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This content was originally provided by Naui.

C Support

Are you here all by yourself, Walhart?


...*Cough* *Ahem* Well, since we're allies now, I was thinking we might talk... ...Um, yes. Of course, if it is too much trouble, I could just leave you be...

We shall talk if you wish it, tactician. Let us discuss military matters. In your opinion, what is the key element needed to secure victory?

Oh! I wasn't expecting a quiz! Ha ha ha... Er, ha.

I will have your answer now. A strategist should already have an opinion on such a fundamental question.

Yes, you're right, of course... Well, I'd say fostering the bonds between soldiers is the most important.

A tepid answer more suited to mewling babes than men of combat! The key to victory is power, tactician. Overwhelming power.

I see.

Power to smash your enemies. Power to subjugate their people. Or, if necessary, the power to wipe them both out entirely.

But victory gained through might alone often brings insurrection in its wake. It sows discontent and discord, which become the seeds of a new war.

If discord arises, it only means you had insufficient power in the first place. With truly overwhelming might, such trivial obstacles can be brushed aside. But then you think "bonds" matter. I do not expect you to understand such things.

To a man such as yourself, my method seems ludicrous. I understand that. But you will soon see for yourself the importance of unit cohesion, of bonds. You are one of use now--a member of the Shepherds and a comrade-in-arms.

I am none of these things. I am a wraith set loose to destroy all who block the path. ...But I admit, your thinking intrigues me. We will meet again and continue this.

That didn't sound like a question, but sure, I'd like that.

B Support

Greetings, tactician.

Hello, Walhart.

Have you though about our discussion? Do you see now the error of your thinking? Surely you know now that bonds of friendship are irrelevant to victory.

No. I believe in them more than ever.

Hmph. Then I am wasting my breath. Overwhelming power is the only thing that will enable men to build true power!

True peace?

One that is unshakable and invulnerable. One that lasts for all eternity. If we are to eradicate war, we must destroy all borders. Tear down the nation-state. Eradicate all notion of religion. Bring everything under one rule, and we can stamp out the strife that fuels war.

Hmm... Perhaps your vision has merit.

Of course it does. Think of the possibilities! With my might and your tactical mind, we could conquer this world. Though sheer strength of mind, steel, and will, we would make it whole.

War on that scale would inflict death and suffering on uncountable innocents. I could not be party to such horror, no matter how noble the goal.

Think bigger! If we were to succeed, we would eliminate all future wars! What is the sacrifice of even a million people if it builds a golden eternal future? What are they when weighed against peace and safety for future generations to come?

But war is not a matter of numbers and balances!

And I say it is! You do not display the same distaste for war when it comes to slaying your enemies. Your cunning killed many of my men. Where were your qualms then? ...Yes, exactly. You had no qualms, for you valued those lives less than others. THAT is the matter of numbers and balances, tactician! THAT is war! We are the same, you and I, even if you would pretend otherwise.

N-no, that's not...

Think, tactician! Look at what you do. You cannot save everyone. No man can! So you place every life on the balance, and like a god, you decide. "This man here shall live..." "This man here shall die..." Someday, you will learn this truth: might rules, or nothing does. ...We shall talk of this again. Until then, farewell.

(Walhart leaves the screen)

B-but, it's not like that... ...Is it?

A Support



I wonder if we might talk.

Something troubles you. I can see it in your mien. Do your hand-wringing on your own time. Do not waste mine with it.

I am trying to determine what is the right thing to do, and what I should believe in. If that is hand-wringing in your eyes, then so be it. I came only to seek advice.

You hem and haw like an old maid. I thought you were more decisive than this!

I have considered your arguments carefully, and they have a compelling logic. Nevertheless, I cannot agree. The world you paint leaves no room for human compassion or feeling. People are merely values arrayed on a playing field.

You speak of my willingness to sacrifice the few for the greater good. I concede my approach is ruthless and calculating. But so is the battlefield.

We cannot allow ourselves the luxury of denying our own humanity! Yes, it would be easy to treat deaths like so many numbers on a balance... But the loss of even one life is a terrible tragedy--an enormity beyond reckoning. We are meant to save people, and that is what we must do. We fight alongside friends. Stout allies. Stalwart comrades. A world without such friendship is no world I want, no matter how safe it may be. ...I am sorry. But on this matter, I will not change my mind.

Well well. A rousing speech indeed... We shall do it your way.

You changed your mind, just like that?

YOU defeated ME, tactician! Remember? Clearly, yours is the truer path. You have proven yourself the mightier, and therefore I must bend to your will. It is a simple matter.

But...then why did you argue?

Because I wanted to test the strength of your convictions. As long as your belief is firm, I will follow the path you set. But those convictions waver? If your beliefs are beset with doubt? Then Walhart will again rise up and demand his voice be heard!

The code you hold is shocking in its intensity, Walhart. But in time, I truly believe you will come to accept the wisdom of my way.

I will march by your side and grant my all to your cause. Let us see if you have the strength to change my mind!

I plan to do exactly that.