Fates Supports/Silas Elise

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C Support

Silas: Hello, Lady Elise. I'm happy to report that I've successfully fulfilled your request. I located that starving family you mentioned and delivered a month's worth of food.

Elise: Wow, what a relief! Thank you, Silas! I'm sorry I asked you for such a big favor. Really, thanks a million!

Silas: Not to worry milady. Helping others is a passion of mine.

Elise: Hee hee, you're so great. How can I ever thank you?

Silas: You have already thanked me. Twice. That is more than sufficient, milady.

Elise: Oh, don't be a goose. Surely there must be something you'd like as a reward? Come on, don't be shy! Tell me! Tell me! TELL ME!

Silas: Ah, um, I mean...are you certain?! If so, I suppose... Well, to be honest, I do have something in mind. Maybe...you could be my little sister for a day.

Elise: Huh?!

Silas: Well, this is a little embarrassing, but...seeing you and Avatar together makes me long for a sibling of my own.

Elise: That's really all you want? A sister for a day?

Silas: It is. Doesn't it sound like fun?

Elise: It sounds...like a blast! This is gonna be great!

Silas: So you'll really do it? Wow! Th-thank you, Lady Elise!

Elise: No problem! But, um...what exactly should we do on your sister day?

Silas: Hmmm... I hadn't thought of it through that far. Let me give it some thought, and I'll get it back to you.