Fates Supports/Kaze Rinkah

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C Support

Kaze: Rinkah, do you have a moment?

Rinkah: Sure. What do you need?

Kaze: Well, you see, earlier today I helped a nice young woman carry her things home. In return, she gave me this sack of sweets.

Rinkah: That entire bag is filled with just sweets?! It must weigh 50 pounds!

Kaze: Yes...which is why I was hoping you could help. I can't eat all these by myself.

Rinkah: Oh, I see. I'll pass.

Kaze: Really? But I thought you'd appreciate it the most.

Rinkah: What do you mean by that?

Kaze: Your stomach's been growling all day. Did you think I hadn't noticed?

Rinkah: So what? That doesn't mean I'm hungry! *rumble*

Kaze: ...

Rinkah: Th-that wasn't what you think! It must have been...a mouse. That ran by.

Kaze: Hm... Perhaps I will just leave some of these sweets here for that poor little mouse.

Rinkah: Fine. Do what you want.

Kaze: I will. I hope the mouse enjoys its treat very much. I hear it has quite the sweet tooth.

Rinkah: The mouse would have you know it doesn't have any stinking sweet teeth. And the mouse wants to make it clear that this is a onetime occurrence. Does the ninja understand?

Kaze: Of course. Well, I should be off now. I'll talk to you later, Rinkah.

(Kaze leaves)

Rinkah: ... *munch munch*

B Support

Kaze: Rinkah, I have some more sweets today. Would you like some?

Rinkah: Kaze... I thought I made it clear last time that I didn't want any more sweets.

Kaze: Ah. I believe you are confused. It was the mouse with the grumbly stomach that didn't want any more sweets.

Rinkah: You little—

Kaze: Rinkah, I know you love sweets. And I imagine you avoid them because you think it will make you look soft. But, trust me, no one will think less of you if you indulge yourself now and then.

Rinkah: Will you be quiet? My diet is none of your business!

Kaze: You are absolutely correct. However, I would be a bad friend indeed were I not concerned with your happiness. I don't think it's good to deprive yourself like this just to hide your sweet tooth.

Rinkah: I'm not hiding it. It's just not something everyone needs to know about.

Kaze: So then you won't mind if I share it with the others?

Rinkah: Don't you dare! Why do you even care so much about what I eat, anyway?

Kaze: I don't. I care that you seem so concerned with keeping up false appearances. Now, will you please accept this candy? It's your favorite...

Rinkah: Haven't I made myself clear? I don't want any more sweets!

Kaze: Well, yes, but I already know about your sugary little secret, right? So it's OK. You can eat these without worrying about it.

Rinkah: I'm not a damn child! You don't have to feed me. If I want sweets, I'll get some myself.

Kaze: You misunderstand. There are too many for me to eat. I'm asking you for help.

Rinkah: Hmph... Fine. And, I guess... Well, thanks for your concern.

Kaze: Think nothing of it.

A Support

Kaze: Rinkah, thanks again for helping me finish off those sweets the other day. I didn't know you could fit that much taffy in one stomach.

Rinkah: Ugh... I can't believe I accepted food from you again...

Kaze: Speaking of which, I was just given another bag today. Care for another round?

Rinkah: Again? You've got to be kidding me!

Kaze: I know, I know. I tried to refuse again and again, but she wouldn't have it.

Rinkah: How do you get all these people to give you gifts all the time? I'm jeal— Um. Gelatin. I'm gelatin.

Kaze: What?

Rinkah: Nothing. I'm not jealous. Shut up.

Kaze: You know, there's an easy way to solve that gelatin problem. If you just told people you like candy, I'm sure they'd be happy to share with you.

Rinkah: Thanks, but no thanks. I'm fine.

Kaze: Then I will have to engineer a way to get you candy secretly. Perhaps by eating more, you will come out of your shell...

Rinkah: I'm not in a shell, and I don't need your help coming out of it! But...if you WERE to find a way to get me more sweets...I might not object.

Kaze: Very well. Consider it done.

Rinkah: Perfect. Now, if you could just give that bag of candy. And some privacy.

Kaze: Of course. Good day, Rinkah.

S Support

Kaze: Hello.

Rinkah: You again? Another load of sweets to drop off?

Kaze: No. There is something I wish to discuss with you.

Rinkah: Discuss?

Kaze: You look disappointed. Perhaps you were craving more sweets?

Rinkah: Ugh...

Kaze: I suspected as much. Well then, our discussion can wait. First we must find you some treats.

Rinkah: No, that's OK. You're not responsible for my stomach, you know.

Kaze: Yes, but I like making sure you are content. If I could have it my way, you'd never suffer from anything ever again.

Rinkah: That's a little...weird. I can take care of myself, Kaze.

Kaze: I know, but I'm afraid I can't help it... I'm in love with you.

Rinkah: ... ... What?

Kaze: I love you, Rinkah. I wish to be your partner in all things.

Rinkah: So that's why you've been bringing me all this candy?

Kaze: Yes and no. I'd like to think I'd have acted the same way even if I didn't love you. But I can't deny that I took particular pleasure in helping you as a result. And I know a part of me was happy that you kept your sweet tooth a secret. Because...it meant I could do something special for you.

Rinkah: Kaze...

Kaze: I'm sorry. I have acted...dishonorably.

Rinkah: Aw, cut the dutiful-ninja crap, Kaze. You've done no such thing. And...I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing, being with you. Sure, yeah. Why not?

Kaze: I...see. So, then...you have no strong feelings for me? Perhaps you should forget I said anything. I do not wish to pressure you into something you are indifferent to.

Rinkah: No! You big, dumb oaf. Are you really gonna make me spell it out for you?! Fine! I love you too, and I want to be with you, you gorgeous dastard! Now, can we please move on?

Kaze: Well. OK then. So...what do we do now?

Rinkah: Heh. You could start by rounding me up another sack of sweets.

Kaze: As you wish, my love.