was the side of her that loved you—missed you—deeply.

Avatar: Th-thank you, Orochi. I suspect no one knew her quite as well as you. That side of her, I feel it too. But in the darkness is love. I must do what I can to defend all those she also feared losing.

Orochi: I know she'd want you to take heart from all this loss.

Avatar: You're among those she held most dearly, Orochi.

Orochi: Perhaps. In any case, I loved Lady Mikoto very much. She was like a mother to me. So, of course, I feel very close to you. I hope I...haven't overstepped.

Avatar: Of course not, Orochi. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Orochi: My pleasure.

S Support

Orochi: Pffft—HA!

Avatar: Everything all right there, Orochi?

Orochi: Oh, it's nothing. I mean, it's not nothing. Far from it! But why are you sneaking up on me in the shadows, Lord Avatar?

Avatar: Well, I did no such thing. I just happened by, that's all.

Orochi: You'll have to pardon my outburst. Let's change the topic.

Avatar: All right, Orochi. I know you well enough by now NOT to let it go. Come on, tell me—what were you laughing about?

Orochi: All right, if you must know. We've confided a lot, you and I, so there's no point in secrets now.

Avatar: Secrets?

Orochi: I'll start over. Last time, I said I hoped I hadn't overstepped with you. Well, the truth is—augh!—I want to REALLY overstep with you.

Avatar: What?!

Orochi: I think in sharing all those facets of Lady Mikoto with you... I revealed many sides to myself too that no one knows but you.

Avatar: I...I feel just the same.

Orochi: Do you? Well, I've only just realized it. Which is why I laughed!

Avatar: HA!

Orochi: You see, Lord Avatar? It's ludicrous... you and I...and yet...

Avatar: Sorry. I just didn't see this coming either—not after all our sad talks. I mean, they were happy. Or bittersweet? Anyway, how'd we find ourselves here, of all places? HA!

Orochi: Well, we can't stand around here laughing all day. That'd be awkward.

Avatar: Truly, Orochi, I think I've felt like this for a while. The way you cared so much, to show me who my mother really was... You've changed my life.

Orochi: I swear I didn't tell you those things to hook myself a royal, Lord Avatar...!

Avatar: Whoa—hold on. You really need to stop saying crazy stuff!

Orochi: You'd better get used to it!

Avatar: Wh-why?

Orochi: Because we're getting married! Pfffft—HAAA!

Avatar: Wait, that's not funny.

Orochi: Oh. It's not?

Avatar: Bwahaha! Just kidding—we ARE getting married!

Orochi: All right, chuckles. Cut it. We've got to dig up some rings somewhere...

(Confession Scene)

Orochi: I knew we'd wind up together. Even before I met you. I read it in the cards...and the cards are never wrong.