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C Support

Avatar: Have a moment, Orochi?

Orochi: I live to serve, Lord/Lady Avatar.

Avatar: I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about my mother.

Orochi: Lady Mikoto—a remarkable woman. I'd be delighted to share my memories of her.

Avatar: I barely had a chance to get to know my mother. So little time, because of what I... Hmm. Anyway, could you share some stories about her?

Orochi: Trust me when I say she wouldn't have blamed you for what happened. And she'd be saddened if you blamed yourself, Lord/Lady Avatar. But yes, a story—a funny one! That's what we need.

Avatar: She seemed so graceful. You know funny stories about her?

Orochi: Oh, she was endlessly hilarious. One time, I recall catching her swimming— with her slippers on! She'd forget she had two chopsticks in hand—and eat with four! Some might say she was absentminded. Not I. She was a dreamer of dreams. So what if Lady Mikoto had her silly mishaps. We loved her for it.

Avatar: Please, go on.

Orochi: Once she sat cross-legged for so long, her legs went to sleep. And I am talking a DEEP sleep! She stood up before the court—and careened right into a fountain!

Avatar: I wish I could have been there. Er, at least to help her out of the water.

Orochi: Your mother was truly unique, like a wise sage and an accidental jester. She had the sweetest voice, but the things she would say... Honestly, that dear woman—she really was a hoot.

Avatar: Thanks, Orochi. That's exactly what I needed to hear right now.

B Support

Orochi: Hello there, Lord/Lady Avatar.

Avatar: Oh, Orochi! Thank you for sharing those funny stories about my mother last time.

Orochi: I fear I made her out to be a buffoon. Far from the truth.

Avatar: You did no such thing. You revealed a side I would never have known.

Orochi: But she had many facets. That woman was a gem. I'd like to tell you about the side of her that was kindness itself.

Avatar: I'm all ears.

Orochi: She was kind enough to treat me with the greatest respect. My family has long served as diviners at the royal palace. But we'd been treated very poorly.

Avatar: I can't believe that. Really?

Orochi: We diviners tell as many bad fortunes as good, which can make us unpopular.

Avatar: How unjust. To speak the truth, and be blamed for it?

Orochi: Indeed. But my fate was changed when I met Lady Mikoto. She treated me like her own daughter. No matter what fortunes I told her.

Avatar: A rare soul, I guess.

Orochi: The rarest! Why, once I saw enemies outside the palace... I rushed at them, tried to drive them off by myself, and got hurt badly. She wept at my bedside that night, and many nights after that. Once I got better, Lady Mikoto said I must never run off like that again. To make sure that I didn't, she made me one of her personal attendants.

Avatar: She sounds like perfection.

Orochi: Lady Mikoto was so kind, being in her presence was like basking in the sun.

Avatar: A beautiful memory. Thank you for sharing it.

Orochi: Of course. Now if you'll excuse me, Lord/Lady Avatar... Th-those are all the memories that Orochi has in her right now.

A Support

Orochi: Ah, Lord/Lady Avatar. May I share one last thought about your mother?

Avatar: Of course. Your tales are like pearls, Orochi.

Orochi: As I have said, she had many facets. Funny, kind, wise, brilliant... ...... And also dark.

Avatar: Oh?

Orochi: She usually shone, one way or another, no matter when you saw her. But then I'd catch her alone, a shadow in her features... She fell into dark spells, and I believe she was always thinking of...

Avatar: Me.

Orochi: Yes, you—or so I believe. She was agonizing over the loss of her son/daughter. Before her people, and at court, she was always bright as the sun. Yet she was unafraid to show this troubled side to me and Kagero.

Avatar: My poor mother...

Orochi: I wasn't sure whether to tell you. It's not a happy memory. And yet, in a way, it is. That was the side of her that loved you—missed you—deeply.

Avatar: Th-thank you, Orochi. I suspect no one knew her quite as well as you. That side of her, I feel it too. But in the darkness is love. I must do what I can to defend all those she also feared losing.

Orochi: I know she'd want you to take heart from all this loss.

Avatar: You're among those she held most dearly, Orochi.

Orochi: Perhaps. In any case, I loved Lady Mikoto very much. She was like a mother to me. So, of course, I feel very close to you. I hope I...haven't overstepped.

Avatar: Of course not, Orochi. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Orochi: My pleasure.