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Latest revision as of 03:55, 23 February 2016


C Support

Takumi: Can I talk to you, Oboro?

Oboro: Lord Takumi! Did you need something?

Takumi: Last time I was in town, I happened into a big clothing store. Trying a few things on reminded me of how you coordinated my last ceremonial outfit. Everyone complimented me on my style at the time. And I remembered that I never thanked you for that, so...thanks.

Oboro: Oh...you're too kind, Lord Takumi! But selecting outfits is all part of the job of a retainer. Just say the word, and I'll gladly tailor an outfit for you anytime.

Takumi: Really? You can do that too?

Oboro: Of course! Tailoring runs in my family. Though I'm the only one left...

Takumi: Oboro...

Oboro: Sorry! I didn't mean to get mopey. But yeah, bandits killed my parents a while back. I don't think much about the family business these days.

Takumi: You're not harboring some secret desire to become a fashion maven? You don't have to lie about it just because you're my retainer.

Oboro: I would never lie to my lord! I'm happy enough serving you, and I mean that. Now, if I said I had no interest in fashion at all, THAT would be a lie. But I get a thrill out of hearing people say how good I am at selecting your clothes. It shows I haven't lost my touch at making people look good!

Takumi: Well, wait, you make it sound like I don't look good all the time.

Oboro: N-no! That's not what I meant at all! Lord Takumi is the picture of elegance! Very few are innately noble enough to carry off such splendor!

Takumi: ...OK, it sounds fake when you overdo it like that.

Oboro: I'm just telling it like it is! I'm satisfied with whatever I can do to make you look even more dashing.

Takumi: Well...if you say so. I'll need your help again someday, Oboro. Once everything settles down and I have the opportunity to wear something nice.

Oboro: I'd love to help! I've got so many ideas...

Takumi: I'll look forward to seeing what you can come up with.

B Support

Oboro: Aha! Lord Takumi!

Takumi: Hi, Oboro.

Oboro: Quick question about your ceremonial outfit for after the war's over: What do you think of this fabric?

Takumi: You're planning it already? That's a very early start...

Oboro: Hey, I don't take favors personally requested by my lord lightly. Plus, I like thinking about the future, when the war's over. It gives me a fuzzy feeling. Not to mention all eyes would be on any outfit worn to a postwar ceremony. You call it an early start, but I'm already worried I don't have enough time!

Takumi: In that case, let's see this fabric. Hmm...this looks perfect to me. I like the texture, and the sheen on it. It gets the Takumi seal of approval.

Oboro: Great! Now that the fabric's decided, I'll get back to you on the color.

Takumi: Please do.

Oboro: ...

Takumi: Hm? You fell silent all of a sudden.

Oboro: Oh, uh...it's nothing.

Takumi: Were you thinking about your parents? Does it make you sad working on clothes, since they were tailors too?

Oboro: Oh, that's not it. I mean, yes, I was thinking about my parents, but... I thought that my parents would be proud to see me fitting Hoshidan royalty...

Takumi: I'm sure they're both smiling down on their daughter from above.

Oboro: I hope so. Heh, it's weird, though.

Takumi: What is?

Oboro: It's just very unlike you to shower praise on people. In fact, I don't know if I've ever seen you be this kind to anyone! What's next? Will foxes start sitting on hens' eggs?

Takumi: Is that really how I...

Oboro: Hahaha, I was kidding! I'll accept your compliments in the spirit you meant them.

(Oboro leaves)

Takumi: Hrmph...

A Support

Takumi: Oboro.

Oboro: Lord Takumi? Oh, is this about your outfit?

Takumi: What makes you think that?

Oboro: I'm your retainer. I know your moods pretty well by now.

Takumi: I'm impressed...or I would be, if I actually was coming to you about my outfit.

Oboro: You weren't? Then what's this about?

Takumi: I've been boasting about your talent for fashion lately... And I've had many requests to get you to coordinate an outfit.

Oboro: R-really?

Takumi: What do you think? Will you take on the work?

Oboro: Heck yes! I'd love to!

Takumi: I thought you might. I'll collect the details and pass them along next time I see you. Are you excited?

Oboro: Y-yes! But what made you tell everyone about me?

Takumi: You mentioned your interest in fashion. You also said that you were perfectly happy working for me. So I thought I'd arrange things so you could do both at once... You'd still be my retainer while taking on tailoring work in your free time.

Oboro: Lord Takumi... I never knew you cared. This is more than I could have dreamed of!

Takumi: Isn't it normal to care about your subjects' well-being? If you don't like the idea, I can always tell everyone you're too busy.

Oboro: No no no! I'd be delighted! Thank you so much, Lord Takumi.

Takumi: You're very welcome.

Oboro: I'm so lucky to be your retainer. It's an honor to have such a kind master.

S Support

Oboro: Um... Lord Takumi?

Takumi: What's wrong, Oboro?

Oboro: It's about those people who wanted me to pick out outfits for them...

Takumi: Oh, right! I did my best to spread the word of how good you are. People are probably dying by now to have THE Oboro help them with their wardrobe. It worked out well, huh? Your fashion sideline is a guaranteed success!

Oboro: Um...so...about that. I'm REALLY sorry, but...could you tell all those people it's not happening?

Takumi: What?! Why? Everybody was excited to see what you would pick out for them. Myself included!

Oboro: Well...I... Ummm... *sob*

Takumi: Oboro, is something wrong?

Oboro: I'm so sorry, Lord Takumi. This is totally my fault! And I count myself lucky to have a master like you... But when you're this nice to me, it makes it hard to control my feelings for you. I don't think I'll be a very good retainer as long as I can't hide them.

Takumi: Oboro! Are you saying...?

Oboro: I... I love you, Lord Takumi. I've loved you for a long time...

Takumi: Oboro, I—

Oboro: I know that it's unacceptable for a retainer to feel this way about her master. Especially for the retainer to a prince. I'm way below your station. And since I'm no good to you anymore, I'm going to bow out quietly.

Takumi: So you're declining all the fashion requests AND stepping down as my retainer?

Oboro: Yes... A retainer like me will only bring you trouble, Lord Takumi.

Takumi: *sigh* That's very disappointing to hear.

Oboro: I know. And I'm sorry.

Takumi: Not about you leaving. But you seriously thought I didn't know how you felt about me?

Oboro: ...What?

Takumi: I knew almost since you started that you were interested in me.

Oboro: You...you did?!

Takumi: And it's a good thing you are, because I love you too. I had hoped you'd be my bride someday.

Oboro: L-L-Lord Takumi?

Takumi: So don't worry about it, Oboro. Our relationship isn't in jeopardy. It's OK for you to think of me as the only one for you—that's how I think of you too.

Oboro: I just...I never thought you'd...

Takumi: It's all right. Dry those eyes. I wanted you to be your own woman even after we got married. That's why I was helping to get your fashion business off the ground. So please reconsider. Stay with me, and help all your new clients dress their best.

Oboro: *sniff* Y-yeah...that would be amazing! *sob*

Takumi: Good. Let's not hear any more nonsense about quitting everything, OK? I'm sorry I didn't say something sooner. But starting today, we'll work together to bring about peace and fulfill your dreams.

Oboro: I...I can't believe this. I'll never leave your side, Lord Takumi! Not ever! Let me stay with you until the day I die!

Takumi: Definitely. I wouldn't have it any other way.