Fates Supports/Saizo Rinkah

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C Support

Saizo: Rinkah!

Rinkah: Huh? Oh, Saizo. What's up?

Saizo: Have you forgotten already about that last encounter? Why did you give the sign to retreat?

Rinkah: We'd just beaten off two waves. The whole company was worn out. It just made sense to get out while the getting was good.

Saizo: We could've fought longer. If we'd kept at it, our foes might not have escaped.

Rinkah: You're letting your temper run you. Even if you're right, can you be sure we wouldn't have lost anyone?

Saizo: A few casualties would have been worth the blow struck to the enemy. That encounter will have consequences for the rest of the war!

Rinkah: ...Hmph. In the Flame Tribe, our war parties were so small that losing anyone was unthinkable.

Saizo: And?

Rinkah: Our elders taught us the importance of reading the situation. There's virtue in retreat, if it means a single life can be saved.

Saizo: Ridiculous. Cowardice is no virtue. The Flame Tribe... It sounds to me like their embers have grown cold. I have no desire to stay and listen to your justifications.

(Saizo leaves)

Rinkah: Rrgh...

B Support

Saizo: Rinkah...

Rinkah: Hey, Saizo.

Saizo: I came to apologize. I was letting my frustration get to me. Once I'd calmed down, I saw that putting your troops' lives first is the right choice.

Rinkah: Yeah?

Saizo: If Lord Ryoma had been there, I'm sure he would have done the same.

Rinkah: It's all right. I wasn't taking it personally. I'm a warrior, so I know how you felt. I get lost in the heat of battle sometimes too. Victory can be a real rush.

Saizo: Really? That's surprising.

Rinkah: Oh, yeah. I used to charge in alone like an idiot and take a beating for my trouble. I'd always get an earful from the chief over it...

Saizo: So you're saying I'm no better than you were back then.

Rinkah: That's not what I meant. It's just that you have to think about what your goals are. Maybe sometimes it's worth losing people. It really depends. That's what I meant by learning to read a situation.

Saizo: So that's the way of the Flame Tribe. Hm...it's a valuable lesson.

Rinkah: Heh, I thought so too when I finally learned it.

A Support

Rinkah: Saizo, do you have a minute to talk?

Saizo: What is it?

Rinkah: I was wondering...what was it that made you want to be a ninja?

Saizo: The main reason was to avenge my father. But apart from that... it was exhilarating to use those techniques to claim victory in battle. That may be why I came to enjoy fighting so much.

Rinkah: That all sounds pretty familiar. And I think it's important for a warrior. We can't forget that feeling.

Saizo: Yes. A sword that is not kept sharp cannot cut when it is needed.

Rinkah: Though if you put it to the grindstone too long, the blade will break.

Saizo: ...

Rinkah: But for now, anyway, I feel like my skills could use some sharpening. How about it, Saizo? Want a friendly match with me?

Saizo: ...I was just thinking of asking you the same thing.

Rinkah: I should warn you, my blade was tempered in the forges of the Flame Tribe. Warriors don't burn hotter than me!

Saizo: Yet one typically finds that cooler heads will prevail. Prepare yourself, Rinkah.

Rinkah: Here we go!

S Support

Saizo: Rinkah, about our last match...

Rinkah: It was kind of a draw, wasn't it? Heh... That's fine by me.

Saizo: It's been a while since I felt that alive during a fight. It was invigorating. I'm still a bit bruised, mind you, and that gash I took hasn't healed up yet. But that feels good too, in a way.

Rinkah: It's our warrior blood. I bet under that mask, you were smiling during the fight. Heh, what do you think the softies on our team would think if they heard us?

Saizo: Haha...I shudder to think. But I must redevote myself to my training for Lord Ryoma's sake.

Rinkah: I ought to do the same, if the Flame Tribe's going to have any future. You know...we really have a lot in common, Saizo. You ever think about us? Together?

Saizo: Now that you mention it...

Rinkah: Haha, I should have guessed. But I'm glad I'm not the only one it occurred to.

Saizo: We both strive to improve ourselves in battle. I think we could achieve that faster as partners.

Rinkah: Haha...it's like you're reading my mind.

Saizo: It does seem uncanny.

Rinkah: It's obvious we're meant for each other. I wouldn't have guessed when we first met, but...

Saizo: Well, if that's what you want...

Rinkah: Yeah, I think it is. I'm ready to graduate from your sparring partner to your life partner, Saizo.