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Latest revision as of 04:55, 20 February 2016


C Support

Kana(M): Hey, Papa? Can I talk to you about something?

Arthur: Of course, my child! What is it you require?

Kana(M): It's Mama. I feel like she's always treating me like a child.

Arthur: Ha! Well of course! You ARE her boy, after all. And you aren't that old yet. I was there when you were born, and I've been keeping a close eye on your age!

Kana(M): I know, I know. I just mean I'm not as young as I used to be. I want to help out with stuff too. But whenever I try, she just tells me to go play with my friends instead.

Arthur: Ah, I see. You want some responsibilities of your own, huh?

Kana(M): Yeah! I want to show her that she can count on me. Can you think of any special things I could do for her?

Arthur: Hm. I can't think of anything in particular... Usually I just try to be as heroic for her as possible on a daily basis! You know—chase brigands, assist her in battle, iron her clothes. Not many know this, but wrinkles are second only to pirates in villainy.

Kana(M): And that makes her happy?

Arthur: Of course! Have you never felt the bliss of donning freshly pressed formal wear?

Kana(M): Oh...

Arthur: Hm? You look like you wish to say something, Kana.

Kana(M): Those are all special Papa gifts, right? I can't just copy you... Oh, I know! Let's have a contest, Papa!

Arthur: A contest?

Kana(M): Yeah! We'll have a contest to see which of us can make Mama happier! Between the two of us, I'm sure we can come up with all sorts of things! Whoever Mama thanks the most wins!

Arthur: A little father-son competition, eh? Very well. A hero never turns down a challenge!

Kana(M): Really? Yay!

Arthur: But remember! I am Avatar's beloved. I am the other half of her heart! And, most importantly, I am a Hero of JUSTICE! Besting me will not be easy, I can tell you that!

Kana(M): That's OK with me, Papa. I'm gonna beat you fair and square!

Arthur: Now that's what I like to hear! May the most heroic, just Hero of Justice win!

B Support

Kana(M): Hey, Papa! I've been making a ton of progress on our contest! How about you?

Arthur: Well, I haven't done anything special yet, but I've still received a number of thanks! I have a tally right here. Take a look!

Kana(M): WOW! That's a lot! You got all these already?

Arthur: Yes. I was surprised as well. I must do more for your mother than I had thought. This tally brings tears to my eyes. It is the living proof of our love's power. To think the bond between us was so strong!

Kana(M): Hmph... Well, I'm still not gonna lose! Here, see! I recorded all mine too! And the total is...um...

Arthur: H-how can this be?! You have the same number as I do!

Kana(M): I do? I do! Haha! Kana's gonna beat you big-time, Papa! I don't have to work like you, so I can spend all day helping her!

Arthur: By her side at all times of day, eh? Thattaboy! And what deeds have you been performing in her service?

Kana(M): Mostly I've been trying to help out around camp! I spend each morning making arrows for the fletchers. Then, at lunch, I slice the bear meat and hand out the food to the soldiers. Oh, and at night I make sure the mounts are all fed and outfitted for the next day. Plus I do a bunch of other little things whenever I have the time!

Arthur: My, my... That's quite a lot of work for someone your age. You really have been growing up, haven't you?

Kana(M): Huh?

Arthur: Oh, just a thought. It wasn't so long ago you were still in your swaddling clothes. Now, all of a sudden, you're making real, important contributions to the army. Maybe I've been treating you like too much of a child too.

Kana(M): Heehee! Yeah, I've been working real hard. Soon there'll be nothing I can't do!

Arthur: I believe it! And I bet your mother is very proud of you for all your hard work.

Kana(M): I hope so. And I'm gonna work even harder for her tomorrow!

Arthur: Heh. Guess I can't afford to get careless. Prepare for the taste of defeat, Kana!

A Support

Kana(M): *grumble*

Arthur: Hey, Kana.

Kana(M): Hi, Papa...

Arthur: What's wrong? I'd expected you to still be exulting over your little victory the other day. Or has beating your old man already lost its charm?

Kana(M): Oh, no. I'm still happy about that, I guess. It's just that I was trying to do things for Mama earlier, and she made me stop. She said I should be spending more time playing around with my friends. She still thinks I'm just a kid. Haven't I shown her I'm old enough to help out around camp?

Arthur: Ah, so that's it. I wouldn't worry. It's not you. You're doing good work, I promise.

Kana(M): Then why doesn't she want me to help with anything?

Arthur: I think your mother knows full well you're capable of handling the work. But seeing you acting so grown up makes her feel sad.

Kana(M): Huh? Why?

Arthur: Well, she doesn't want to lose her baby boy. She is very, very proud that you're growing up and working so hard. But at the same time, she's worried it means you won't need her anymore. It's a little contradictory, but it's true. Parents can be funny like that.

Kana(M): So...what should I do?

Arthur: I'd say to keep doing things around camp, but don't work yourself so hard. Take breaks to see your friends, play games, go on heroic quests! And try to spend some quality time with your mother every now and then. Think you can handle that?

Kana(M): But...

Arthur: What? You don't want to spend time with your mother?

Kana(M): No, that's not it! It's just...I feel like that stuff is for babies.

Arthur: No, Kana, it's not for babies. It's for children. And your mother wants you to stay a child for just a little while longer. We both do.

Kana(M): Papa...

Arthur: Kana, we know that you're growing and that you want more responsibilities. And we know that you're going to grow up to be a fine young man someday. But for now...take it easy. Don't try to grow up too quickly.

Kana(M): OK. Thanks, Papa. I'll think real hard about everything you've said.

Arthur: Good! You know... I think it would be good if you spent the night in with your mother. I'll go talk to her about it now.

Kana(M): Wait! What about you?

Arthur: Huh? Me? No, I've got to head to town—

Kana(M): But, Papa! Don't you need a break sometimes too? And don't you want Mama and me to be happy?

Arthur: W-well, when you put it that way... All right, all right. I'll stay in with you two.

Kana(M): Yaaay!

Arthur: Heh. A night in with the family, eh? I think I could get used to this...