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Latest revision as of 15:13, 19 February 2016


C Support

Mozu: Now what should I do with these veggies? Boil them? Ooh, or I could pickle them! Gosh, just thinking about all I could do is making me tingly inside.

Avatar: Hi, Mozu! You seem to be in high spirits. G-goodness, that's a tall stack of boxes. Are all of those filled with produce?

Mozu: Sure are!

Avatar: You seem to have your hands full. Can I help you with those?

Mozu: Sure! Just be careful. I don't want any of these precious babies getting bruised.

Avatar: OK, one...two...three... Lift! GAH! T-too...heavy... Oh, my back!

Mozu: Yipes! Just set it down careful, and I'll take care of it! Whew... You had me going there. You're weaker than you look, Lady Avatar...

Avatar: I don't think it's that I'm weak, so much as that you're shockingly strong...

Mozu: Just what're you implying?!

Avatar: Sorry, I meant it as a compliment. No offense intended. Where did you get all these vegetables, anyway?

Mozu: From a village I visited a little while back. I helped some of the grannies on the farm there and made a few new friends!

Avatar: Haha, that's always nice.

Mozu: I worked the fields every day back home, so I'm used to putting in some elbow grease. Hmm...

Avatar: Mozu? Is something wrong?

Mozu: Nah, it's nothing...

Avatar: Do you miss your old life?

Mozu: Course not! The very idea! I'm grateful for all you did for me, Lady Avatar. And you know I'm no weakling, so don't worry about me, OK?

Avatar: Point well taken...

Mozu: A-anyway, what should we make with all these veggies? Maybe I should go around and ask people what kinds of things they'd want. See you, Lady Avatar!

(Mozu leaves)

Avatar: Mozu...I don't think there's anything that can stop me from worrying about you.

B Support

Avatar: You really opened my eyes, Mozu. I never knew you were such a good hunter.

Mozu: Aw, you're flattering me. Farm work and hunting is all I've ever been good at.

Avatar: What sort of animals did you used to hunt?

Mozu: Well, a nice big boar was always welcome when you'd bring it back to the village. They're good eating, and you can put most parts of it to use. They're pretty rowdy, though, so they're not easy hunting. Around my village, you weren't a real hunter until you'd bagged yourself a boar.

Avatar: Did you ever get one?

Mozu: Surely did! On my first try, too! I forgot my bow though, so I had to finish it off with a knife.

Avatar: Just a knife?!

Mozu: Yep. My fondest memory of hunting, though, isn't boars. It's bears.

Avatar: B-bears?! You caught a bear on your own?!

Mozu: Surely did.

Avatar: How did you manage that?! Their sharp claws...their immense size...!

Mozu: Oh, those aren't the things you gotta worry about. It's their smarts.

Avatar: No...no, I'd still be most intimidated by their size, I think...

Mozu: They can dodge arrows and track you with their powerful noses. They're some real tough prey. This old man in our village was good at hunting them, though. He had some technique that'd been passed down over generations. I really looked up to him and tried to figure out his moves for myself. Man, that really takes me back...

Avatar: Mozu...

Mozu: Aww, there I go again! I gotta stop thinking about that stuff.

Avatar: I have a suggestion... You're good at farming and hunting, but why not try something new?

Mozu: Something new?

Avatar: Maybe I could teach you something I know a lot about as thanks for your help hunting.

Mozu: What do you got in mind?

Avatar: Heh heh... That's for me to know, and you to look forward to!

Mozu: Hm... Now you've got me curious!

A Support

Mozu: Lady Avatar... What are we doing here?

Avatar: Welcome to the world of the mind, Mozu!

Mozu: The what now?

Avatar: Academia! The list of things you could learn is endless. The history of the world, taxonomy of species, grammar, literature, science... I'm ready to tutor you in a wide range of subjects!

Mozu: Like school...?

Avatar: I thought you might have missed out on a formal education growing up. So this seemed like a good opportunity for you to study something new.

Mozu: Isn't that stuff for nobles? I don't know if I'm cut out for it...

Avatar: Don't worry about it. I might not be the best teacher in the world... But I think you have the makings of a great student. You can already do so many things that I can't!

Mozu: There IS a lot in this world I've always wondered about... We just didn't have anybody back on the farm who could teach us.

Avatar: I might be hopeless at growing or catching my own food... But as a member of your new family, I want to do this for you.

Mozu: New family?

Avatar: Yes. I know you miss what you had, and that's natural. But I want you to consider all of us here with you now your new family. If you ever need support or a helping hand, I hope you'll turn to us.

Mozu: Lady Avatar... *sniff*

Avatar: Mozu?! What's wrong? Was it something I said?

Mozu: *sniffle* No, silly... These are the first happy tears I've ever cried. Thanks a whole lot, Lady Avatar. I can come visit you and all the other folks when I start to feel lonely?

Avatar: Of course you can.

Mozu: Thank you so much.