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This content was originally provided by Thor Odinson.

C Support

Hinoka: Hah! Hiyaaah!

Ryoma: Hello, Hinoka. You're really putting a lot of effort into your training.

Hinoka: Ah, Ryoma! Of course I am. The stronger I become, the sooner we can end this war.

Ryoma: I see... That's an excellent goal. Though I regret that our lives had to go down this path...

Hinoka: What do you mean?

Ryoma: We're royalty of Hoshido... Our place is leading and inspiring our people. I wish we were doing it in times of peace, rather than war. Also... I hate the thought of you—and all our siblings—being in danger.

Hinoka: Ryoma, you know just as well as I do that we don't have time to worry about that. I understand your concern, but... don't let anyone else hear you voice your doubts. We need you to be strong. Hoshido needs you to be strong.

Ryoma: Hinoka... You're right. That wasn't like me. Forget I said anything.

Hinoka: I'm happy you feel you can be open to me. And it's nice to know you worry about me. I want to end this war quickly to erase that worry.

Ryoma: I've got an idea. When the war is over, let's go on a trip with all of our siblings.

Hinoka: A trip, huh...?

Ryoma: We can relax, set aside our weapons... You'll be able to dress like a proper princess instead of a warrior...

Hinoka: A proper princess?! What are you trying to say?!

Ryoma: Just that you don't have to be ready for battle at every moment. A little makeup, a little perfume... You might even find the perfect someone.

Hinoka: Ryoma! If you think for one moment...

Ryoma: Heh...

Hinoka: You... You're not serious at all, are you?

Ryoma: Hahaha. Did I go too far? Your face turned quite the shade of crimson when I mentioned makeup.

Hinoka: If you weren't my brother...

B Support

Ryoma: Hinoka. I see you're continuing to put all your efforts into your training.

Hinoka: Ah, Ryoma!

Ryoma: I know I've been putting off practicing with you. I'd like to correct that today.

Hinoka: Oh! Thank you, Ryoma! If you're busy, it's absolutely fine to wait until another time...

Ryoma: I'm not that busy... Do you think I would suggest it if I didn't truly have the time?

Hinoka: N-no! I just... You're always so busy. I wouldn't want you to set aside something for me. Though after our last conversation, I was briefly worried about you.

Ryoma: Really? Why?

Hinoka: Usually you're so serious, but you were messing with me the other day! Don't misunderstand me, though. It was worrisome to see you joking, at first... But as I thought about it more, it seems good for you to be able to relax a little.

Ryoma: That's interesting, coming from you. You're incredibly serious, yourself.

Hinoka: Maybe, but I'm definitely not as serious as you are, Brother!

Ryoma: We aren't actually going to compete over this, are we? Besides, I'm this serious because I want to be. It makes me a better leader.

Hinoka: Ryoma...

Ryoma: I'm happy to know that you worry about me, Hinoka. Half of my strength comes from knowing that those I lead care for me.

Hinoka: I hope that you, our other siblings, and I can bring peace back to the world.

Ryoma: I'm certain we can.

A Support

Hinoka: Hey, Ryoma!

Ryoma: Hinoka? I expected you to be out training more. Looking for a sparring partner?

Hinoka: Oh no, not today. I actually wanted to talk to you about something...

Ryoma: What's on your mind?

Hinoka: Well... Do you notice anything different about me?

Ryoma: What do you mean? I don't see anything... Hang on. Do I smell...perfume?

Hinoka: Yes, that's it. I thought a lot about what you said the other day... You know, about being more like a proper princess and such. It's difficult to really get dressed up when we're at war, but the perfume should work. Although now I'm torn over which bow to put in my hair...

Ryoma: I-I suppose I did say something like that. Still, I don't see your weapon with you. How are you going to fight without it?

Hinoka: Oh, I thought that maybe today I could do something more relaxing and calm. Maybe work a shift in the kitchens, or help the servants with linens...

Ryoma: What...? What is going on...?

Hinoka: What do you think, Brother? The pink bow or the sky-blue bow?

Ryoma: You can't be serious... You're messing with me!

Hinoka: Of course I'm messing with you! Did you really think I wanted help picking out a BOW?!

Ryoma: I thought I'd woken up in the wrong camp. Where did you even find those?

Hinoka: It doesn't matter; I'm done with them. You looked so much more relaxed after pulling your joke on me... I had to get you back and experience that for myself—it was worth it! Now then, give me time to get my weapon and wash this perfume off, then we spar!

Ryoma: Hahaha, I see. Honestly, your joke even relaxed me a little. Regardless, I'm ready to spar the moment you return, so hurry up!