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Latest revision as of 15:06, 19 February 2016


C Support

Asugi: Ah, mission accomplished. I got a ton of useful information tonight. Today's undercover work was riskier than usual. I almost got caught this time. Almost doesn't count though, heh heh. Time to share what I learned and go relax.

Avatar: Asugi! You're finally home...

Asugi: M-Mom?! Shouldn't you be asleep? It's really late.

Avatar: I realize that. But I'll stay up as late as it takes to see you home safely.

Asugi: I'm fine, Mom. It's an early morning tomorrow. You should be asleep!

Avatar: I try, but it's no use. I lie awake worrying about you.

Asugi: Look, I get sent out on these recon trips because I'm good at them. We all risk our lives when we're out on our missions, and I'm no different.

Avatar: Solo missions are different, though. I don't like that you put yourself in such danger without any support.

Asugi: I told you, I'm fine. I do what I have to, and that's the end of it. If you stay up all night, you'll just be a liability to all of us tomorrow.

Avatar: That's not fair, Asugi. Don't think you can get out of discussing this.

Asugi: Look, it's late. I'm exhausted. We should both get some rest.

Avatar: ...All right. But this is not over.

B Support

Asugi: ... I've successfully infiltrated the enemy base. Piece of cake! (Mmm...cake.) Now to scope out what the leaders here are up to. They've been acting suspicious. If I can just find some evidence that they're planning something...

Avatar: I suggest saving that heavily guarded building to the right for last, just in case.

Asugi: WHAA—?! What...? MOM?! What in the name of all that is sweet and holy are you doing here?

Avatar: I heard you trying to sneak out, and so I thought I'd tag along.

Asugi: Wh-why would you follow me? This place is dangerous!

Avatar: I told you. You need support on these hazardous missions, so I'm volunteering.

Asugi: You shouldn't be here, Mom. This is MY mission, not yours!

Avatar: What does it matter, so long as it's accomplished? If anything, that should be easier with two of us attacking the problem.

Asugi: SHH! Be quiet!

Avatar: Mmrph...!

Asugi: Not another word! The enemy patrol is heading this way...

Avatar: Fine...

Asugi: *sigh* OK, they're gone. Gods, my heart is racing. I was certain they'd spotted us.

Avatar: Haha, I doubt it. They never came anywhere near our position.

Asugi: Geez, Mom. I know parents like to bond with their kids, but this is overkill!

Avatar: There's no such thing as overkill when it comes to looking after my son.

Asugi: Ugh, enough is enough. I can't think straight when you're here. This whole mission is a bust. Let's go.

Avatar: Er...what happened to the suspicious leaders? The enemy plans?

Asugi: Come on, Mom. I know a shortcut back. It's time to go home.

Avatar: But the moon's just set. We have plenty of time to finish things here.

Asugi: It's over. Come on, let's hurry back.

Avatar: Well, it's your mission, I suppose...

A Support

Avatar: What are we tackling tonight? Troop movements? Message interception?

Asugi: ... WE are not going anywhere. You're not coming along.

Avatar: I insist, Asugi. I won't stay home while you put yourself in danger.

Asugi: Mom, you're being unreasonable. Don't you trust me?

Avatar: My trust in you won't help me much if they have to carry you back in several pieces. I'm your mother. The unreasonable thing is you asking me not to worry. I'm a powerful warrior in my own right. Why shouldn't I help my son?

Asugi: We each have our own part to play in this war, Mom. I'm a ninja, so I fulfill the roles that my training has prepared me for. When you follow me, it puts us both in very real danger. Instead of focusing on the mission, I can only think of protecting you.

Avatar: I meant well, Asugi. It's just...

Asugi: ...

Avatar: How would I live with myself if you were caught on one of these solo missions? It tortures me to do less than I possibly could for you...!

Asugi: Mom... Look, this is embarrassing, so I'm only going to say it once.

Avatar: Oh?

Asugi: When I got back from my mission that one night and I saw you waiting up for me... I was so happy.

Avatar: Really?

Asugi: Really. It made me realize that I had a real home to come back to. Knowing you're out there, waiting for me, makes me desperate to make it back home. No matter how much danger I'm in or what I have to do to make it back safely... I always will. I will always, always come back home to you.

Avatar: Asugi...

Asugi: That's why I need you to stay here. My home is wherever YOU are. I can't do what I do without knowing that I have a loving home waiting for me. As long as you're here, safe and happy, I'll never lose heart.

Avatar: ... All right. If that's really how you feel, then I'll restrain myself. I want you to be alive, mind you, but I also want you to be happy.

Asugi: Mom... Thank you. You don't know what that means to me.

Avatar: There's still the problem of what I'll do instead of sleeping, but I have one idea. How about if I prepare your favorite foods for you? You're hungry when you get home, I'm sure.

Asugi: That...would be AMAZING!

Avatar: It's a deal. You'll be sure to come home, and I'll be sure you're properly welcomed.

Asugi: Thanks, Mom. I love you.