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Latest revision as of 06:40, 23 February 2016


C Support

Caeldori: Hah! Hya! Take THAT!!

Siegbert: Very impressive. You really know your way around a naginata.

Caeldori: Siegbert! Hello there. You think so? I didn't think I was doing anything fancy.

Siegbert: Not in so many words, no. But the ease with which you handle your weapon... It's remarkable. Truly.

Caeldori: Ah. It probably only seems so because I've practiced with it since I was little. If you spend enough time doing anything, you'll grow used to it.

Siegbert: Come on, don't be so humble! Your skill is apparent at first sight. And I hear that in addition to your skills with a lance, you are very well educated.

Caeldori: Oh, stop. You're going to make me blush.

Siegbert: No, really. You're very impressive, Caeldori. I see now why everyone calls you genius.

Caeldori: A genius? I'm not so sure about that.

Siegbert: No, no. I'm sure of it. The throne should belong to someone like you...

Caeldori: Pardon? I couldn't hear you.

Siegbert: ...I'm sorry. It's nothing. Please, excuse me. I have some things to attend to.

(Siegbert leaves)

Caeldori: Siegbert looked awfully upset. I hope he's all right.

B Support

Siegbert: Damn it all...

Caeldori: Siegbert? Are you all right?

Siegbert: Hm? Oh, yes. I'm just worried about something. It's silly, really.

Caeldori: Huh? That's not silly. Everyone has worries, you know.

Siegbert: I suppose you're right. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself. Thank you.

Caeldori: Would you like to talk about it? It might make you feel better.

Siegbert: A good point. Very well. I'll take you up on that.

Caeldori: Perfect! So what's wrong?

Siegbert: Well, I've been worried about whether I'm fit to be the king of Nohr someday. When I think of all the things a great leader must be, and then look in the mirror... I find myself...wanting.

Caeldori: In what ways?

Siegbert: A king must be a paragon, capable of leading his people in both war and peace. He must excel at combat, diplomacy, administration, history, and law. And he should know his people intimately... In short: he must be perfect. If he is not, he does not deserve the power vested in him. But I excel nowhere. All around me, I see my superiors in every talent and subject. Nor can I even claim to be well rounded... I am not fit for the throne.

Caeldori: That was quite the speech. This must have been troubling you for a long time. I think that the people would, of course, be happy with a perfect monarch. But they do not expect or need one. Such rulers are the stuff of fairy tales. Even the hero-kings of old were not perfect, whatever the stories. I wouldn't worry so much. There's no such thing as a perfect person.

Siegbert: I'm not so sure about that.

Caeldori: Hm?

Siegbert: To be frank...you appear to be one such person. Someone gifted at everything. You are kind, generous, and bright. You are a fierce warrior and brilliant thinker. Perhaps only very few are gifted with genius such as yours. But...some are. You are proof. And the rest of us are so unlucky as to be only witnesses to it.

Caeldori: ... I see.

Siegbert: I apologize for my outburst...

Caeldori: Good day, Siegbert.

(Caeldori leaves)

Siegbert: Gods, I am such a fool...

A Support

Siegbert: Caeldori?

Caeldori: Siegbert.

Siegbert: I would like to apologize for what I said. About you being gifted with perfection. It was...insensitive of me.

Caeldori: It's fine. It's not as though you were the first to say such things.

Siegbert: It is not fine. You tried to console me in a moment of weakness. But I was paying attention only to my own pain, so much so that I didn't notice yours. It was insulting to say you were simply lucky or gifted. You have worked extremely hard for your skills. I am so sorry. I have failed you as an ally and a friend.

Caeldori: Siegbert... You haven't failed me. If anything, you understand me better than most. Thank you. And, for what it's worth, I think you'll be a great king.

Siegbert: Haha. When you say it, I can almost believe it.

Caeldori: You will be. I'm sure of it. You are capable of perceiving the needs, pains, and desires of others. This is the most important ability a king can have. I believe you will do incredible things.

Siegbert: Thank you, Caeldori. That means a lot to me.

Caeldori: Anytime, my friend.

S Support

Siegbert: Caeldori! May I have a moment?

Caeldori: Hello, Siegbert. How can I help you?

Siegbert: I have a question for you. Do you have any admirers right now?

Caeldori: Huh?! Why should that matter?! It's none of your business!

Siegbert: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend! Let me try again... Heya, Caeldori! I was wondering...is there anyone around camp you fancy? Bah, that's not right either...

Caeldori: Why are you so curious?

Siegbert: Is it a weird thing to ask? I thought friends asked each other about this kind of thing all the time! Hahaha...

Caeldori: You can't just laugh your way out of this one, Siegbert. Why do you want to know?

Siegbert: *gulp* Here.

Caeldori: Is this...a ring?!

Siegbert: Yes. One that's been passed down in my family for generations. I want you to have it.

Caeldori: Wh-what is it for?

Siegbert: It's a gift. I...I want to be with you, Caeldori.

Caeldori: You do? Really?

Siegbert: I'm sorry. I know it must seem like this came from out of nowhere. But I couldn't hide my feelings from you any longer. Will you be with me?

Caeldori: Oh, Siegbert... You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that... The truth is, I feel the same way.

Siegbert: You do?!

Caeldori: Of course I do!

Siegbert: Haha...and to think, I almost gave up hope. Heh. You look a little flustered, Caeldori.

Caeldori: Oh, hush! So do you!

Siegbert: Maybe so...but I never expected to see YOU so red! You're always so calm!

Caeldori: W-well how am I supposed to look?! I never expected...never dreamed... In the past, all of my feelings have gone unrequited... I assumed that this time would be no different...

Siegbert: Well, you need not worry about that. I have eyes only for you, Caeldori.

Caeldori: Thank you, Siegbert... You've made me so happy today.

Siegbert: Here's to our future together! May it be a long and happy one.

Caeldori: To our future!