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Latest revision as of 06:56, 23 February 2016


C Support

Percy: Good boy, Ace! I know you're a dragon and all, but you sure eat a lot! (dragon roar)

Velouria: You and that dragon are like two peas in a pod, Percy...

Percy: Oh, hello, Velouria! Yeah, Ace and I have been together for a while now. He's not that crazy about other people, but he's a very good boy around me!

Velouria: He has so much energy. Does it ever tire you out to be with him all the time?

Percy: Why would I get tired of spending time with my best friend?

Velouria: Even though you're close, it's probably hard to spend that much time with him. Like, you have to walk on eggshells not to annoy each other...

Percy: What do you mean? Walking on eggshells? With Ace? Hahaha! Velouria, you've got to be kidding!

Velouria: Oh... I guess you're the type who doesn't mind having constant company. Or is it just easier to spend time with a dragon? You probably don't have to mind your manners as much.

Percy: Hmph! It's a little rude when you put it that way. Ace has feelings too!

Velouria: I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking. I really didn't mean to be rude.

Percy: It's OK. All I'm saying is that Ace is the best pal anyone could ever ask for. I'm always happy when I hang out with him. Isn't that how you feel around your friends, Velouria?

Velouria: Sometimes... But I think I'm just more comfortable by myself. Nothing bothersome happens when I'm all alone. And I can do whatever pleases me.

Percy: R-really...? I guess you and me are totally opposites in that way. Friends are the best!

B Support

Velouria: I won't let this opportunity pass me by. But I don't know what to do...

Percy: Hey, Velouria. Say, what are you doing?

Velouria: Take a look up at that treetop.

Percy: Oh, is that a bird's nest up there?

Velouria: That's right. A beautiful bird was living up there until recently... But I think she continued her migration, because the nest is empty now. Now the nest is starting to get worn down by the elements. It's totally misshapen and falling apart. I wonder if the nest still smells like those pretty birds. Or if their scent got carried away in the wind. I want that nest more than anything...

Percy: Oh, I see. So that's why you've been staring up at that tree so intently.

Velouria: The problem is, I don't know how I can get all the way up there. That tree is way too tall to climb.

Percy: Wait... I know just what to do! Let me grab it for you!

Velouria: What? How is that possible?

Percy: Hey, Ace! Come on over here! We've got to fly on up to the top of that tree! (dragon roar)

(Percy leaves)

Velouria: Percy, be careful...

Percy: I got it! This is what you wanted, right?

Velouria: Percy, Ace... Thank you so much. I don't know what to say. I would have just kept watching the nest fall apart without your help.

Percy: It's no problem. We were happy to help. Weren't we, Ace?

Velouria: I want to reward you two for your help. Why don't you smell the nest first? Please, don't hold back.

Percy: That's OK. I think Ace and I are fine.

Velouria: Are you sure? I just know this is going to smell so good... *sniff sniff...* Ahh, that is amazing. I'm so happy now...

Percy: Velouria, you sure are a strange one.

A Support

Percy: Good morning, Velouria!

Velouria: Oh, Percy. I see you and Ace are spending the day together again.

Percy: Of course! Ace and I are best pals!

Velouria: Haha, you two really are inseparable. What are you getting up to today?

Percy: Ace and I were gonna spend some time at the lake in a bit.

Velouria: The lake, huh? That sounds fun... Do you think maybe I could... go with you?

Percy: Of course! That would be great. Why don't we head out now? I gotta say, I'm pretty surprised that you even want to go. That seems unlike you, Velouria. Didn't you say that it's easier to be by yourself?

Velouria: Yes, I did. It is more simple to spend time alone with your thoughts... But sometimes I like company. Depending on the person, of course.

Percy: Oh. So you must like Ace and me then.

Velouria: Yes, I do. You're both very good people.

Percy: Ha ha ha! Velouria, Ace is a dragon!

Velouria: I really appreciate you two getting that nest for me. It was very thoughtful... I feel like you're both my close friends now. I don't really have very many.

Percy: Really? I'm so glad to hear you say that! I feel exactly the same way.

Velouria: Hahaha... Thank you, Percy.

Percy: What are we waiting for? Let's go down to the lake already! I think Ace and I are going to do some swimming. What about you, Velouria?

Velouria: I think I'll look around for some fossils when we get there. Apparently they're buried all around that area. So I'll transform into a wolf and start digging. Hopefully I find something good.

Percy: Wow, really? That's so interesting. Could we maybe search with you?

Velouria: Really? You want to? That sounds like a lot of fun to me.

Percy: Yeah! Let's go track down some fossils!

Velouria: OK!

S Support

Percy: Velouria! There you are!

Velouria: Oh, Percy. Did something happen?

Percy: Look at what I found.

Velouria: Oh, it's the nest of a migratory bird. Wow, I've never seen one that large before. It's clearly gotten a lot of sunlight, huh? Hmm, there's a pleasant smell wafting through the air... *sniff sniff* How did you find this, Percy?

Percy: Ace and I were just riding around and enjoying the sights. Then we found this old nest sitting on top of a roof.

Velouria: Oh, so that's it... You would never be able to see that from the ground. There's no way I could have found it.

Percy: Here! Take it, Velouria!

Velouria: What? I can have this? Thank you so much. This makes me really happy. But I have a question. Why are you giving it to me?

Percy: That was why I took it in the first place. Ace and I were searching for something that you would enjoy.

Velouria: You did all of this just for me?

Percy: Yeah, we did. You're our good friend. Why wouldn't we?

Velouria: Percy, I don't know what to say...

Percy: We just wanted to make you happy. I thought the nest might help.

Velouria: Thank you so much. I'm glad that we've become friends. You're important to me too.

Percy: That's really nice to hear.

Velouria: I will always treasure this bird's nest.

Percy: I'm just glad that you like it.

Velouria: Would you like to join me the next time I go out hunting for treasures, Percy?

Percy: Of course! That would be a ton of fun! But, Velouria... Wouldn't I just get in the way? I don't want to slow you down.

Velouria: No, it would be more enjoyable to search together. I have a feeling that I might find even more goodies if we work together.

Percy: Yeah! Let's go see what we can scrounge. Though I doubt there'll be any treasure better than you, Velouria!

Velouria: Oh, Percy...