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Latest revision as of 14:37, 19 February 2016


C Support

Laslow: Ugh...no luck today either...

Peri: Awww... Shot down again, Laslow?

Laslow: Peri...

Peri: You didn't say anything mean to that girl you were with, did you?

Laslow: I don't think so. I was just chatting her up like normal. Honestly, until she stomped off, I thought I was being pretty smooth. I still haven't gotten anywhere with a single, solitary girl...

Peri: Really? Maybe you could threaten to kill them if they don't talk to you! That'd get their attention!

Laslow: P-probably, but... I don't want to be the kind of creep who coerces a girl into having tea.

Peri: Hmm... I know! I'll have tea with you!

Laslow: Really?

Peri: Yep! You're a cool guy, after all.

Laslow: I am?!

Peri: Teehee, you're beet red! Have you struck out with EVERY girl you try to talk to?

Laslow: Not so loud! It's embarrassing!

Peri: OK, I'll shush! I don't wanna get on my buddy Laslow's bad side!

Laslow: Peri...is there something I should know? You keep saying how cool I am and what good friends we are.

Peri: Well, sure! We're partners. Just a couple of pals who work for Lord Xander!

Laslow: Oh, OK.

Peri: But I like you as a person too. 'Cause you kill loads of people!

Laslow: Wh...what?

Peri: I can tell when someone's killed before. They smell like blood. It's a nice, relaxing scent! That's why I get along so well with you!

Laslow: Uhhh...?

Peri: Come on—let's go get that tea! We need to hurry back to Lord Xander afterward.

Laslow: Ow, my arm! Don't tug so hard!

B Support

Peri: Oh, hi, Laslow! I had a blast at our tea party the other day!

Laslow: Yeah, it was fun, wasn't it?

Peri: Next time you wanna get tea, make sure to invite me!

Laslow: Definitely. One thing, though. Over tea, you were talking about killing your servants. Did that really happen?

Peri: Oh, that? Yep! Back home in the mansion, whenever I got mad, THWACK! There'd be so much blood! It was amazing!

Laslow: P-Peri! That's horrible!

Peri: It is? How come?

Laslow: Those servants took care of you, right? It's wrong to kill people who haven't done anything to you.

Peri: Huuuuh? What's wrong about it? You kill lots of people!

Laslow: Yeah, but...I had to. If I hadn't killed them, then they'd have killed me! Your servants weren't trying to murder you, were they?

Peri: You're making this too complicated. Do you always think about hard stuff like this when you fight?

Laslow: Yeah, I try to. Even my enemies probably have families and friends who'd mourn their deaths. Have you never thought about the ones who care about the people you kill? About how sad they must be now that their loved one is dead?

Peri: Hmm...I dunno... Feels like I wouldn't be too good at fighting if I thought about all that!

Laslow: But that's... Nah, we can talk about it later. Sorry, but I'm gonna go for now.

(Laslow leaves)

Peri: Whaaaaat? Why?! Wait up! ... *sniffle* He ditched me! Stupid Laslow! Were they sad when their loved ones died? I...um...

A Support

Peri: Laslow...

Laslow: What is it, Peri?

Peri: That stuff you were saying before? About how it must feel to lose a family member? I realized I know what that's like.

Laslow: Really?

Peri: Yep. My mommy was killed when I was little.

Laslow: What?!

Peri: I remember finding her lying there, covered in blood, on the floor of our kitchen. At first I thought someone had spilled a lot of tomato juice. ...It was one of the servants. He loved my mommy so much, he wanted to keep her forever for himself.

Laslow: Th-that's awful...!

Peri: They punished that servant, of course. But I was little, and all the butlers and maids looked the same to me. I felt like the one who killed my mommy was still there with us in the mansion. So whenever I got upset, I'd take it out on one of them. THWACK! My daddy knew—he'd watch me do it—but he never said it was wrong.

Laslow: ...

Peri: When almost all the servants were gone, I decided to leave home. People told me how good I was at killing in battle, and I started to really like it. I forgot all about my mommy. But after you mentioned it, I thought about it a little bit. All that probably happened because I was sad. There were never any good smells from the kitchen after she died. I never had my mommy's cooking again...

Laslow: I'm so sorry!

Peri: Eep! Laslow! Why are you hugging me?

Laslow: I had no idea, Peri! I shouldn't have said you wouldn't understand what it's like to be left behind. It must have been so awful for you! I mean, it sounds like you tried to block it all.

Peri: Laslow? Are you crying?

Laslow: No, Peri. I think that's you.

Peri: Wow...you're right... Real tears... This is a first...!

Laslow: Cry all you want. It's OK. Your mother lives in you, even now.

Peri: Really? That's great! Speaking of Mommy's cooking, I can make it now! Is that 'cause she's inside of me?

Laslow: Yes. And the same goes for me. I can dance just the way my mother did. They passed on the things that were most important to them.

Peri: Neat! We're two of a kind! That must be why we're partners.

Laslow: So as your partner, I have a favor to ask. Can you take a moment before you kill someone? Remember how you felt when your mother died. Think about if they deserve that.

Peri: OK... I might not remember all the time, but I'll try to think about it.

Laslow: Thank you, Peri.

Peri: Hehehe! I feel better after a good cry! You really are my best friend, Laslow!

S Support

Peri: Laslow! Look what I did!

Laslow: What's with the mountain of food?

Peri: I made it all myself! It's a thank-you for listening to my story the other day. It's my mommy's recipe!

Laslow: Wow, really? Thanks! Well then, pardon me while I dig in!

Peri: Well? Whaddaya think?

Laslow: It's really good! The flavor's not too overpowering... I could eat this for days. I'd heard you were a good cook, but you could turn pro with this!

Peri: Teehee! I bet that's bumped up your opinion of me a couple notches!

Laslow: Not really. I thought you were great before, and I still do. I'm not sure you realize how much I like you, Peri.

Peri: Huh? You mean...?

Laslow: Yeah. You're not just a capable partner; you're a wonderful woman. I love you, Peri.

Peri: Oh my gosh, really?! That's so weird! I feel the same way about YOU!

Laslow: What would you think about us getting married?

Peri: M-married? To you? Whoa... If I was married, I could be a mommy someday too!

Laslow: And...I'd be a dad...

Peri: Heeheehee! Your face is all pink! I thought it's the bride who's supposed to blush!

Laslow: Very funny. I just think we could be really happy together as husband and wife.

Peri: Yep! Me too! I'd love to marry you! I'm going to feed our kids tons of yummy food! Just like my mommy used to make! Oh, hmm. Our kids might think I'm weird if I talk like this, huh?

Laslow: What do you mean?

Peri: I still talk like a little girl. I haven't changed since my mommy died!

Laslow: Oh... You know, I'd love to hear the way you'd sound as an adult sometime.

Peri: Really? 'Cause I've been practicing! Wanna see? OK, deep breath... You're important to me, Laslow. I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else.

Laslow: Peri...

Peri: Whoooaaa, that was weird, heehee! How about if I stick to my normal self?

Laslow: Well, you can't force yourself to change. I thought you sounded good just now, but I like your regular voice too.

Peri: Awww, you're too kind! Now you're making ME blush.

Laslow: That makes us a matched set, huh?

Peri: See! This is why we're partners!

Laslow: In battle, and in life, right?

Peri: Yep! We're going to be the best mommy and daddy ever!