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Latest revision as of 09:56, 19 February 2016


C Support

Shiro: Hey, Mom. Do you feel like doing something today?

Camilla: Why do you ask? What's gotten into you?

Shiro: Well, we didn't get to spend much time together when I was growing up, right? Maybe now we can make up for that with some mom-son bonding time!

Camilla: What a wonderful idea. I can't really think of anything right now, though. But thank you. Honestly, your feelings alone mean the world to me.

Shiro: How can we bond if you don't want to hang out with me? I mean, I can't spend time with Dad. He's always preoccupied with the war. I guess you don't see him much either. Has he ever given you a gift or anything?

Camilla: Shiro, your father is not like that.

Shiro: Well, I'm not like HIM! I want you to know how special you are, Mom. Come on. Please! Can't you think of something you would like to do?

Camilla: Heehee.

Shiro: Wh-why are you laughing at me?!

Camilla: You're so quick to try and compare yourself to him. It's just silly. He would be terribly upset to hear you going on like this. Listen, all you need to know is that I'm very happy to be married to your father. He treats me very well, Shiro.

Shiro: Mom, are you sure? He's never even here to show that he cares.

Camilla: You may not know, but he loves me a great deal, dear. If you really find that so unbelievable, I'll show you proof someday.

Shiro: I admit, I'm curious to see this so-called proof. I'll hold you to your word, Mom!

Camilla: You won't be disappointed.

B Support

Camilla: Shiro, do you have a moment?

Shiro: Ah, hello, Mom. What are those envelopes in your hand?

Camilla: It's the proof I promised you.

Shiro: Oh, let me take a guess. Love letters?

Camilla: Yes, and I treasure each one. This is the first letter he ever wrote me. And these ones are the most recent.

Shiro: Wow, I had no idea that Dad was such a prolific writer.

Camilla: I was rather surprised as well. I never thought he would write me dozens of long letters. He discusses his feelings in person as well. But writing allows him total freedom to express his emotions. I just adore this side of his character. Heehee. Are you surprised?

Shiro: I've always thought of Dad as being stiff and formal. Maybe I've been wrong all along. Tell me, what does he write about?

Camilla: You'd like to know, huh? Sorry, but it's my personal secret. After all, these letters hold all of our precious memories.

Shiro: Now I'm even more curious! I suppose knowing how much you two care about each other will have to do.

Camilla: That's a good boy. We love you very much, Shiro.

Shiro: I-I know that! But thanks for saying so.

Camilla: Heeheehee!

A Support

Shiro: Hey, Mom! Do you have a minute?

Camilla: Certainly. What is it?

Shiro: Well, after you showed me Dad's letters, I started thinking. I thought maybe I'd try writing out my thoughts and feelings too. What it's like to be your son... That sort of thing.

Camilla: You wrote me a letter, Shiro? Thank you. That makes me very happy.

Shiro: I don't know. Now it just doesn't seem good enough.

Camilla: Hm? Why do you say that?

Shiro: It's not very special if I'm just doing the same thing as Dad, right? That's why I've decided to treat you to a fancy meal as well!

Camilla: A fancy meal? Really?

Shiro: Yeah. Anything you want! Well, anything I can find in the forest at least. I can't get started until you tell me what you'd like to eat. Anything sound good?

Camilla: U-uhhm, well... Could I have a little time to think it over?

Shiro: I guess it would be hard to think of something off the top of your head. Just let me know when you make up your mind.

Camilla: I will, dear.

Shiro: Most importantly, now I've got a leg up on Dad! Hahaha!

Camilla: Do you really need to turn this into a competition?

Shiro: I'd be failing you as a son if I couldn't make you happy.

Camilla: Oh my, I think your father once said the exact same thing.

Shiro: He did?!

Camilla: Yes, let me think... He said he'd be an utter failure as a husband if he couldn't make me happy. Heehee. As they say, like father, like son.

Shiro: Damn! He always has the upper hand!

Camilla: Calm down, Shiro. I want to thank you. Knowing that you're so fond of me is wonderful. I'm so happy to be your mother.