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Marth, I'm so happy you made it...  Ngh...!!     
Marth, I'm so happy you made it...  Ngh...!!     
<br><br>(If MyUnit is female)
<br><br>(If MyUnit is male)
<br><br>(If MyUnit is female)
<br><br>(If you got all the orbs and repaired the Shield of Seals)
<br><br>(If you got all the orbs and repaired the Shield of Seals)

Revision as of 05:34, 16 January 2013


Main story

(Stage Opening)


Sire, we are breaking into the palace! Do not forget that Hardin is shielded by the Darksphere. If you are to challenge him, then you must hold the Lightsphere! Ensure, at all costs, that it's given to the person who will fight Hardin.

(Hardin threatens Midia)


Midia. That you, a Paladin of Archanea, would betray your own motherland... You are a disgrace!


Surely you jest!! Can't you see you're destroying Archanea? You've gone mad! What have you done with Lady Nyna?! Return our queen at once!!


Nyna? That woman betrayed me. All I wanted to do was destroy Grust. That woman had the audacity to give the emblem to that boy... And so I punished her. I will kill all who oppose me. That includes you, Midia!!


Do with my life as you will. But, Hardin... How many people do you think you've killed out of petty jealousy? Enough. Open your eyes!


Petty jealousy, you say...? Heh heh... Say what you will. This world is rotten to its core. Swarming with insignificant insects that you call humans. What worth is left in it? Perhaps it would be better if it were all destroyed. Well, Midia, watch carefully. The boy who pretends to be a prince... Watch as I snuff out his life!!

(Marth speaks to Hardin)


So, Marth... My retainer, attacking his liege-- what kind of "honor" is this? Altea's so-called Prince of Light has certainly fallen to the gutters.


Hardin! This isn't you! Your heart is being controlled by the Darksphere!! Please, you have to snap out of it!


Heh heh heh... Marth, sweet and naive as ever. Why do you think I attacked Altea? Because I utterly despised you. In the last war, just because you were Anri's descendant... Nyna entrusted you with the Fire Emblem, and made you the League's commander. "The Prince of Light"... More like "insolent brat"! Without my help, you would have died long, long ago. So don't act so high and mighty!! I have always despised you since then. I put up with you for Nyna's sake, but I knew we'd have to settle things sooner or later. It has nothing to do with the orb!


Hardin... Is that really how it was...? I had no idea that... that you hated me so...


Hmph... That's why you're still just a boy. Marth! Come to me. I'll shove this lance through your heart!! There's only enough room in this continent for one hero, and that hero is ME!

(Fighting Hardin)


The rebel army... Have you come to die?! Taste the might of the Gradivus!!

(Fighting Hardin with Marth)


So you've come, Marth!! I'll run you through, just as you wish!


Hardin, that's enough!

(Fighting Hardin if MyUnit is female)


I've no quarrel with you... Bring Marth to me!!


Sir Hardin... To defeat you is my duty. Prepare yourself.

(Fighting Hardin If MyUnit is male)


I've no quarrel with you... Bring Marth to me!!


Dark Emperor Hardin... Look nowhere else, I am your opponent!

(Killing Hardin)


Prince... Marth... I feel as though... I've finally awoken... from a long, long nightmare... Marth... Forgive me... I tried to fight the demon inside me. ...But I wasn't strong enough. I fought so hard, but... I just couldn't beat it... I wanted to die by your hand... And now I'm finally saved... Marth... Please... Nyna... Save Nyna... Please... ...Tell her... Tell her for me... Till... till the very end... I ...loved her... always... Tell her... to please...forgive me...

(Stage Ending)

(If MyUnit is female)


Sire, the battle is over. We have won.


Yes, and with this, finally...


Sire! Look over there! Your sister and the others...


Elice! And Princess Nyna...! Lena, Maria; you're all safe!


Marth, I'm so happy you made it... Ngh...!!

(If MyUnit is male)


Sire, the battle is over. We have won.


Yes, and with this, finally...


