Fates Supports/Silas Shigure(PC)

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C Support

Silas: Good morning, Shigure. You're painting again, I see.

Shigure: Oh, hello, Father... I didn't hear you enter. I'm sorry, I... I know this is no time to be painting. We are at war, after all.

Silas: Now now, I didn't come here to scold you. Honestly, I feel rather sorry for you. If things were different, you could paint as much as you like. Honestly, you would probably be a famous artist in a better world.

Shigure: That's very kind of you to say.

Silas: This is so frustrating! If only there was a way to show off these wonderful paintings of yours...

Shigure: It's not that important...

Silas: Wait... Ha! I know just what to do! How would you feel about holding a solo exhibition?

Shigure: An exhibition? Oh, Father, I could never do that. With our troops on the advance, the timing would never work out. The setup alone would require far too much effort.

Silas: It doesn't need to be so grand. All we have to do is reserve a tent and announce it to the troops and villagers.

Shigure: B-but it feels wrong to use a tent just for personal use...

Silas: No, this will be fine. In times of war, it's especially important to seek out emotional relief. Everyone is exhausted, and what they really need is some peace of mind. Your artwork can provide that for everyone!

Shigure: I'm not sure...

Silas: I certainly won't force your hand. What are your thoughts?

Shigure: Well... OK. Let's give it a shot. It would be a lie to say that I'm not nervous about the idea though...

Silas: This will be wonderful. Just you wait. We should get started right away. I'll head into town to ask around for help.

(Silas leaves)

Shigure: Thank you, Father.

B Support

Shigure: Hello, Father...

Silas: Ah, Shigure. Did you need something?

Shigure: No, not really... You've done so much to make this exhibition possible... I wanted to say how much I appreciate all of your hard work.

Silas: Now, Son, don't give me too much credit. I've only helped a little bit. You're the artist! Everyone in town is excited for the show. That's why they are all pitching in. They know how powerful your work is. No one can deny the emotion conveyed in your art.

Shigure: O-oh, really?

Silas: Ha ha ha. Son, are you already nervous?

Shigure: Of course I am. The truth is, I'm not quite done with the final painting. I just can't seem to perfect it.

Silas: A new painting? While I would love to see it, you don't have much time before the event. Why don't you quit working on that piece and focus on the show? You can always come back to it later.

Shigure: No, I can't. This painting is the centerpiece of the exhibition. Everyone has labored so hard to give me this opportunity. I have to finish it to show my appreciation.

Silas: Is that so? There has to be a limit to how hard you push yourself. If you work yourself into the ground, this will all be for nothing.

Shigure: I understand your concern, but I'll be fine, Father. If you'll excuse me, I should get back to my easel.

Silas: Very well. Good luck!

(Shigure leaves) Well, the boy is certainly passionate... I wonder what he's painting?

A Support

Silas: Finally, the day has arrived! It's time for Shigure's exhibition! I wonder how the tent came together... I better go see... This is incredible! Look at all these people! And from the murmurs I'm overhearing, it sounds like they love the paintings! I'm so glad that I got to help put this showcase together. But where is the man of the hour? I haven't seen Shigure anywhere...

Shigure: *pant*...*pant*...

Silas: Sh-Shigure, what's wrong? Why are you just now arriving? The exhibition is in full swing! I can't believe that you're late.

Shigure: I'm sorry, but it couldn't be avoided. I had to stay up all night in order to put the final touches on this painting...

Silas: Is this the one you mentioned before?

Shigure: Y-yes, it is...

Silas: Son, I don't understand. Why did you push yourself so hard? Even without this final piece, there is still a great deal of work on display. Take a look around. Everyone is smiling! They all love your paintings.

Shigure: I can see that. But it was important for me to finish this painting, no matter what. I made this piece to show you my gratitude.

Silas: Huh?! What do you mean? Wait... I-is this your mother and I?

Shigure: Yes. I made a portrait of you.

Silas: So this is what you've been spending all your time on?

Shigure: Yes, Father. I love the both of you more than anything... You brought me into this world. Without you, I never would have been able to paint. I wanted to pour all my feelings into this piece. I'm very grateful for everything.

Silas: Y-you're really... Oh, Shigure, I know just how you feel! *sob*

Shigure: Haha. F-Father, it hurts when you hug me so tightly...

Silas: R-right, of course. Sorry about that. I'm just proud to have an incredible son like you.

Shigure: Thank you, Father.

Silas: Oh, right! The exhibition! We don't have time for this. Come on! We have to hang this painting so that everyone can enjoy it!

Shigure: O-OK... It's kind of embarrassing, though...

Silas: Well, maybe a little. But it's the finest painting here, and everyone deserves to see it! Let's hurry! We have to find the perfect place to put it.

Shigure: You're right... Let's go!