Fates Supports/Kaze Shigure(PC)

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C Support

Kaze: Good morning, Shigure. I see that you're painting again.

Shigure: Oh, hello, Father. Yes, I'm sorry... I know this is no time for painting. We are at war, after all.

Kaze: Son, I didn't bring it up to criticize you. Honestly, I feel quite sorry for you. In different times, perhaps you could have become a famous artist...

Shigure: That's very kind of you to say.

Kaze: Looking at your artwork, I can't help but feel that your talent is being wasted here. If only there was a way to share all your work with other people...

Shigure: What do you mean?

Kaze: Hmm... I've just had a brilliant idea. Why don't we throw a solo exhibition?

Shigure: A-an exhibition? N-no, I couldn't possibly. With the troops on the advance, there is no way we could pull it off. The setup itself would be more work than it's worth.

Kaze: It doesn't need to be grandiose. We simply need to reserve a tent and announce it to the villagers and troops.

Shigure: But it seems wrong to reserve a whole tent for my own personal use...

Kaze: Shigure, your artwork can help to heal our exhausted hearts. In times of war, it's important to provide some form of relief. This isn't personal or selfish. Art reminds us of our humanity. That's something only you can do for us.

Shigure: I'm not sure...

Kaze: Leave the preparations to me. There is no need to burden yourself. If you're reluctant, I certainly won't force your hand.

Shigure: OK, Father... The idea scares me a bit, but maybe we should give it a try. Who knows? Maybe it will be fun.

Kaze: Excellent! Let's strike while the iron's hot. I'll start enlisting people to help. Let's make this a reality!

(Kaze leaves)

Shigure: Thank you, Father.

B Support

Shigure: Good morning, Father...

Kaze: Hello, Shigure. Can I help you?

Shigure: Well, I've just been thinking... You've put in such a great deal of work to make this exhibition happen... I just wanted to thank you for everything.

Kaze: Son, I really haven't done anything special. I was happy to recruit volunteers. It was actually quite easy. Everyone was so excited that the exhibition practically organized itself. You're the one who's really making this possible. Believe in yourself!

Shigure: I-I'll try...

Kaze: Shigure, are you feeling nervous?

Shigure: Maybe a little bit. Mostly I'm just unhappy that my newest painting isn't going well.

Kaze: The one you're creating just for the big event? I'm very excited to see that piece. But you haven't told me anything about it... Keep in mind that time is running short. You've already completed plenty of paintings. Do you really need one more?

Shigure: In this case, I do. Everyone has been working so hard to give me this opportunity. That means I have to work even harder to make sure everyone enjoys the show.

Kaze: I understand... But please, try not to overdo it, OK? This will all be for nothing if you make yourself sick.

Shigure: I'll be careful. Thank you, Father. I must return to my painting.

Kaze: Of course. Good luck...

(Shigure leaves)

Kaze: Shigure is such a focused child... I wonder what it is that he's painting?

A Support

Kaze: The day is finally here! Shigure's exhibition has begun. I'm curious to take a look inside the tent. Wow... This is quite the spectacle. People have come from miles around to see his work. And from the sounds of the crowd, they love the art! It's wonderful to see everyone so happy. It seems as though our hard work paid off. Hmm, that's odd. Shigure is nowhere in sight. Where could he be?

Shigure: *pant*...*pant*...

Kaze: Shigure?! Did something happen? Why are you only arriving just now? I can't believe that you're late. This is your exhibition! I hope you're not feeling unwell...

Shigure: Sorry, Father. I was up all night putting the finishing touches on that painting.

Kaze: All night?! How foolish. Is this the piece you were telling me about?

Shigure: Y-yes, it is.

Kaze: Why did you go through all that trouble? There are countless paintings already hung up here. What more could one canvas add? Take a look around. Can't you see how much everyone loves the show?

Shigure: Y-yes, I see that. But this was especially important to me. I made it as a token of my gratitude to you, Father.

Kaze: Wait... What?! Th-this is...me? And that's your mother.

Shigure: Yes, it's a family portrait. I finally managed to complete it just now.

Kaze: So this is what you've been toiling over night and day? What's kept you up 'til the break of dawn?

Shigure: Well...yes. My love for you two is beyond measure. You brought me into this world. Without you, I never would have discovered the world of art. So I wanted to pour those feelings of gratitude into this portrait.

Kaze: Shigure... Thank you, so...so much. *sniffle*

Shigure: F-Father, you're hugging me so tightly that it hurts... Hahahaha.

Kaze: Son, you make me so proud.

Shigure: Thank you...

Kaze: Well then... Ahem. We can't waste any more time. This painting has to go up so everyone can enjoy it!

Shigure: OK, sure... It is a little bit embarrassing to put up a family portrait, though...

Kaze: Nonsense. The likenesses are fantastic. And it's clearly the finest work here. That's why I want to display it. Do you mind?

Shigure: No, you're right. Let's go, Father!