Fates Supports/Ryoma Shigure(PC)

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This content was originally provided by Thor Odinson.

C Support

Ryoma: Shigure. You're painting again, I see.

Shigure: Hello, Father. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in. I know this is no time for artwork, since we're at war and all.

Ryoma: Don't get the wrong impression. I'm not here to scold you. You have a true gift. In another time, perhaps you would have been a great artist. I know it's difficult to be true to yourself during wartime. But I honestly think you should continue to paint without restraint.

Shigure: That's kind of you to say. But I really don't think I have much of a future as an artist.

Ryoma: Your innate modesty is a tremendous virtue. It keeps one's pride in check. But I truly believe that it would be a shame not to show off your work. There must be a way to share it with the world.

Shigure: What do you mean?

Ryoma: Let me think... I know just what to do. How about we throw you a solo exhibition?

Shigure: A-an exhibition? I could never do that. Besides, our troops are on the advance. The setup alone would be way more work than it's worth.

Ryoma: It doesn't have to be a royal gala. We just have to reserve a tent and invite nearby soldiers and villagers.

Shigure: B-but it seems so vain to reserve a whole tent just for my personal use.

Ryoma: Shigure, this isn't about vanity. I'm not looking to boast about your talent. In trying times, it's important to find some peace of mind. An exhibition would be a welcome reprieve from the exhaustion of war.

Shigure: I'm not sure...

Ryoma: I'm not trying to force your hand. What do you want to do, Son?

Shigure: OK, fine... We can give it a shot. But I have to admit that it makes me a bit anxious.

Ryoma: Don't be! I know this show will be the event of the season. I'll start recruiting volunteers in town. We should start our preparations right away.

Shigure: Thank you, Father.

B Support

Shigure: Hello, Father...

Ryoma: Oh, Shigure. Is something on your mind?

Shigure: Well... You've done so much to make this exhibition a possibility. I just wanted to say thanks.

Ryoma: To be honest, I didn't think everything would come together so quickly. It's all thanks to the villagers. Their help was invaluable. They're all excited to see your paintings. Your reputation as a gifted artist precedes you.

Shigure: O-oh, I don't know about that...

Ryoma: Are you nervous, Shigure?

Shigure: Of course. But mostly I'm concerned about my newest painting. It's just not coming together like I hoped it would.

Ryoma: Is this the painting you're doing just for the exhibition? While I would love to see a new piece, time is running short. If the work isn't going well, perhaps you should finish it after the show.

Shigure: I promised myself that I would get it done. So many people have come together to give me this opportunity. And the final piece really unites the show. I have to keep going.

Ryoma: Very well. But please, don't push yourself too hard. If you end up making yourself sick, all this work will have been pointless.

Shigure: Don't worry, Father. I'll be careful. If you'll excuse me, I should get back to my painting.

Ryoma: All right. Good luck. The boy seems so passionate. I wonder what's gotten him all worked up...

A Support

Ryoma: It's finally time for Shigure's exhibition. I should take a peek inside the tent... Incredible... The turnout is quite impressive. People have come from miles around. From what I've overheard, it sounds like everyone loves his artwork. This event is a smash success. Hmm, that's strange. I haven't seen Shigure anywhere. Where could he be?

Shigure: *pant*...*pant*...

Ryoma: S-Son, what's wrong? Are you just now getting here? How could you be late to your own exhibition?!

Shigure: Sorry about that, Father. I've been up all night working on my painting.

Ryoma: What?!

Shigure: It's OK, I'm here now.

Ryoma: Don't you remember when I told you not to push yourself too hard? There are already plenty of pieces on display here. What does one last painting really bring to the show?

Shigure: You don't understand. I promised myself that I would complete it, no matter what. I made this because I'm thankful for everything you've done for me, Father.

Ryoma: Wait, what?! Th-this is...your mother and myself?

Shigure: Yes, it's a portrait of you two.

Ryoma: So this is what you've been working on so tirelessly?

Shigure: Indeed, Father. My love for you and Mother cannot be measured. You brought me into this world. Without you, I never would have been able to paint. So I wanted to put all those feelings into this portrait.

Ryoma: Shigure... I have to admit that you really got me. I had no idea what you were up to.

Shigure: F-Father, it hurts when you hug me so tightly... Hahaha.

Ryoma: You make me very proud, Son.

Shigure: I feel the same way.

Ryoma: Is that right? There's no time to talk. We've got to put this painting on display!

Shigure: O-OK. It's a little embarrassing though...

Ryoma: No, it's not. This piece is simply magnificent. It's clearly the finest work in the exhibition. So obviously, it must go on display, right? Do you mind, Shigure?

Shigure: No, of course not. Let's go, Father!