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Latest revision as of 06:58, 23 February 2016


C Support

Percy: Oooof! My toe! What's this? Something sticking out of the ground? Well, let's just pull...this...out! Oh. It's a big sack. And it's full of more gold than could feed a town for a year. Hmph. Big surprise.

Ophelia: Percy! Are you all right? I saw that sack lunge at your toe. Is it an evil sack?!

Percy: Whoa, Ophelia. Where'd you come from? No, just the usual—a sack of gold.

Ophelia: The usual? Why, that's incredible. Ha! Do you find gold all the time?

Percy: Yes, and it's no laughing matter. I have the worst luck.

Ophelia: Are you kidding? You must be living under a lucky star if that happens to you.

Percy: It's awful luck, because I always have to find the rightful owner. It's so hard.

Ophelia: How many times has this happened, Percy?

Percy: I've lost count.

Ophelia: Infinitely incredible. Don't you realize what this means? Fate has chosen you to return lost gold. That makes you a chosen one...just like I am.

Percy: Y-you think I'm a chosen one?

Ophelia: We should make sure. There are trials that can verify it. I'll be glad to help test you, if you want to know if you're truly chosen.

Percy: Yes, yes, yes! Let's get started.

B Support

Ophelia: All right, Percy. Ready for your tests?

Percy: Yes! I need to know if I'm a chosen one!

Ophelia: I've prepared two tests. Both will be impossible for any but a chosen one. Whatever happens, don't give up. Pass them both—then we will know if you're among the chosen.

Percy: I'll do my best. What do I do first?

Ophelia: Listen closely. First... You must draw the maiden's tear from a dark prison of rotten corpses.

Percy: Ew! What?!

Ophelia: Sorry—that was the language of the chosen ones. I'll translate for you. This box contains one white bead among hundreds of black ones. Avert your eyes, put your hand inside, then draw out the single white bead.

Percy: Oh, OK. Here goes... And there's your white one!

Ophelia: Outstanding!

Percy: Ha! Am I a chosen one now?

Ophelia: Eager youth, stay your enthusiosity! You have one more test to pass. This box is full of tongue tormentors from the fiery underworld. Except for the one tongue tantalizer from the sweet heavens. They all look the same. Pull one out, and hope it sends you skyward! You know. Eat the sweet one, not the spicy one.

Percy: I think I'll eat...this one. *munch munch* Oh! Yummy!

Ophelia: You did it? That's impossible.

Percy: So I'm a chosen one, right?

Ophelia: Hmm. We need to be really sure. I think there's a third test. Just give me time to research exactly how to do it. Pass that final test—then you WILL be a chosen one.

Percy: Woohoo! Bring it on, Ophelia!

A Support

Ophelia: Time for your third and final test, Percy.

Percy: And then I'll be a chosen one!

Ophelia: Quite the optimist. I like that about you. Now here's your test. See this box in my hand? Reach in through this hole... And wear it like a mitten as you jump through 20 flaming rings.

Percy: What?! That's impossible!

Ophelia: Yes, of course. But one truly chosen will have no problem with all those hoops. Don't forget though—if that box comes off your hand, you fail the test.

Percy: The box?! I'm bound to catch on fire! How is this a test of my luckiness?

Ophelia: It's a test of chosenness.

Percy: Never mind. I'll give it a try! But you'd better stand by with a pail of water! Now, light up the hoops!

Ophelia: Wait, Percy...

Percy: Do it! I'm ready!

Ophelia: No! Percy, I'm sorry. I just can't go through with it.

Percy: Huh? But you promised to test me.

Ophelia: I can't put a friend in such danger. I'm sorry, Percy.

Percy: Aw, that's OK. The other two tests were fun at least. I guess I'll never know if I'm a chosen one though.

Ophelia: Chosen or not, you're still amazing.

Percy: You think so?

Ophelia: And you're the most dutiful person I know. Besides me.

Percy: I do like doing the right thing. So I guess it doesn't matter if I'm chosen!

Ophelia: I guess we both passed each other's tests—the test of friendship!

Percy: Wow, that's really corny, Ophelia. But I guess it's true!

S Support

Percy: Hi, Ophelia!

Ophelia: What's that you've got behind your back? You find another sack of gold?

Percy: They're some sheets of paper that I found on the ground. They're yours, right?

Ophelia: They are! I've been looking for them everywhere.

Percy: They have all sorts of crazy words on them that I've never seen anywhere else.

Ophelia: Those are my charms and incantations.

Percy: For doing what?

Ophelia: All sorts of things, but if you recite this chant here... you'll have a dream in which the person you'll marry will appear.

Percy: Really?

Ophelia: I guarantee it, although I can't say whether it'll be a good or bad dream.

Percy: I don't want to have a nightmare. Especially not if you're going to be chasing me around like a maniac.

Ophelia: Ha! That's quite a nightmare! Hold on. Why did you say that I would be the one in your dreams?

Percy: Um, well...I dunno!

Ophelia: Oh, don't worry about it then. Hey, Percy. I've got another charm I'd like to try. Can I have your hand?

Percy: My hand? Sure!

Ophelia: Now, watch while I wrap this thread around your pinky finger... and wrap the other end around my pinky finger.

Percy: What does this charm do?

Ophelia: The thread represents fate. And I've just bound us together.

Percy: What?!

Ophelia: Oh, do you want me to undo it? All we need to do is snap the thread.

Percy: No, don't! Wrap some more threads around it, Ophelia, so it never breaks.

Ophelia: Aw, cute! But that's not necessary. Just the one thread does the trick. You can keep it safe until we're old enough to get married, OK? Until then, the friendliest of fates will keep us together, Percy!