Sire! Look over there! Your sister and the others...


Elice! And Princess Nyna...! Lena, Maria; you're all safe!


Marth, I'm so happy you made it... Ngh...!!

(If you got all the orbs and repaired the Shield of Seals)


You--you carry the Binding Shield...! Gah! My magic has been dispelled? Withdraw, my priests. At this rate, he will... Let us hurry the Shadow Dragon's return!




That man was the Dark Pontifex Gharnef! His servants were impersonating the princesses.


What was he playing at? He mentioned something about the Shadow Dragon's return... So as we suspected, my sister and the other clerics must be in Gharnef's hands...


Forgive my interruption, sire, but Lord Gotoh has arrived.


Lord Gotoh? Take me straight to him!

(If MyUnit is male)




That man was the Dark Pontifex Gharnef! His servants were impersonating the princesses.


What was he playing at? He mentioned something about the Shadow Dragon's return... So as we suspected, my sister and the other clerics must be in Gharnef's hands...


Forgive my interruption, sire, but Lord Gotoh has arrived.


Lord Gotoh? Take me straight to him!

(Stage Ending)


Excellent work, Prince Marth. You managed to obtain all of the orbs. Thanks to your efforts, the lost Binding Shield is finally complete.


Incredible! It felt as though the shield itself pulled in all the orbs... So this is the fabled Binding Shield. But what now, Lord Gotoh? From Gharnef's actions, it would seem he has the noble clerics imprisoned. I worry for their safety.


Hmm... I understand how you feel... However, we have a far greater task to accomplish--we must seal away the earth dragons. Soon they will awaken from their slumber. They will rise up from the ground, destroying everything in their wake, and turn this world into a living hell. Go, Marth. Entomb the awakened dragons once more!

(If you unlocked 20x)

(If MyUnit is female)


Chris, new information regarding the assassins has reached the palace. As you may have guessed, they were dispatched by Hardin and Gharnef. The head of the organization is a woman named Eremiah.


Eremiah... And where is she now?


Here, in Archanea. Apparently, she runs an orphanage in the mountains.


An orphanage?


Yes, so it would seem. However, it's an orphanage in name only. She confines the children to a basement devoid of light, and teaches them all manner of wicked things....

(If MyUnit is male)


Chris, new information regarding the assassins has reached the palace. As you may have guessed, they were dispatched by Hardin and Gharnef. The head of the organization is a woman named Eremiah.


Eremiah... And where is she now?


Here, in Archanea. Apparently, she runs an orphanage in the mountains.


An orphanage?


Yes, so it would seem. However, it's an orphanage in name only. She confines the children to a basement devoid of light, and teaches them all manner of wicked things....

(If MyUnit is female)


......Sire. Please, let me go. I want to end this--once and for all.


I understand, Chris. I, too, cannot allow a situation like this to carry on.


...Please, wait.


Katarina? Were you listening the whole time?


There's a hidden passage to where Lady Eremiah is... I'll show you the way.




Please, allow me to go. I'll be fine. I don't believe for a moment that this will atone for everything I've done... But while I live I want to help in any way that I can.

(If MyUnit is male)


......Sire. Please, let me go. I'll crush them-- I won't allow such a travesty to stand.


I understand, Chris. I, too, cannot allow a situation like this to carry on.


...Please, wait.


Katarina? Were you listening the whole time?


There's a hidden passage to where Lady Eremiah is... I'll show you the way.




Please, allow me to go. I'll be fine. I don't believe for a moment that this will atone for everything I've done... But while I live I want to help in any way that I can.

(If MyUnit is female)


......Sire. Please, let me go. I want to end this--once and for all.


I understand, Chris. I, too, cannot allow a situation like this to carry on. Let's go to the orphanage then.

(If MyUnit is male)


......Sire. Please, let me go. I'll crush them-- I won't allow such a travesty to stand.


I understand, Chris. I, too, cannot allow a situation like this to carry on. Let's go to the orphanage then.