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Latest revision as of 15:05, 19 February 2016


C Support

Anna: ...

Avatar: What's wrong, Anna? You were smiling a moment ago.

Anna: Huh? I was smiling?

Avatar: What? You don't remember? Just a minute ago, you were showing me a bunch of different goods. And I told you that I didn't need anything... But you gave me some expensive makeup and said I could pay when I had the money.

Anna: I... I didn't do that.

Avatar: I'm telling you, you did! I refused again, but you said, "You can pay the interest with King Garon's signature." And then you happily skipped off, shouting, "I'm gonna make bank today!"

Anna: That sounds like me, but... I swear it wasn't.

Avatar: Huh? What do you mean?

Anna: It was probably one of my sisters. I have quite a few of them, and we all have the same name, same looks, and same job. My sisters live all over the world, so it wouldn't be odd to run into one of them.

Avatar: I don't even...

Anna: You wanted to know what's wrong, right? I was worrying about those very sisters. I can understand why we look alike, but why were we all named the same? I'm strongly considering doing some rebranding and changing my name.

Avatar: I...can't say I blame you.

B Support

Avatar: Anna, you're looking rather glum again... Err... I suppose I should ask first, but are you...our...Anna? You're the Anna who was thinking about changing her name, right?

Anna: Yeah, don't worry. I'm that Anna.

Avatar: Oh good. I didn't want to make that mistake twice.

Anna: Thanks for double-checking. Ughhhh...

Avatar: That was a pretty big sigh.

Anna: There'd be no need for you to check who I am if I could decide on a new name. But I just can't come up with one. Nothing I think of feels like it really fits. Do you have any good ideas? I'd pay really well for your best ones. ...Wait, I don't want to waste my gold. How about King Garon's signature instead?

Avatar: Eh, no thanks. I really don't need my father's signature. Besides, I don't think he'd give you one to give me, even if you asked nicely.

Anna: I...I suppose you're right. Awwww, why is this so hard? I want a name that captures my personality! Something that is unique to me and me alone.

Avatar: Something that captures you and your personality... How about Goldy...or Casha? Or maybe Sellma, or Salestia?

Anna: Those certainly fit me, but I can't say I'd like to be called any of them. Besides, all my sisters could fit those, too.

Avatar: Hmm... This really isn't easy... I wonder if your parents had a hard time deciding too.

Anna: Huh?

Avatar: I would think it'd be really inconvenient to give all your children the same name...

Anna: You're right... I wonder why they did that... I'm going to think about it for a little bit.

Avatar: Let me know if you figure it out!

A Support

Anna: Oh, Avatar!

Avatar: Anna, did something good happen? You look like a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

Anna: It has! I've decided to stick with the name Anna.

Avatar: I'm happy for you! But why the change of heart?

Anna: After we talked, I started to think about my childhood and living with all my sisters. Then I realized something amazing. You might not believe it... Whenever my parents needed one of us, they'd just yell our name... But only the Anna they meant to call would respond.

Avatar: Huh? What do you mean?

Anna: The way my parents said our names would change ever so slightly. Anna only has four letters, but there are actually a lot of different ways to say it. We were able to train ourselves to listen for the differences. Here, it'll make more sense to you if I show you how it's done. Say my name in a few different ways.

Avatar: All right... Anna.

Anna: ...

Avatar: And I guess... Anna.

Anna: ... You need to raise that last part. Go up when you say the "na."

Avatar: Er...OK. Anna.

Anna: That's it! Right there! That's me! My parents would say my name by slightly raising the "na" at the end. That's precisely why it shows my personality. I think compared to my sisters, I'm a bit more determined to succeed.

Avatar: I don't quite...

Anna: Maybe my parents named me... with the belief that I would never give up on a goal, no matter what. That I'd always try to end anything that I did on a high note, like my name! When I think of it that way, I'm certain I can continue being Anna. I still don't know why my parents gave us all the same name, though. Regardless, thanks for sticking with me on this, Avatar.

Avatar: I'm glad things worked out for you, Anna.

Anna: I wouldn't have found my way if it wasn't for your help. Would you like a signature from King Garon as a reward?

Avatar: ...No thanks. I'm good.