Fates Supports/Xander Peri

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C Support

Peri: Waaah... Waaaaaaaaah! WAAAAAH! *sob*

Xander: Peri? What's the matter?

Peri: Hi, Lord Xander... *sob*

Xander: Calm yourself, Peri. Tell me, why are you crying?

Peri: I just... It's just... *sniffle*

Xander: Speak, Peri. Consider that an order.

Peri: ...OK, you asked for it. Everyone keeps yelling at me!

Xander: They're scolding you? Whatever for?

Peri: They say...they say I... They say I'm a bad retainer! *sob*

Xander: Nonsense! I don't think that's for them to decide. Why would they say that?

Peri: It's because I'm not... What was it again? Oh yeah. Not respectful. They say I don't respect you enough. That I talk too casual to you. Like that's a bad thing!

Xander: Ah, I see.

Peri: I really do appreciate all you've done for me! But people say I don't. They say if I was really grateful, I would act like it. But this is how I've always talked! I don't even know how to change! I don't know what to doooooo! *sob*

Xander: I see what this is about now... Thank you for telling me of this, Peri. Please keep your chin up. I'm certain your sadness will soon pass.

B Support

Peri: Waaaaaaaaah! *sob*

Xander: Peri. You must stop crying and listen.

Peri: Oh! Lord Xander...?

Xander: First, you must know that your manner of speech has never mattered to me. But having said that, I've considered your problem at length.

Xander: I have decided that you have free rein to behave however you wish.

Peri: So...I can just talk how I normally talk?

Xander: That's right. If you want lessons in formal speech, I can give you some advice. But if not, you needn't change a thing.

Peri: Huh... I...I want to try learning. I'm sick of getting nagged about it! If this keeps up, anyone who talks to me about etiquette will need a tourniquet!

Xander: Understood. Then allow me to bestow a few pointers.

Peri: That sounds great! Thank you!

Xander: I shall start by letting you in on a secret. When nobles speak, we typically consider our words with great care. We take time to build up a large vocabulary that we may properly convey our thoughts.

Peri: You mean, you use fancy words?

Xander: Ha! That's one way to look at it. Once you build up a proper vocabulary, it's easier to speak formally. I swear, it's not as hard as it first seems.

Peri: That's all it takes? OK! I'll give it a shot! *ahem* Thou Lord Xander! Would thine desirest to ride to the batt—um, the kerfuffle with us?

Xander: ... "Thou" is a pronoun. You don't use it with a name. Also, it is an informal pronoun... As for "kerfuffle"—

Peri: Whaaat?! That was wrong? I don't get it... This is too hard!

Xander: "Lord Xander! Is it your will to ride into battle with us this day?" That would be how it's said with the proper formalities. Now you try.

Peri: How can I?! I don't get it at all! You lied, Lord Xander! This is WAY too hard to keep straight!

Xander: Don't get discouraged. It takes practice. Here's how you could have said that... Repeat after me. "This is far too burdensome to put into practice!" That's how a refined lady might say it. Now you try.

Peri: This is far too...burdensome...to put into practice.

Xander: Excellent! Very good, Peri.

Peri: ... I hate this! I give up. I'm just gonna talk like normal!

Xander: Peri...

Peri: I mean, I know how much I appreciate you! What does it matter how I act as long as my feelings are real? ...Does that make sense, Lord Xander?

Xander: It does. I admit to feeling discomfited, hearing you try to speak formally. You're a valuable asset to us. I don't want your morale lowered over such matters. You have my blessing to proceed as before.

Peri: So it's OK?

Xander: Yes. I will inform the others.

Peri: Thanks! You're the best, Lord Xander!

A Support

Peri: Lord Xander! Thanks for talking to everyone. No one yells at me anymore!

Xander: I'm pleased to hear that the matter is settled. It's good to see you smiling again.

Peri: Heehee! Thanks!

Xander: Do you remember when I first brought you to the castle? The smile on your face now is identical to the one you displayed then.

Peri: Sure I remember! You liked the way I handled myself in the nobles' fighting tourney. So you brought me to the castle and made me your retainer.

Xander: That feels as if it was ages ago, though in truth not much time has passed.

Peri: I've always wondered, Lord Xander... Why did you bring me to the castle? I didn't win the tourney. I came in, what, third? Fourth? Why call me up instead of the champion?

Xander: It was your class.

Peri: Like, in school? But I never graduated...

Xander: No, as in your caliber as a person. Your quality.

Peri: My caliber? But I didn't win.

Xander: Is that what you were thinking about during the tournament? Winning?

Peri: Not really. I just thought it would be fun.

Xander: Yes. And despite that mind-set, and your lack of preparation, you still placed highly. It showed me how vast your potential was. That is why I chose you for service. I wanted strong retainers, who could be counted on not to lose their lives in battle.

Peri: In that case, you know how to pick 'em, Lord Xander! I'd NEVER go down without a fight! But do you ever have second thoughts? Like, you wish you'd picked someone else?

Xander: Never.

Peri: Yippee! And I never regret signing up! I'd do anything for you, Lord Xander!

Xander: Thank you, Peri. Your words are much appreciated.

S Support

Xander: Peri, I must speak with you. It is a matter of some importance.

Peri: What's up, Lord Xander?

Xander: Do you remember when we discussed my reasons for choosing you as a retainer?

Peri: Yeah! Something to do with my class?

Xander: Yes. And that is as true now as it ever was. But since that day, I've come to notice another admirable quality... One I perhaps value even more.

Peri: Oh yeah? What's better than my class?

Xander: Well, it has to do with the sort of woman you are...

Peri: What do you mean, Lord Xander?

Xander: *sigh* It's hard to find the right words. I'll just say it as best I can. I sense a quality in you that has nothing to do with your prowess in combat.

Peri: Huh? Like what?

Xander: I think that you... I think perhaps... I think you might make a fine wife... and a future queen of Nohr, at that.

Peri: HUH?! Are you saying...?

Xander: I've had an eye on you ever since I summoned you to the castle. Your style of speech is not an issue. Nohr has had many eccentric queens. Your loyalty has been tested time and time again and found to be perfectly firm. In every way, you seem eminently suitable. And so...

Peri: Wait, what? I still don't get it! Say it so I can understand.

Xander: I'm putting it as simply as I know how... Let me try this again. In the plainest terms possible... Peri, I'm quite fond of you.

Peri: Ohhhh! OK! I feel the same way! I love you too, Lord Xander!

Xander: As a prince, yes?

Peri: Yep!

Xander: I see...

Peri: But I love you in other ways too! Just like how I talk doesn't change the way I feel... I love you whether you're a prince or not! I love everything about you, Lord Xander!

Xander: Peri...

Peri: What about you? Would you love me whether I'm your retainer or not?

Xander: Indeed, I would. I love every aspect of you.

Peri: Teehee! Well, there you go, then!

Xander: Well, in that case... Shall we go select a ring together? Nothing but the finest will do.

Peri: Oooh! Yes, please! I really do love you, Xander! You'll be my favorite forever and ever!